Download - unit 21-HRM

  • unit 21-HRMby adina alina dobie



    HRM.DOCX (53.66K)




    InstructorAC1. 1 Not Achieved well question asked your f or explaining dif f erentbetween personnel management and HRM. you havef ailed to explained that. Further development pleasecaref ully read question.. Theref ore you have not metpass criteria

    AC1. 2 Not AchievedWell you have not met pass criteria as you have notexplained HR resource planning, recruitment &selection, training, planning growth, Implementing HRPolicies and establishing f air Work Culture the keyusing human resource management. Furtherimprovement please caref ully read question.

    AC1. 3 Not AchievedWell you have used not Enterprise rent a carexplanation about the vital roles of line manager withkey f unctions. Theref ore you have not pass criteria.

    AC1. 4 AchievedYou have identif ied that UK legal and regulatory thataf f ects on HRM. However you should also explainimpact on HRM in business organisation.

    AC2. 1 AchievedVery basic level understanding you have beenshown. However you have also picked dif f erent casestudy scenario instead of enterprise rent a car.Further upper grade you should caref ully readquestion. You have clearly explained the reason f orhuman resource planning f or Enterprise rent a car.

    AC2.2 AchievedWell. You have explained about assessing humanresources. However f urther development you haveto explain demand f orecasting, supply f orecasting isnicely brief as well.

    AC2.3 Not AchievedYou have not presented the dif f erent betweenrecruitment and selection process by providingdescription between two organisations. Also youhave explained about Amlo rent a car which is notrelevant case study as well. Theref ore you have not

  • met pass criteria.

    AC2.4 AchievedYou have explained ef f ectiveness and providedevidence is explained wide ranges of approaches f orboth companies to provide equal opportunityregardless of their employees age, gender, anddisabilit ies. Theref ore you have met pass criteria.AC3. 1 AchievedWell done you have identif ied that how motivationaltheory and reward can af f ect in an organization.. AC3.2 AchievedYou have explained impressive learning statements.You have identif ied how Job evaluation and otherf actors determining pay in an organization. AC3.3 AchievedYour answer is missing. However f urtherdevelopment you have to clarif y about ef f ectivenessof reward systems is explained nicely. You haveproduced evidence to support your statement byrecognising the key f actors of ef f ectiveness ofrewards payment by result, AC3.4 AchievedWell you have exceptional statement, clearly andprof essionally presented. Good explanation aboutmonitor employee perf ormance. You have explainedquality, quantity, t imeliness, cost ef f ectiveness etc. AC4. 1 AchievedYou have me pass criteria as you have identif ied thekey f actors 2 organisation take into considerationwhile terminating employment as well as businessconditions etc., some situation employment isterminated. AC4.2 AchievedOk. You have identif ied the exit procedures f orEnterprise rent a car. However you have notmentioned 2 organisation. AC4.3 AchievedWell. You have shown basic understand by clarif iedthat the impacts of the UK regulatory f ramework onemployment cessation arrangements, You havementioned that employer must ensure thatemployees are terminated with a valid reason General comments: Well Ms. Adina you have not met pass criteria as youhave not attempt and shown your understanding onLO1.1, LO1.2, LO1.3, LO2.3, and quality of your workvery poor. Overall perf ormance is very basic level.Further developments in your work please f ollowlecturers comments. You also need to pay attentionto assignment layout, such as put table of contentproperly, line spacing separating issues withparagraphs, f ront size, consequence of question

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    etc. However, f ollow below areas you need to f ocusto improve perf ormancePlease dont hesitate to contact with me f or f urtherhelp. Email id: [email protected]

    Grade: RFMarker: Rehana KhanamDate: 25/02/2015

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    Comment 1well you have provide well table and contents

    PAGE 3

    well Introductionwell you have produced a good introduction. you have considered f ew learning outcome. that'sshown your clear understanding. well done

    Comment 2good

    PAGE 4

    Not met HRM-LO1.1Well question asked your f or explaining dif f erent between personnel management and have f ailed to explained that. f urther development please caref ully read question..Theref ore you have not met pass criteria

    Comment 3well question asked your f or explaining dif f erent between personnel management and HRM. youhave f ailed to explained that. f urther development please caref ully read question.

    Comment 4you have picked wrong question

    Not Met HRM-LO1.2Well you have not met pass criteria as you have not explained HR resource planning,recruitment & selection, training, planning growth, Implementing HR Policies and establishing f airWork Culture the key using human resource management. f urther improvement please caref ullyread question.

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    Comment 5answer is not relevent

    PAGE 5

    Comment 6ok in this paragraph you have identif ied f ew step f or HRM, however still your question f or HRPlanning.

    Not met HRM LO1.3Well you have used not Enterprise rent a car explanation about the vital roles of line managerwith key f unctions. Theref ore you have not pass criteria.

    Comment 7its not about HR. question asked you f or Line manager role and responsibilit ies. however youhave not explained about line manager role and responsibilit ies

    Comment 8Further development please caref ully read the question bef ore you answer

    PAGE 6

    HRM-AC1.4 PassYou have evaluated job description, job advert and application f or your own contribution to theselection process. Theref ore you have met pass criteria. well done

    Comment 9well you have identif ied UK legal and regulatory f ramework. however you should also explainimpact on HRM in business organisation.

    HRM-AC2.1 Passwell you have clearly analysed the reason f or human resource planning f or Enterprise Rent acar. It is good to see that you have linked the theory into practices. You have also mentionedthat Tesco will require planning to achieve organisational goals and compete in the market.theref ore you have met pass criteria.

    Comment 10your case study f or enterprise rent a car

    Comment 11very basic level understanding you have shown. however you have also picked dif f erent casestudy scenario instead of enterprise rent a car. however you have identif ied f ew HRM planningtheref ore you have met pass criteria. Further upper grade you should caref ully read question.

    HRM-AC2.2 Pass

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    Well you have met pass criteria as you have identif ied as well as outline the stages of humanresource planning. you have considered f orecasting, inventory, audit, monitoring control andaction plan. theref ore you have met pass criteria.

    PAGE 7

    Comment 12well you have identif ied HRM stages. however f urther development you have to explain demandf orecasting, supply f orecasting is nicely brief as well.

    Not met HRM-LO2.3You have mentioned question clearly. however you have not presented the dif f erent betweenrecruitment and selection process by providing description between two organisations. also youhave explained about Amlo rent a car which is not relevant case study as well. theref or you havenot met pass criteria.

    Comment 13you have identif ied f ew selection criteria f or amlo rent a car. however you have not compare 2organisations

    PAGE 8

    HRM-AC2.4 Passwell done you have evaluated the recruitment and selection ef f ectiveness and providedevidence the wide ranges of approaches both companies are applying. you have demonstratedyour clear understanding by explaining approaches two organisations. theref ore you have metpass criteria.

    Comment 14well you have identif ied 2 organisations selection process. however your understanding average

    HRM-AC3.1 PassWell done. You have provided motivational and rewards aspects in general. You have mentionedthat money, as well as total rewards including f inancial is ef f ective approach to motivate people.You could have provided the non-f inancial rewards in the context. It is good to see that youhave mentioned a tool a management can use to decide rewards. theref ore you have met passcriteria.

    Comment 15ok

    PAGE 9

    Comment 16well done you have met pass criteria by explaining business motivational theories by rewardemployees

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    HRM-AC3.2 PassWell you have given the process of job evaluation by considering several f actors such asgaining acceptance, job content and context, methods of evaluation, etc. you have alsodiscussed enterprise rent a car f actors such as organisational capacity, labour market, cost ofliving etc to determine pay. theref ore you have met pass criteria.Additional Comment well you have picked wrong case study and question wrote down whichis not relevant.

    Comment 17well You have identif ied how Job evaluation and other f actors determining pay in anorganization. theref ore you have met pass criteria

    PAGE 10

    HRM-AC3.3 PassExcellent you have met pass criteria as you have explained two specif ic context of twocompanies. You have produced evidence to support your statement by recognising the keyf actors of ef f ectiveness of rewards payment by result, prof it sharing, monetary rewards, directand indirect compensation. you have demonstrated you have integrated the rewards in thecontext of companies.

    Comment 18well You have produced evidence to support your statement by recognising the key f actors ofef f ectiveness of rewards payment by result, theref ore you have met pass criteria

    HRM-AC4.1 PassWell done You have identif ied the key f actors Tesco take into consideration while terminatingemployment. You have also explained that if employees do not perf orm job perf ormance,absenteeism, resignation, as well as business conditions etc., some situation employment isterminated. theref ore you have met pass criteria.

    PAGE 11

    Comment 19very basic level understanding shown

    HRM-AC4.2 PassWell you have identif ied the exit procedures f or Two organisations and explained the processused by both companies. you have explained HRM f actors such as unpleasant, dif f icult andstressf ul hr activit ies. theref ore you have met pass criteria

    Comment 20Good

    HRM-AC4.3 Passwell you have demonstrated your clear understanding by mentioning that employer must

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    consider employment right legislation, caref ully manage the dispute and ensure f air dismissal.You have also explained that employer must also f ace tribunal in case of unf air dismissal.

    PAGE 12

    Comment 21well You have mentioned that employer must ensure that employees are terminated with a validreason. theref ore you have met pass criteria

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    Comment 22ok

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    Harvard Referenceswell you have demonstrated correct harvard ref erences

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    unit 21-HRMby adina alina dobie


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