  • 7/25/2019 Unit 3 Exam Study Guide


    Unit 3 Emergence of the Modern U.S.

    Unit 3 Exam Study Guide

    Key Terms and Concepts

    Muckrakers p.55

    !ane "ddams #u$$ #ouse p. 55%

    &iagara Mo'ement()ooker T. *ashington( p. 5++

    T. ,oose'e$t 'ersus *.#. Taft(. -. 5 /05 5

    1edera$ ,eser'e "ct p. 5

    Esta2$ishment of co$onies in the 4 s(. p. 54+05Socia$ 6ar7inism p. //

    8e$$o7 -ress p. 5 /

    -ost0Spanish "merican *ar(U.S. forces( p. 5 0+ 3

    9pen 6oor -o$icy p. + %

    -anama Cana$ p. +

    -resident *oodro7 *i$son(mora$ dip$omacy( p. +

    Causes of **:(. -. + 40+% ; +5%

    "merican opinion(**: s opinion to7ards ?defeated nations> fo$$o7ing **:( p. +/ 0+/%

    -ost **:(*omen @ "frican "mericans p. +/4

    -a$mer ,aids p. +/

    &ationa$ 6efense "ct @ &a'a$ Construction "ct of + p. +%5

    Mani$a )ay @ George 6e7ey @ Spanish0"merican *ar p. 3@ p. 5 5 @ p. 5 05 4

    ASe7ard>s 1o$$yB("$aska p. 544

    Mi$itarism :mperia$ism p. + p. 54+

  • 7/25/2019 Unit 3 Exam Study Guide


    *oodro7 *i$son("merican 7orkers( p. 5++; 5+ 05

    Short "ns7er @ Essay

    p. 55 0554

    % . "na$y e Cause and EDect. #o7 did education for 7omen aDect the -rogressi'eEra

    p. 54+

    %%. Summari e. To7ard the end of the nineteenth centuryF some "mericanpo$iticians and dip$omats 2e$ie'ed that the United States shou$d 2ecome animperia$ist po7er. *rite an essay exp$aining at $east three of the points in fa'or ofincreased U.S. in'o$'ement o'erseas.

    Essay0 :nterpreting Maps

    https + 30 % 3% 0 /%/50"M0%%5 +/3/.png

    %3. *hat does the graph suggest a2out the eDecti'eness of the na'a$ 2$ockade thatGreat )ritain set up to keep essentia$ goods from reaching Germany during *or$d*ar :

    A passage from the October 8, 1918, diary entry of Corporal ElmerSherwood, a soldier in the American Expeditionary Force in France

    T7o of our fe$$o7s had a$ready 2een 7ounded 2y an exp$osion near our kitchen thismorningF 2ut : 7as determined to go 2ack for some mess 2ecause : 7as soconfounded hungry. )esidesF she$$s seemed to 2e $anding e'ery7here and one p$aceseemed a2out as safe as another

  • 7/25/2019 Unit 3 Exam Study Guide


    : ha'e seen many dieF 2ut none ha'e 2een so c$ose to me as these fe$$o7s. : ha'e7orked 7ith them and fought 2eside them e'ery day since : Hoined the outJtF andthey ha'e 2een my 2est pa$s. )ut 7e must carry onF 7hate'er happens.

    %/. #o7 did Corpora$ Sher7ood narro7$y escape inHury or death

    %5. *hat types of hardships and dangers faced 2y "merican so$diers doesSher7ood>s diary entry descri2e *hat other hardships does the entry hint at

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