
Subject: English LanguageClass : Time: Theme: EnvironmentTopic: Earth in Our Hands

Learning Outcomes : 1.1 a Make friends and keep friendships by introducing oneself.1.1 bTaking part in conversations and discussions.1.1 cTalking about self, family & friends, interests, past events, feelings, personal experiences & understanding when others talk about themselves.

Behavioural objectives:1. To activate background knowledge on environmental issues in Malaysia and around the world.2. To talk about pollution, global warming, deforestation and landfills.3. To identify and talk about environmental issues in the picture.

Activities:1. Whats in the Title? Guide all students to talk about the title Earth in Our Hands Ask questions: - What does the title, Earth in Our Hands mean to you?What does it mean when we say that the earth is in our hands? 2. Whats happening? Draw students attention to the environmental issues in the pictures. Elicit responses from the students by asking the following questions.What do you see in this picture?What do you think is happening in the picture?Why do you think this is happening?

3. How Can We Help? Lead all students to discuss ways they can help to resolve some of the environmental issues. Ask the following questions:What can we do to help reduce pollution?What can we do to reduce rubbish?What should people do when they cut down trees?

Educational Emphases: Thinking Skills, Multiple IntelligencesTeaching Aids : Students Handbook, Creative Notes For TeachersReflection:

Subject: English LanguageClass : Time: Theme: EnvironmentTopic: Earth in Our Hands

Learning Outcomes : 1.1 a Make friends and keep friendships by introducing oneself.1.1 bTaking part in conversations and discussions.1.1 cTalking about self, family & friends, interests, past events, feelings, personal experiences & understanding when others talk about themselves.

Behavioural objectives: 1. To identify and name the places environmental issues on the page. 2. To build vocabulary. 3.To pronounce the targeted vocabulary. Activities: 1. Earth in Danger Get students to look at the environmental issues on the page. Ask questions :What do you see in this pictures?Can you tell me the problems that mother nature/ earth / mother earth is facing?Do you think the earth is in danger? Why?

2. Listen and Say Aloud Play the Audio-Video DVD to allow students to listen and practise saying aloud the words the targeted vocabulary related to the topic on environmental issues. Pause after each vocabulary to allow all students to internalise the targeted vocabulary. Ensure that all students participate actively. Replay if necessary.

3. Spell Me! Tell students that they are going to play a game. Explain the rules of the game to the students: Step 1: Divide the students into groups of five. Step 2: Teacher selects the pictures at random. Step 3: Each member in group takes turn to say the words related to the pictures and spell them correctly. Teacher plays the audio after each student has made the attempt to say and spell the word. Teacher repeats this process for all the targeted words.

Educational Emphases: Thinking Skills, Multiple IntelligencesTeaching Aids : Students Handbook, Audio-Video DVD, Creative Notes For TeachersReflection:

Subject: English LanguageClass : Time: Theme: EnvironmentTopic: Earth in Our HandsLearning Outcomes : 1.1 a Make friends and keep friendships by introducing oneself.1.1 bTaking part in conversations and discussions.1.1 cTalking about self, family & friends, interests, past events, feelings, personal experiences & understanding when others talk about themselves.

Behavioural objectives: 1. To learn the sentence patterns with modals in the past tense (would/could) to express necessity, uncertainty and ability.1. To practise the sentence patterns learned to talk about environmental issues.

Activities:1. Waste Not, Want Not! Draw students attention to the page on language in Action. Get all students to predict what the video is about by asking the following questions: What do you see on this page? What do you think this video is about? Play the Audio-Video DVD. Get students to watch the video.

1. Pause and Practise Play the Audio-Video DVD and pause at the following sentence patterns: They would go out each day to look for food and share it with one another. He would gather large quantities of food, more than he needed for the day and when he could not finish his food, he would simply throw them away. Quil was worried that they would run out of food.. At every pause, teacher initiates discussion to help students be aware of the sentence patterns used. Get students to respond or retell the situation in the video at the pauses selected which encourage the use of the sentence patterns. Ensure that all students participate actively. Replay and pause if necessary.

3. Action, Take One- Get students to work in pairs. Students choose a scene to act out and plan what they would say while acting out the scene.- Teacher tells students that they can modify or adapt the story.- Get students to sit in a circle and each pair take turns to act out their chosen scenes. Allocate three minutes for each pair to act out the scene.

Educational Emphases: Thinking Skills, Multiple IntelligencesTeaching Aids : Students Handbook, Audio-Video DVD, Creative Notes For TeachersReflection:

Subject: English LanguageClass : Time: Theme: EnvironmentTopic: Earth in Our Hands

Learning Outcomes : 1.1 a Make friends and keep friendships by introducing oneself.1.1 bTaking part in conversations and discussions.1.1 cTalking about self, family & friends, interests, past events, feelings, personal experiences & understanding when others talk about themselves.

Behavioural objectives:1. To share and talk about environmental issues and ways to resolve the issues.2. To practise the vocabulary learned.3. To practise the pronunciation of the vocabulary.4. To practise sentence patterns learned to talk about environmental issues.

Activities:1. Look and Share Draw students attention to the pictures on environmental issues and ways to resolve the issues. Use one of the situations on the page and get students to discuss ways to resolve the issues.Example: Situation 1:Environmental issue:Water PollutionResolution:Gotong royong to clean the river, ban illegal dumping of wastes into the river, fine anyone who is caught throwing rubbish into the river Get students to work in pairs. Students look at the pictures and share what they see in the three situations. Invite all students to share with the class on the three situations.

2. Gather and Report Teacher prepares 5 strips of paper with these environmental issues global warming, noise pollution, air pollution, light pollution, land pollution and water pollution. Teacher puts these strips of paper into a jar. Students talk to their friends and gather information on environmental issues around them. Students to work in group of 3 4. Each group picks a strip of paper from the jar and discuss the issue on the strip of paper with their group members. Invite students to present their finding orally. During presentations, other group members are encouraged to ask questions and respond by agreeing /disagreeing politely.

Educational Emphases: Thinking Skills, Multiple IntelligencesTeaching Aids : Students Handbook, Audio-Video DVD, Creative Notes For TeachersReflection:

Subject: English LanguageClass : Time: Theme: EnvironmentTopic: Earth in Our Hands

Learning Outcomes : 1.1 a Make friends and keep friendships by introducing oneself.1.1 bTaking part in conversations and discussions.1.1 cTalking about self, family & friends, interests, past events, feelings, personal experiences & understanding when others talk about themselves.

Behavioural objectives:1. To share and talk about ways to help protect the environment.2. To practise the vocabulary learned3. To practise the pronunciation of the vocabulary4. To practise sentence patterns used to express necessity, uncertainty and ability.

Activities:1. Trigger Your Senses- Draw students attention to the picture. - Ask questions: What can you see in the picture?What is the girl doing? Lead and encourage students to make a choice on the material that they want to use for the Show and Tell task.

2. Show and Tell Get students to sit in a semi-circle and take turns to show and tell. Encourage other students to ask questions during the show and tell sessions. (This is to ensure that all students are actively involved during the show and tell.)

Educational Emphases: Thinking Skills, Multiple IntelligencesTeaching Aids : Students Handbook, Audio-Video DVD, Creative Notes For TeachersReflection:

Subject: English LanguageClass : Time: Theme: EnvironmentTopic: Earth in Our Hands

Learning Outcomes : 1.1 a Make friends and keep friendships by introducing oneself.1.1 bTaking part in conversations and discussions.1.1 cTalking about self, family & friends, interests, past events, feelings, personal experiences & understanding when others talk about themselves.

Behavioural objectives:1. To actively involve all students to use the language learned in this topic confidently2. To practise the vocabulary learned.3. To practise the pronunciation of the vocabulary.4. To practise sentence patterns used to express necessity, uncertainty and ability.

Activities:1. Lets Do Our part - Draw students attention to the picture. - Ask questions: What do you see in the picture?What are they doing?1. Lead and encourage students to make plans on how they can make their school green, e.g. holding a campaign, carrying out a project, promoting a green environment, etc. 1. Get students to work in groups and plan their presentations.1. Remind students that they cannot read from the scripts when they stage their presentations.

2. Go Green! Invite students to present and share their ideas with the class. Get students to vote on the best presentation. Ensure all groups get the opportunity to share their presentations. Get students to carry out the Go Green project in their school.

Educational Emphases: Thinking Skills, Multiple IntelligencesTeaching Aids : Students Handbook, Audio-Video DVD, Creative Notes For TeachersReflection:

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