Page 1: Unit 5 crime drama trailer evaluation

Ben Everitt

Unit : Crime Drama Trailer Evaluation

In this media term we were given a task to make a Crime Drama Trailer to present in front of the class after it was filmed, edited and the last final touches added. Are group decided that we were going to play it on channel 4 as an Entertainment/thriller genre. Our overall ideas was to have someone escape from a prison/cell and follow them throughout the series, so we didn’t want to spoil too much in the trailer.

To start our planning we watched and analysed three different crime dramas, which were Sherlock, Castle and CSI. We analysed them looking at some opening credits, Characters, forensics and also the actual storyline itself. In my opinion it helped me a lot when I was planning our project. These gave us a lot of inspiration and ideas of what we could achieve but without actually copying what they have done.

The final result came out a little differently than what we had planned as a few of our shots could not be attained and also the crew was a problem working with. All of the three crimes dramas we watched had a lot of action in it so we thought we could do this to maybe grab the audience’s attention and make them glued so they would want to watch more of the series. But in the final trailer we kept the script the same and also the plot.

In my opinion my version of the Crime Drama trailer wasn’t very appealing to the audience because I feel like I hadn’t shown enough of what the series was about, for example in my trailer the person who was escaping from the prison was running but although he was escaping the prisons I don’t think the audience knew that is what he was doing.

I used a lot fo sound effects and VFX in my trailer to show off my editing skills to progress my grade and also make the final thing look more professional. Some of the sound effects I used were the gun sound effects, punching noises and the background soundtrack. The VFX I used were the muzzle flashes from the gun and colour corrections to make it look less boring and not very interesting. The music track I used was an actual song that was produced by an artist but this was not a problem because I emailed the artist and they said they would be happy to let me use this song in my media work.

To compose my media project together I used Premier Pro which I like using and is easy for me to use as I use it all the time and is very good for what I want to do. One thing that slowed me down in the unit was being stopped by people in my group asking me how I would do something in Premier Pro and of course I would help them.

Exporting this project ready to upload onto YouTube I used the highest setting I could to make sure the quality kept up to the same resolution as the raw clips.

In the group I was the cameraman this was to ensure that the shots and angles looked really good and made sure they were all in frame. I hope/feel that I did a good job. Although featuring in some of my trailer I had to pass the camera over to Brodie as he is also as good at filming and he also did a very good job.

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