Page 1: Unit 6 the biosphere


Alberto Serna Ramírez 5º de Primaria

Unit 6

Page 2: Unit 6 the biosphere

WHAT´S THE BIOSPHERE ?* The biosphere is the largest ecosystem

because it is made up of planet Earth and all the living things that inhabit it.

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FOOD CHAIN Food chains are connected to one another

by their food relationships.

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PRODUCERSLiving things that produce their own food from sunlight, water and minerals salts from the soil examples ( plants and algae).

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CONSUMERS Living things that eat other living things ( animals ).

* PRIMARY CONSUMERSAre animals that eat plants ( herbivores ) such as rabbits and grasshoppers.

* SECONDARY CONSUMERSAre animals that eat herbivorous animals such as foxes and owls are ( carnivores and omnivores ).

* TERTIARY CONSUMERS Are animals that eat secondary consumers such as ( hawks and snakes ).

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Tertiary consumers

PREDATORS are carnivorous animals that hunt other animals for food ( lions, tigers… ).

SCAVENGERS are carnivorous animals that eat the dead bodies of other animals ( vultures ).

PARASITES feed of living things without killing

them mosquitoes.

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DECOMPOSERS Living things that decompose the remains of other plants and animals so the minerals of these living things return to the soil.( fungi and bacteria ).

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FOOD WEB Food webs are a combination of various food


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