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Note taking is a very important skill used in listening and reading comprehension It allows note takers to have a record of important parts of a text, readers can use in their reports. This strategy helps readers not only credit ideas’ providers but also use their own to enrich a text, The following are important clues to be followed in note taking:

1. Apply skimming techniques 2. Find relevant information for your purpose 3. Make outlines using main ideas and topics(for example:

1. First main idea 1.1 First supporting idea

1.1.1 Details supporting first ideas 1.1.2 Details supporting first ideas

1.2 Second supporting idea 1.2.1 Details supporting second ideas 1.2.2 Details supporting second ideas

2. Second main idea. 4. Summarize information, using main ideas. Rewrite what you have

understood, adding your own ideas about the topic.

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Engineering in Colombia translated by Malcom Peñaranda One of the most relevant aspects for engineers is that you cannot lose sight of the global setting and the need to be internationally competitive but without neglecting the problems that need to be solved here in their homeland. Therefore, engineering must have a reference, not to imitate it but to emulate it so engineers become key elements in building the country and that this in turn does not create the need to search outside what's inside. For a present country, raw materials are not the basis on which its economy depends anymore, but the development of knowledge and technology, and it is the engineer who, at least in the instrumental aspects and the new global phenomena, is involved in industrial modernization and the definition of the country and / or region’s socioeconomic destiny. To have a good overview, we will make a comparison between Colombian and global engineering. At a global level, one can observe a great disparity in the economic aspect, as it may be close to 70% of the world population that accounts for about 7% and that 20% of the population dominates 70%, which means that a few countries are the main generators of capital, while foreign supply increases in the population that produces less, because they have significant imports, weak economies and low purchasing power At a Colombian level, one can say that engineering is a very new profession, as the first engineering school to open was in Medellín and its origins were in the mid-twentieth century to which is added the copy of those foreign models brought by those engineers trained abroad, low priority and consistency that changing governments have given the issue of educating good engineers and the limitation that is imposed by credit agencies and international financing for developing countries. All this has led to have a poor engineering profession in Colombia. Thus, one could argue that from the beginning to create knowledge, there has been a lack of support to sciences as only in 1968 Colciencias, an entity that is responsible for promoting scientific development in the country, was created. But even if the above mentioned facts have facilitated things so that research is not enough, it can not be said that engineering has not made its contributions to national development even not being fully rewarding.

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If we were to compare, in the highest level which is technological and scientific research, researcher engineers with a high training such as PhD degrees who take charge of this sector and although they are a minority everywhere if compared to the rest of engineers, in Colombia they are practically nonexistent. There lies the first major difference between Colombian engineering and that of developing countries due in good part to master's programs and doctorates being scarce and with poor accessibility for the majority. This is a relevant fact, as in developed countries, the master’s and doctoral programs have proven to be an excellent mechanism to train researchers and its results have a high impact when there is interaction with the productive sector and if we were talking according to ICFES the percentage of doctorate degrees in engineering to 1996 was almost 0% and the ones of master’s degree had not risen from 1% while in advanced countries they exceed 10% perfectly. We realize that education is the most important tool and the one that in part has had Colombia located in the place where it is but nevertheless, according to leaders of consulting firms, Colombian engineering is up to the level of Latin America but at a great disadvantage with European, Asian or North American engineering in aspects such as training, software, hardware, size of projects and research and development but based on a theoretical and mathematical foundation, it can be said it is comparable with that of advanced countries. It can practically be said, according to these leaders, that we have two advantages and they are in a better knowledge of the geographical and cultural context. The other advantage, as seen from a business point of view, is that wages are lower. But within disadvantages there are many, starting with cutting-edge technology, since the weakness of the country in this sector results in less knowledge of hardware and advanced and specialized software. Financial constraints are another important factor that puts Colombia at a disadvantage, since there is no availability of capital, access to credit or venture capital funds. Foreign engineering shows strengths in the organization of alliances such as joint ventures, business alliances of national and foreign companies with support from home governments. Our companies have great deficiency in innovation, technology transfer and adaptation and in managing technology projects. Narrow-minded vision, there is no a clear vision of globalization, communication and information systems are not accurate not to mention the knowledge of a foreign language. Other aspects to be mentioned can be a poor little technological structure of our companies, fragmented market for the privatization of state-owned companies, risk aversion and the sociopolitical situation in the country that does not create the best conditions.

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Finally, and against such a cloudy background, the best solution would not be to say that there is nothing to be done, much less migrating to countries with better conditions, as it is the common factor of many engineers. There are some actions to improve the quality and competitiveness of Colombian engineering such as the implementation of the neoliberal economic model and globalization of markets, which have proved to have significant effects on business life in Colombia. These organizations engaged in engineering projects have two alternatives; either they meet the new macroeconomic requirements or cease to exist. That’s why they will have to seek new financing and marketing schemes as well as engineering capacity. Another aspect to be improved is in college, because they must improve their masters and doctoral programs and to raise the academic training of teachers for only 3% have doctorates. As for technology management, more and better consulting firms and strategies of alliances with foreign firms should be included, which would greatly benefit Colombian engineers. Information systems are another point to improve as it is important to have better databases, communication, intelligent information and advanced technology. The repatriation of brains (those engineers who left the country), better government support and interaction with international entities, would be other possible areas for improvement.

1. According to the text, it can be inferred that one of the most important aspects for engineers would be:

a. to study a foreign language . b. to study another career. c. to have more advanced referents. d. to work in important companies .

2. From the text, it could be inferred that raw materials are not the only factor a

society depends on because: a. people do not use raw material as much as before b. at the moment there is not a lot of work. c. we are in the information technology area d. Governments do not support farmers any more

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3. According to the text, it could be stated that inequality in economy is mainly

due to: a. economy capacity to export goods. b. economy capacity to import goods. c. economy capacity to consume goods. d. economy capacity to recycle goods.

4. According to the text, it can be stated that the following factors have influenced

the delay of engineering in Colombia, but a. poor education. b. poor engineers. c. State support. d. lack of research.

5. According to the text, in relation to education, the following statements are true,

except: a. it has been very reduced in Colombia. b. there is an important relation between advanced education and industrial development.. c. education make people more intelligent d. without education, it is difficult to overcome the difficult situation Colombia is going through

6. According to the passage, it can be stated that Colombia can be compared with

the most developed countries in: a. infrastructure b. communications c. mathematical knowledge. d. technological management

7. According to the text, the following are disadvantages, except

a. greater influence of software and hardware. b. lack of available risk capital. c. lack of strategic alliances. d. lack of proficiency in a foreign language.

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8. The following could be deemed as solutions, except :

a. better quality and competitiveness in engineering b. to look for new financing ways. c. to travel abroad. d. improving Master and PhD programs.

9. It could be stated that the word “Parroquial”, means:

a. a clear vision about globalización b. a market segmented by good services c. to have a native country or an origin country as a reference. d. None of the above options.

10. According of the text, it could be deduced that this writing is a:

a. literary essay. b. comparison contrast essay c. descriptive essay d. argumentative essay.

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WRITING: Summary To write a summary, it is important to pay attention to main ideas. The purpose of a summary is to get the gist of the text. and provide a general short idea about the text. A summary should include title, author, and the main idea. I is advisable to use a chronological order. It contains the opinion of the writer. It is written in present tense, and uses indirect speech. Scientific language is used to present important facts in summarizing books. The topic should be introduced in the opening sentence. The theme is found in the last sentence. When the summary is very concise and very short is called ABSTRACT, It is normally found at the beginning of research articles. It provides neutral positions of the text . The following are concepts related to summaries: Executive summary, a summary used in business for reports, proposal, A brief statement of the whole passage,supporting information, and conclusions should be included,. It should have conlusion, summarze several documents, and make recommendations. NOTE TAKING AND SUMMARIZING Note taking is a very important skill used in listening comprehension, reading comprehension, and writing WRITE A SUMMARY ABOUT ENGINERING DEVELOPMENT IN COLOMBIA .

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