
Unit1 The English Letters lesson 1 What do you want? I want the apple. I want the bag. I want the cat. lesson 1 apple A is for apple. bag B is for bag. catC is for cat. lesson 1 A is for ______. B is for ______. C is for ______. ant bird cake lesson 2 What does the ___________ want? The boy wants the egg. The girl wants the flower. The rabbit wants the grass. lesson 2 duck D is for duck. egg E is for egg. D is for ______. dog E is for ______. eight lesson 2 flowerF is for flower. grass G is for grass. F is for _____. G is for _____. foot girl Lesson3 handH is for hand. H is for ____.head ice creamI is for ice cream. I is for Lesson3 juiceJ is for juice. J is for ____.jump kite K is for kite. K is for ____.kiss lesson 3 The ice cream is sweet. The ____ is _____. The kite can fly in the sky. Can I have some apple juice? The ____ can _____. Can I have _____? Lesson 4 legL is for leg. L is for lake. monkey M is for monkey. M is for month. Lesson 4 N is for noodles. noodles N is for nose. ____ wants ____. Lesson 5 orangeO is for orange. pupilP is for pupil. queen Q is for queen. Lesson 5 riceR is for rice. soupS is for soup. tiger T is for tiger. Lesson 6 U is for umbrella. umbrella vegetablesV is for vegetables. water W is for water. Lesson 6 X is in yogurt Y is for yogurt. zoo Z is for zoo. Lesson 7 _____ is for ______. Lesson 7 _____ is for ______. Lesson 7 _____ is for ______. Lesson 7 _____ is for ______. Words 2. flower 3. orange 4. pupil 5. umbrella 6. soup 7. zoo 8. noodles 9. monkey 10. leg 11. apple 12. yogurt 13. rice 14. queen 15. hand Words 1.grass 2. cat 3. egg 4. kite 5. tiger 6. water 7. ice cream 8. box 9. juice 10. vegetables 11. bag Write the letters uck irl ake ite ueen outh iger upil passage We learned 26 letters. I like Aa. A is for apple. I like apples. Apples are sweet. I want the red apple. My mother wants the green apple. My father wants the yellow apple.

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