Page 1: Universal Declaration of Demand for Law Enforcement and ABC Solution on the Subhuman Act of Forced Human Circumcision

Universal Declaration

on the Global Systematized Human Abuse of Forced Circumcision


Brit Mila

Forced Circumcision on Male

The Act of Forced Circumcision on Humans of Any Age and Gender not only violates the person´s right of psycho

physiological integrity, but also the very foundation of human existence, the Law of Creation. Any such act violates both

the spirit and letter of the Principle of Democracy and its Concept of the Rule of Constitutional and Statutory Law and

Universal Human Rights Declaration, all of which are based on the Law of Creation, the very Foundation of True

Democratic Thought and Practice. Whereas any

in every true democratic jurisdiction and this regardless by

__Responsible Co

Every Human´s Natural thus Only Identity is

Cognition of Identity ~ Ability Humanity is an Entity amongst Entities

Earth is the Learning Sphere in which every HPro Creation Activity and in this so Naturally Pro Humanity Activity

You have the Fundamental Freedom ~ Right ipso loquere ~ ipso cogitare

Universal Declaration


Universal Declaration of Demand for Law Enforcement and ABC Solution

the Global Systematized Human Abuse of Forced Circumcision on Children and Adults

aka Forced Medically Not Warranted Circumcision

Brit Mila ~ Routine Infant Circumcision ~ Sunnat

Forced Circumcision on Male - Female and Intersex Humans

Forced Human Genital Mutilation



The Act of Forced Circumcision on Humans of Any Age and Gender not only violates the person´s right of psycho

physiological integrity, but also the very foundation of human existence, the Law of Creation. Any such act violates both

er of the Principle of Democracy and its Concept of the Rule of Constitutional and Statutory Law and

Universal Human Rights Declaration, all of which are based on the Law of Creation, the very Foundation of True

Democratic Thought and Practice. Whereas any form of forced circumcision on humans of any age and gender is outlawed

in every true democratic jurisdiction and this regardless by who, on whom and for whatever reason inflicted.

__Responsible Co-Scholar in the School of Humanity__ __Amen Ronald Oberhollenzer__

Always Remember The Law of Creation

Every Human´s Natural thus Only Identity is Humanity

Humanity is a Cognitive Sensitivity Cognition of Identity ~ Ability and Limitation is Humanity´s Prime Sense

an Entity amongst Entities ~ part of Creation ~ no more no less.

Earth is the Learning Sphere in which every Human is born into as Co-Scholarand in this so Naturally Pro Humanity Activity is Principl

Right and Duty to Protect Creation thus to Prevent any Antiipso cogitare ~ ipso causa ~ ipso facto ~ ipso iure ~ ipso amen

__Jerusalem on May 3rd


and ABC Solution

on Children and Adults

The Act of Forced Circumcision on Humans of Any Age and Gender not only violates the person´s right of psycho- and

physiological integrity, but also the very foundation of human existence, the Law of Creation. Any such act violates both

er of the Principle of Democracy and its Concept of the Rule of Constitutional and Statutory Law and

Universal Human Rights Declaration, all of which are based on the Law of Creation, the very Foundation of True

form of forced circumcision on humans of any age and gender is outlawed

and for whatever reason inflicted.

Limitation is Humanity´s Prime Sense no more no less.

-Scholar Principle Value

Prevent any Anti-Creation Activity ipso amen

Page 2: Universal Declaration of Demand for Law Enforcement and ABC Solution on the Subhuman Act of Forced Human Circumcision

The Public and Government in every country know

on humans of any age and gender, whereas billions of humans are perpetrator

We – and again, as we have done so repeatedly in the past

circumcision on humans of any age and gender constitutes the criminal act of >infliction of non

consent of the person this act is perpetrated upon< and

that any such act is outlawed under democratic rule of law in any true democratic jurisdiction,

why inflicted.

If we know better, we are able to do bette

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes an evolutionary act.

Forced circumcision on humans is an act of blasphemy

Forced circumcision on humans is a subhuman act; a crime against humanity.

Forced circumcision on humans has no right of existence.

* The prime cause of systematized perpetration of forced circumcision is systemic indoctrination from childhood on.

* Only because of this systemic indoctrination of deceitful arguments people

* The only way to free humanity from forced circumcision is to eliminate the prime cause: this universal deceit.

Telling the Truth, Full Spectrum Information

is the Predominant Educational Factor, the Key Solution

systematized perpetration of forced circumcision on humans altogether.

Yes, in order to free humanity from suffering and f

public that this Systematized Child Abuse of Removing the Healthy Foreskin ~

Psychological Injury on the Child ~ is primarily caused by

caused by circulation of false, misleading information, fallacious arguments, lies, deception indoctrinated in various disgui

As the result of this continuous systematized brainwash,

Male Children were `normal behaviour´ – `socially adequate´

have a legal right to make their informed decision

were a religious, traditional right yet even duty to do´

accorded no such legislative protection´; `as if the F

HIV-prevention´; `as if cutting the healthy prepuce were to have any form of health benefit´

Whereas a certain part of humanity even claims

the male child´s healthy genital were in the

humanity that even claims `to have to genitally mutil

less blasphemy, perverse, all in all subhuman,

The only way to end and prevent this systematized child ab

systematized brainwash from childhood on ... ... a

the truth; and the truth must be told regardless of the psycho

hearts refuse to hear the truth.

- II -

in every country knows of the national yet global systematized perpetration of

on humans of any age and gender, whereas billions of humans are perpetrator, victim and accomplice

and again, as we have done so repeatedly in the past - specifically point out the inarguable fact that any form of forced

circumcision on humans of any age and gender constitutes the criminal act of >infliction of non-accidental injury inflicted absent

consent of the person this act is perpetrated upon< and herewith inform the public and government again

that any such act is outlawed under democratic rule of law in any true democratic jurisdiction, regardless by who, on whom and

If we know better, we are able to do better.

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes an evolutionary act.

an act of blasphemy; an act against Creator and Creation.

Forced circumcision on humans is a subhuman act; a crime against humanity.

circumcision on humans has no right of existence.

The prime cause of systematized perpetration of forced circumcision is systemic indoctrination from childhood on.

systemic indoctrination of deceitful arguments people are able to do this subhuman act.

The only way to free humanity from forced circumcision is to eliminate the prime cause: this universal deceit.

Full Spectrum Information, Enforcement of Law by Implementation of the Universal Declaration´s ABC

the Key Solution, to end this systematized brainwash and thus to end

systematized perpetration of forced circumcision on humans altogether.

om suffering and from perpetrating this subhuman act, it is absolutely essential

that this Systematized Child Abuse of Removing the Healthy Foreskin ~ this Infliction of Preventable Physical and

is primarily caused by Systematized Indoctrination from Childhood on

caused by circulation of false, misleading information, fallacious arguments, lies, deception indoctrinated in various disgui

s the result of this continuous systematized brainwash, billions of humans still think, speak and act as if Forced Circumcision of

`socially adequate´ – `humane´ – `a parental right to decide´

have a legal right to make their informed decision on whether or not they wish to have their child genitally mutilated´

traditional right yet even duty to do´; ´as if MGM were legal´; ´as if only FGM were outlawed, but boys are

`as if the FGM-Law were constitutional´; `as if removing the foreskin were relative to

`as if cutting the healthy prepuce were to have any form of health benefit´.

hereas a certain part of humanity even claims that `to modify the child´s healthy penis thus to

the best interest of the child´s wellbeing ... ... and there is another

genitally mutilate male children because god commanded it´

blasphemy, perverse, all in all subhuman, than the act of forced circumcision and the sucking of the infant´s penis.

he only way to end and prevent this systematized child abuse is to eliminate its prime cause, namely to eliminate

from childhood on ... ... and the only way to do that is to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but

the truth; and the truth must be told regardless of the psycho-symptomatic fact that from childhood on indoctrinated mind

of the national yet global systematized perpetration of forced circumcision

, victim and accomplice of this subhuman act.

specifically point out the inarguable fact that any form of forced

accidental injury inflicted absent

government again of the inarguable fact

regardless by who, on whom and

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes an evolutionary act.

The prime cause of systematized perpetration of forced circumcision is systemic indoctrination from childhood on.

do this subhuman act.

The only way to free humanity from forced circumcision is to eliminate the prime cause: this universal deceit.

Enforcement of Law by Implementation of the Universal Declaration´s ABC Solution

to end this systematized brainwash and thus to end and prevent the

rom perpetrating this subhuman act, it is absolutely essential to inform the

this Infliction of Preventable Physical and

Systematized Indoctrination from Childhood on; and is continuously

caused by circulation of false, misleading information, fallacious arguments, lies, deception indoctrinated in various disguise.

till think, speak and act as if Forced Circumcision of

`a parental right to decide´; `as if parents were to

child genitally mutilated´; `as if it

´as if only FGM were outlawed, but boys are

`as if removing the foreskin were relative to

modify the child´s healthy penis thus to inflict non-accidental injury on

... ... and there is another certain part of

ate male children because god commanded it´; a claim that of course is no

the sucking of the infant´s penis.

its prime cause, namely to eliminate this

nd the only way to do that is to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but

symptomatic fact that from childhood on indoctrinated minds and

Page 3: Universal Declaration of Demand for Law Enforcement and ABC Solution on the Subhuman Act of Forced Human Circumcision

It is paramount that government informs the public absolutely correct.Forced Circumcision is countered by first exposing the falseness of its supposed connection to

Where this systematized brainwash from childhood on has many different faces,

people are deceived to think


Forced circumcision on humans of

thus infringes upon the guarantees of

just as these rights are of course

* If perpetrated on adults,

* If perpetrated on children, this act constitutes the criminal act of child abuse

(1) The act of infliction of non-accidental injury by way

circumcision, excision, infibulation - is being systematically perpetrated on male and female children

(2) The act of Forced Circumcision – as is the perverse nature of infliction of preventable injury

physical and in numerous known cases in psychological injury

(3) The fact that forced circumcision of humans of any age and gender

a) A parental right of giving consent on

b) A religious / cultural / traditional right of perpetrating forced circumcision

c) Since any form of forced circumcision on humans of any age and gender is already outlawed under democratic rule of

law, there never was a requirement for the enactment of a "special FGM Law".

d) The enactment of the FGM-Law is disc

e) These petitions for a "special MGM Law" (MGM

(4) The Executive Branch of Government has the constitutional obli

genital alteration, regardless by who and why and on whom inflicted.

(5) It is the Government’s Constitutional Duty to Faithfully Execute the Laws.

The authority has the constitutional obligation to protect all citizens equally and to enforce the law on any

(6) For the very same known reasons to why people perpetrate

crime on humanity, also the dire, perverse, unlawful and all in all

constitutional governmental obligation by not enforcing

(7) These governments perpetrate the crime of violation of

and psychological integrity and equal protection

way of degradation of humanity´s male child

(8) Since it is inarguable fact that any form of forced circumcision on humans of any age and gender is outlawed, it is also clea

that at least the systematized perpetration of forced circumcision would not be possible if governments would fulfill their

constitutional duty and enforce the law on this crime

(9) It is also clear, that under the perverse circumstance

influence of systematized indoctrination from childhood

the same reason, this subhuman reality necessitates, demands

healthy common sense solution; thus a psychiatric, sociologic and juristic

The Key Solution that is able to eliminate the prime cause of this systematized perpetration by way of giving

spectrum information together with implementation of amnesty for any such act perpetrated in the past.

(10) Whereas the Universal Declaration of Demand for Law Enforcement and its

governments and populations since more than five

that it is endorsed and forwarded to government

- III -

It is paramount that government informs the public absolutely correct.Forced Circumcision is countered by first exposing the falseness of its supposed connection to

Where this systematized brainwash from childhood on has many different faces,

to think, speak and act so as if this obvious wrong were a legal act to do


Forced Circumcision is Outlawed

umans of any age and gender is principally outlawed under

infringes upon the guarantees of constitutional and statutory rights secured in any true

just as these rights are of course naturally secured by the human rights declaration.

If perpetrated on adults, forced circumcision constitutes the criminal act of assault.

If perpetrated on children, this act constitutes the criminal act of child abuse

accidental injury by way of medically not warranted genital alteration

is being systematically perpetrated on male and female children

as is the perverse nature of infliction of preventable injury

in psychological injury, and has in numerous known cases

umans of any age and gender is outlawed makes it clear that:

a) A parental right of giving consent on medically not warranted circumcision on children does not exist

b) A religious / cultural / traditional right of perpetrating forced circumcision does not exist.

c) Since any form of forced circumcision on humans of any age and gender is already outlawed under democratic rule of

a requirement for the enactment of a "special FGM Law".

Law is discriminatory thus unconstitutional thus illegal thus null and void.

e) These petitions for a "special MGM Law" (MGM-Bill Petitions) are no less nonsensical, unintelligent ... absurd.

) The Executive Branch of Government has the constitutional obligation to enforce the law on any form of

, regardless by who and why and on whom inflicted.

It is the Government’s Constitutional Duty to Faithfully Execute the Laws.

has the constitutional obligation to protect all citizens equally and to enforce the law on any

For the very same known reasons to why people perpetrate or tolerate or accept and propagate the perpetration of

, perverse, unlawful and all in all subhuman reality exists where

by not enforcing the law on forced male child circumcision

perpetrate the crime of violation of humanity´s male child population constitutional right of physical

integrity and equal protection. These governments commit the most hideous crime of discrimination by

humanity´s male child population to humans of lesser rights.

Since it is inarguable fact that any form of forced circumcision on humans of any age and gender is outlawed, it is also clea

perpetration of forced circumcision would not be possible if governments would fulfill their

on this crime.

under the perverse circumstances where entire societies perpetrate this

influence of systematized indoctrination from childhood on, and where entire governments act as accomplice to this crime for

necessitates, demands a profound – a good for all ~ a fair for all

psychiatric, sociologic and juristic sound solution ~ aka the ABC

able to eliminate the prime cause of this systematized perpetration by way of giving

implementation of amnesty for any such act perpetrated in the past.

Universal Declaration of Demand for Law Enforcement and its ABC-Solution has been forwarded to vari

more than five decades, but is still being ignored yet fiercely opposed

is endorsed and forwarded to governments by way of globally coordinated direct democratic

It is paramount that government informs the public absolutely correct. Forced Circumcision is countered by first exposing the falseness of its supposed connection to legality.

Where this systematized brainwash from childhood on has many different faces,

so as if this obvious wrong were a legal act to do.

utlawed under the law of creation,

rue democratic jurisdiction,


constitutes the criminal act of assault.

If perpetrated on children, this act constitutes the criminal act of child abuse.

medically not warranted genital alteration - i.e. by way of

is being systematically perpetrated on male and female children throughout humanity.

as is the perverse nature of infliction of preventable injury - always results in preventable

in numerous known cases even caused death.

makes it clear that:

does not exist.


c) Since any form of forced circumcision on humans of any age and gender is already outlawed under democratic rule of

thus illegal thus null and void.

Bill Petitions) are no less nonsensical, unintelligent ... absurd.

gation to enforce the law on any form of forced human

has the constitutional obligation to protect all citizens equally and to enforce the law on any such act.

or tolerate or accept and propagate the perpetration of this

where governments violate the

the law on forced male child circumcision.

population constitutional right of physical

most hideous crime of discrimination by

Since it is inarguable fact that any form of forced circumcision on humans of any age and gender is outlawed, it is also clear

perpetration of forced circumcision would not be possible if governments would fulfill their

where entire societies perpetrate this systematized crime under

, and where entire governments act as accomplice to this crime for

fair for all ~ a justice for all – a

aka the ABC-Solution:

able to eliminate the prime cause of this systematized perpetration by way of giving correct full

implementation of amnesty for any such act perpetrated in the past.

Solution has been forwarded to various

yet fiercely opposed, it is paramount

direct democratic public action!

Page 4: Universal Declaration of Demand for Law Enforcement and ABC Solution on the Subhuman Act of Forced Human Circumcision

True Humanism and thus the True Spirit and Letter of the Principle of Democracy and its Concept of the Rule of Law

has no room for any form of Anti Creation Activity and thus also certainly not for the subhuman act of forced circumcision.



The School of Humanity Intact

The Global Symposium for an Intact Humanity puts forward its

Universal Declaration of Demand for Law Enforcement and ABC Solution on the Global Systematized Human Abuse of Forced Circumcision on Children and Adults


In full knowledge and fulfillment of our solemn upright human freedom ~ right and duty to prevent and end any

such act, and in full agreement with the global symposium’s official statement and universal declaration

DEMAND >For the Wellbeing of Creation and in it so naturally for the Wellbeing of Humanity<

from all governments

To govern within democracy´s principle and concept of the rule of law;

To fulfill the government´s constitutional obligation to protect all citizens equally;

To enforce the law on any form of forced human circumcision;

“Scimus lex” "We know the law”

“Iustitia omnibus“

“Justice for All“

Daniel Aichner

Bettina Lechner

Wolfgang Braun

Kevin Elks Marianna Dlugosz

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