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C L A V E : 1 2 4 4

C L A V E : 1 6 0 3 A

ALUMNO: _____________________________________________


TEMAS A EVALUAR: Reading Strategies • Conocer los diferentes tipos de lecturas (pages 4-5, 132): skimming, main idea (page 32,

134-135);scanning, specific information (page 52-54, 136);detailed, inference (page 70, 137); pleasure

• Hacer preguntas para buscar información. • Manejo correcto de un diccionario (spelling, respelling, parts of speech, different meanings) • Reconocer hechos u opinión.(page 55- 56, 136) • Clasificar de lo general a lo específico (page 102-103,141) • Manejo de referentes en un texto (pronouns) (page 138) • Manejo de palabras claves (page 64) • Outline (main idea and supporting details) para hacer un resumen. (page 120,141-142)

Vocabulary • Manejo de vocabulario: cognados, por contexto y crear un glosario. (pages 133, 23) • Familia de palabras (noun-verb-adjective-adverbs):manejo de prefijos y sufijos (page 15, 17) • Sinónimos y antónimos (page 30, 88,139) • “Word webs” (page 46)

Structure • Sustantivos:contables (singular y plural), no contables y posesivos. • Adjetivos: comparativos y superlativos • Adverbios • Pronombres: sujeto, complemento y posesivos. (page79) • Verbos: voz activa y pasiva y manejo de los distintos tiempos y formas (bf, -s, past, pp, -ing) • Modificadores • Condicionales • Uso de auxiliares • Frases subordinadas (relative clauses) (page 22) • Conectores: tiempo, lugar, adición, contraste, conclusión y causa-efecto (page 93-94, 140) • Combinar oraciones: aposición, preposiciones, adjetivos, adverbios, frases subordinadas y



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READING STRATEGIES I. Match the types of reading with the purposes:

1. Pleasure reading a) Scanning a text quickly to find specific information.

2. Detailed reading b) Reading a text for fun.

3. Global reading c) Skimming a text quickly to get the general idea.

4. Selective reading d) Reading a text carefully.

II. Write in the parentheses G for global reading and D for detailed reading. 1. fast ( ) 5. to get supporting details ( ) 2. careful ( ) 6. to get specific information ( ) 3. to get a general idea ( ) 7. to take notes ( ) 4. to get main idea ( ) 8. to answer questions ( ) III. SCANNING

The Invention of Basketball The American NBA is famous because it has the best players from all parts of the world. But did you

know basketball wasn’t invented by an American? A Canadian physical education instructor invented it. In 1891 James Naismith (1861-1939) had a problem. His students got bored in the winter because they

couldn’t go outside to play. His boss told Naismith they had 14 days to create an indoor game. It was very difficult. He first tried to adapt outdoor games like soccer, but they were too physical. Finally, Naismith invented basketball and wrote the original 13 rules.

The first time the game was played, it was a little different. They didn’t have basketballs, so they used soccer balls and they tried to throw them into fruit baskets. The game was very popular from the beginning and the first public game was played in Springfield, Massachusetts, on March 11, 1892.

James Naismith is remembered today for creating the game of basketball. For his historic invention, Naismith has his name in the Basketball Hall of Fame.

(1) Who invented basketball? __________________________________________________________ (2) Where was he from? ______________________________________________________________ (3) When did he invent the game? ______________________________________________________ (4) Why did he invent basketball? ______________________________________________________ (5) How many days did he have to invent the game? _______________________________________ (6) Why didn’t he adapt soccer? _______________________________________________________ (7) How many rules did he write? ______________________________________________________ (8) Originally, what balls did the students use? ___________________________________________ (9) Where did they play the first public game? ____________________________________________ (10) Where is Naismith’s name honored? ________________________________________________

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IV. Read the text. Write M (main idea) or D (detail) next to the sentences below. In recent years, people have started having exotic pets such as baby alligators or venomous snakes but these animals were never meant to be pets and they are dangerous. One problem is that local health authorities often do not have the proper antidotes in case of bites. People who own these animals often go to local zoos for the antidotes, which reduces their supplies of the antidotes and puts their employees in danger. When these animals grow large and dangerous, it is impossible to give them away. Zoos won´t take them because of the risks of infection to other zoo animals, and you certainly can´t give away a dangerous wild animal to a friend. The result is that people release them into the countryside, where they are a danger to people and pets, and where they usually cannot survive outside their natural habitat.

1. It is impossible to give away dangerous reptiles. ________

2. Dangerous reptiles should not be kept as pets. ________ V. Resume el párrafo anterior en español. VI. Write F ( fact) or O (opinión) next to each statement.

1. Pelé is the greatest soccer player in the world.

2. He scored a total of 1,282 goals.

3. Pelé is Brazilian.

4. In 2001, Real Madrid paid $64.4 million for the the French player Zenedine Zidane.

5. Research shows that soccer is the fastest-growing sport in the USA.

6. The first World Cup was played in 1930.

7. People think advertisers are taking control of the game.

8. Soccer is an interesting game.

VII. Classification A) Write these words in order form the most general to the most specific.

1. city / country / neighborhood / state

2. text / page / book / paragraph

3. animal / cat / Siamese/ pet

B) Identify the theme for each group of words.

Ex. Car truck plane bus train Transportation

1. blues rock pop ____________

2. Lucero Luis Miguel Shakira ____________

3. banana apple melon ____________


PAGE 109.

A principios de la década de los ________ al graduarse de prepa dos jóvenes tomaron un curso

por _________________ sobre ____________________________________. En 1978, juntaron

$8,000 dólares y ____________________________________ en Vermont para abrir su primera


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En ___________ tenían sucursales por todo el estado y en 1986

____________________________________ para abrir tiendas en otros estados. Hoy en día sus

helados ________________________________________.

Explica por qué son tan especiales sus helados.

1. ______________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________

X. Who or what do the pronouns refer to?

1. I (line 1) ___________________________ 6. Me (line 2) __________________________

2. It (line 2) ___________________________ 7. His (line 2) __________________________

3. He (line 3) ___________________________ 8. Her (line 8) __________________________

4. Him (line 6) ___________________________ 9. I (line 9) __________________________

5. We (line 6) ___________________________ 10. She (line 12) _________________________ XI. Asking questions to find out information Complete the questions to complete the information with the correct question word from the box. Where When What kind How much How many Whom What What time How long Which How often Whose 1. Chopin was a great artist. ________________ did he do? He was a musician.


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2. He works for an international company. ___________ does he work for? For Holland, a French company that sells trailers´ equipment. 3. He prefers other kind of pictures. _____________ of pictures does he prefer? Romantic ones. 4. He wasn´t born in Guadalajara. ______________ was he born? In Nayarit, Tepic. 5. The meeting must start early.. ______________ must it start? At 7:00. 6. Many people were killed on September 11 when the Twin Towers collapsed. _________________ were killed? About 3000. 7. The conference was boring. ____________________ was it? More than three hours. 8. I liked both sweaters. __________________ one did you buy? The red one. 9 .I rarely see my grandparents. __________________do you visit them? Once or twice a year. 10.This isn´t my book. ___________________ is it? I think it´s my father´s. Ask the questions that will help you complete the information. Michael J. Fox

Born on ___________________ in Edmonton, Canada. EXAMPLE

Father is a retired police officer

Moved to ________________ at age 5 1.

Studied ___________ in high school and acted in several plays. 2.

In ___________, worked in a Canadian TV comedy series 3.

Dropped out of high school in 1979 when 19, moved to Los Angeles acted in some films

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in 1982, got a lead role in the TV series ________________________ 4.

made several successful films like __________________________ in 5.

1985 and Casualties of War in ___________ 6. EXAMPLE. When was he born? June 9, 1961

1. ________________________________________________________________ Vancouver

2. _______________________________________________________________ drama

3. _______________________________________________________________ 1978

4. _______________________________________________________________ Family Ties

5. _______________________________________________________________ Back to the Future

6. _______________________________________________________________ 1989

XII. Using Key words Using the key words write about Danger from Antarctica


I. PROBLEM Ice caps – melt – South Pole- disappear- faster rate

II. CAUSES Normal environmental changes – global -warming – human activity. glaciars - flow into ocean – sea level- rise – 2mm -anually

III. CONSEQUENCES Ice caps- melt- sea level – rise- 61 m-change- shape- countries- coastlines endanger -major cities – extreme weather Evidence – near-destruction- New Orleans –Hurricane Katrina- 2005

Choose the key words to remember the text on page 66: Deep Sea Rescue

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XIII. Complete the following outline (page ) ANIMAL CLONING

I. Definition A. ______________________________________________ B. ______________________________________________ C. ______________________________________________

II. ______________________________________________

A. 1996 B. A sheep

1. _______________(born:July 5, 1996) C. Procedure: “Nuclear transfer”

1. _______________________________________ 2. _______________________________________ 3. _______________________________________ 4. _______________________________________

III. Future plans

A. ___________________________________________ 1. DNA well-preserved 27,000 year old from Siberia

IV. Pros

A. _____________________________________________ B. _____________________________________________

V. _______________

A. Better spend money in saving existing species & preserving planet

XII. Read and translate this movie critic´s review. Bernardo Bertolucci is a talented movie director. He made The Last Emperor which is a fascinating history lesson and a compelling human drama. It is the story of Pu Yi, who came to the throne in 1908 at the age of 2. The movie is spectacular in every way. It lasts three hours which fly by. The audience leaves feeling they have gotten to know a great county and a sensitive, unusual man. XIII. Write a short paragraph in Spanish summarizing the most important things you learned about reading in this course.

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WRITE THE CORRECT WORD FROM THE BOX ON EACH DEFINITION TO COMPLETE THE GLOSSARY. skimming scanning prediction false cognates spelling respelling reading purposes types of reading context clues nouns adjectives adverbs inferring key words synonyms prefixes and suffixes

1. Reading quickly to find some details. _______________ 2. Write a word correctly. . ______________ 3. Words that describe people, places, things, feelings. _______________ 4. Guessing the meaning of a word by the words and ideas around it. ______________ 5. Skimming, scanning, detailed and pleasure reading. ________________ 6. Words that mean the same. ________________ 7. Beginnings or endings added to a word to change the part of speech. ___________ 8. Words that describe nouns. ________________ 9. Words that make me think of a word in Spanish but that

have a completely different meaning. _______________ 10. Trying to guess what a text is about. ________________ 11. Making your own conclusions from what the text says. ________________ 12. Important words to remember what a text is about.. ________________ 13. Words that tell you how, where or when something happens. ________________ 14. Using a phonetic alphabet to learn how to pronounce a word. ________________ 15. Getting a main idea of the text by looking at the pictures,


1. generations _____________ 4. fair _____________

2. since _____________ 5. ice _____________

3. science _____________ 6. eyes _____________


1. /ánser/ _____________________ 4. /faund/ ____________________

2. /eit/ _____________________ 5. /bai/ _____________________

3. /mein/ ______________________

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CONTEXT CLUES. Translate the underlined word according to the context. 1. British sailors took soccer to the rest of Europe. _________________ 2. Soccer matches were soon being played around the world. _________________ 3. I need some matches to light the candles on the birthday cake. _________________ 4. I took my medicine at 5:00 a.m. __________________ 5. I normally play music on the radio while I´m studying. __________________ 6. I went to see a play at Manolo Fabregas Theater. __________________ 7. I didn´t see Cuautémoc Blanco´s play in yesterday´s game. ___________________ 8. A baby is never still. It´s always moving from one place to another. ___________________ 9. I haven´t finished prepa yet. I´m still studying it. ___________________ 10. I would like to see the musical play The Miserables. ___________________ 11. A toddler, a two or three year old baby, should never be left alone. ___________________ 12. Since I don´t need this, I´ll give it to the poor. ___________________ 13.Two, four, six, eight are even numbers. ___________________ 14. Titanic is a popular action picture. ___________________ 15.My mother took us a picture with her Ipad. ___________________ 16. Use these colors to make a picture of a zoo. ___________________ WORD FAMILY. 1. I work for an _________________ company. a. advertise b. advertising c. advertisement d. advertised 2. We spent a lot in _________________ last year. a. advertise b. advertising c. advertisement d. advertised 3. I ______________ my old car but no one called. a. advertise b. advertising c. advertisement d. advertised 4. The lecture was about ______________________. a. happy b. happiness c. happily 5. He walked _______________ to stop the boy. a. quickness b. quickly c. quick 6. Please measure the ____________________ of this room. a. long b. length c. lengthen 7. I think it´s _____________ . a. easy b. easiness c. easily 8. He will _______________ his muscles in the gym. a. strength b. strongly c. strengthen d. strong 9. I went to his first _______________________ in Auditorio Nacional. a. perform b. performer c. performance 10. This surgeon will _____________________ his tenth heart transplant soon. a. perform b. performer c. performance 11. Some students are really _____________. They´re never still. a. energy b. energetic c. energetically d. energize 12. Switch off the lights to save ________________. a. energy b. energetic c. energetically d. energize 13. I want you to be as ___________ as possible. a. happiness b. happy c. happily 14. An _________________ is someone who tests people´s knowledge or ability. a. exam b. examination c. examiner 15. Please measure the ____________________ of this room. a. width b. wide c. widen d. widely

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Add a suffix to build up the word that completes the sentence.

1. Professional____ speaking, this is not convenient. 2. I think this picture is really bor_____. 3. He´s an expert in sport fit_________. 4. Do you think he will be a good employ____? 5. In Mexico there isn´t enough employ______ for everybody. 6. He is really friend____. 7. He is here as a proof of friend_______. 8. It is scientific_________ proved. 9. We should call a technic_________. 10. I´m not a quit________. I am going to finish my career.

COGNATES: TRUE AND FALSE Decide if the underlined word is a true or false cognate.

1. They are considering a nationwide advertising campaign. _______

2. Translate the following words into Spanish. _______

3. The plane disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle. _______

4. I want to rent my apartment, so I´ll make a notice and put it on the

university´s bulletin board. I hope someone sees it and calls me soon. _______

5. His actual problem was low-self esteem. That´s why he commited

suicide. _______

6. The school principal is my uncle. _______

7. Some animals can respond appropriately to different situations. _______

8. My records from the 1970s are on that table. _______

9. I don´t know why he wrote that letter to his parents? _______

10. What letter comes after b? _______

Complete the following table. English Spanish Spanish English actually actualmente eventually eventualmente fabric fábrica parents parientes tutor tutor Synonyms and antonyms

The globalization of sport Globalization for both players and viewers Over the last few decades, interest in sport has shifted from local to national and international level. Many top sportsmen and women now play abroad, lured by the kind of money only the best teams can offer. Thanks to advances in cable and satellite technology, viewers can watch sport from around the world in the comfort of their own home, rather than pay for a ticket to a stadium. The public eye is on the teams with the best talent, and it is these teams that capture the media interest, and hence the money.

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The effect on teams and competitions The outcome of this globalization of sport is a serious decline in local-based competitions, and an ever-increasing gap between large and small teams. Small teams, which once had a chance of winning competitions, struggle to even qualify. Year after year, the same giants dominate the major competitions and leagues.

The longer-term consequences So, is this a problem? Certainly one could argue that it is a simple case of meeting demand. However, the flipside is that it is undoubtedly making sport dull and predictable, and threatening many smaller teams with extinction.

Choose the option that best sums up the whole article.

a) Sport has become global in recent years. As a result, the biggest teams are becoming richer and stronger, with the consequence that sport is not as exciting as it used to be. b) Many sportsmen and women are choosing to play abroad now. They are earning lots of money playing for the biggest teams, which tend to win the major competitions and leagues.

Circle True or False. Read the text carefully to check your answers.

1 People are less interested in local sport now than they used to be. True False 2 It’s easier to watch global sport on television because of advances

in television technology. True False 3 The public doesn’t just want to watch the best teams. True False 4 Small teams have a better chance now of winning big competitions. True False 5 Sport is more predictable than it used to be. True False

Find synonyms in the text for the words below.

1 moved __________________ 2 overseas __________________ 3 attracted by __________________ 4 space __________________ 5 opposite view __________________

Match these words from the text with the antonyms in the box.

manage increase interesting possibly surprising 1 decline ___________________ 4 predictable ___________________ 2 struggle ___________________ 5 undoubtedly ___________________ 3 dull ___________________

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Read the text. Look at the two groups of words and choose the group that represents the key words of the text.

Statistics show that we decide whether we like someone within just a few minutes of meeting them. You might think we form our impression based on what they say, but it appears it’s mainly down to body language. In fact, researchers estimate that our body language communicates around 55% of what we mean, while our tone of voice contributes around 38%, and words a mere 7%.

Body language, or non-verbal communication, refers to the gestures we make that unintentionally convey how we are feeling. It is unconscious, and therefore difficult to control. However, by understanding what certain gestures mean, we can tell more clearly whether a person likes us or not.

So, what signals do we give out if we like someone? One way we show we’re in tune with someone is by mirroring what they do. For example, if the person sits back in their chair, we’ll do the same. If they scratch their chin, we’ll follow suit. If we like someone, we’ll also raise our eyebrows when we first meet them – but so quickly that the other person won’t notice! Pointing is another indication. If we find someone attractive, we also often point at them with our feet or other part of our body.

Unsurprisingly, there are also differences between the sexes when it comes to body language. Men tend to play with their earlobes when they are with someone they are attracted to, while women often play with a lock of hair.

So next time you chat to someone at a party, pay close attention to their body language – it may tell you more than you think!

1 decide like few minutes meeting form impression body language communicates 55% non-verbal communication gestures unintentionally convey feeling unconscious difficult control understanding gestures tell likes signals mirroring raise eyebrows pointing differences sexes men play earlobes women play hair 2 statistics decide like few minutes form impression body language 55% tone voice 38% convey feeling unconscious difficult control clearly like in tune scratch chin follow suit raise eyebrows quickly notice feet differences men attracted women play lock Read the text again and answer the questions.

1 What is body language? __________________________________________________

2 How important are words in communicating what we mean? __________________________________________________

3 Why is body language difficult to control? __________________________________________________

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4 What is “mirroring”? __________________________________________________

Complete the word web with words or phrases from the text.



I Use: to name people: father, friends … places. School, museum, theater,… Nouns name animals: dog, cat, …. things: book, chair, table feelings: happiness, loneliness professions: teacher, student,… I Singular and plural A. regular eg. boy - boys B. irregular eg. child - children II Possessive nouns A. Singular possessive 1. noun´s eg. the boy´s mother B. Plural possessive 2. nouns´ eg. the boys´ mothers 3. noun´s eg. the children´s mothers III. Countables A. singular and plural eg. a boy, a lot of boys, not many boys, some boys, a few boys IV. Uncountables A. only in singular eg. water, a lot of water, not much water, some water, a little water


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Choose a, b, c or d and write it on the line. 1. This is the ____________________ room.

a. child b.childrens c. children d. children´s 2. The ____________ face is all red.

a. child b.childrens c. children d. children´s

3. Look at the _____________. They are playing with the knives. a. child b.childrens c. children d. children´s

4. The ________________ exam is surprising. He did great. a. students b. student´s c. students´ d. the student is

5. The _____________________ outside. He wants to see you. a. students b. student’s c. students´ d. the student is

6. The ________________ parents are waiting for them. a. students b. student’s c. students´ d. the student is

7. The ________________ would like to leave early. a. students b. student’s c. students´ d. the student is


I Used to describe which: this, these, that, those whose: my, your, his, her, its, our, their what kind: big, small, nice, terrible, … A. Adjectives what color: red, blue, yellow… (nouns) how many: two, three, some, any, many, much, a few, a little what it is like: intelligent, positive, bored how it is: happy, angry, boring where: here, there, upstairs,… B. Adverbs when: now, today, always,… (verbs) how iit is done: well, quickly, nicely,…

II. How to use them A. Adjectives 1. Before nouns eg. un libro rojo a red book 2. After a linking verb eg. El niño es ciego. The boy is blind. Ella se sentía enferma. She felt sick. 3. Always in singular eg. un libro rojo a red book Los libros rojos the red books B. Adverb 1. After the verb eg. Estudia bien. He studies well. 2. Frequency adverbs a. always, usually, often, sometimes, never - antes del verbo o después del auxiliar eg.Siempre van They always go. Nunca están en casa They are never at home. A veces van They don´t always go.


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3. comparative and superlatives igual que as …bf…. as Pedro is as tall as Mary. (adj.)

He works as hard as she does. (adv.)

más que -er than more… bf .. than

Pedro is taller than Mary. (adj) Pedro speaks more fluently than her. (adv.)

menos que less … bf… than Math, Biology and Chemistry are difficult, but Biology is less difficult than Math.(adj.) He reads less fast than his brother. (adv.)

el más de todos the -est the most …bf

He´s the smartest in the classs. (adj.) You speak the most fluently. (adv.)

el menos de todos the least Gym, drama and Literature are easy, but to me Literarure is the least easy.

Use the five forms with… 1. animals – dangerous 2. types of books – amusing 3. T.V. series – boring III. Using verbs as adjectives interested ( how someone feels)= estar interesado interesting (what it is like) = ser interesante amused = estar divertido amusing = ser divertido bored = estar aburrido boring = ser aburrido 1. amuse – amuses – amused – amusing The little dog is ___________ the children. It is ____________. It ___________ the children. The children are ________________. 2. surprised – surprising The ending of the story was ________________. It _____________ the readers. The readers were __________________ . 3. tired – tyring The math problems were ________________. The students were _______________________. 4. interested – interesting The trip to the moon _____________ everybody. the launching was very _______________. It ____________________ the people. Everybody was _____________. The ________________ people watched the _______________________ trip on T.V. 5. embarrased – embarrasing The teacher´s words were ________________________. Tom was ______________________.

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6. charmed – charming She is a _____________________ woman. Everybody was __________________ by her. 7. frightened – frightening The girls were __________________. He had a __________________ appearance. -ED - -EN WORDS AS DESCRIPTIVE WORDS TO MODIFY THE NOUN.


Past participle 1. This furniture is carved by hand. It is a hand-carved furniture. 2. Those bottles are being washed by a machine. They are ______________________ bottles. 3. That cart is drawn by a horse. It is a _____________________ cart. 4. He has grown up to be a man. He is a _________________ man now. 5. She ate half of the apple. It is a ____________________ apple. 6. His leg was broken. He has a ________________________ 7. Their table was loaded with food. It was a ______________________ table 8. They broke the window. It was a_________________ window. 9. The students wrote the exercises. They were _______________________ 10. They painted it by hand. It was _________________________________


Los pronombres son para evitar repetición. Se usan cuando ya se sabe de qué se está hablando. Subject object possessive I me my… mine You you your… yours He him his… his She her her… hers It it its… We us our… ours They them their… theirs Complete the sentences with the correct pronoun. 1. Paul MacCartney was one of The Beatles. _________ was born in England. Many él (subject) people like __________. ________ songs are very popular. Hey Jude is _________. él (object) possessive... possessive su (de él) suya (de él) 2. Lucero is Mexican. _____________ is married to Mijares and ___________ are both ella (subject) ellos (subject) famous singers. Many people like _________. ___________ son was born last year. ellos (object) possessive.. su…(de ellos) Lucero sings and acts. In Lazos de amor, a soup opera in the late 90s, _______ played ella (subject) three identical sisters.

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3. Some teachers don´t know about the meeting. Please, call ______________. a ellos(object) 4. These books should be in the English teachers’ room. ______ belong to __________. Ellos (sujeto) ellos (objeto) los libros a los maestros 5. I would like to listen to Mozart. _____________ music is great. Do you like ______? possessive... él (object) su... (de él) 6. It is _____________ at the door. él (subject) 7. It is _______________. It has his name here. possessive de él 8. Mexico City has a lot of problems. ______ greatest problem today is overpopulation. possessive … su… (de México) Complete the following translations with a correct pronoun.

1. Es para él. It is for ___________. 2. Es de él. Dáselo. It is _____________. Give ____ to ____. 3. Es él. Ábrele le puerta. It is ________. Open the door for _______. 4. Es de él de quien hablábamos. It is _____ whom ____ were talking about.. 5. ¿Es ella la que está allá afuera? Is it ___________outside? 6. ¿Es de ella el carro? Is it ___________ car? 7. No es de ella. Es mío It isn´t _________. It´s __________. 8. Fuimos con ella. ______ went with ______. 9. Nos están molestando. ________ are bothering __________. 10. Se los dije. ________ told ___________. 11. Nos viste ayer. ________ saw _________ yesterday. 12. Me fui en tren. _________ went by train. 13. Me llevaron a la escuela en coche. _________ drove ________ to school. 14. Ya llegó Juan. Dale los suyos. Juan is here. Give ________ ______ 15. Ya llegó María. Dale los suyos . María is here. Give _______ _____

Other pronouns. Using the expressions in the boxes translate the sentences.

this (esta, este, esto) these (éstas, éstos) that (ésa, ése, eso, aquél, aquélla) those (ésos, aquéllos, ésas, aquéllas)

1. Quiero éstas. 6. Fueron con éstos. 2. Quiero ésa. 7. Tráeme aquéllos. 3. Dame ésos. 8. Necesitas éste. 4. No vi ésas. 9. Ésta es la mía. 5. Éstos están bien. 10. No hagas eso.

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one – ones (el, la, los,las) 1. Quiero los de la caja. I want the __________ in the box. 2. Enséñame los azules. Show me the blue ___________ 3. Hay uno en la mesa. There is one on the table. 4. Compra el que te guste. Buy the _________ you like. 5. Dame el verde. Give me the green _______. another (otro singular) the other (el otro, el que queda) other … (otros ...) others (otros) the other( los otros …) the others ( los otros) 1. Pásame otra copia. Pass me __________ copia. 2. Déjame ver la otra. Let me see _____________. 3. Quiero otros dos. I want ___________ two. 4. Buscaré otros. I´ll look for ___________. 5. Ya llegaron los otros. ____________ are here. … who … (… quien …) ... whom ... (a/para/con quien) ... whose ...( cuyo, cuya, cuyos, cuyas) … which … ( …. que ….) … that … (… que/quien …)

1. El alumno que no presente examen no pasará. 2. El libro que está en la mesa no es el mío. 3. El señor con quien hablaste ayer te está esperando. 4. El niño cuyo padre falleció no vendrá esta semana a clases.

What do the words in bold letters refer to? (10 points, 2 points each) Marjorie Mosley wrote an article in the series from first-year nurses at Stockport School of Nursing. It describes how the nurses helped Mrs. Morgan overcome the monotony of her diet and their attempt to persuade her to mix more with the other patients, because they would make her feel better.

1. it ( line2) ________________________________________________________________ 2. her ( line 2) _____________________________________________________________ 3. their ( line 3) _____________________________________________________________ 4. her ( line 3) ____________________________________________________________ 5. they ( line 3) ____________________________________________________________

Choose a, b, or c and write it on the line. 1. What are ___________________ names?

a. your b. yours c. you 2. He doesn´t know _______________ mother.

a. your b. yours c. you

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3. Are these _____________________? They have your name on. a. your b. yours c. you

4. The teacher wants to speak to _______________. a. she b. her c. hers

5. I believe ________________ won´t come. a. she b. her c. hers

6. We read your project, but we didn´t see ______________. a. she b. her c. hers

7. You must look for _______________ things. I´ll look for mine. a. your b. yours c. You

8. I need ________________ book. a. other b. another

9. I didn´t see ____________ possibilities. a. others b. the other

10. Here are two plates. I´ll take this one. You may use ______ one. a. other b. the other


I. Kinds of verbs A. action (name the action) e.g. trabajo I work corre He woks B. linking (link subj. –adj, sub. –adv.) e.g. Soy feliz. I am happy. Estamos cansado We are tired. Se ve enfermo He looks sick. Se siente mal. She feels bad. II. Verb forms A. base form (bf), -s, -ing, past, past participle pp, to bf. 1. regular verbs: el pasado y el participio se forman con –ed /t/




2. irregular verbs: formas especiales para el pasado y el participio














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Using verb forms correctly.

I. Obedezco el auxiliar. A. Be + ing (I am, you are, he is, she is, it is, we are, they are; I was, you were, he was, she was, it was, we were, they were) 1. Voz activa (el sujeto lo hace) a. is, are , am + ing ( está pasando o va a pasar seguro) b. was, were + ing ( estaba pasando …cuando…) 2. Voz pasiva (el sujeto no lo hace) a. is, are, am + pp (sucede) b. was, were + pp (sucedió) c. will be+ pp (va a pasar) B. Have, has (he,she, it) + participio 1 . ya se hizo (already) 2. se ha hecho varias veces 3. se acaba de hacer (just) 4. haven´t o hasn´t + pp todavía no se hace (yet)) C. Cualquier otro auxiliar o modificador + base form. 1. do – does (he, she, it) + bf (sucede)

2. did + bf (sucedió) 3. will + bf (va a pasar: no planeado o promesa) 4. can + bf ( posible) 5. could +bf (fue posible) 6. must + bf (obligación) 7. had to+ bf (se tuvo que hacer) 8. should + bf (sugerencia) 9. may + bf (permiso) 10. might + bf (quizá, a lo mejor) 11. mustn´t (prohibición) 12. can´t (no posible o no permitido) 13. let´s (invitación)

II) Obedezco el verbo principal A. verb + to bf 1. want to bf 2. plan to bf 3. need to bf 4. would like to bf 5. would love to bf 6. prefer to bf 7. is, are, am going to bf 8. used to bf B. verb + ing 1. enjoy + -ing

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2. is, are am used to + ing 3. go + ing 4. stay + ing C. verb + bf 1. make x bf D. verb + -ing or to bf 1. like 2. hate 3. love 4. prefer E. verbo + past 1. wish (ojalá tuviera) III. Verbos como sujeto u objeto -ing IV. Verbos después de preposiciones -ing I´m good at … How about …? I´m interested in … Before … Instead of … After … V. to + bf VI. No hay a quien obedecer, me sitúo Sucede: bf o -s


__________________________________________ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

estaba pasando was, were + ing

va a pasar: a. will bf b. is,are am going to bf c. is, are, am –ing

sucedió: past

está pasando is, are am,-ing:

a. ya se hizo b. pasó y puede seguir pasando. Have pp c. acaba de pasar d. todavía no pasa

A. sucede (time clues: always, never, usually, sometimes, often, never, every…) 1. Si uso be a. I am, you are, he is, she is, it is, we are, they are 2. Otro verbo a. he, she , it el verbo con –s b. I, you, o equivalente a we, they el verbo en base form c. Para negar o preguntar el auxiliar do o does + base form

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B. está sucediendo ( time clues: now, in this moment) 1. is, are, am + ing C. sucedió ( time clues: yesterday, …ago, last…,) 1. Si uso be a. I was, you were, he was, she was, it was, we were, they were 2. Otro verbo a. past c. Para negar o preguntar el auxiliar did + base form D. estaba sucediendo cuando… (time clues: at that moment, when x past…) 1. was, were + ing E. va a pasar (ya planeado y decidido) (time clues: tomorrow, next…, in…, son) 1. casi seguro is, are, am + going to + base form 2. 100% seguro is, are, am + -ing 3. propuesta, predicción, ofrecimiento will + base form F. ya se hizo (already) 1. I, you, we they have already + pp .2. He, she it has already + pp G. no se ha hecho (yet) 1. I, you, we, they haven´t +pp……… yet. 2. He, she, it hasn´t + pp ……:.. yet. H. se ha hecho y se puede volver a hacer (since…., for…) 1. I, you, we, they, have + pp 2. He, she it has + pp I. se acaba de hacer (just) 1. I, you, we,they have just + pp 2. he, she it has just +pp J. dar órdenes 1. affirmative Base form 2. Negarive Don´t base form VIII. Condicionales X bf or X -s X bf or X -s X will bf Bf , Don´t bf


If X past X would bf X had pp X would have bf A. real, posible o incluso regla de vida 1.. If subj – bf ____, (I, you. We, they). bf (si pasa esto, pasa esto otro) 2. If subj. – br ____, (he, she it ) -s (si pasa esto, pasa esto otro) 3.. If subj – bf ____, subj. will bf (si pasa esto, pasará esto otro) 4.. If subj – bf ____, bf /don´t bf (si pasa, orden)

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B. muy poco probable o imposible 1. If subj. past___, subj. would bf (No sucede, pero si pasara esto, esto otro pasaría) C. No pasó ,pero si hubiera pasado esto, esto otro habría pasado 1. If subj. had+pp___, subj. would bf

1. If I were millionaire, ________________________________________ 2. If my friend died, ___________________________________________ 3. If the teacher arrives late, _____________________________________ 4. If I had got a ten in the examn, _________________________________ 5. If I had been absent today, ______________________________________ 6. ______________________________ if I can. 7. ______________________________ if I could. 8. ______________________________ if I had been able to. 9. ______________________________ if I were in Europe, 10. ______________________________ if I have homework.

Activa y pasiva Conjuga el verbo en activa y pasiva. Active (see) Passive (be seen) see saw seen sucede see / sees is / are /am seen sucedió saw was/were seen va a pasar will see will be seen presente perfecto has/ have seen has/ have been seen está pasando is/are/am seeing Is /are /am being seen estaba pasando cuando... was/were seeing was/ were seen -ría would see would be seen con modificador puede pasar can see can be seen tiene que pasar must see must be seen a lo mejor pasa might see might be seen permiso para ... may see may be seen sugerencia should see should be seen Verb forms Active Passive buy sucede ____________ ____________________ ____________ sucedió ____________ ____________________ ____________ va a pasar ____________ ____________________ presente perfecto ____________ ____________________ está pasando ____________ ____________________ estaba pasando cuando… ____________ ____________________ -ría ____________ ____________________ con modificador puede pasar ____________ ____________________ tiene que pasar ____________ ____________________

a lo mejor pasa ___________ ____________________ permiso para … ____________ ____________________ sugerencia _____________ ______________________

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1. Lo encuentras en todas partes. find/everywhere 2. Se vende en todos lados. sell/ everywhere 3. Se hace en México make 4. Lo vas a ver donde sea. see / anywhere 5. Se lo dieron give 6. Se encontró en 1789. find 7. Se tiene que hacer. do 8. Lo tengo que ver see 9. Lo traerán el mes que entra bring 10. El maratón en México se corre una vez al año maratón – run – once a year


-ing (activa BE HAVE pp DO bf WILL bf MODIFIERS bf pp (pasiva


is have do can (posible) are has does may (permiso) am should (sugerencia) might (probable) must (obligación) would (-ría) was had did could (possible) were USING AUXILIARIES I. INTERROGATIVE: Aux – subj. – v

Si hay auxiliary con ese mismo se hace la pregunta y el verbo se conserva como está. Si no hay auxiliar y el verbo está en bf se usa do +bf; si el verbo está con s, se usa does + bf; si el verbo está en pasado, se usa did + bf.

1. He plays. 4. He argued all the time. 2. They will succeed. 5.They must keep on working until they finish.

3. The teacher is out. II. NEGATIVE subj. - aux+not – v Si hay auxiliar con ese mismo se hace el negativo y el verbo se conserva como está. Si no hay auxiliar y el verbo está en bf se usa don´t +bf; si el verbo está con s, se usa doesn´t + bf; si el verbo está en pasado, se usa didn´t + bf. 1. She´s late. 4. They´re going to make comparisons. 2. They have finished. 5. We´ll find out the truth. 3. We can stay.

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III. QUESTION TAGS You use questions tags to confirm ideas.


Example: You think the exam is easy. You think they can´t come.

They can´t come, can

The exam is easy, isn´t it?

1. You think it doesn´t matter. 2. You think she´s confused. 3. You think they´re punished. 4. You think it has already been presented. 5. You think they need more practice. 6. You think it must be finished by next class. 7. You think they can´t assume that responsibility, 8. You think they haven´t learned the lesson. 9. You think they were too tired. 10. You think it was produced by Pixar. IV. TO AGREE OR DISAGREE , and I ______ too (también) , and I _______ either. (tampoco) , but I _________. (pero….sí o pero … no) 1. She has finished prepa, _____ 2. They are messy students, _______ 3. They had a lot of homework, ______ 4. She pays attention in class, _______ 5. They would like to graduate with honors, ____________ , and so ________ I (también) ,and neither ___not____ I (tampoco) , but I _____________ (pero…sí o pero… no) 1. He speaks English fluently, ___________ 2. She used to play videogames in Junior High, ________ 3. He´ll graduate in June, __________________________ 4. They can study abroad, _________________________ 5. He should respect the teachers, ___________________ 6. They aren´t interested in the project, ______________ 7. They won´t come on Sunday, ____________________ 8. The teacher doesn´t sing well, ___________________ 9. He hasn´t been in college, _______________________ 10. The teacher loves the class, ______________________

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COMPLETE THE SENTENCES WITH THE CORRECT AUXILIARY. 1. _______ you come yesterday? 2. ______ he finished? 3. ______ he having lunch when you arrived? 4. ______ they usually get to school early? 5. He takes French lessons. I ____________ because I hate French. 6. It was easy, ___________ it? 7. They were sick last week, _____________ they? 8. She won´t come tomorrow, but you _____________. 9. My friends lives downtown, and so _____________ the teacher. 10. It´s late, ___________ it? 11. He never watches TV in the mornings and neither ___________ I. 12. They _________ not graduated yet. 13. I _____________ not in fifth grade. 14. She __________ not trying to fool you. She never _________ it. 15. He never forgets my birthday, but if he ______________, I wouldn´t get angry.

USING VERBS CORRECTLY Write a, b, c or d on the line. 1. If he comes next time, I ____________ him about this problem. a. tell b. would tell c. will tell d. told 2.. If he ____________ I would have seen him. a. comes b: came c. come d. had come 3. Cars _____________ every year. a. inspect b.are inspected c. are inspecting d. inspected 4. If he ____________ help, I will give him a hand. a. needs b. need c. needed d. is needed 5 This product ______________ worldwide. a. sells b. is sold c. sold 6. Last week the reports __________________ by some students. a. were written b. writes c. wrote 8. If you __________ hungry, I would get you a sandwich. a. is b. are c. were d. was 9. He _________________ the homework yet. a. no finish b. didn´t finish c. hasn´t finished 10. We _________________ this movie three times. a. have been seen b. have seen 11. Madonna __________________ by reporters in Ibiza. a. has seen b. has been seen 12. I ___________________ singing lessons next month. a. take b. taking c. am taking 13. Yesterday he ___________ a nice letter to him. a. write b. wrote c. writes 14. He ___________ the student the results every month. a. give b. gave c. gives

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15. What did he _____________ last year? a. do b. did c. does 16. I´d like _________ him. a. see b. to see c. seeing 17. He is going _____________ the exam tomorrow. a. to answer b. answers c. answering 18. I _________ in fifth grade last year. a. were b. be c. was 19. When must you _______ to the doctor? a. go b. to go c. goes 20. He´s _____________ next week. a. coming b. come c. comes 21. Doctors __________ a cure for cancer soon. a. find b. will find c. found 22. _____________an artist is incredible. a. be b. am c. being 23. He´s good at Math and I ___________ too. a. do b. have c. am 24. She wants to be a teacher, ________ she ? a. doesn´t b.don´t c. does 25. If I were the teacher, I wouldn´t __________ the students chat so much. a. let b. letting c. to let 26. Maybe I ___________________ go away next month. a. am b. will c. go 27. The boss __________ finished the report yet. a. didn´t b. was c. hasn´t 28. ___________ smoke. It´s dangerous. a. Do b. Don´t c. Doesn´t 29. He wishes he _______________.

a. can come b. could come 30. I wish I _______________ money to buy this house.

a. have b. had


Write on the line the correct option from the box. who whom whose how why what which that where when

1. The Azteca Stadium is ___________________América plays. 2. Please explain to me ____________________ you couldn’t come. 3. Do you know _____________ to speak English? 4. The man ___________came yesterday is calling. 5. I didn’t see the report __________________ was on the table. 6. The day _______ I got married is unforgettable. 7. The decision ________ I regret mostly in my life is quitting college. 8. Cantinflas ________ pictures are famous was born in Mexico. 9. He didn´t explain _______________ I wanted. 10. The boy _____________ I opened the door to wants to see you.

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CONNECTORS CONNECTING IDEAS TIME CONNECTING WORDS: before, after, since, while, when, as, until, whenever PLACE CONNECTING WORDS: where, wherever Nobody saw the old man when he came into the room. cuando entró Nobody saw the old man until he came into the room. hasta que entró Nadie lo vio Nobody saw the old man after he came into the room. después de que entró Nobody saw the old man before he came into the room. antes de entrar Please ask him to see me when he arrives cuando llegue. Please ask him to see me after he arrives. después que llegue. Dile que me vea Please ask him to see me as soon as he arrives en cuanto llegue Please ask him to see me whenever he arrives. cuando llegue (a cualquier hora)

1. We had dinner ___________ he arrived. (después de que llegó) 2. Please remind me to take my coat ________ I leave. (antes de irme) 3. ________ you go, please be careful. (siempre que vayas) 4. Please stay here __________ I come back. (hasta que llegue) 5. He asked for coffee _________ he was having lunch. (mientras comía) 6. He will be a doctor _________ he grows up. (cuando crezca) 7. I have studied __________ I was a child. (desde que era niño) 8. ___________ finish, I´ll leave. (en cuanto termine) 9. Come to see me ____________ you have time. (cada vez que tengas tiempo) 10. There was an accident _________ I work. (donde) 11. _________ you go, please be careful (adonde vayas) 12. _________________ I go I meet good friends. (en todos lados, dondequiera)

Cause – reason: because , since, as, for, because of + noun I have to study all night because I have an exam tomorrow since I have an exam tomorrow for I have an exam tomorrow as I have an exam tomorrow because of the exam tomorrow Purpose – result: in order that, so that, (in order) to Mary is helping me with the dishes in order that we may go to town early. so that we may go to town early. in order to go to town early to go to town early.


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Illogical or unexpected results : although, (even) though , in spite of + noun , but ... anyway Mr. Brown left the house without a raincoat although it was raining. even though it was raining in spite of the rain It was raining, but he left the house anyway.

Match each sentence with its translation into English 1. Lo escribimos porque los alumnos lo necesitaban. 2. A pesar de que traía un abrigo grueso tenía frío. 3. Llegó tarde pues no tenía coche. 4. No tenemos clases debido a la junta de maestros. 5. No pueden ir al cine pues no tienen dinero. 6. A pesar de tener 4 hijos mantenía la casa limpia. 7. Le gusta ir ahí por la comida. 8. Aunque tenía cita con el dentista, se fue al cine. 9. Huele como si algo se estuviera quemando. 10. Como tenemos vacaciones, iremos a México. ( ) I felt cold in spite of my wearing a heavy coat. ( ) Since she didn´t have a car, she arrived late. ( ) We wrote it because the students needed it. ( ) It smells as if something is burning. ( ) He likes going there because of the food. ( ) She kept her house clean in spite of her having four children. ( ) Although she had an appointment with the dentist, she went to the cinema. ( ) We don´t have classes tomorrow because of the teacher´s meeting. ( ) As they don´t have money, they can´t go to the cinema. ( ) Since we have a vacation, we will go to México.

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Additional information: besides, in addition, and, furthermore, also, similarly, moreover, likewise Contrast or contrary information: but, however, on the other hand, in contrast, nevertheless, on the contrary, still, otherwise, yet Result or consequence information: therefore, consequently, so, hence, accordingly, thus. Choose the correct expression in parenthesis to complete the sentence logically. 1. He drove very well; (consequently, besides, however) we arrived fast. 2. He doesn´t like final examinations; (furthermore, nevertheless, as a result) he always gets good grades. 3. You can find many bargains in stores after Christmas; (moreover, however, therefore) the merchandise is very useful. 4. Evelyn can´t play the piano; (in addition, but, consequently) she can sing beautifully. 5. Father can read most printed matter without his glasses; (so, and, but ) he can´t read our small writing. 6. Mr. Bale can speak three or four foreign languages; (furthermore, so, but) he has no trouble traveling. 7. You should tell your father about the accident; (also, therefore, however) you should explain it wasn´t your fault. 8. He drank many cups of strong coffee last night; (in addition, so, however) he couldn´t sleep. 9. Dr. Gill took a taxi home; (but, and, consequently) it isn´t a very long walk to his place. 10. Mr. Kramer made out his income tax report yesterday; (also, however, so) he won´t send it in until next week.

COMBINING SENTENCES Combine the sentences using appositives.

1. I am a bouncer at a nightclub. A bouncer is a kind of security guard. 2. Marco Vasquez is a forensic scientist in Brazil. He studies things like hair, small pieces, of

glass, clothes, and shoes to find information that will be useful to the police. 3. “Secret Shoppers” go into a store to check standards. They are people that look like a

customer, but who really work for the store. 4. Dan Caldewell is a prisoner on Death Row in California. He lives twenty-three hours each

day in a tiny cell. 5. The Mona Lisa is the most famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci. It was stolen on August

22, 1911.

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Combine the following sentences into one. 1. I am studying my carreer. I study in Ceul. Ceul is a business school in Roma Colony. 2. I decided to study here. The tuitions are not too expensive. The teachers are good. They have a good academic program. 3. Peter has teachers. They are good. They are seldom absent. He likes his school. 4. The principal normally finds someone to substitute when a teacher is absent. We usually have all our classes. 5. The teachers normally explain well. Some of the students don´t understand the lessons. 6. Here are two suggestions to sleep easier. Try to go to bed at the same time every night. Get up at the same time every morning. 7. Valium is a dangerous product. It is a medicine. It is very strong. It helps nervous people to calm down. 8. Go to the drugstore. Get me a bottle of baking soda. I also need some sunburn lotion. Can you also bring A box of cough drops. They are for John.

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