
University of LuxembourgMultilingual. Personal. Connected.

LuxembourgAn attractive,multicultural andtrilingual countryin the heart of Europe:

Around 490 000 inhabitants

Around 44 % foreigners

Languages: Luxembourgish,French, German

Luxembourg City

Mediaeval city – UNESCO World

heritage site

Modern capital with European Institutions, financial centre, international enterprises

Great offer of cultural events

University of Luxembourg: facts & figures

Founded in 2003

4934 students

171 professors, assistant-professors, lecturers

Supported by 660 professional experts

11 Bachelor degrees, 23 Master degrees, PhDs

Moving to a brand new location in 2014

University of Luxembourg: our profile

The one and only, modern and dynamic

Multilingual and international

Research centered

Close proximity to the financial centre and to the EU Institutions

Close ties to the business world and to the society

A university with a personal touch



Languages at the University French, English, German

Bachelor degree coursesbilingual, except in special cases

Master courses bilingual or taught in English

Students, academic and administrative stafftrilingual if possible


International Cooperation

43 partner universities in Europe, USA, Canada, Russia, China, Japan …

Cooperative models student exchange programme joint degree programs (Master, Ph.D.) joint Ph.D. educational programme research programmes

Our research priorities 2010-2013

International Finance

Secure, reliable and trustwothy ICT* systems and services * ICT: Information and communication technology

Life Sciences and Systems biomedicine

European and business law

Learning and development in multilingual and multicultural contexts

Interdisciplinary research centres

Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust

Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine

Research units

Computer Science and Communications Research Unit UR en ingénierie UR en mathématiques UR en physique UR en Sciences de la vie

UR en droit Luxembourg School of Finance (LSF) Cellule de Recherche en Économie Appliquée

Educational Measurement and Applied Cognitive Science (EMACS) Language, Culture, Media, Identities (LCMI) Integrative Research Unit on Social and Individual Development

(INSIDE) Identités, Politiques, Sociétés, Espaces (IPSE)



Resources 2008 2009

Self-financing 5’160’000 € 4’900’000 €

External funds 5’480’000 € 7’488’000 €

State contribution 58’474’000 € 71’628’000 €

Total Budget 69,114,000 € 84’016’000 €


Conseil de Gouvernance

The Conseil de gouvernance (Board of Governors) decides upon the University's general policies and strategies and controls the University’s activities. It is composed of 7 members 4 participants with consulting role

University Rector, Government Commissioner, representative from the teaching body, student representative.

Our Faculties


Structure of Educational Programs

Our courses on offer

Bachelor en Informatique

Bachelor en Ingénierie

Bachelor en Sciences et Ingénierie (Physique, Mathématique, Ingénierie)

Bachelor en Sciences de la Vie (Biologie, Médecine, Pharmacie)

Master in Integrated Systems Biology

Master in Engineering Sciences: Construction and Design

Master en Développement Durable

Master in Information and Computer Sciences

Master in Mathematics

Master en Management de la Sécurité des Systèmes d’Information

European Master of Small Animal Veterinary Medecine

Our courses on offer

Bachelor en Droit

Bachelor en Sciences Economiques et de Gestion

Bachelor en Gestion

Master en Droit Européen

Master in Financial Economics

Master in Banking and Finance

Master in Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Our courses on offer

Bachelor en Cultures Européennes (English, French, Germanistics, History, Philosophy)

Bachelor en Psychologie

Bachelor en Sciences de l’Education

Bachelor en Sciences Sociales et Educatives

Master en Histoire Européenne Contemporaine

Master in Learning and Development in Multilingual and Multicultural Contexts

Master in Psychology: Evaluation and Assessment

Master in Modern and Contemporary European Philosophy

Master en Etudes franco-allemandes: Communication et Coopération Transfrontalières

Master en Gérontologie Master en Médiation Master in Spatial Development and Analysis Master en European Governance Master en langues, cultures et médias –

Lëtzebuerger Studien


Outlook – Construction of Belval West

the most ambitious urban development project of the Grand Duchy location: 16 km south to the capital roughly 120 hectares (27.5 hectares for University of Luxembourg) a modern blend of research and teaching, work and leisure, industry

and trade, private homes and culture

For further information

[email protected]

Phone + 352 46 66 44 6664

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