

1/26/06University of Minnesota, Open Source Page 1

Open SourceUniversity of Minnesota


1/26/06University of Minnesota, Open Source Page 2

• What is open source software and why should you care• Important trends and best practices in open source • Evaluating open source software licenses• Development, implementation, and integration of open

source• Open source support • Questions


1/26/06University of Minnesota, Open Source Page 3

• What is open source software and why should you care• Important trends and best practices in open source • Evaluating open source software licenses• Development, implementation, and integration of open

source• Open source support • Questions


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Open Source Introduction

“Open source” is the concept of taking an idea, opening it up to public discussion and developing it into something that can have a broad benefit to an

entire community.

In its purest sense, it is an open process whose contributions are made on a voluntary basis and

whose result benefits all.

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Definitions on the WebOpen Source • Open source software is similar in idea to "free software" but slightly less rigid

than the free software movement.• In general, open source refers to any program whose source code is made

available for use or modification as users or other developers see fit.

• Computer software source code that is released under an open-source license or to the public domain.

• An open source program has its source code distributed allowing programmers to alter and change the original software as much as they like.

• An online interface that allows web site users to submit relevant material to the web site authors for sharing with other users;

• This is a less-confusing name for what is also called 'Free Software'.

• A movement in the programming community for making source code (program instructions) free and freely available to anyone interested in using or working with

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Definitions on the WebOpen Source

• This is the term that represents virtually the same thing as "free software", only it's newer, more popular and doesn't have the ambiguity

• Software that is intended to be freely shared and possibly improved and redistributed by

• Any application code that has been made available to developers to view and modify freely.

• From:

• Pertaining to software source code that is available to the general public and does not have licensing restrictions that limit use, modification, or redistribution.

• Information that is publicly available (for example, any member of the public could lawfully obtain information by request or observation), as well as other unclassified information that has limited public distribution or access.


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Definitions on the WebOpen Source

• Refers to a basis case where sources of information, code, pictures, maps, authors, anything likewise, and everything related are all publicly viewable and openly modifiable.

• Software that is developed, released to and can be modified by the public, free of

• Term coined in March 1998 to describe software distributed in source under licenses guaranteeing anybody rights to freely use, modify, and redistribute the code.

• Refers to projects that are open to the public and which draw on other projects that are freely available to the general public.

• Program software of which the code is made available so that implementers may alter it to meet user

• Making the raw, non-compiled code behind a program available to the public for other programers to analyze, modify, and

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Definitions on the WebOpen Source Software

• Open Source Software is software for which the underlying programming code is available to the users so that they may read it, make changes to it, and build new versions of the software incorporating their changes.

• Open source software allows for anyone with programming experience to revise and change the programming code to suit their individual needs.

• A program in which the source code is available to the general public for use and/or modification from its original design free of charge, i.e., open.

• Free programs created through the collaborative efforts of programmers from around the world.

• Software that shipped with its source code, and that subject to the nine policies of the Open Source Organisation.

• Open source denotes that the origins of a product are publicly accessible in part or in whole.

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Definitions on the WebOpen Source Movement

• As per Richard M. Stallman the Open Source Movement was founded in 1998 specifically to reject the idealism of the Free Software Movement. Stallman also refers readers to one of the GNU sites for further explanation of open source vs. free

• The open source movement is an offshoot of the free software movement that advocates open-source software as an alternative label for free software, primarily on pragmatic rather than philosophical grounds.

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Open SourceThe Basic Idea

Open Source Initiative Organization(OSI –

The basic idea behind open source is very simple:

“When programmers can read, redistribute, and modify the source code for a piece of software, the software evolves.

People improve it, people adapt it, people fix bugs. And this can happen at a speed that, if one is used to the slow pace

of conventional software development, seems astonishing.”

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Open Source History

• Started with the concept of shareware, freeware and public domain software

• The term “open source” was actually coined in February of 1998 according to the Open Source Initiative Organization

• Many projects that are considered open source today, actually began well before the “open source”movement

• Linux is probably the most recognizable open source project

• The concept of free and open software development spawned open source hosting sites such as and

• Today there are thousands of open source projects and many highly successful projects

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Early open development No business modelNon-profit

1st generation business model

Packagers: Red Hat, SUSE

2nd generation business model

Professional: MySQL, JBoss

3rd generation business model

OS Stacks & Support options

Open Source History: A Timeline

1970s 1980s 1990s 2000 - 2003

1985 Free Software Foundation (FSF) develops GNU, a free” version of a UNIX operating system

1984Richard Stallman founds the Free Software Foundation

1994Linux 1.0 is release under the GPL by Linus Torvalds

1998Open Source Movement and Open Source Initiative (“OSI”) founded

2003Linux OS/Apache Web Server are mainstream

1969-1970Kenneth Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, and others at AT&T Bell Labs develop UNIX

1979V7 of Unix is released

1977CSRG at UC Berkeley distributes the first version on BSD Unix

2004 - Present

Commercially available open source solution stacks:

integrated, qualified, supported, distributed, and


3rd generation business model

OS Stacks & Support options

1999Cathedral & the Bazaar published


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App/Web Server


Network Security

Network Services

Productivity Tools

Operating System

Maturity Up and Down the Stack

Page 13

Java, Eclipse, Hibernate, etc.

JBoss, Apache, Tomcat

MySQL, PostgreSQL, Ingres

Snort, SpamAssassin, openSSH

Bind, Sendmail, Samba, Nagios

Open Office, Firefox, Alfresco

Red Hat, Debian, SUSE, Solaris

C, C++, Java

Webspere, Weblogic


Cisco, SSH

NFS, OpenView, Tivoli, CA

MS Office, IE

Microsoft…, Unix…,

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The Cathedral and the Bazaar

• The Cathedral and the Bazaar, by Eric S. Raymond (

– Compared to traditional methods (“The Cathedral”*), open source development (“The Bazaar”*) appears to be disorganized and chaotic.

• Tenants of the Cathedral and Bazaar– Brooks' Law (The Mythical Man Month) does not apply to Internet-

based distributed development– "Given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow"– Linux belongs to the Bazaar development model – OSS development model automatically yields the best results– The Bazaar development model is a new and revolutionary model of

software development• Can be argued, both in theory and in practice

– A Second Look at the Cathedral and Bazaar, Nikolai Bezroukov (

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Open Source and Traditional Source

• Hybridization and Differentiation– Linux:

• Tremendous Bazaar development / community• Tremendous input from the Traditional (IBM, most noteably)• Further tailored to specific h/w environments by other Traditional

development– JBoss: Hybridized Business Model example

• App server is open source, but the Open Network is not– Eclipse & Solaris:

• Started in the Traditional• Pushed into the Bazaar

– Even open Source Lives on a Continuum• More Pure: Debian, Gentoo, Ubuntu • More Commercial: Red Hat, Suse, MySQL• Some open source dual licensed

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Benefits – Why you care

• Reduced Costs• Fosters Agility and Choice• Reduces Time to Market• Adherence to open standards• Simplified Interoperability• Flexibility to Easily Customize• Foundation of Quality Building

Blocks• Community Support and growth


• Widely successful• No License Fee• Multiple Support Options• Social movement• Power of Community• Technology Choices• Business Choices• Leading Edge Innovation• Worldwide Development• Mainstream Deployment

Open Source

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• What is open source software and why should you care• Important trends and best practices in open source • Evaluating open source software licenses• Development, implementation, and integration of open

source• Open source support • Questions


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IT OrganizationService Provider Proprietary/Closed Technology

Today’s Trends


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Open Source – Analyst Timeline

“Within four years from now we could have more Linux in data centers than Unix, certainly in Europe.” Also see InformationWeek, for many panellist's views. Meta, November 2004

“Consider Linux safe to deploy not only for network edge and simple Web servers, but also for mid-tier and moderate database applications.”Gartner Dataquest, November 2005

“Linux is the fastest-growing server OS. Linux shipments to increase from 1.4 million units in 2005 to 2.4 million in 2010, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.7 percent.”Gartner Dataquest, January 2006

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Open Source – Analyst Timeline Cont.

“Open source software for mission-critical infrastructure and applications has crossed over from a pioneer or early-adopter status to the point where it can be considered a mainstream alternative.“

Forrester Research, September 2006

“According to IDC, worldwide open source services spending reached $4.1 billion in 2005 and will increase to $5.3 billion in 2006 . A growth rate of 29%. The cumulative opportunity between the beginning of 2005 and the end of 2010 is $46 billion . At a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 23.5% over the next five years.”

IDC, July 2006

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Open Source – Analyst Timeline Cont.

“OSS has significantly penetrated the IT environments of many North American companies. Gartner Dataquest end-user adoption studies show that approximately 16% of North American companies use OSS,and that this usage represents approximately 26% of their overall software portfolios.“

Gartner, November 2006

"The amount of venture capital funding invested in the Linux and open source-related vendors tracked by ComputerWire rose 131% in 2006, vastly outpacing the IT market as a whole. According to figures collated by ComputerWire from vendor statements, venture capital companies ploughed $404.5m into Linux and open source-related vendors in 2006, compared to $175.1m in 2005."

Gartner, November 2006

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Open Source Taking HoldRed Hat Linux• Over 2/3 of businesses are planning

a migration of some or all of their applications from a variety of systems, including Sun, to Linux

• Linux server shipments will grow to $10.6B in 2010 at 12% CAGR

• By 2009 Linux will be comparable in penetration directly to Windows and UNIX

JBoss• In 2005 JBoss Application Server

was moved into the Leaders’quadrant on Gartner’s Enterprise Application Server Magic Quadrant

• JBoss moved from Niche to Visionary to Leader in under 24 months

• 2005 Survey showed JBoss as the most popular Java application server

MySQL • #1 ranked product in Forrester’s open

source database Wave in the market presence category

• IT specialists indicated they deploy MySQL 30% more frequently than Oracle, SQL Server or DB2

• Evans Data found that MySQL was the #2 most-used database server

• Founded in 1995; operations in 19 countries

• Over 6,000,000 installations; 50,000 downloads/day

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Maturity Up and Down the Stack

Page 23


App/Web Server


Network Security

Network Services

Productivity Tools

Operating System

Java, Eclipse, Hibernate, etc.

JBoss, Apache, Tomcat

MySQL, PostgreSQL, Ingres

Snort, SpamAssassin, openSSH

Bind, Sendmail, Samba, Nagios

Open Office, Firefox, Alfresco

Red Hat, Debian, SUSE, Solaris

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Open Source GrowthWorldwide Services by Segment

IDC, July, 2006








2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Worldwide Open Source Services Revenue by Segment2005 - 2010

Consulting Implementation Support Outsourcing Training

23.8% Overall 2006-2009 CAGR3X average server IT Market growth


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2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

U.S. Open Source Services Revenue by Segment,2005 - 2010

Consulting Implementation Support Outsourcing Training

Open Source GrowthU.S. Services by Segment

IDC, July, 2006

20.3% Overall 2006-2009 CAGR3X average server IT Market growth

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9.7%4.9% 4.9%







Currently usingWe areinterested inopen source,

but with nocurrent plans

We haveevaluated open

source anddecided not to

adopt now

We arecurrentlypiloting

We areplanning to pilot

or adopt

North America Europe

Question: At what stage is your company at in considering or adopting open source software?

North America N = 103 Europe N = 124

Open Source Trends: Survey Respondent Phase Of Adoption

Forrester Research, 2006

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Government ambitious on OSS

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Governments and Commercial OSS View

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Perceived Inhibitors to Open Source

Source: User Survey Report: Open-Source and Linux Software Support Services, North America, 2006; Gartner, July 2006

No Skills to Develop/ Integrate

Support Services Inadequate

Quality of OSS Components

Lack of Applications or Functionality

IP/Ownership Issues

Maintenance of OSS Components

Management of OSS Licenses

Difficult to Source Components


Lack of Support Services

Company Policy

Percentage of Respondents0 5 10 15 20

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Perceived Benefits of Open Source

Source: Forrester Research, June 2005

Hardware Choice, including low-cost Intel Servers

Better Security

Software Choice, Including Alternate Suppliers

Familiar to Developers/We have the Skills

Higher Quality


Low Total Cost of Ownership

Low Acquisition Cost

Percentage of Respondents0 20 40 60 80 100


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Research Estimates for the Market

Gartner research shows strong trends to

replace proprietary RDBMS with OSS


•70% in North America

• 60% in Europe

• 40% in Latin America

• 50% APAC

Overall OS RDBMS market growth of 100%

over next two years

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Open SourceEvolution

GovernmentInfrastructure Scientific/HPCISPsUniversities

Price/PerformanceLower TCOSimplified Systems ManagementImproved Time to Market

Implementation Services

GovernmentInfrastructure Scientific/HPCTelco / ISPsUniversitiesRetail (POS)Finance (risk management)Banking (portfolio analysis)

Price/PerformanceLower TCOSimplified Systems ManagementImproved Time to Market

Implementation ServicesConsulting Services

GovernmentInfrastructure Scientific/HPCTelcoUniversitiesRetail (POS)Finance (risk management)Banking (portfolio analysis)Travel (reservations)Media and EntertainmentDigital content creationAerospace (analysis applications)

Price/PerformanceLower TCOSimplified Systems ManagementImproved Time to MarketHigh ReliabilityOpen platform/foundationReusability/flexibility

Implementation ServicesConsulting ServicesApplication Architecture Services

GovernmentInfrastructure Scientific/HPCTelcoUniversitiesRetail (POS)Finance (risk management)Banking (portfolio analysis)Travel (reservations)Media and EntertainmentDigital content creationAerospace (analysis applications)

Price PerformanceLower TCOSimplified Systems ManagementImproved Time to MarketHigh ReliabilityOpen platform/foundationReusability/FlexibilityBetter Levels of ServiceIncreased IT utilizationImplementation ServicesConsulting ServicesApplication ArchitectureBusiness Innovation Services

Edge Infrastructure

Static WebInfrastructure


Line of Business Solutions




Primary Open Source

In Use

E-mail ServersDHCPBIND / DNSScientific HPC

Enterprise Applications (CRM, SCM, ERP)LAN/WAN (ethereal, Nagios Sys. Management)Office Products (Open Office, Open Workbench)

Enterprise IntegrationPartner IntegrationDynamic Business ModelsBusiness IntelligenceE. Content ManagementCollaboration SOASecurity

LinuxApacheMySQL PHPAXIS Web Svc


2000-2004 2005 2006

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Strong Momentum & Industry Support


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• Open source in commercial deployments has grown greatly

• Forecasts / Analysts expect this trend to continue and flourish

• Open Source projects have matured such that they can compete directly with commercial offerings

• Concerns exist, but are addressed by services

• Open source usage continues to increase.

• Open source is no longer confined to data center technology.

• Open source companies have value.

• There is serious investment in open source

Trends Conclusions

Open Source Adoption Is Real

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Best PracticesOpen Source Development Roles




Documenters Bug-submitters

Graphic Artists Translators

Coders Maintainers Porters



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Best PracticesOpen Source Reality

• All open source projects have an owner

• Anyone can participate in open source regardless of their skill level or technical knowledge

• Volunteers may actually be paid by a third party to participate in an open source project

• Results can be freely used by the entire community

• Results may be used to generate revenue directly or indirectly


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Best PracticesHow You Can Participate…

• Submit source code patches

• Submit documentation patches

• Review code or documentation

• Test open source software

• Ask questions

• Provide feedback– Submit bug reports– Suggest enhancements– Provide support

• Promote the use of open source software

• Evaluate open source software for use within your environment

• Suggest ways that your technology could be used to enhance open source software (upon approval)

• Or, just use it

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Benefits of open-sourcing software

• Gain visibility and recognition by the community, be seen as an innovator and expert to go to for services and support

• Build confidence and trust of the community & target audience

• Understand the shared set of requirements and gain insights intoneeds directly from end-users: invaluable market data

• Standardize on agreed common criteria for technology architecture, component set and solution deliverables

• Influence direction and technology choices as a contributor

• Lower costs of development, testing & support

• Build the basis for a support knowledgebase for the end-users

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Best PracticesSecret to Success

• How to succeed in the open source community:– Relationships– Relationships– Relationships

• Form good relationships through consistent participation, contributions and acknowledgements

• Once relationships have been established, treated them as valuable assets

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• What is open source software and why should you care• Important trends and best practices in open source • Evaluating open source software licenses• Development, implementation, and integration of open

source• Open source support • Questions


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License Agreements

• All open source code is protected by some type of license agreement

• License defines the condition under which the source code may be used and obligations with respect to enhancements and derivative works

• There are a number of approved open source license agreements (

• Most commonly used licenses – GPL, LGPL, BSD, MIT, and Mozilla

• Does not have to be one of the approved license agreements

• The license agreement must adhere to the official open source definition (

• Some license agreements allow free and open use of the software and source code – others are much more restrictive

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License Agreements Continued

• Before making use of any open source code, make sure that the license agreement is understood and complies with the intended use

• No permission needed if software is in the “public domain” (i.e., no one claims rights in it) - very rare

• Careful not to confuse open source, freeware and shareware software with public domain software

• Open source and “free” are often used in the same sentence

• Open source “free” actually means freely available and redistributable, within the constraints of its license

• Open source can have dual licenses, one that is open source, and another that is commercial


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Open Source Initiative (OSI) License Definition

• The Open Source Initiative, a non-profit entity dedicated to managing and promoting open source, currently has listed ten required elements of the open source definition.

• (See

1. Free Redistribution2. Source Code3. Derived Works4. Integrity of The Author's Source Code5. No Discrimination Against Persons or Groups6. No Discrimination Against Fields of Endeavor7. Distribution of License8. License Must Not Be Specific to a Product9. License Must Not Restrict Other Software10. License Must Be Technology-Neutral

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59 OSI Approved Licenses

Workspace License (CVW License)Motosoto LicenseMozilla Public License 1.0 (MPL)Mozilla Public License 1.1 (MPL)NASA Open Source Agreement 1.3Naumen Public LicenseNethack General Public LicenseNokia Open Source LicenseOCLC Research Public License 2.0Open Group Test Suite LicenseOpen Software LicensePHP LicensePython license (CNRI Python License) Python Software Foundation LicenseQt Public License (QPL)RealNetworks Public Source License V1.0Reciprocal Public LicenseRicoh Source Code Public LicenseSleepycat LicenseSun Industry Standards Source License (SISSL)Sun Public LicenseSybase Open Watcom Public License 1.0University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source LicenseVovida Software License v. 1.0W3C LicensewxWindows Library LicenseX.Net LicenseZope Public Licensezlib/libpng license

Academic Free LicenseAdaptive Public LicenseApache Software LicenseApache License, 2.0Apple Public Source LicenseArtistic licenseAttribution Assurance LicensesNew BSD licenseComputer Associates Trusted Open Source License 1.1Common Development and Distribution LicenseCommon Public License 1.0CUA Office Public License Version 1.0EU DataGrid Software LicenseEclipse Public LicenseEducational Community LicenseEiffel Forum LicenseEiffel Forum License V2.0Entessa Public LicenseFair LicenseFrameworx LicenseGNU General Public License (GPL)GNU Library or "Lesser" General Public License (LGPL)Historical Permission Notice and DisclaimerIBM Public LicenseIntel Open Source LicenseJabber Open Source LicenseLucent Public License (Plan9)Lucent Public License Version 1.02MIT licenseMITRE Collaborative Virtual

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• If you want to get the source code for modifications back from the people who make them, apply a license that mandates this.

• The GPL and LGPL would be good choices. If you don't mind people taking modifications private, use the X or Apache license.

Choosing an Open Source License

Step One*:Do you want people to be able to take modifications private or not?

* From The Open Source Definition by Bruce Perens

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• If so, use the LGPL, which explicitly allows this without allowing people to make modifications to your own code private, or use the X or Apache licenses, which do allow modifications to be kept private.

Choosing an Open Source License

Step Two*:Do you want to allow someone to merge your program with their own proprietary software?

* From The Open Source Definition by Bruce Perens

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• If so, dual-license your software. I recommend the GPL as the open source license, you can find a commercial license appropriate for you to use in books like copyright your software from NoloPress.

Choosing an Open Source License

Step Three*:Do you want some people to be able to buy commercial-licensed versions of your program that are not open source?

* From The Open Source Definition by Bruce Perens

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• If so, perhaps open source isn't for you. If you're satisfied with having only some people pay you, you can work that and keep your program open source. Most of the open source authors consider their programs to be contributions to the public good, and don't care if they are paid at all.

Choosing an Open Source License

Step Four*:Do you want everyone who uses your program to pay for the privilege?

* From The Open Source Definition by Bruce Perens


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• What is open source software and why should you care• Important trends and best practices in open source • Evaluating open source software licenses• Development, implementation, and integration of open

source• Open source support • Questions


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AS-IS to TO-BE: Toward Open…

Business functionality buried in applications, asset silos … proprietary interfaces serving

the silos

Business functionality exposed as business services … standards-based, shared & reusable


Application, Asset Silos Open & Service Oriented Applications & Assets






New Business Processes

Business Services







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What enables Open?

• Open Architecture Objectives – well-planned IT – Service Oriented– Component Oriented– Model Driven

• Open Standards – industry cooperation– Agreed upon way to solve a problem– Standard interfaces and behaviors – Implementations by commercial vendors and open source


• Open Source – a delivery model– No-cost license – Ability to access and contribute to the source code– Often implements or drives the development of standards

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Infrastructure that provides the secure foundation for high value delivery

Comprehensive – Consider all layers of the business

Applications & Informationto automate key aspects of your business

Business Processes that enable your vision

Business Vision & Strategyto meet enterprise objectives

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Potential Evaluation Parameters

Compliance with hardware strategyInteroperability

Future proof?Market trendsReputationCode Management capacityInteroperability

Internal/external resourcesCommunity evaluationLegal evaluationCode management capacity

Independent from vendorKnowledge sharingSupporting organizational evaluationLegal evaluation

Additional Evaluation

Standards basedCompliance with present hardware setupImpact on future hardware decisionsHW performance

General flexibility in applicationPossibility of individualizationSecurityStandards based User friendlinessInformation infrastructureReliability

Functional fit with existing business processesFlexibility in supporting specific business processesSupport of workflowsInformation infrastructureCustomizable

Compliance with overall PSI strategyCompliance with political prioritiesCompliance with IT goals and targetsOpenness

Functional Evaluation

Costs from hardware requirementsCosts from future hardware requirements

LicensesUpdates and maintenanceCost of security breachesMigration costsScalability

Effect on business processesPossibility of optimizing business processesLearning costsProcess change costs

Support costsImplementation costsLong term time consumptionScalability

TCO EvaluationInfrastructureApplications & InformationBusiness ProcessBusiness Vision & Strategy

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Best Practices• Questions have shifted from "if" and "whether" to "where best" and "how best."

• Policies and processes governing open source deployments must be designed, maintained, and refined in ways that focus on maximum business value and on close integration with IT infrastructures, personnel, and other resources.

• Consistent, consolidated, integrated management of closed and open source solutions is essential to achieving sustained levels of availability and performance, and to maximizing business value and operational agility.

• Best practices involve directly addressing– Selection– Sourcing– Integration– Policy-based management– Risk mitigation– Support

• Select management tools that provide equally strong support for open and closed source solutions

• Leverage Tools and Vendors to augment your strengths and weaknesses

• Align with trusted partners that have proven experience and expertise


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Open ArchitectureJourney

Envisioning Identify where you want to be

Assessment Understand where you are & what you are capable of

Planning Create a plan to bridge the gap

Validation Eliminate Risk and understand costs

Governance Plan for lifecycle management

Enablement Ensure everything is in place

Implementation Execute the plan

Continuity Continuous improvement

Today Where you are today…

Agile Enterprise

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Open ArchitectureJourney





Agile Enterprise

Establish General Objectives leveraging Open technologies

Define Current State of enterprise

Plan to address Gap, establish Open Adoption Plan

Reduce Risk and ways to reduce total cost of ownership

Establish roles, rules of engagement & lifecycle mgmt

Ensure that the organization is ready

Iterative execution of the Open plan

Maintain stability as changes occur

Training on Open conceptsInterviewing

Business Analysis

Requirements MgmtRoadmap, Project Schedule

Testing Vendor claimsLegal Reviews

Roles AssessmentTooling

Retooling, Training,Infrastructure

Refactoring, CodingApplication Modernization


Today Where you are today…

Goal Activities

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The Move to Open Source is a Journey

• Understand the Big Picture and where you need to be

• Know where you are today

• Identify the steps that make up the Journey

• Gain Open experience with in a non-critical area first

• Build on existing core applications and processes

• Use off-site facilities to avoid conflict with production systems

• Use expert skills to supplement your own

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Rules Of Engagement

• Do– Risk/reward analysis of license for each file, port, or download (item)– Establish centralized control structure– Secure management approval for each item licensed– Document approval of each separate item– Comply with all license terms– Feel free to experiment

• Don’t– Short cut the process– Act as your own lawyer– Incorporate any ‘free’ code without documenting it– Merge new code with ‘free’ code if possible

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• What is open source software and why should you care• Important trends and best practices in open source • Evaluating open source software licenses• Development, implementation, and integration of open

source• Open source support • Questions


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• Components or Frameworks– Reusable pieces of code – Embedded in other Open Source OR Proprietary solutions

(depending on License)

• Standalone Solutions– Complete, end-to-end product-like solution– Adheres to, or is a standard, referenceable implementation– Supported (3rd party, community, or sponsor)

• Complete Solution (Integrated open source stacks)– Together with proprietary software– Open Source components as “glue”

Types of Open Source Solutions


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The complexity and costof managing stack

component releases, patches and revisions can

be significant

Subscription packages for plug-n-play convenience with enterprise support options

Unisys Open Support Services



Admin, Mgmt, /Messaging











SLES9X86 64

RHEL4 U3 X64


JBoss4.0.3 SP1

PostgreSQL8.1.2 (32bit)

JVM1.4.2_10 (32 bit)


Admin Console1.1

Application Defender1.1


GallatinIA64, IA32

SLES932-64 bit

RHEL432-64 bit


JVM1.4.2 32-bit

Oracle9i (32-64 bit)

Admin Console1.1

JVM1.4.2 64-bit

Application Defender1.0


SLES9X86 64

RHEL4 U3 X64


JBoss4.X or 5.0



MySQL4.X or 5.x

JBoss Admin Console

Application Defender2.0


Ver 1.0

Sys Mgmt.1.0

Oracle10g (64 bit)

Oracle10g (64 bit)


JVM1.4.2_10 (64 bit)


Ind. Std. Servers

Web Services

JBoss ON JBoss ON

Ver 2.0





MQ JBoss

MQ JBoss


Ver 3.0


Admin, Mgmt, /Messaging











SLES9X86 64

RHEL4 U3 X64


JBoss4.0.3 SP1

PostgreSQL8.1.2 (32bit)

JVM1.4.2_10 (32 bit)


Admin Console1.1

Application Defender1.1


GallatinIA64, IA32

SLES932-64 bit

RHEL432-64 bit


JVM1.4.2 32-bit

Oracle9i (32-64 bit)

Admin Console1.1

JVM1.4.2 64-bit

Application Defender1.0


SLES9X86 64

RHEL4 U3 X64


JBoss4.X or 5.0



MySQL4.X or 5.x

JBoss Admin Console

Application Defender2.0


Ver 1.0

Sys Mgmt.1.0

Oracle10g (64 bit)

Oracle10g (64 bit)


JVM1.4.2_10 (64 bit)


Ind. Std. Servers

Web Services

JBoss ON JBoss ON

Ver 2.0





MQ JBoss

MQ JBoss


Ver 3.0

Much of open source is built upon other open


1/26/06University of Minnesota, Open Source Page 62


Consulting & Integration Life Cycle Services

Integrated Stacks

Traditional SIs

OSS consulting,deployment and


Ideal: Full support,

consulting and services

Capabilities to certify, test and integrate a wide portfolio of OSS applications, including the possibility of a knowledge base with rules for compatibility or reference architectures that can automatically detect incompatibilities among versions and libraries from a multiplicity of OSS applications.

7x24 consulting, maintenance and vertically integrated

solutions support, systems integration, including custom

solutions. Resources and ability to drive projects to completion.

OSS certificationtesting and integration

Open Source Support & ServicesCompetition and Options

OS Vendor Support

OS Solution/Stack Support

1/26/06University of Minnesota, Open Source Page 63

• What is open source software and why should you care• Important trends and best practices in open source • Evaluating open source software licenses• Development, implementation, and integration of open

source• Open source support • Questions


1/26/06University of Minnesota, Open Source Page 64


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