Page 1: University of Mumbai TYBA English : Syllabus Workshop 2012-2013 Paper XI and XII: Grammar and Art of Writing Semesters V and VI

University of MumbaiTYBA English : Syllabus Workshop2012-2013

Paper XI and XII: Grammar and Art of WritingSemesters V and VI

Page 2: University of Mumbai TYBA English : Syllabus Workshop 2012-2013 Paper XI and XII: Grammar and Art of Writing Semesters V and VI

Syllabus Drafting Sub-Committee members

Dr. Atul Pitre- Convenor

Dr. Susmita Dey

Dr. Ashok Thorat

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The Objectives / learning outcomesGRAMMAR

To develop among students an insight into the process of word formation and transformation.

To develop among students an insight into the structure of English language and develop their skills of grammatical analysis and description.

To provide knowledge of the underlying ‘rules’ of grammar .

To develop among students the skills of sentence transformation.

ART OF WRITING To impart writing skills with regard

to cohesion and coherence

To enable the students to write effectively for various domains. Journalism Advertising Creative writing Academic writing

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Course Code: UAENGA503

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Objectives To develop among students an insight into the process of word

formation and transformation.

To develop among students an insight into the structure of English language and develop their skills of grammatical analysis and description.

To provide knowledge of the underlying ‘rules’ of grammar .

To impart skills of rhetorical organization in writing.

To impart skills of writing for the print media.

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Broad course content


Words and Phrases

Cohesion and coherence in writing

Writing for the print media

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Internal Assessment ( 40 marks)

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( those with * are suitable for class tests as well)

Suggested Topics for assignments

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For average level students

Classify the given words as per their word class (50 words ----5 marks) *Change words from one form to another ( 50 words --- 5 marks ) *Explain the morphological structure of the following words

( words with inflectional and derivational suffixes should be given) ( 20 words – 10 marks )

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For second class level students *Identification of cohesive devices used in texts

Give a passage of about 200-300 words and ask the learner to identify the cohesive devices ( addition, exemplification, contrast, time, referencing, elision, etc.) ( 1 passage = 5 marks)

Analysis of texts from various domains

Give a passage of about 200-300 words and ask the learner to identify the tenor, domain and mode of the passage, its intended readership and purpose for which it was written. ( 1 passage = 5 marks)

Analysis of news / ads from newspapers / magazine with regard to the contents and aspects of writing peculiar to their domain. ( 1 passage = 5 marks)

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For second class level students

Select passages of about 200-300 words each

( 1 passage = 5 marks)

to identify the thesis statement and rhetorical structure

to identify the cohesive devices ( addition, exemplification, contrast, time, referencing, elision, etc.)

To identify the mode & domain on the basis of the functions of language

For analysis of news / ads from newspapers / magazine with regard to the contents and aspects of writing peculiar to their domain.

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For first class level studentsWriting letters to the editors on current issues,

Writing film or book reviews

( 1 letter /1 review = 5 marks)

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Semester V Term End Examination:

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Q.1 Identify the forms of the following phrases by giving form and function labels to all the elements they contain: -------15 marksi. a simple NP with 2/3 direct pre modifiers------------2 marks An impressive buildingii. a simple PP with 2/3 direct pre modifiers-------------2 marks in the tall green buildingiii. a complex NP with 2/3 subordinate phrases as pre and post modifiers – 4 marks my sister’s very pretty dress in the wardrobeOr the very dark narrow winding road up the hill behind the college campus

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iv. a complex NP with a subordinate clause ( only RCl)----3 marks the police who caught the thief red handed

v. a simple AjP with 1/2 direct modifiers -------------2 marks rather acutely sensitive

vi. a simple AvP with 1/2 direct modifiers ----------2 marks very proudly indeed

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Q2. (a) Attempt a morphological analysis of the following words by showing the affix/es and the type/s of affix/es taken. ---------------------8 marks

Dislike, plentiful, historical, Unpardonable.

(1+1+2+ 4 marks)

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Q2 (b) Pick out the verb phrases in the following sentences and identify the various aspects ( Modality, Perfective, Progressive and Passive):----------7 marks

i)3 simple verb phrases --------------------------(3 marks)

The mangoes were eaten by Ram

The birds sang sweetly

He was reading the books

ii)2 verb phrases involving intrusions, and complexity -----( 4 marks)

they might have been reading a book

they are always making noise

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Q.3. The ideas in the following passage are not clearly developed and the clauses or sentences are not properly linked. Identify and enlist such shortcomings in the passage and rewrite it to make it more clear and organised. ---------------------------15 marks

A short passage of about 150-200 words with ample scope for the said improvement to be given .

Marking scheme-

Identification of shortcomings/ errors-

( digressions, ambiguity , self contradictions, unnecessary repetitions, etc.– 7

Rewriting using cohesive devices and removing above errors ----------------8

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Cohesive markers- ( examples)And, In addition to , still, furthermore, moreover,

But, however, though, although , on the other hand, even so, yet, nevertheless , in fact,

So , thus, therefore, as a result, consequently, to conclude,

Obviously, Indeed, Admittedly , assuredly, certainly, granted, of course, unquestionably, it is true that, no doubt,


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Sample passage for Q.3 The aged have lost the traditional economic and social support which was easily

available to them in joint families. The joint family system has undergone a drastic change in India. There are a number of factors .They are leading to the disintegration. Opportunities for employment outside agriculture are increasing . The young men from the rural areas are shifting to those places.The property disputes is a reason of the disintegration. The sour relations between the mothers-in-law and daughters-in –law have forced many persons to opt for an independent living. There are many reasons but the aged are at a great loss .

The joint family system has undergone a drastic change in India and it is its disintegration. There are a number of factors which are leading to its disintegration. Firstly, opportunities for employment outside agriculture are increasing . As a result the young men from the rural areas are shifting to those places. Property disputes is another reason of the disintegration. Thirdly, the sour relations between the mothers-in-law and daughters-in –law have forced many persons to opt for an independent living. Whatever the reasons be , but as a result of the disintegration, the aged have lost the traditional economic and social support which was easily available to them in joint families.

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Q.4. Write a news paper report of about 150-200 words with a headline, lead and body using the information given below. You may add other relevant matter, using your imagination. -------------------------------------------------------------------------15 marksSome information to be given leaving some gaps /space to be filled in by the examinees on their own.

What- the event/ incident /deed

When- the time /duration and place

Where- the place /venue

Why- the purpose/cause

How- parts/ stages/ method/ manner/ style

Who- the persons involved in various ,


How many- the number of persons involved/ affected

Effect/ outcome/response ,etc.

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Marking scheme

Covering all the given facts correctly( without any change ) --- 5

Adding few other facts that would seem relevant ( e.g. other persons involved / who said what ( in a nutshell ) /the effect/ appeal etc.---4

Proper sequencing and organization--- 3

Objectivity and impersonality ---2

Appropriate/catchy headline--1

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Q.4. Write a news paper report of about 150-200 words with a headline, lead and body using the information given below. You may add other relevant matter, using your imagination. 15 marks

Some information to be given leaving some gaps /space to be filled in by the examinees on their own.

What- Flash Flood killing many people

When- 16th June, 7am

Where- Uttarakhand

Why- Cloud burst

How- Heavy rainfall, indiscriminate land use

Who- pilgrims, locals, NGOs, Service personnel

How many- 10,000 casualty, many thousands missing

Effect/ outcome/response ,etc.- loss of life, property; delay in rescue operations, help from many sources

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Course Code: UAENGA603

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ObjectivesTo develop among students an insight into the structure of

English language and develop their skills of grammatical analysis and description.

To develop among students the skills of sentence transformation.

To develop among students an insight into the mechanics of writing.

To enable the students to write effectively for various domains.

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Broad course contentClauses


Academic writing

Creative/ Figurative writing and Advertisement copy writing

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Internal Assessment ( 40 marks)

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( those with * are suitable for class tests as well)

Suggested Topics for assignments

Drag picture to placeholder or click icon to add

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For average level students

* Sentence transformations Rewrite the sentences as directed ( 20 sentences ----------- 10 marks )

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For second class level students*Making advertisements for magazines with the help of

given points. ( 1 text = 5 marks)

*Rewriting paragraphs ( 300-500 words)for improving sentence patterns and clause structures ( 1 text = 5 marks)

*Analyzing passages from academic writing for thesis statement, core contents and rhetorical structures ( 1 text = 5 marks)

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For first class level studentsConverting non –literary texts ( 300-500 words)into literary

ones ( descriptive/narrative) ( 1 text = 5 marks)

Attempting a literary text of about 800-1000 words with the help of points / ideas given. ( 1 text = 10 marks )

Writing articles for college magazine ( 1 text = 10 marks )

Academic writing in 1000 words and analyzing it for thesis statement, core contents and rhetorical structures ( 1 text = 10 marks )

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Semester VITerm End Examination:

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Q1. Q.1 Analyse the following clauses by giving form and function labels to the phrases they contain.( Word-labeling is not expected)--------- 15 marks

i. a clause of 3 phrases---------------- 3 marks

The students were attending an orientation program

ii. a clause of 4 phrases as 4 clause elements ----------- 4marks

We went for a picnic to Malshej ghat

iii. a clause of 3/4 phrases , one of them with a subordinate Ph/Cl ----- 4marks

Since it was raining, we cancelled the trip

iv. a clause of 4 phrases with something different/ difficult than expected in the previous ones ( e.g. inversion / use of vocative /occurrence of both the complements ,etc.) --------4 marks

Friends, can we have our lunch now?

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Q 2(a) Bracket the subordinate clauses in the following sentences showing their types and functions. (Other elements need not be shown and labeled).6 marks

[3 sentences with one SCl in each

any 3 types like NCl/ RCl/ ACl /CCl should be covered ]

On reaching Mumbai, give me a call

That the sun rises in the east is a known fact

The movie that I had seen yesterday is superb

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Q.2 (b) Attempt ‘derived structures’ from the following as asked

in the brackets - 9 marks

i.( cleft sentences ) ------------------ 3 marks

She wore a pink dress to the dinner party.

ii. ( existential sentence)----------------- 2 marks

A whole box has been given

iii. ( postponement of post modifier)-------------- 2 marks

A meeting of all the teachers was held

iv. ( substitution of PP or Extraposition )— 2 marks

I gave Meena a book

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Q3. Form a thesis statement on one of the given topics and develop it in about 150-200 words . Specify the rhetorical structures used by you. --------------------------------15 marks

Marking Scheme

( text -10 + rhetorical structures 4 + thesis statement 1= 15 )

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Q.4 a. Attempt a literary passage of about 150 words by making use of the given points. ---------------------------------------15 marks

4-5 points should be provided to develop a passage – descriptive / narrative /reflective or a combination of all . ( for student of average level )

The scheme of marking may be -

use of adjectives/ adverbs / qualifying Nps/ PPs etc. to offer colour and vividness-----------------------------------------------------------------------5

use of similes/ metaphors and such common figures of speech------- 4

use of parallelisms / allusions /neologisms , etc.-------------------------2

using sound devices / offering rhythm by clause/sentence patterns---2

overall effect- ( aesthetic function)-----------------------------------------2

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Q.4 a. Attempt a literary passage of about 150 words by making use of the given points. ----15 marks

You had been to a sea side recently,

Impression of the beach and the sea

The food that you ate

The sunset that you watched


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Q 4 b. Compose a copy ( advertisement) with the elements like

headline, subheads, slogan and body copy on the basis of the following facts:----- 15 marks

Product specification : new cosmetic soap, lavender fragrance,

herbal base,

affordable price,

targeting health conscious users

Marking Scheme:Headline……3


Slogan…… 3

body copy…6

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Thank you

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.Cambridge Companion to Creative Writing (CUP)

Lively Art of Writing – Lucile Vaughan Payne ( Mentor)

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