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SOUTHERN CARIBBEAN (A Seventh-day Adventist Institution of Higher Learning)

School of Education & Humanities Department of Graduate Education Studies

Maracas Royal Road, St. Joseph P.O. Box 175, Port of Spain,

Trinidad. WI


Course Information: Course: EDTE 524 Assessment and Evaluation of Teaching and

Learning Credits: Three (3) (Semester) Course Dates: January 13 – February 6, 2020 Class Days Monday, Tuesday & Thursday Class Time: 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm Meeting Room: LH5 Classroom Organization: Face to Face / Blended E-Mail Address: [email protected] Web Site Address:

Teacher’s Information: Name Franklyn Baldeo, Ph.D (Educ.) Rank: Professor of Education Office Number: Room # 51 (Admin Building) Telephone: 662-2241/2 Ext. 2424 (o) 799-7832 / 351-9811 (m) Office Hours: Monday – Thursday, 2: 30 pm – 4: 30 pm Friday, 8:00 am – 10:00 am - By Appointment

Course Description: This course will enable students to write instructional objectives, and prepare

classroom tests to measure the attainment of those objectives. The concepts of

reliability and validity, simple item analysis, interpreting data from standardized tests

will be discussed. Practical knowledge of socio-metric procedures, grading and

reporting will also be obtained. Students will also develop an assessment plan

include pre-tests, as well as, formative and summative evaluation exercises for a

specified class.

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Course Purpose:

Assessment is an integral part of the instructional process. This course, therefore,

has been formulated to help students appreciate the importance of assessment,

and its role in the instructional process, as well as, develop strategies for effective

assessment and improved learning. This course also aids student-teachers in

making sound decisions regarding classroom testing and evaluation procedures.

Course Goals:

The goals of this course are to enable student-teachers to:

Develop an appreciation for assessment procedures as an integral part of the instructional process.

Understand that the true purpose of assessment is to improve learning

Develop a professional attitude towards classroom assessment that will aid student learning.

Design and select appropriate assessment procedures to enhance student learning.

Understand their roles and responsibilities to ensure the assessments they design and deliver reflect best practice

Gain a clearer understanding of how the assessment principles are currently applied by the local examination bodies.

Course Learning Outcomes: The course introduces broad concepts, theories and practices in assessment and evaluation in education (and human sciences). The course provides theoretical, collaborative-dialogue and hands-on sessions, and to achieve the following objectives and outcomes. At the end of this course, students will be able to:

1. Recognize and appreciate the roles of (and terminologies in) assessment and evaluation in education (and human sciences);

2. Evaluate and critique the types of assessment and its importance in learning; 3. Design assessment appropriate to a variety of learning contexts, and the pertinence

of utility issues (validity, reliability, bias, bandwidth and fidelity); 4. Utilize the various forms of assessment in learning contexts, and evaluate the

appropriateness of rubrics, standards, benchmarks and cut-off scores; 5. Appreciate and apply the forms of feedback, diagnostics, remediation, extension

and reporting; 6. Understand and evaluate current international literature and reports on assessment

and evaluation, and its applications for unit/school/institution/organization; 7. Develop and propose evaluation (and associated research) for enhancing learning,

teaching, curriculum, performance and support; 8. Report on emerging assessment and evaluation processes for/in/of learning and

through the use of information and communication technologies; 9. Understand the developments in adaptive learning and assessment systems, and

fundamentals of test-theories and psychometrics.

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Course Topics: By the end of this course, students would have:

1. Describe the interrelation of teaching, learning and instruction. 2. Identify differences among or distinguish among the following terms: testing,

measurement, assessment, and evaluation. 3. Describe the relationship between instruction and assessment. 4. Distinguish among the various roles of assessment in the instructional process. 5. Define and identify the concepts of validity, reliability, and related concepts. 6. Describe the roles of reliability and validity in the construction, selection,

interpretation and use of tests. 7. List the steps to follow in preparing an achievement test. 8. Prepare a set of specifications for a test. 9. Describe the factors to consider when preparing items for a test. 10. Differentiate between goals, objectives, and activities. 11. Describe how instructional objectives should be stated for assessment purposes. 12. Write objectives to suit different frameworks. 13. List several evaluation procedures which can contribute to the teaching/learning

process and can contribute to better decision-making in schools. 14. Describe the major types of assessment methods. 15. Give an example of each major type of assessment methods. 16. Provide justification for the selection of each of the various assessment types. 17. Create a variety of test item types. 18. Match test items to the specific learning outcomes they measure. 19. Construct, select and use non-test assessment procedures. 20. Analyze the benefits and limitations of various test and evaluation procedures used

in the evaluation of students. 21. Analyze the benefits and limitations of various test and evaluation procedures used

in the evaluation of pre-service and in-service teachers. 22. Write clear directions for a test. 23. Describe how to arrange items on a test. 24. Review and evaluate an assembled test. 25. Carry out simple item analysis with the related computations. 26. Judge the appropriateness of items using the results of item analysis. 27. Distinguish between norm-referenced and criterion-referenced assessments. 28. Describe the basic features of standardized tests. 29. Distinguish between norm-referenced and criterion-referenced interpretations of

standardized tests. 30. Explain the meaning of various scores used in norm-referenced interpretations of

standardized tests. 31. Construct and administer classroom tests that measure general, specific and

behavioural objectives. 32. Perform calculations involving the measures of central tendency for various

distributions of scores. 33. Explain how measures of central tendency help us to interpret test results. 34. Perform calculations involving the measures of variation for various distributions of

scores. 35. Explain how measures of variation help us to interpret test results. 36. Describe how standard scores are derived from the mean and standard deviation.

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37. Convert standard scores to each other and to percentile ranks, using the normal curve.

38. Use appropriate tables to understand the results of standardized tests. 39. Explain various ways that test-takers bluff. 40. Outline strategies teachers can use to counteract student bluffing. 41. Differentiate between a checklist, rating scale and scoring rubric. 42. Distinguish between holistic and analytic scoring rubrics. 43. Formulate holistic and analytic scoring rubrics. 44. Differentiate between absolute and relative grading. 45. Discuss the benefits and limitations of absolute and relative grading. 46. Communicate assessment results effectively. 47. Describe the use of formative evaluation in summative evaluation, including when it

is desirable and when it is not desirable. 48. Discuss the use of computer adaptive testing and other technological advances. 49. Describe procedures used for assessing behaviour and personality. 50. Discuss the strengths & limitations of behaviour rating scales. 51. Select or develop assessment procedures for non-cognitive objectives. 52. Apply knowledge of assessment to practical situations.

Course Content / Units: Unit # 1 - Understanding Teaching & Teaching for Understanding;

Unit # 2 - Understanding Assessment & Assessing for Understanding;

Unit # 3 - Guide to Effective Classroom Assessment & Evaluation;

Unit # 4 - Validity & Reliability of Assessment Results;

Unit # 5 - Technology & Assessment;

Unit # 6 - Innovative Ways of Assessment;

Unit # 7 - Tests as Part of the Assessment Process.

Course Conceptual Framework:

(i) Integration of Faith and Learning:

We believe in the process of integrating faith and learning. It is both a natural and a

planned activity in class. Faith and learning really cannot be separated anyway, so

we will consciously bring the integration to whatever we do. It involves a seeking

after God in the process of curriculum studies. It is an alignment of our thoughts

and actions in relationship to the ideas we have about God and curriculum, and

because we are a Seventh-day Adventist institution, the integration will be informed

by that point of view.

(ii) Elements and Knowledge Bases:

The mission of the Graduate Education Studies Department of the School of

Education & Humanities of the University of the Southern Caribbean is to serve our

national and regional clientele, preparing educators and administrators for

excellence in thinking, teaching, service and research.

Through the harmonious development of our students, we are committed to

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Christian service. Our mission is succinctly captured in the phrase "To educate is to

redeem." This mission is expressed through the following elements which reflect

the ideal development for all graduates of this Department.

These following six elements form the conceptual framework that is based on the

following knowledge bases:

a) Worldview - addresses appreciation of the perspective of others and development of a personal philosophy from which action and service arise;

b) Human Growth and Change - addresses principles of growth, development, and learning, and the use of these principles to effect positive change;

c) Groups, Leadership and Change - addresses principles of group behavior and the use of these principles to effect positive change for individuals and organizations;

d) Communication and Technology - addresses oral, written, intrapersonal and Interpersonal communication as the essence of human behavior and technology as it enables, supports, and enhances human interaction and learning;

e) Research and Evaluation - addresses valuing and conducting disciplined inquiry for decision-making;

f) Personal and Professional Growth - addresses commitment to holistic personal and professional growth.

Instructional Methodologies, Procedures & Course Activities:

Lecture, demonstration, multimedia presentations, hands-on applications,

collaborative learning, co-operative learning, group discussions, peer teaching,

independent readings & study, student portfolio/research papers, case studies, and

academic forum/debates. Individual research & presentations, reflection, small

group processes, concept attainment, and the use of educational technology will

also be a part of the teaching repertoire of this course.

Procedures will include discussion and reading of the text, selected readings with summaries, class, class discussion, problem solving, virtual and face-to-face presentations, research, oral reports, and field experience. All written work is to be word-processed, and sent digitally to the course facilitator, via the course email.


Technology is a very important tool for today's educators; consequently, technology will be

an important component of this course.

All students are expected to have an e-mail account and to check it on a regular

basis. A "regular basis" means at least several times a week - not on the day of the

course. The Professor/Facilitator will use e-mail to communicate with students.

You must also check the course webpage for updates on the course - please do not

wait until just the day before the course /class to do that.

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Students must check the on-line material on a regular basis; assignment sheets and

other information will be posted as needed; it is your responsibility to check on a

regular basis - at least once a week - again, this should not be the day of the class

in case there is information about something you need to do for the class.

All assignments are to be submitted following APA guidelines (page numbers, first

line of paragraph indented, etc.) and using Times New Romans 12 font, and double

spacing all written work.


(i) Textbooks:

Reynolds, C. R., Livingston, R. B., & Wilson, V. (2009). Measurement and assessment in education. (2nd ed). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc. (see course web page)

(ii) Required Resource Text:

Publication manual of the American psychological association (6th ed.). (2010). Washington, DC.

(iii) Supplementary Text:

Brookhart, Susan M. & Nitko, Anthony, J. (2015) Educational assessment of students, 7th ed. Pearson Education, Inc. (see course web page)

Gronlund, N.E. & Waugh, C. K. (2009). Assessment of student achievement. (9th ed).

New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc. (see course web page) Marzano, R. J. (2006). Classroom assessment & grading that work. Alexandria, VA:

Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. (see course web page) Popham, W. J. (2011). Classroom assessment: What teachers need to know. (6th ed.).

Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc. (see course web page) Friend, M., & Bursuck, W. D. (2009). Including students with special needs: A practical

guide for classroom teachers (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill. Gronlund, N.E. (2000). How to write and use instructional objectives. (6th ed.).

Columbus, Ohio: Merill/Prentice-Hall. Kubiszyn, T, & Borich, G. D. (2007). Educational testing and measurement: Classroom

application and practice. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, Inc. Stiggins, R. J. (2007). Classroom assessment for student learning: Doing it right—using it

well. (Special ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc.

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Stiggins, R. J. (2005). Student-involved assessment for learning (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall.

Taylor, C. S., & Nolen, S. B. (2008). Classroom assessment: Supporting teaching and

learning in real classrooms. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Merrill/Prentice Hall. Making the classroom test: A guide for teachers. (1997). Ministry of Education, Republic of Trinidad and Tobago White, E. G. (1903). Education. Mountain View, CA: Pacific Press Publishing Assn, White, E. G. (1923). Fundamentals of Christian education. Nashville, TN: Southern Publishing Assn. Wiles, J. (1999). Curriculum essentials: A resource for educators.

(iv) Journals:

See Course Web page for full listing. Carpenter, D., & Carpenter, M. (Dec/Jan 2008/2009). All aboard: Some innovative uses of technology in curriculum. Learning and Leading with Technology, 18-21 Randall, P., & Phillips, C. R. (December 2008). Enhancing a curriculum: A focus on the development process. College Student Journal, 42(4).

(v) Online Resources:

Curriculum Development in T&T

Guide to Curriculum Development: Purposes, Practices, Procedures (See Course Web Page for the full listing of resources) List of Journals in Curriculum & Instruction (available at USC Library database)

Course Requirements: (Each requirement is explained further on course Web Page)

A. Attendance and Daily Participation. (10%) Due: Each day of course

Students are expected to attend all face-to- face class sessions and to participate in class discussions and activities. Discussion questions or case studies will be given each day and will refer to the reading of the chapter and other resources for that day. Participants will be expected to read and discuss other assigned material, including

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being involved in the online sessions and the open forums. B. Critique of one (1) Journal Article. (10%) Due: January 27

Each student will do a critique of a journal article in the area of assessment, within the last ten years. (See Course Web Page for details)

C. In-class Activities. (25%) Due: Each day of course

All students are to be involved in the activities of each class session, online or face to face. This include online quizzes. (See Course Web Page for details)

D. Individual Presentation. (10%) Due: February 3

Each student will be assigned a specific related topic from the Course Content, and will be given a thirty (30) minutes to present and have discussion during class time. (See Course Web Page for details)

E. Group Presentation. (15%) Due: February 4

Each group will be responsible for making a presentation, utilizing fifty (50) minutes to present the major contents of the Topic assigned.

Use whatever means you choose for presentation to the class but there must be written documents, PowerPoint, or outlines, which need to be submitted to the course facilitator at least 24 hrs before the scheduled presentation time, to be posted on Course Web Page

(See Course Web Page for more details)

F. Classroom Assessment Plan. (30%) Due: February 10

Each student will develop their individual Assessment plan.

(See Course Web Page for more details)

Course Assessment:

(i) Mastery Teaching:

The research literature supports mastery teaching. Therefore, all assignments handed in (before date due) will be returned to you with comments, which you may resubmit to gain additional points. You will not be allowed this option if your assignment is submitted on date due.

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(ii) Timeliness:

The research literature supports the idea that time is important in achievement.

Time-on-task is an important variable in learning. Maximum use of class time is

facilitated, of course, if you are on time. Therefore, .5% will be allocated for being on

time each session for a total of 5 %.

In addition, if your assignments are submitted, as explained above, you will have

the option to resubmit them for additional changes within the designated time.

(iii) Guidelines for Written Assignments:

All written documents must display University Graduate-level writing mechanics,

using APA Format (6th Edition). Poorly written essays and inadequately

organized portfolios will be rejected.

When submitting assignments, please Use Standard English writing conventions.

Spelling, grammar, and syntax are to be correct. A computer can be a wonderful

tool in helping you write correctly. Please use spell and grammar checks before

submitting assignments. Errors will result in deductions of points.

Type all assignments. The computer is the accepted instrument for this. It makes it

easier for you to write and for me to read. The exception, of course, is when you

have assignments that are to be completed in class. All assignments must be

sent electronically to the course assigned email.

For all style and format conventions, use the Publication manual of the American

psychological association (6th ed.) for guidelines. You need to purchase a copy

because you will use it in all classes and your research paper guide.

(iv) Late Assignments:

Participants will lose 2 % per day for every day for late assignments. After 5 days of

due date, assignments will not be accepted, and a zero will be recorded. Special

arrangements may be considered with the course facilitator. No assignment will be

accepted after February 11, 2020. Technology issues do not constitute valid grounds

for late assignment submission.

(v) Evaluation:

Final grades will be determined using the total percentage points you earned during the duration of the course. Grades under B- will be considered a failing grade for this course.

Letter Grade Percentage Range Letter Grade Percentage Range

A 100-90 C+ 69-65

A- 89-85 C 64-60

B+ 84-80 C- 59-55

B 79-75 D 54-50

B- 74-70 F 49- 0

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Class Schedule: The following schedule is subject to change as determined by the progress, needs and approval of the class. Will be available on the Course Web Page Course web page and online support materials are located at:

Unit /Date

Topic to be Covered

Learning Outcom

e Referenc


Readings / Resources & Assignment Text

Unit # 1

Mon. Jan.


Understanding Teaching & Teaching for Understanding Teaching, Learning & Instruction (TLI)

1, 3, 4 Introduction, Devotionals, Formation of Class Groups; Discussion of Course Outline; PPT presentation; Go through resources for Unit # 1 Short Quiz # 1 on Unit # 1 (Moodle)

Unit # 2

Jan. 13-15

Understanding Assessment & Assessing for Understanding; Introduction to Educational Assessment

1, 2, 3, 4 PPT Presentation Each student will be given a tern in assessment that will be presented to the class during presentation Go through Chapter 1 (Textbook) resources Short Quiz # 2 on Unit # 2 (Moodle)

Ch 1

Unit # 3 .

Jan. 20-22

Guide to Effective Classroom Assessment & Evaluation;

3, 4, 5 PPT Presentation will be done by means of the ZOOM medium. Short Quiz # 3 on Unit # 3 (Moodle)

Ch 1 2

Unit # 4

Jan. 23-26

Validity & Reliability of Assessment Results;

2, 9 Show two short videos (related to unit topic) before doing the presentation Journal Article /Critique due Short Quiz # 4 on Unit # 4 (Moodle)

Ch 4 5 6

Unit # 5 .

Jan. 28-30

Technology & Assessment;

4, 7, 8 PPT Presentation followed by different ways assessment can be done by the influence and assistance of technology; Discussion on the assessment plan to be done by students in their subject area; Short Quiz # 5 on Unit # 5 (Moodle)

Ch 15 17

Unit # 6

Feb. 3

Innovative Ways of Assessment;

7, 8, 9 Each student was assigned an innovative way of assessing. Short presentation done by each student, with a handed in section to be posted on course web page;

Ch 16 17

Unit # 7 .

Feb. 4

Tests as Part of the Assessment Process.

4, 5, 6, 7 Students were placed in groups, and each group was assigned a specific topic. Each group will present their findings. Summarizing the course period of study, Short Quiz # 6 on Units # 6 & 7 (Moodle)

Ch 7 8 9

12 13

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Class Participation: Since this is a graduate course, regular attendance and active participation in class

discussions is expected from every student for each session. Participation will be

compiled and noted for each week. Missing just one session is missing three

and a half days from a regular course time, and will affect your final grade.

For every class session missed (if even you have a valid excuse), 0.5 grade points

(e.g., from an A to A-.) will be deducted from your final course grade. Three (3)

excessive lateness to class constitute an absence. Please contact me as soon as

possible if there is an emergency and you are unable to attend class.

Academic Honesty:

Any time you put your name on a written assignment for this course, you are

asserting that it is your own work. If that is not the case, it shall be considered

academic dishonesty.

Plagiarism is considered academic dishonesty and plagiarized works will not be

graded. Students must write their essays and assignments in their own words.

Whenever students take an idea or a passage of text from another author, they

must acknowledge their debt both by using quotation marks where appropriate and

by proper referencing and citation. Plagiarism is a major academic offence.

Class Concerns:

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to discuss them with me; I

much prefer to address concerns that you might have rather than to have you feel

discouraged or confused. If I have a concern about your work, I will address it with

you and that if you have a concern about our class, that you will address it with me.

This course outline is intended to serve as a contract between the Professor and

the student; the intent is to provide an outline of the material to be covered during

the course period. The facilitator (in consultation with the class) reserves the right to

make changes in its content as changing circumstances may dictate.

Think on These Things

“If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God that giveth to all men liberally…”

James 1:5 (KJV Bible)

“Always remember what you have learned. Your education is your life—guard it well.”

Proverbs 4:13 (Good News Translation)

“The great object of education is to enable us to use the powers which God has

given to us in such a manner as will best represent the religion of the Bible and

promote the glory of God.” Education – E.G. White, p. 45

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“The study of the Bible should be made of primary importance, and at the same time

there should be a systematic training of the mind and manners that they may learn to

approach people in the best possible way.”

Fundamentals of Christian Education - E. G. White, p. 108

‘True education is a grand science; for it is founded on the fear of the Lord, which is

the beginning of wisdom.”

Fundamentals of Christian Education - E. G. White, p. 328

“Christian education must teach us how to live more than how to make a living.”

- F. N. Baldeo (2007)

“Effective methods of learning are far more important than effective methods of

teaching.” - F. N. Baldeo (2004)

“To replicate what you hear from others involves instruction; to question and

challenge it necessitates intelligence.” - F.N. Baldeo (2009)

"No amount of learning can cure stupidity; in fact, higher education has been shown to

positively enhance it." - F.N. Baldeo (2007)

Revised: January 2020

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