Page 1: University of Toronto Archives and Record Management Services€¦ · University of Toronto Archives and Record Management Services Finding Aid – Ian Macdonald Drummond fonds Contains

University of Toronto Archives and Record Management Services

Finding Aid – Ian Macdonald Drummond fonds

Contains the following accessions only:

• B1983-0018 • B1983-0027 • B1995-0013 • B1996-0026

For other accessions, please see the descriptions in Discover Archives To navigate to a particular accession, use the bookmarks in the PDF file

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Finding Aic1:

File List

Prepared August 1985


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I Box Vol

( ) Folder

/00 1


( 01)

( 02)

( 0 3)




( 0 7)

( 0 8)



( 11)






( 01)


( 0 3)


This accession contains versions of the monograph The Floating Pound and the Sterling Area 1931-19 39 ,


published in 1981 by Cambridge University Press. The drafts are arranged chronologically from the earliest version to the final printer's proof.

Draft comple t ed between 1976 and 1977·

Chapter One. 5.1977. Chapter Two. 3.1977.

Chapter Four. 3.1977. Chapter Five. 4.1971.

Chapter Six. Chapter Seven. 3.1977.

Chapter Eight.

Chapter Nine . 11.1976. Chapter Ten. 4.1977.



Draft containing pasted-up revisions.

Chapter One .

Chapter Two.

Chapter Three.

Chapter Seven. Chapter Eight. Original Typescript .

Draft corrected up to February and March 1978.

Chapter Three. 21.2.1978. Chapter Eleve n. 28.3.1978. Photocopy.

Draft containing r ·evisions to June 197 8 .


Chapter One. "Second copy containing revisions by H,M.-28 June 78."


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I Eox Vol

( ) Folder




( 0 4)

( 05)


( 07)

( O 8)



( 11)


( 13)

( 14·)

( 15)


( 17)

( 18)

( 01)

( 01)


( 0 3)




Draft containing revisions to June 1978. (cont'd)

Chapter Two. "Second copy, incorporating corrections by H,B,and revised , 28 June 78."


Chapter Fou~. "Second copy, incorporating correctioni .of M, H, B, 6 June 7 8."

Chapter Five. "Incorporating Hand M corrections, 28 June 78."

Chapter Six. "Incorporates corrections of B,H,and M and changes, 28 ~une 78." ·

Chapter Nine. "Incorporatin g corrections of H,B,M -28 June 78."

Chapter Eleven. "Revis ed 28 June 78." Comments on "The Floating Pound and the Sterling Area"


Draft containing both · carbon and photocopied pages.

Chapter Four.

Chapter Six. Chapter Seven. "Third copy incorporating H,M,B

corrections." Chapter Eight. "Third copy incorporating corrections by

B ,H. II

Chapter Nine .

Chapter Ten Notes.

"Penultimate Draft Copy"

Chapter Ten.

Chapter El even.


Copy sent to Cai;nbridge University Press 10.1979.

Corrected copy with Printer's Proof (Firs t).

Chapter One.

Chapter Two.

Chapter Three.

Chapter Four.


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/ Eo.x: ( ) Folder Vol Correcte d copy (cont'd)


/ 004 (05) Chapter Five.

(06) Cha pter Six.

(07) Chapter Seven.

(08) Chapter Eight.

( 0 9) Ch apter Nin e .

(10) Chapter Ten.

( 11) Chapter Eleven. '

(12) Notes.

( 13) Printer's proof First and Inde x .





J .


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Finding Aid :

Descriptive File List


Prepared August 1985


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I Pox Vol





( } Folder

( 01)


( 0 3)



. ( 0 6)

( 0 7)

( 0 8)

( 0 9)

( 01)

( 02)

( 0 3)

( 04)



( 07)

( 0 8)



( 11)

( 01)



So:urc:es :_·_and Uses ,_0f.-:,•fuuds .19 64-196 7.

Temple Centenary Conference. 1981.


Curricula. 1963-1965.

Graduate Calendar. 1965-1967.

Budget, Timetable, Reading Lists, Staff Changes and Planning . 1965-1970.

Staff Duties Survey. W.E.Grasham. 1967-1968 .

Interviews. "These interviews were conducted when


I was gathering information on how the departmental organization worked. As I recall it the student activists made most of it ~eem irrelevant."1968.

Graduate Programme. 1969.

Departmental Structure. 1969,1970, 1978.

Staff-Student Committee . 1969-1971.

Political ~cience. Planning pre-1974.


Chapter One. "The Development of Canadian- Socialist Trade in the Past Decade." (1965)

Chapter Two. "Why the Trade has been small so far." ( 19 6 5)

Chapter Three. "The Future Development of Canadian Communist Trade." (1965)

Canada's Trade with Communist Countries. Secon.d draft 5.1965. With relevant correspondence.

Canada's Trade with Communist Countries. Carbon copy.

"Money, Gold and R.B.Bennett. " Includes correspondence with L.S.Pressnell. 1975-1976.

"The Sterling and the Rupee in 1931." Includes correspondence with B.R.Tomlinson.

"Diefenbabble- Clean copy Revised Oct '78". Ch. Four .

"BED BOOK DIEFENBABBLE, Ch.l - Early Drafts." Chapter One- superceded by revision of Dec (79).

"Original TSS of Chapter 10 (The floating pound and the sterling area 1931-1939) as in original- not version sent to Princeton.

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B83-0 027

/ Box Vol

/ 003


/ 004

· / 005

( ) Folder

( 02)

( 0 3)

( 04)

( 0 5)

( 01)

( 01)

( 0 2)

( 0 3)


( 0 5)

( 0 6)

( 0 7)

( 0 8)



l~'\ 'o - - (11)-





"Tripartite Con versations and the Management of the Exchanges 1936-1939." Third copy- i ncorporates H, M, B corrections~

Tripa rtite Conversation s and the Manage ment of the Exchanges 19 36-1939. Ad juste d to Princeton needs. 19.2.1979.

Tr iparti t e Conversations and the Manage ment o f the Exchanges: Washing t on , London, and the Prob lem of the Franc. \ 1936-1939. Corre cted Copy . Photocopy o f (04). Can ada S ince 1945 . Revised Manusc ript Nov./Dec. 1979. Re turned to Bob Bothwe ll 4.6.1981 .


South African Research .

SERIES V: COLLOQUIA Papers presented a t the Colloquium on Financial Crises and the Lender of Last Resort i n Bad-Hamburg ,

Germany on 2i- 23 .5 . 1 979 .

Coulbois , Paul. "Central Bank s and Foreign Excha~ge Crises Today. "

Hol tfr e rich, Carl L. " Domestic and Fore ign Expe cta- ·. tions and the dema nd fo r Money during the German Inflation , 1920-1923."

Mcclam, W.D. "Mo netary authorit ies as borrowers and lenders of last resort ."

Minsky. Moggridge , D.E. "Pol icy in the Crises of 1920 and

1929." Pressne ll, L .S . " The Sterling syst em and Financial

Crises b e fore 1914". Solow, R.M. " On the Lender of Last Resort. " "Empire a nd Money." Draft Section s. (1973) .


H. A.Innis ' Economic Geography Course. 1924-1925 . Reports and Outl i nes . From D.C.Macgregor.

Maps and Notes by D. C .Ma c gregor relating to (10).

L-,i:I C\\f\'$ .\11( (,<_ (X In e .. 3-ooc97 /uo0

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/ Box ( ) Folder Vol SERIES VII: TAPES

/005 ( 12) Drummond Manuscript re Edwin Banfield affair. 1974. 1 reel of magnetic t ape .



I '


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Ian M. Drummond Personal Records B1995-0013 and B1996-0026

Records [textual]; 1948-1992 (predominant 1960-1992) 4.57 m

Access: Open; Series 3 restricted.

Ian Macdonald Drummond (1933-1994) was born in Vancouver and received his Bachelor of Arts degree in economics and slavonic studies from the University of British Columbia in 1954. He attended the University of Toronto where he received his Master of Arts degree in economics in 1955, and studied at the London School of Economics on an I.O.D.E. Overseas Fellowship during 1957-1958. In 1959 he received his Ph.D. in economics from Yale University. The following year he was appointed to the Department of Political Economy as lecturer. He was appointed Associate Professor in 1966 and Professor in 1972. In subsequent years, he served in a number of administrative capacities, namely, Chair of the Department of Political Economy from 1977 to 1979 and Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Science from 1982 to 1987. For many years, he was an active member of the Trinity College community, serving as a residence don and faculty member.

Arranged in eleven series, this accession includes records pertaining primarily to Professor Drummond's academic career from his years as a doctoral student at Yale to his final years as professor of economics at the University of Toronto. Personal and professional correspondence, manuscripts of both published and unpublished works including books, articles, papers and presentations, research materials and teaching materials document his contribution to the study of economic history relating to Canada and other commonwealth countries as well as Europe. Some records relating to his administrative activities at the University of Toronto will be found in Series 5 and in correspondence contained in Series 2 and 3.

Additional personal records of Prof. Drummond are found in Accessions B1979-0052, B1983-0018 and B1983-0027.


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SERIES 1 Personal Correspondence 1962-1989 .20m textual This series consists of predominantly incoming correspondence from friends, family, students and colleagues arranged chronologically by year. Some professional correspondence found intermixed with personal correspondence has been left in the original order. Thus researchers are advised to search both this series and Series II, III and IV for particular correspondents. Correspondence begins with the period following his appointment as Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto and concludes in 1989. Correspondents include his mother Mrs G.F Drummond, "Aunt Ethel and Aunt Eve", Rev. John W. Riegel, Dr. J. C. Whetham, Rev. Philip S. Jones, Mark Higgenbottom, Freyda Lew (?), Roy Nixon, John Dales, Ian Harwood among others. See also Accession B79-0052 for additional personal correspondence, 1963-1975. See B1995-0013 Box 001 SERIES 2 Professional correspondence 1960-1992 .60m textual This series consists of predominantly inward correspondence relating to teaching and research activities from the time of his appointment as Lecturer in economics at the University of Toronto to two years before his death. Correspondence is most extensive for the period 1971 to 1989 and concerns research progress and publications including some typescripts of papers and articles, arrangements for research trips, associations activities, administrative and academic matters at the University of Toronto with particular reference to the Dept. of Political Economy and Trinity College.

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SERIES 2 (cont’d) Personal Correspondence Correspondents include W.T Easterbrook, Malcolm McKnight, Andrew Watson, Donald Patterson, Neil Quigley, among others. Arranged chronologically. See also Accession B79-0052 for additional professional correspondence, 1963-1975. See B1995-0013 Box /002 1960-1980 Box /003 1981-1987 (Jan -Apr) Box /004 1987 (May - Dec) -1992 B1996-0026 Box /001 (01) 1973-1989 SERIES 3 Professional Correspondence - Letters of reference 1973-1974 and 1981-1987 .20m textual This series consists of inward and outward correspondence regarding references for former students, arranged alphabetically by surname in two groups for the period 1981-1987. One file contains letters of reference for 1973-1974 Access: Restricted for 30 years from latest date of file activity. See B1995-0013, Box 005

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SERIES 4 Subject correspondence 1948-1988 .45m textual This series consists of correspondence filed by topic or correspondent, both professional and personal. Extensive correspondence concerns his period as Visiting Professor at Centre of Canadian Studies, University of Edinburgh, 1975-1976. Other subjects include correspondence with publishers, trip to Bogata Columbia (1966), the Future Manpower and Industrial Relations Project (Dow's Lake Project) (1961), Visiting Fellowship, Victoria University of Welland, New Zealand (1987) and U.K. Visit (1987-1988). See B1995-0013, Boxes /006 - /007 ; B1996-0026, Box /001 See file list Appendix 1. SERIES 5 University of Toronto 1961-1986 .20m textual This series consists of files on topics relating to the Department of Political Economy, Trinity College and to other academic and administrative areas and issues in the University. Includes correspondence, clippings, reports, and minutes of meetings. See B1995-0013, Box /008 File listing: (01) Banfield Affair 1974 (02) Centre for Russian & East European 1961-1965 Studies (03) Canadian Area Course 1986 (04) Economics Structure Committee 1981 (05) Ford Seminar 1963 (06) Hart House Committee - Philip Bevans 1985-1986

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SERIES 6 Books and Monographs 1976-1987 .60m textual This series consists of eight subseries relating to major publications written solely or in collaboration with colleagues. Only one file has survived relating to his first book, The Canadian Economy: structure and development published in 1966, reprinted in 1972 and translated into Japanese in 1976. Prof. Drummond published 14 books during his academic career mainly during the 1980's. Of these books, five concern Canadian national or provincial economic history. Researchers will find records relating to his other books in Accessions B1979-0052 and B1983-0018. Subseries 1 Canada 1900-1945. (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1987)

Written with Robert Bothwell and John English 1982-1983 .10m textual Early typescripts of various chapters (chapter numbers do not correspond with final publication). See B1995-0013, Box /009 (01)-(03)

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SERIES 6 (cont’d) Books and Monographs Subseries 2 Canada since 1945: power, politics and provincialism (Toronto:

University of Toronto Press, 1981) Revised edition, 1989. Written with Robert Bothwell and John English.

1978, 1987-1988 .20m textual Chapter outlines, drafts of chapters in Parts 1 to 4 and 6 for 1981 edition; manuscript of chapters 1-37 for 1989 edition.

See B1995-0013, Box /010 Subseries 3 The Canadian economy: structure and development. Japanese

edition. (Tokyo: Nihon Keizai Shumbunsha, 1976) 1976 .07m textual Correspondence with Irwin Dorsey, publishers of 1966 edition; typescript revisions of selected pages for Japanese edition. See B1995-0013, Box /009 (12) Subseries 4 The floating pound and the sterling area, 1931 - 1939. (Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press, 1981) 1977 .07m textual Correspondence and draft typescript of Preface, Table of Contents, Chapter 1 and Chapter 10. See also Accession B83-0018. See B1995-0013, Box /009 (13).

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SERIES 6 (cont’d) Books and Monographs Subseries 5 The Gold Standard and the International Monetary System, 1900-

1939 (London: Macmillan, 1987). 1985-1986 .13m textual Correspondence, typescripts of chapters, review comments and correspondence on 1984 typescript and 1985 revision of L. A. Clarkson, comments on manuscript by Craig Brown. See B1995-0013, Box /011 Subseries 6 Negotiating freer trade: the United Kingdom, the United States,

Canada and the trade agreements of 1938.(Waterloo, Ont.: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1989). Written with Norman Hillmer.

1982-1987 .10m textual Early manuscripts of this book were prepared under the title "A shaft of Baltic pine: negotiating the anglo-american-Canadian Trade agreements of 1938." Included in this subseries are an annotated paper presented to the 61st Annual meeting of the CHA (1982); manuscript version originally submitted to the Social Science Federation of Canada for subsidy (Sept. 1985); drafts of various chapters, research notes, and correspondence with Wilfrid Laurier University Press. See B1995-0013, Box /009 (04) - (12)

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SERIES 6 (cont’d) Books and Monographs Subseries 7 Political economy at the University of Toronto: a history of the

department, 1888-1982. (Toronto: University of Toronto, Governing Council, 1983)

1977-1982 .20m textual Correspondence, typescripts of chapters, research materials, and statistical material prepared with assistance of William Kaplan. See B1995-0013, Box /012 Subseries 8 Progress without planning: the economic history of Ontario from

Confederation to the Second World War (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1987)

See B1995-0013 Box Title Date /013 Chapters 1 to 14: drafts 1981-1986 and correspondence. /014 Chapters 15 to 19; appendices, figures. 1980-1985 Drafts and correspondence. /015 Final drafts of manuscript with editor's c1987 marks and comments of D.G. Paterson. See also correspondence regarding this publication in Box /007(06-07)

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SERIES 7 Published Articles and Chapters in Books 1972-1991 .55 m textual During his career Professor Drummond participated in the production of a number of national and international publications. Included in this series is correspondence, drafts of articles and chapters in books, page proofs, etc relating to such publications as New Economic History of Britain, the New Canadian Encyclopedia, World Economic History by Hans Pohl, among others. See B1995-0013, Box /016 ; B1996-0026, Box /001. For further detail, see file list Appendix 2. SERIES 8 Papers and Presentations 1956-1992 .25m textual During his academic career, Professor Drummond prepared numerous papers and presentations for conferences and seminars held in Canada and other countries such as Argentina, England, Australia and the United States. Some of these papers were early versions of later publications. Examples of such papers are those relating to banking in Canada and Australia, the floating pound and sterling area, and Ontario economic history. This series consists of drafts of papers, programmes of conferences, correspondence with event organizers and other colleagues. See B1995-0013, Box /016-/017 ; B1996-0026/001. For further details, see file listing Appendix 3

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SERIES 9 Teaching Materials c1956-1980 .50m textual This series contains lecture notes, and other teaching materials on various topics of economic history delivered to students during his graduate studies days at Yale and through his years as professor of economic history at the University of Toronto. Files contain typescript texts of lectures, rough notes, bibliographies, course outlines, and clippings. This series demonstrates the breadth of knowledge required to deliver lectures covering the medieval period to recent economic events. See B1995-0013, Boxes /018 -/019 ; B1996-0026 Boxes /002 -/003 For further details, see file listing Appendix 4. SERIES 10 Research Materials 1975-1980 and undated .35 m textual This series contains various materials collected by Professor Drummond relating to both Canadian and international economics. Among these are typescripts of articles by D.F. Forster on Canadian trade relations in the 1930's. Other materials include statistics relating to Australian and Soviet trade and typescripts of papers by Steven Cobrin and David Mole. See B1995-0013, Box /020 ; B1996-0026, Box /003. For further details, see file listing Appendix 5.

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Series 11 Diplomas 1954-1959 0.52 textual Diplomas documenting Drummond's academic accomplishments including his Master diploma (1955) from the University of Toronto and his Ph.D. diploma from Yale See B1996-0026, Box /004.

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Appendix 1: Subject Correspondence Box File Title Date B1995-0013 /006 (01) Bogota, Columbia 1966 (02) Centre of Canadian Studies, Edinburgh. 1975-1976 (03) Christ the King Foundation 1948-1964 (04) Dow's Lake Project 1961 (05)-(06) Ecclesio - Foolishness 1982-1983 (07)-(08) Economic History 1986-1987 (09)-(13) Edinburgh 1975-1976 (14) Faith & Evidence, Steven Matthysse 1967 (15) Fritsche, Winston 1976 (16) George Allan & Unwin Ltd. 1969 /007 (01) Harwood, Ian 1976 (02) Invitations to speak, write 1977-1978 (03) Leave fellowship (Canada Council) 1975-1976 (04) McKnight, Malcolm D. 1969-1980 (05) New Zealand, Visiting Fellowship 1987 (06)-(07) Ontario Historical Studies Series 1974-1984 (08) Ottawa, Summer, 1963 1963 (09) Reviews, articles, books, etc 1985-1987 (10) Royal Society of Canada 1985-1986 (11) Riegel, John 1961 (12) Tassonyi, Almos 1985 (13) Von Fieandt, Otto 1960-1961 (14) Versifications 1973,1975 (15) U.K. visit 1987-1988

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Appendix 1: Subject Correspondence Box File Title Date B1996-0026 /001 (02) Bogota Columbia 1965-1966 (03) Bogota Columbia 1965-1966

(04) Harvard Columbia Advisory Group 1965 (05) Maurice Cody Scholarship 1967 (06) Publication Agreements 1965, 1973

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Appendix 2: Published articles and Chapters in Books Box File Title Date B1995-0013 /016 (01)-(04) New Economic History of Britain. Correspondence, drafts of Chapter 1976-1977 26 and other chapters of contributors. (05)-(06) "The Russian Gold Standard, 1897- 1974 & 1914". Journal of Economic History 1976 1976. Typescripts. (07) "The implications of American 1974 economic nationalism". Foremost Nation. Edited by Norman Hillmer and Garth Stevenson, 1977. Correspondence and typescript. (08) New Canadian Encyclopedia. Various drafts of articles, correspondence 1983 and page proofs. (09) The New Palgrave: a dictionary of 1984-1987 economic theory and doctrine. Includes typescript of article on H.A. Innis & Reparations, and correspondence. (10) Born Project: International 1972-1976 Encyclopedia of economic and social institutions. Correspondence, drafts of submissions. (11) "Britain and the world economy, 1900 1979 -1945". in The economic history of Great Britain since 1700. Volume II. Correspondence, typescripts.

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Appendix 2: Published articles and Chapters in Books Box File Title Date B1995-0013 /016 (12)-(13) Pohl Project: World Economic 1975-1976 History by Hans Pohl. &1982 Correspondence, typescripts, and contract for the writing of chapter on Canada since 1914. B1996-0026 /001 (07) Is There Life After Innis - Mss n.d. (08) The Empire and Anglo American 1970-1973 Trade - Mss (09) Manual of World Economic History 1975-1976 Pohl project – correspondence, agreements, notes and drafts. (10) The Russian Gold Standard 1897-1914 - 1976 Data and draft mss (11) Why Canadian Banks Did Not Collapse 1991 in the Nineteen Thirties – mss

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Appendix 3: Papers and presentations Box File Title Date B1995-0013 /016 (14) "I posted off a questionnaire... n.d some numerical problems in the new labour history, 1870-1914". (15) Immigration and inflation 1956-1957 (16) "Is there life after Innis". n.d /017 (01) "The 1931 crisis and its aftermath" Conference. April 1982 (02) Imperial economic history- problems and prospects. Swansea paper. c1976 (03) "Possibility of the Global economy breaking through economic regionalism and nationalism." n.d. (04) "The Canadian debate over monetary and exchange policy, 1930-1934". 1976 Presented at the Institute of Commonwealth studies, University of London. Postgraduate seminar. (05) Buenos Aires papers: "Analysis of trends in international market, Nov. 1977 and future prospects"; "The role of foreign trade in economic development". (06) Floating pound and sterling area presentation. 1977 (07) Temple paper: "The rich industrial states and the world economy since 1981 Temple's time". Presented at William Temple Centenary Conference, Boulder Colorado.

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Appendix 3: Papers and presentations Box File Title Date B1995-0013 /017 (08) Canada/Australia/Argentina 1982-1983 symposium: "Marketing boards in the White Dominions with special reference to Australia and Canada". (09) Waterloo talk on Canadian industrial and regional development. Rough 1983 notes. (10) "Ontario's industrial revolution". Paper given at Hamilton, autumn 1984-1987 1985. (11)-(17) Banks and banking in Canada and Australia,1870-1914. 1986 (18) Trade options for Canada 1985 conference:"Canada's trade outside North America - some historical comments". (19) "On disbelieving the Commissioners' free trade case". 1986 (21) “The Industrial Revolution in Central Canada [1987] (20) Forster-Stewart papers - commentary [1987?] (22) "The revolution in Ontario commerce 1867-1940" [c1987] (23) Augsburg paper and conference: "Canadian-Britain Trade relations and the Economic background to Britain's application to the EEC" 1988

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Appendix 3: Papers and presentations Box File Title Date B1995-0013 (24) "Regional transfers of funds 1990-1992 through the Canadian banking system l895-1935". with N.C. Quigley. (25) "Debt and the Dominion Government, 1992 1914-1920". 18th Conference on Canadian Economic History. B1996-0026 /001 (12) Conference on East-West Trade 1965 Carleton University (13) “Canada’s Trade with the Communist 1964-1965 Countries” – Canadian Trade Committee (14) Edinburgh Inaugural Address 1975 (15) South African Visit 1976-1977 (16) Labour Crisis paper – Centre for 1978 International Studies (17) Michaelmas Conference, Pontifical 1983 Institute of Medieval Studies

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Appendix 4: Teaching materials Box File Title Date B1995-0013 /018 (01) Banking in the industrialization process 1971-1973 (02) Craig Brown's bibliography 1970s (03) Canadian studies lectures 1975 (04) Colonial empires and backwardness 1971 (05) Comparative growth performance since 1945 1971-1974 (06)-(09) Comparative industrialization 1971-1972 (10) Development in backward countries 1970-1975 (11)-(18) Economic history - course materials 1969-1970 & undated (19 Education, class and entrepreneurial decline 1966,1977 (20) Economics of education n.d (21)-(23) European economic history - Yale lectures; extra lectures 1959-1960 (24) Growth in Japan since 1945. 1973,1978 (25) Industrial economies in the twenties and thirties 1968-1972 (26) International oil industry historically considered 1965-1978 /019 (01)-(03) Interwar - USA, Britain, c1977 France (04) International trade - intro 1972 level. (05) Material on medieval agrarian history n.d

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Appendix 4: Teaching materials Box File Title Date B1995-0013 /019 (06) Medieval trade: revival, patterns wool. n.d (07) Medieval industry: woollens & building n.d (08) Medieval merchants, money, banking n.d. (09) Medieval gilds & towns 1970 (10) Monetary systems and problems since 1914 1966-1978 (11) Political economy - course descriptions 1965-1966 (12) Reparations, war debts, postwar inflation n.d (13) Some experiments in commodity control -sugar,tin,rubber in the twenties and thirties. 1965 (14)-(25) Sovietology - lectures and 1960's background notes on trade and aid, education and research, administration and organization (26) Technological changes and population growth in pre-modern Europe. 1968 (27) War economy 1980

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Appendix 4: Teaching materials Box File Title Date B1996-0026 /002 (01) Adjusted Factor Cost 1968

(02) Ameryism – excerpts from “My Political Life” n.d.

(03) Automation n.d. (04) Bank History n.d. (05) Canadian Economic History 1880-1981 (06) Cartels, Levies, Subsidies, Quotas 1965-1971 (07) China (T49) 1969 (08) Colonies: Malaya, Rhodesia 1969-1970 (09) Demography and Immigration 1972 (10) Depression ca.1978 (11) Eco 10 – Yale University 1958-1959 (11a) Eco 10 – Dwight College 1959-1960 (12) Eco 101 – Bibliography 1980-1981?

(13) Economic History Topics 1500-1700 (T25) 1961-1970 (14) Eco History – Grad Comps outlines 1980-1981 (15) Economic Organization in Yugoslavia n.d. (16) Economies in the 1930s 1973 (17) Economist on EEC 1983 (18) Efficiency – Eco 100 1969-1970 (19) European Economic History 1968-1973 (20) Foreign Exchange Investment 1973 (21) Gold Standard 1970-1979 (22) Great Britain – economics 1971-1981 (23) Handouts for courses 1978 (24) Imperialism, Capital Export and

Backwardness 1972 (25) Improvement in planning 1965

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Appendix 4: Teaching materials Box File Title Date B1996-0026 /002 (26) Income Policy 1974 (27) Industrialization, Structural Change and Modernization 1972 (28) International Economic History n.d. (29) International Socialist 1964 (30) Investment Planning 1965 (31) Italy since 1945 196- (32) Kolkhoz Investment Planning 1967 (33) L.S.E. Readings in Monetary History 1955-1957

(34) Labour Trade Unions and Industrial Organizations 1964

(35) Labour, Wages and Working conditions In the Soviet Uniong 196-

(36) Liberman Profits proposal 1967 (37) Long run planning models 1965 (38) Manpower and Educational Forcasting 196- (39) Naylor n.d. (40) Ontario Agricultural History n.d. /003 (01) Open Economy Teaching Tool 1974 (02) Overseas Empires (T75) 1968-1969 (03) Petroleum and Natural Resourses n.d. (04) Planning, Dobb, Granick and Welliez 1965 (05) Soviet Accounting Practices, Pricing 1968 (06) Soviet Baking, credit and fiscal systems 196- (07) Soviet Economy, bibliography 1960

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Appendix 4: Teaching materials Box File Title Date B1996-0026 /003 (08) Soviet Economic Planning 1961 (09) Soviet Economic Organization 1964 (10) Soviet Economic Doctrin 196- (11) Soviet Industrial Firm 1959-1962 (12) Soviet Internal Trade 1957-59 (13) Soviet Management ca.1962 (14) [Soviet] Russian Money n.d. (15) Soviet Planning Theory 1961 (16) Structure of Soviet Economy n.d (17) Synthetic balances in Soviet Economy 1965 (18) Sovietology course – Yale 1956-57 (19) Sovietology I, bibliography on planning 196- (20) Transport, Iron and Coal 1956-1957 (21) Trinity tutorial 1972-1974 (22) U.S. Economic History c.1774-1860 1970 (23) Unidentified n.d. (24) Waterston on Yugoslavia Planning 1965

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Appendix 5: Research materials Box File Title Date B1995-0013 /020 (01) D.F. Forster - Canadian trade with Australia (02) D.F. Forster. "Canada-United Kingdom Trade Agreements, 1937" (03) D.F. Forster. "North Atlantic trade triangle". (04) D.F. Forster. "Trade agreement with the United States, 1935" (05) [D.F Forster?]. Unidentified typescript on World War II and William Lyon Mackenzie King. (06) Macdonald Commission: statistics, notes copy of "The sense of history in economic analysis: a footnote to the Macdonald Commission reports". (07) David Mole typescript on early twentieth century capitalism n.d. (08) Notes on empire economics, 1930's (09) Commerce statistics re wholesale & retailers in Ontario, 1871. (10) Steven Cobrin - papers 1980 (11) Principal statistical tables - Australia - Appendix B (12) Structural unemployment (13) Fiscal federalism 1975-1976 (14) Commercial policy (15) Soviet trade statistics

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Appendix 5: Research materials Box File Title Date B1995-0013 /020 (16) Contribution of formal education n.d. to Canadian economic growth, 1911-1961 (17) Bibliography/notes book n.d. B1996-0026 /003 (25) Canadian Northern Railway n.d. (26) Dependant Economies ca. 1973 (27) Economic History n.d. (28) Political Science Department 198- (29) South African notes 1977

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