
Unscramble sentencesA. Unscramble these words to make good sentences. Don't forget to put a capital letter at the beginning and a period at the end of each sentence.

1. name her is Susan2. goes to she FIS3. from Canada comes she4. brother in grade the her is seventh5. old is 11 she years6. father in works a bank her7. playing she tennis likes8. language French is first her9. black green hair eyes and has she10. by comes to bus school she

B. Unscramble these words to make good questions. Begin each question with a capital letter and end each one with a question mark.

11. your is what name12. you from come do where13. old how you are14. birthday when your is15. you school how to do come16. your work does father where17. to what you do play like18. grade are in you which

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