Page 1: Upcoming Fall Worship Begins September 8th, EVENTS · Paying attention to ancient history and the world of the Biblical writings makes me mindful that things can go terribly wrong

EVENTS Upcoming

September 2019

Regular Worship Schedule -

September 8th, 8:30 & 10:30am

Blessing of Backpacks & Rally

Sunday - September 8th

Going Deeper - Sunday, Sep-

tember 8th, 5:00pm

Blood Drive - Monday, Septem-

ber 16th, 1-7pm

> >>>

Youth News

Pg. 5

Blood Drive

Pg. 10

Stewardship Moment

Pg. 3

Going Deeper starts September 8th

Going Deeper is a process of engaging with

Scripture and with community on Sunday eve-

nings over seven weeks in the Fall. Going Deeper is designed for

those looking to join Advent, as well as for all people at Advent to

take some time to engage with God’s Word and with community.

Come enjoy a home-cooked dinner, time to get to know other people

at Advent and different ministries, and most of all, start your week

refreshed in God’s Word. We begin Sunday, September 8th at 5:00.

Going Deeper is a time to deepen your spiritual life and open yourself

more fully to God. For more information on attending Going Deeper

or helping with Going Deeper, please talk with Pastor Scott,

[email protected].

Fall Worship Begins September 8th,

8:30 and 10:30am Service

“Pet Blessings” at Blessing of the Animals, Saturday, October 5,

10:30am Casual outdoor service. Bring your animal friends for a

blessing. In commemoration of St. Francis and his love of all creation.

Page 2: Upcoming Fall Worship Begins September 8th, EVENTS · Paying attention to ancient history and the world of the Biblical writings makes me mindful that things can go terribly wrong



In the 12th century BCE, the great ancient cultures of the Mycenaeans in Greece and Cyprus, the Hittites in what is now northwest Turkey, the Egyptian New Kingdom, along with civilizations in Babylon, Syria and the Levant all collapsed. A world bound together by the critical natural resource of tin from Afghanistan, and unit-ed in trade and political friendships, came apart. Cultures that had lasted 500 years disappeared. Natural disas-ters, crop failures, migrations, civil unrest, failed political leadership, and a collapse of international trade con-verged into an ancient “dark ages”. Paying attention to ancient history and the world of the Biblical writings makes me mindful that things can go terribly wrong for the human community. Many of the stories we encounter in Scripture remind us of the sor-rows of the world The news around us today is troubling. Enwrapped in political rivalry, we are not mindful of the common good. We do not remember that things can go horribly wrong. Selfish decisions can have terrible consequenc-es. Fear and greed corrode the social fabric. The painful lessons of Israel’s history are the painful lessons in all of history: when greed, pride and corruption rule, terrible sorrows follow. But there is another thing about the Late Bronze Age Collapse that matters to us. This was the time when Isra-el was brought out from Egypt. This was the time when God formed a people at Sinai and bound them with a covenant in which God taught them the way of mercy and faithfulness to one another. This was the time when the words were spoken that formed the foundation for the prophets who were yet to come. From those dark days the Biblical vision of justice and mercy percolates through history. We haven’t always done a good job at living up to that profound Biblical vision. We have a tendency to twist and adapt the words to suit our needs and fancies. We sometimes focus on minor details and miss the grand vision. But the vision remains. It plucks and prods us towards mercy. It pushes us towards kindness and faithfulness. It haunts us with stories like the Good Samaritan that challenge us to act like a neighbor towards all people. It calls us to generosity. It shows us the wounded hands and side of Jesus and tells us to love one another. It de-clares that the Lord is our shepherd and that the good shepherd lays down their life for the sheep, setting be-fore us both promise and example. It reveals the living embodiment of all God’s Word on his knees with a ba-sin of water and a towel and calls us to do likewise. It speaks of a bread from heaven that brings God’s true and imperishable life and breathes upon us a new and Holy Spirit. So we wrestle with the news and whatever fearful portents we see there. But whether the days ahead are dark or bright, the Word of God abides. It rumbles and sometimes roars through history. It plucks up and throws down kingdoms (Jeremiah 1:10). It lifts up the fallen and carries the weak. But through it all, the Living Word manifests itself in Jesus who says, “I am the vine, you are the branches,” (John 15:5) and summons us to abide in him. Glad to be on the journey with you,

Page 3: Upcoming Fall Worship Begins September 8th, EVENTS · Paying attention to ancient history and the world of the Biblical writings makes me mindful that things can go terribly wrong

September 2019 3

Making the Love of Christ Known

Advent Voice

is the monthly newsletter of Advent Lutheran Church

The deadline for articles is the 20th of each month. Please submit articles, graphics, and photos to

[email protected]

Advent Lutheran Church

Contact Us: 4306 132nd St. SE Mill Creek, WA 98012

Phone: 425-337-5373


E-mail: [email protected]

Summer Worship Schedule 9:30am - Worship

Advent Staff: Pastor: Scott Postlewait,

[email protected]

Youth & Family Director: Bryant Williams

[email protected]

Visitation Pastor: G. Lee Kluth

[email protected]

Office Manager: Jennifer Schroeder

[email protected]

Choir Director/Accompanist: Kirsten Lysen

[email protected]

Bookkeeper: Kathy Wax

[email protected]

Lay Pastoral Care Minister: Jill Bossen

[email protected]

Lutheran Counseling Network:

Open Door Ministries Liaison: Skip Jolley

[email protected]

Church Council: George Howard—President/Admin

Kim Hall—Vice President

Heather Coon—Secretary

Paul Polewko—Fellowship

Cari Krippner—Worship

Sue Taylor—Youth

Pamela Stubsten—Finance

JoAnne Purvis—Social Justice/Outreach

Ken Krause—Education

Jon Schneidler—Facilities/Columbarium

Karen Young—Treasurer

Carolyn Johnson—Finance Secretary

[email protected]

Volunteer Sunday School Coordinator: Diane Krause [email protected]

Stewardship Moment

As we think about our giving, our generosity, our sharing

of resources, it’s helpful to pay attention to Jesus and His

gardening tips.

There needs to be good soil; Jesus is pretty clear on that.

Good soil is the foundation for growth in Spirit. One way

we are able to make good soil is by our stewardship of all

the ministry that happens at Advent Lutheran Church.

We make good soil in our discipleship journey by contrib-

uting in various ways to create a healthy, generous com-

munity. Give generously of your resources, your time,

your energy, and your heart. With the nurturing of that

good soil, the seeds can be planted. And then (here comes

the hard part), let those seeds do their thing. Don’t place

unnecessary expectations on when they will sprout, or

when the harvest will be ready or what we will get out of

it all.

As Jesus reminds us, God works in those seeds without

our knowledge or influence. Our ministry here at Advent,

when provided a spiritually healthy place to grow, will be

guided by God to grow with sensitivity and sensibility.

We all continue to grow together in the midst of God’s


Thank you for your generosity, and thanks be to God!

Financial Update

(through July 31, 2019)

Total Income $284,515

Total Expenses Incl Mtg Principal 286,079

Net Income $ (1,564)

Come be part of the Adult

Forum between services this

Fall! We’ll be doing a Bi-

ble Study based on Bishop

Elizabeth Eaton’s four emphases for the ELCA - We are

Church, We are Lutheran, We are Church Together, We

are Church for the Sake of the World. This summer Bish-

op Eaton was re-elected as the Presiding Bishop of the

ELCA. Come for a quick overview on Rally Day 9/8, and

we’ll get started 9/15!

Page 4: Upcoming Fall Worship Begins September 8th, EVENTS · Paying attention to ancient history and the world of the Biblical writings makes me mindful that things can go terribly wrong


Hello to all, Advent’s 40th Celebration will be a two day event held on Saturday and Sunday, September 19th and 20th, 2020. Saturday the 19th will be a day of feasting, fellowship, music and the history of Advent. Sunday the 20th will be one service at 9:30 with past pastors and worship with our new Bishop, Shelley Bryan Wee. We have to date, a photographer, musical components, a new photo directory, a new cookbook, an historical product, and a legacy product, all being organized through congregation members. Various drawings, bake sales, and other fund raising events will be announced at later dates. Blessings, Phil and Bernice Clement, [email protected] 425-337-2135, 425-210-6874 or Jennifer at Advent Church Office, 425-337-5373, [email protected].

40th Anniversary Celebration!

Sign-up Genius - Sunday


We have a new sign-up genius for all

our Sunday Jobs (except Tellers).

They are combined into one link so

you can sign up for more than one

job easily. Acolyte, Communion

Assistant, Lector and

Sunday Treats can all

be signed up for at

the same time!

Follow this link to

sign up or click on

this QR code:

WANTED: 40th Anniversary Cookbook Recipes

Do you have a favorite recipe you would like to include in the 40th Anniversary Cook-

book? Recipe sheets are available in the Fellowship Hall. Please fill out the recipe

card and put in the box on Jennifer's desk. We will be collecting recipes until Decem-

ber 1st, then again in January.

You can also email your recipes to Jennifer at [email protected] or to

Bernice Clements at [email protected].


Send your pictures in through September

The Dove cut-out is a way to bring your faith to life, wheth-

er at home or away. Our summer theme was “Spirit Time”

and we have a cut-out Dove to help us remember the

Holy Spirit is with us wherever we are. The Holy Spirit is

the presence of Jesus Christ with us who calls us, empowers

us, comforts us and keeps us in faith. The gifts of the Spirit

are for the whole church (1 Corinthians 12) and evidence of

the Spirit in our lives is shown by the fruits of the Spirit

(Galatians 5:22-23). Remember to take your Dove with you

wherever you go - whether on vacation or to a restaurant -

and e-mail photos back to the church office

([email protected]) and/or post your pic-

tures on social media with #ALCMC2019. We’ll post pho-

tos through the end of September.

Page 5: Upcoming Fall Worship Begins September 8th, EVENTS · Paying attention to ancient history and the world of the Biblical writings makes me mindful that things can go terribly wrong

September 2019

Youth Group

Begins September 15th |


5 Summer 2020 Parent/Student Meeting

Sunday, September 29th | 7-8pm

Summer just ended, and we’re ready for

2020! All 8th-12th grade parents and stu-

dents are invited to

join us and hear

about the great op-

tions for next sum-

mer’s adventures.

We will talk over the

options and look at

what fundraising will

need to be done.

Join us and help in choosing where our

great adventures will take us next!

Can’t make it but want information? Con-

tact Bryant

Confirmation Parent /Student Info Meeting

Sunday, September 15th Between services

It is time to come together for a chance to

look at the Confirmation year ahead. We

are looking for all incoming 7th-8th grade

students and their parents to join us at

11:40 on Sunday, September 15th to get a

chance to hear about the exciting things

coming this year for our Confirmands.

So mark you calendars and join us for this

time together in faith, and a little fun!

Can’t Make It? Get in touch with Pastor

Scott or Bryant for more information

Mark Your Calendars...Trunk or Treat is Coming!

Sunday, October 27th

The Youth & Family team is looking for members who want

to decorate their cars and hand out candy to kids during

the event. Prizes will be given for your creativity.

We will also be looking for more

volunteers and donations so be

on the look out for more

announcements during the

month of September!

Middle School Retreat— “You are Fearfully & Wonderfully Made”

7th-8th Grade Youth | October 11-13 | Cost: $85

Join us in October as we journey north to Bellingham to Camp Lutherwood for an exciting weekend of friendship and faith

discovery. We will participate in the Lutherwood middle school retreat October 11-12 and

finish off the weekend with our own mini– retreat at the camp with a few other churches

from around the area. We will try out the high ropes course, go kayaking, play gaga ball,

and so much more. Friends are more than welcome to join and encouraged to.

Questions or to sign up: Contact Bryant

Join us the 1st & 3rd Sunday each month for a time of faith, fellowship, and fun. We will be taking new looks at the scripture and finding new connections alongside playing fun games like life size tic tac toe. Bring a friend a join us!

Questions? Get in touch with Bryant

Page 6: Upcoming Fall Worship Begins September 8th, EVENTS · Paying attention to ancient history and the world of the Biblical writings makes me mindful that things can go terribly wrong



+For those various ministries of the congregation as we

begin our fall programs

+For the ministry of our members in their daily lives

and their health and well-being

+For God to lead our nation and our world in paths of

justice and peace

+For our neighbors, that Advent be seen as a welcom-

ing and inviting place to encounter God’s grace and



Penny Creek Elementary has a need for sturdy,

neutral colored backpacks for many of their 4th

and 5th grade students. The school has asked Ad-

venture Grannies if we can help meet the need.

The packs they requested are High Sierra, similar

to the style sold at Costco. As these seem a bit

pricey for us to donate, High Sierra is currently

having an on-line close out sale on their packs for

school. They are about half the price of Costco’s.

If you would like to help us fill part of this request

please place a check or cash in an envelope

marked Penny Creek in the offering plate or give

it to Jennifer and we will place a bulk order for as

many as possible. If you purchase a high quality

pack from any other source

place it in the Penny Creek Bin

in Fellowship Hall. Thank


Adventure Grannies

Come Join the Fun! Advent Sunday School, Rally Day & Blessing of Backpacks! Join us as we kick-off our fall programs and welcome each other back from summer! Invite your friends and neighbors for a back to school backpack/lunchbox blessing.

Calling all kids! Come join the fun and learn about God’s love through sto-ries, activities, crafts and games.

Sundays beginning September 8, 2019 9:45-10:15 a.m. in the A Building

Parents and kids are invited to Sunday School on Rally Day, September 8 at 9:45 a.m. Come meet the teachers, create a fun project to take home, and find out what Sunday School is all about.

Adult and Youth volunteers needed to help! For more information, contact Diane Krause at [email protected].

Page 7: Upcoming Fall Worship Begins September 8th, EVENTS · Paying attention to ancient history and the world of the Biblical writings makes me mindful that things can go terribly wrong

7 September 2019


1 6am Korean Worship (SAN)

9:30am Worship

11:30pm New Heaven Kore-

an Worship (SAN)

5:30pm AA (C1)

2 Labor Day

Office Closed 6pm AA Women’s Group


6:30pm AA, (C1)

7pm Women’s Support

Group (A1)

7pm Centering Prayer (SAN)

7pm Catechrist mgs

(Pastor’s office)

3 9am Garden of Giving


6:30pm Korean Bible

Study (A1)

6:30pm AA (C1)

7pm Bible Study (A4, Jill

Bossen 425-218-6696)

7pm Mill Creek Chorale


4 10am Bible Study (FH)

11am Fellowship Comm

Meeting (FH)

5:45pm TOPS (C1)

6pm Girl Scouts (A3)

6:30pm Women’s AA (A1)


9am Garden of Giving


12:30pm PieceMakers (FH)

6:30pm Men’s AA (C1)

6:30pm Lynnwood

Community Band (FH)

7pm Choir (SAN)


3pm Girl Scouts (A2)

3:30pm Girl Scouts (FH)

6:30pm Men’s AA (C1)

7pm Al-Anon (A4)

7 6:30am AA (C1)

8:30am. OA (A3)

9am AA (C1)

10am AA Women (A1)

8 6am Korean Worship (SAN)

8:30am Worship

9:45am Sunday School

9:45am Adult Forum

10:30am Worship

12:30pm New Heaven Kore-

an Worship (SAN)

5pm Going Deeper (FH)

5:30pm AA (C1)

9 9am Garden of Giving


6pm AA Women’s Group


6pm Boy Scouts (FH)

6:30pm AA, (C1)

7pm Women’s Support

Group (A1)

7pm Centering Prayer (SAN)


6:30pm Korean Bible

Study (A1)

6:30pm AA (C1)

6:30pm Finance Comm


7pm Mill Creek Chorale


11 10am Bible Study (FH)

12:30pm Classics (FH)

2pm Coffee with Bryant


5:45pm TOPS (C1)

6:30pm Women’s AA (A1)

7pm Beyond the Book (FH)


9am Garden of Giving


6pm Bell Choir (A1)

6:30pm Lynnwood

Community Band (FH)

6:30pm Men’s AA (C1)

7pm Choir (SAN)


6:30pm Men’s AA (C1)

7pm Al-Anon (A4)

14 6:30am AA (C1)

8:30am OA (A3)

9am AA (C1)

10am AA Women (A1)

15 6am Korean Worship (SAN)

8:30am Worship

9:45am Sunday School

9:45am Adult Forum

10:30am Worship

11:40am Confirmation

Parent/Student Orientation


12:30pm New Heaven Kore-

an Worship (SAN)

5pm Going Deeper (FH)

5:30pm AA (C1)

6pm Raven (A4)

7pm Youth Group (FH)

16 9am Garden of Giving


1pm Blood Drive (FH)

4pm Girl Scouts (A3)

4:30pm Girl Scouts (A2)

6pm AA Women’s Group


6pm Boy Scouts (FH)

6:30pm AA, (C1)

7pm 3rd MondayBible Study

(Offsite, Katie Postlewait,

[email protected])

7pm Women’s Support

Group (A1)

7pm Centering Prayer (SAN)


6:30 Church Council (FH)

6:30pm Korean Bible

Study (A1)

6:30pm AA (C1)

7pm Bible Study (A4, Jill

Bossen 425-218-6696)

7pm Mill Creek Chorale



10am Bible Study (FH)

11am Prayer Shawl (FH)

2pm Coffee with Bryant


5:45pm TOPS (C1)

6pm Girl Scouts (A3)

6:30pm Women’s AA (A1)

7pm Prayer Shawl (FH)


9am Garden of Giving


12:30pm PieceMakers (FH)

5:30pm Facilities Comm (B)

6pm Bell Choir (A1)

6:30pm Lynnwood (FH)

Community Band

6:30pm Men’s AA (C1)

7pm Choir (SAN)

20 2pm Mauge Wedding


3pm Girl Scouts (A2)

3:30pm Girl Scouts (FH)

6:30pm Men’s AA (C1)

7pm Al-Anon (A4)


6:30am AA (C1)

8:30am. OA (A3)

9am AA (C1)

10am AA Women (A1)

5pm Private Event (FH)

22 6am Korean Worship (SAN)

8:30am Worship

9:45am Sunday School

9:45am Adult Forum

10:30am Worship

12:30pm New Heaven Kore-

an Worship (SAN)

5pm Going Deeper (FH)

5:30pm AA (C1)


9am Garden of Giving


6pm AA Women’s Group


6pm Boy Scouts (FH)

6:30pm AA, (C1)

7pm Women’s Support

Group (A1)

7pm Centering Prayer (SAN)

24 8am Synod Mission Dev


6:30pm Korean Bible

Study (A1)

6:30pm AA (C1)

7pm Mill Creek Chorale



10am Bible Study (FH)

2pm Coffee with Bryant


5:45pm TOPS (C1)

6:30pm Women’s AA (A1)

26 9am Garden of Giving


6pm Bell Choir (A1)

6:30pm Lynnwood

Community Band (FH)

6:30pm Men’s AA (C1)

7pm Choir (SAN)

27 6:30pm Men’s AA (C1)

7pm Al-Anon (A4)


6:30am AA (C1)

8:30am OA (A3)

9am AA (C1)

10am AA Women (A1)

29 6am Korean Worship (SAN)

8:30am Worship

9:45am Sunday School

9:45am Adult Forum

10:30am Worship

12:30pm New Heaven Kore-

an Worship (SAN)

5pm Going Deeper (FH)

5:30pm AA (C1)

7pm HS Summer 2020 Mtg


30 9am Garden of Giving


6pm AA Women’s Group


6pm Boy Scouts (FH)

6:30pm AA, (C1)

7pm Women’s Support

Group (A1)

7pm Centering Prayer (SAN)


6:30pm Korean Bible

Study, (A1)

6:30pm AA (C1)

7pm Mill Creek Chorale


28 10am Bible Study (FH)

5:45pm TOPS (C1)

6:30pm Women’s AA (A1)


6pm Bell Choir (A1)

6:30pm Lynnwood (FH)

Community Band

6:30pm Men’s AA (C1)

7pm Choir (SAN)

30 6pm AA 5th Friday (FH)

6:30pm AA (C1)

7pm Al-Anon (A4)

31 7am AA (C1)

8:30am OA (A3)

9am AA (C1)

10am AA Women (A1)

FH = Fellowship Hall

A = A building

(Preschool bldg.)

SAN = Sanctuary

CF = Conference Room

C1 = Portable C1

C2 = Portable C1

If you would like to add or delete

something from the church calendar,

or have questions about room

availability, please contact

Jennifer in the church office

425-337-5373 or

[email protected]

Page 8: Upcoming Fall Worship Begins September 8th, EVENTS · Paying attention to ancient history and the world of the Biblical writings makes me mindful that things can go terribly wrong


There is a sign up sheet in the Fellowship Hall on Jennifer’s desk. Please sign up, write

down how many boxes you would like and if you have paid or not. Please put a check

in the offering plate and mention apples in the memo line, or give your payment to

Jennifer during office hours. Thanks!

Page 9: Upcoming Fall Worship Begins September 8th, EVENTS · Paying attention to ancient history and the world of the Biblical writings makes me mindful that things can go terribly wrong

9 September 2019

Broken Vessels By Bishop-Elect Shelley Bryan Wee

From the August 2019 Edition of The Spirit

Today in the mail I received a surprise gift of pottery. Two vases and a cup. All beautiful. All treasured. But the most beautiful one has a crack on the top. I worried that it had cracked during the shipping process so I texted my friends who had sent it asking if I should be concerned. One of them replied, “Earthen vessels that we are, with

maybe a crack that God can make beautiful.”

I confess that I’m feeling a little cracked right now. As excited as I am for this new call as Bishop, and as excited as I am to work with rostered ministers and congregations in this synod and in the wider church, there is a lot to process and learn. I feel the weight of responsibility and expectation.

But today, looking at this cracked vase, ruminating on my friend’s words, I am awash in grace.

You see, it is so easy when we look at ourselves or our world, to only concentrate on what seems broken. Sometimes we only see the imperfect and despair. We wonder what is wrong with this world, with society, with church, with ourselves.

But what if it is exactly this brokenness that shows God? What if this crack is where the Spirit enters in? Maybe it is in this very vulnerability when we can finally catch a glimpse of who God is and who we are.

I know that just as I have some anxiety about beginning a new call and what the fu-ture holds, there is anxiety in your lives, too. I understand both the difficulty and antic-ipation of moving into the future together.

But as I quoted Acts 17 during the synod assembly, I say to you again, “For in God, we live and move and have our being.” And this is where we begin and end – in God, with one another, trusting in the love that comes from Jesus. For this is who we are: Cracked earthen vessels open to the calling of the Spirit.

As I begin this new call as Bishop of the Northwest Washington Synod, I call on all of us to be trusting, accepting, vulnerable, and hopeful, as we anticipate the dance of God’s Holy Spirit – cracked beautiful vessels that we are together.

In God’s Peace and Joy,

Bishop-Elect Shelley Bryan Wee

As of August 1, 2019, the Rev. Shelley Bryan Wee will begin serving as the bishop of the Northwest Washington Synod.

She will be installed as Bishop of the Northwest Washington Synod on Saturday, November 2 at 2pm at St. Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral in Seattle.

Page 10: Upcoming Fall Worship Begins September 8th, EVENTS · Paying attention to ancient history and the world of the Biblical writings makes me mindful that things can go terribly wrong

4306 132nd Street S.E. Mill Creek, WA 98012 425-337-5373

Follow us on Facebook



As we return to fall programs around Advent, be sure

to notice the excellent office renovation that our

Building Crew completed in the Fellowship Hall! Led

by Jeff Payne, they beautifully updated our reception

area, created much needed workspace for the main

office, as well as an office for our Youth, Family, &

Congregation Director, Bryant Williams. Thanks so

much to Jeff Payne, Mark & Becky Thiele, Mike

Somers, Richard Bizier, and all who offered a helping



September 16th

Help save a life and donate

blood. Monday, September

16th, 1-7pm in the Fellowship Hall. Walk-ins

welcome! If you have any questions or to pre-

register, please contact Sandy Jolley, 206-248-

2154, [email protected].

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