  • 8/7/2019 Update on Fukushima nuclear fallout_ Tokyo to be hit this Sunday


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    Saturday, 19 March 2011 15:57

    Update on Fukushima nuclear fallout: Tokyo to be hit this Sunday

    Written by Sam Chee Kong, Malaysia Chronicle

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    According to the Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics

    (ZAMG) in Austria, Tokyo will get its first dose of radiation by the

    weekend. According to ZAMG , the fallout is currently in a critical region

    dominated by a westerly flow. On Sunday rain will arrive from Southwest

    to the crisis area and will result in RADIOACTIVE RAIN.

    Behind the front, northerly winds are forecast, so the situation for theTOKYO AREA may again be CRITICAL.

    The dispersion calculations show fallout is now mainly transported to the

    sea. Currently cloud have a Southeast direct ion, which will change to

    northeast tomorrow. Subsequently, MOST AREAS IN JAPAN will be covered by fallout .

    Daily Mail ( also released a picture showing the managing director of TEPCO Akio Komori,

    weeping after disclosing the truth about the Fukushima disaster. He admitted that the radiation spewing from the

    over heating reactors and spent fuel rods was enough to kill some citizens.

    With the Fukushima nuclear plant continue spewing out radiation for a while, Japan and its neighbors are going to

    get a SUSTAINED FALLOUT over quite a long period of t ime. This is because those spent fuel rods will remain hot

    in circulating water for up to 19 MONTHS before they can be reprocessed. In another developing story, at a

    reprocessing plant 70 kms from Fukushima, 3 workers are irradiated while sawing off the casing of the spent fuel.

    The Chernobyl solution is only a temporary solution because by pouring sarcophagus cement onto the reactors

    will only sealed the radiation for a while. This is because the nuclear fuel and spent fuel rods are st ill hot and is

    continuing to emit radiation. One dont need to look further, the cement around Chernobyl today is already

    cracking and the cost of repairing or replacing it with a new concrete seal runs into billions of dollars.

    In other words Chernobyl is still a LIVING MONSTER because plutonium has a half life of 80 million years and

    Cesium 137 has a half life of 300 years. That is why after 25 years a radius of 30km around Chernobyl is declared

    OFF LIMIT and make the place No Mans Land. So if they apply the Chernobyl solution then expect some part of

    North East Japan be rendered UNINHABITABLE to humans. Belorussia takes the brunt of about 70% of the

    radiation from Chernobyl. Due to the wind direction blowing on its path and the immensity of the poisoning, some

    areas will still be poisoned until 2525.

    Another issue that has not been discussed is the 650,000 spent fuel rods that are stored at the top of the

    reactors. As we know there are huge hydrogen explosions at 3 of the reactors, blowing up the roof of the

    buildings. As reported the spent fuel rods are spread evenly among the 6 reactors and another site outside of

    these reactors. So with 3 reactors being blown off so the question is where are those 40% of the spent fuel rods

    dispersed after the explosions. It is reported that there are all over the place in the compound.

    As of March 16 at 12.30 a.m. , even the US West Coast is not spared. According to the radiation map by U.S

    Environment Protect ion Services ( which have 124 air monitors across the U.S , Gamma radiation

    levels on the West Coast is 2 - 10 times the level on the East Coast states. Gamma radiation is the type of

    radiation being spill out directly into the atmosphere from the battered Fukushima reactors and the spent fuel rod

    ponds. When exposed to low level of Gamma radiat ion it will cause nausea and other side effects but when it is

    high level it will cause more serious health problems like cancer and birth defects.

    Finally we all dont know how bad the situation is because we dont know how much fuel are there and how bad is

    the leakage. All we know is the spent fuel are st ill burning and if it gets hot enough it will just melt through the

    holding tank and will seep into the earth and since this facility is near the sea, this fissile mater ial will cause a

    steam explosion when mix with water which will scatter actinides into the water and air. This situation will cause

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    real problems for Tokyo, economy and the YEN.

    By now you not only need to have Potassium iodine pills but you will also need Prussian Blue (is used for patients

    that have ingested thallium and radioactive cesium Potassium iodine only works against

    radioactive iodine from the harming the thyroid and Prussian Blue works to reduce the half life of Cesium.

    Published in Politics

    More in this category: MCA - the end of an era MCMC grills blogger over

    posting on Sultan and alleged girlfriend

    Sunday, 20 March 2011 01:40 posted by Sam Chee kong

    We are not suckers, i suggest you read this :

    As you read the collusion between the Japanese government and Tepco goes back

    years as they attempt to hide the safety problems of their reactors. As for your

    'things are ok as reported by mainstream media' , sorry to say that's pure magical

    thinking on your part !!

    Saturday, 19 March 2011 23:17 posted by We are not suckers

    Oh I see. I was wrong. The writer is not anonymous, it's none other than

    Sam Chee Kong!

    Honestly, we have enough of his kind of shit and story telling.

    If you want to know the truths, watch TV, NHK, CNN, etc, read credible newspapers

    written by professional journalists of whose opinions are supported by renowned


    It's easy to quote sources from the world wide web. This, everybody can do, but it

    doesn't make them journalists, you know, of the kind who can win or have won

    journalistic awards.

    Saturday, 19 March 2011 23:11 posted by Non Umno

    Malaysians definitely dont want nuclear plants in the country or in

    neighbouring countries eg Singapore which plan to have one in Tuas (if I

    remember correctly).

    I thought ASEAN (then 5 nations) did pledge about a Nuclear Free ASEAN but

    changed as oil prices kept shooting up.

    After this Japanese crisis..definitely a no,no, no..

    But have much lobbying fee has been promised or collected by our leaders..for the

    building of nuclear plants.. It must be plenty and thats why they are pushing to go

    ahead with it.

    Saturday, 19 March 2011 23:11 posted by We are not suckers

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    Who wrote this? Bad English. And a doomsday prophecy. Its not all that

    bad, and it all personal opinion from a non-nuclear expert, of which the writer is


    I only believe 20% of the shit written here.

    Saturday, 19 March 2011 19:21 posted by citizen

    What has happened to fuziah salleh and her so called commitment? Why

    aren't the opposition leaders making noise? Even the interlok issue had

    more dissenting voices! Speak up, rakyat!

    Saturday, 19 March 2011 17:20 posted by bos

    dead dead dead, the wrath of Allah. Malaysians, think two three four and

    many times before you want to nuclear power in kuantan!!!!!!! feasibility

    study bul l shit some people is making quick buck who dont care about the genera

    nation of Malaysians. read the article above and you will know what will happen,

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