  • 8/14/2019 Upla Final Practicum Portfolio 2.0


    Universidad de Playa Ancha

    Ciencias de la Educacin

    Facultad de Humanidades.Pedagoga en Ingls.

    Final Practicum Portfolio

    Name: Beatriz Olivares V.Teachers: Isabel VsquezRodrigo Gonzlez

    Class: Final Practicum English Teaching.Date: August, 06th, 2009


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    During all this practicum process I, as a prospective teacher of English, will

    experience several events while I carry out this final stage of my professional

    career; events which, fortunatelly, will strengthen my vocation and vision towards


    In the present portfolio different works will be presented in order to show how I

    lived my final practicum, through reflective writings, some reading articles related

    to teaching, teaching materials, etcetera.

    I hope you enjoy and go beyond the words so that you can be part of my process.

    Reading Articles

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  • 8/14/2019 Upla Final Practicum Portfolio 2.0


    Reflective writing


    Juan Mata Araya.

  • 8/14/2019 Upla Final Practicum Portfolio 2.0


    El artculo presenta tres interrogantes claves y esenciales que se deben realizar tanto

    los profesores en formacin como aquellos que ya llevan aos en el rubro. Qu ensear,

    cmo ensear y por qu ensear.

    Estas interrogantes salen a luz debido a la gran preocupacin existente por la calidad

    de la educacin que los nios y los jvenes estamos recibiendo; me incluyo puesto que se

    vive de igual manera en la universidad que en los colegios la falta de profesionalismo y

    vocacin que tienen los docentes hacia la enseanza.

    Educar es el proceso, sino el vital, pero el ms importante en la formacin de los

    seres humanos, somos educados por nuestros padres, abuelos, profesores, etc.; por lo tanto

    si se nos otorga una educacin pobre nuestros estilos de vida sern pobres.

    La mayora de los profesores se han hundido en lo que bien se conoce como rutina,

    se desmotivan con facilidad del sistema, por lo tanto se aburren con facilidad y finalmente

    se despreocupan de lo que realmente sus estudiantes necesitan aprender.

    Se les olvida preguntarse si acaso lo que ensean es til para la vida de sus

    educandos, o si acaso los alumnos realmente aprenden con lo que se les ensea. Se enfocan

    mucho en pasar materias y algunos, lamentablemente, de cumplir solamente.

    Como expresa el autor del texto, todas las acciones docentes derivan en los

    contenidos, los programas y los currculos, o bien, en los mtodos, procedimientos; sin

    embargo lo que no despierta ningn tipo de discusin o anlisis es el por qu enseamos,

    que es lo que est de fondo a nuestra enseanza, por qu hacemos lo que hacemos, qu es lo

    que queremos lograr con nuestros alumnos, qu es lo que queremos despertar en ellos.

    Como deca anteriormente, la monotona ha vencido a muchos docentes,

    prohibindoles, incapacitndolos, para cuestionarse estas interrogantes que ciertamente y

    un poco utpicamente, puede salvar nuestra educacin. Se envician en la justificacin banal

    acerca de lo que pueden o no pueden lograr sus alumnos, como por ejemplo: si ya estn

    acostumbrados, si no van a aprender, porque siempre ha sido as, es que no va a

    resultar de esta manera, etc.

    Estas son las ideas que ms dao hacen al crecimiento de nuestra sociedad, adems

    de la poca o inexistente reflexin personal sobre nuestro desempeo profesional, si es que

    est dando resultado, si es que los educandos estn aprendiendo, etc.

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    Por otro lado, el pensar que uno tiene siempre la razn y que no se equivoca jams

    en lo que est haciendo, el ser individualista y egosta, provoca un deterioro implacable e

    infinito en el proceso de formacin tanto de nuestros estudiantes como de nosotros.

    Ciertamente este tema no tiene fin, se abre a muchas lecturas ms, por lo cual, no

    limitar el cierre de tan trascendental interrogativa, para que as contribuir aunque sea de

    manera mnima a la resolucin que tanto nos est aquejando ltimamente; adems no me

    atrevo a ser categrica frente a estas discusiones, puesto que me falta mucho aun por

    recorrer en este sendero tan largo y gratificante que es el de ensea.

    Vinculacin Establecimientos Educacionales-Universidad: Relacionndonos

    para ser mejores. Departamento de Prcticas. Vicerrectora Acadmica. Vicerrectora de

    Desarrollo. Universidad de Playa Ancha.

    Beatriz Olivares Velasco.

    Pedagoga en Ingles 2009.

    Pedagogical Artifacts


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    1. - Post your reflection in the uplapracticum.blogspot.

    2. - Refer about your own expectations, fears and commitment for this final

    practicum process.3. - Also refer about your feelings you have socializing with other student teachers

    in the workshop.

    4. - You have a full page (letter format) to write. Do not forget to attach thisreflection into your own blog and share it with your peers.

    5. - Use for writing: times New Roman, size 12.

    Although my wishes are a little bit uthopic, I really think that you can

    achieve them only if you are persistent and deeply believe that your goals are

    possible. Following this idea my biggest expectation is to change the whole view of

    education among my future students and also help them to aspire to something

    better for their lives, in other words, I would like them to see in education a way to

    be better persons.

    Relating to what I have written above, my fears refer to the failure of my

    dreams, not being able to achieve them; students will not get what I want them to

    attain, and also being unable to make them feel that studying is not boring and really

    leaves you important learnings.

    I guess that you can not commite yourself to things that you know you can

    not obtain, specially refering to your role as teacher, that is why, my commitment is

    giving the best of me in order to make things better, moreover, doing everything I

    can to do the best final practicum ever.

    The tactics that our teachers are trying to implement in this final practicum, I

    find them appropiate if the main goal is to make of this final process a more

    constructive one. Socializing with my classmates about the workshop helped me to

    understand that I can count on them for we are in the same level.

    Workshop N 2

    Refer to the Teaching Stage you have already started and answer the followingquestions:

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    1. Do you feel satisfied with yourperformance as a teacher so far? Take about the thingsyou like and about the ones you dont like.

    2. Guide teachers support: How effective has it been during this stage? Why?

    3. Students level of engagement: Do your students enjoy the classroom learningactivities presented? ; What do they say about them?

    4. Planning and lesson preparation: What teaching approach do you considerappropriate to students learning style? Which one are you actually using with them?


    5. Lesson Timing: How much of the planned activities do you actually cover in eachlesson? Is it what you expected?

    I truly believe that I did a great job. I could build strong bonds with my students

    throughout all these experience. Professionally speaking, I consider that I did everything

    that was in my power to do a good job as teacher, I never missed classes, I was always on

    time, I met the other subject teachers, I dedicate lot of my time preparing my classes, so

    that my students could have a great time, and also learn in a different way.

    My guide teacher was of great help. She never said no to any of my ideas. She let

    me be, regarding teaching. She was always there to give me her support; moreover, she

    always gave me feedback about my performances.

    I remember that the first time I had to do an activity, it was on the team teaching

    stage, and my students told me that they wanted classes as I did. They were funnier and

    learnt better. I cannot deny that there were times some activities did not like them, but they

    all did it.

    I never choose one approach to teach English, as I have 47 students who learn

    differently. I stimulate all the approaches needed regarding to learning a second language,

    that is to say, visual, listening, reading, writing.

    At the beginning I could not cover all the activities I had planned, but then, after

    reflectiving about it and after working on it, I could manage better the timing in order to

    include and cover all the activities I had planned.

    Reflection N 2: Post- observation conference


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    Going back to the moment you were giving your lesson at school, what aspects do

    you identify as critical once you have finished the lesson? Refer about your own

    expectations, fears and resolutions.

    Also refer about feelings that came up when socializing the above issues with the

    supervisor from the university.

    I think that one of the critical aspects I identified once lessons were finished, were

    some difficult situations I had to deal with in terms of violence inside the classroom. Most

    of the students realities are surrounded by violence and they behave in the same way they

    are treated at home; they perform what they see at home. It was very difficult to be calm

    when these situations happened, not only because they are in danger, but also you too.

    Hopefully, there are some clues I have learnt from different books I have read that helped

    me to get through with it, moreover, the confidence students have towards me.

    Another critical aspect I identified was how affected I was when something did not

    work as I hoped to. To recognize you were wrong on something is one of the hardest things

    that somebody has to face.

    Reflection N3: Post- observation feedback.


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    Taking into account the first lesson you received some feedback from your Guide


    What aspects do you identify as critical once you have finished the lesson? Refer

    about your own expectations, fears and resolutions.

    Also refer about feelings that came up when socializing the above issues with him

    or her.

    My guide teacher always helped me in everything I needed, everytime I finished my

    classes she gave me feedback and advice me with some tips about material, and

    organizing lessons. We never had any trouble regarding to communication, I think thatone of the things that helped us to communicate fluently was our minimum age gap;

    that really facilitate my experience during this final practicum, I truly believe, that my

    guide teacher is one of the best teachers I ever had during these past three teachingpracticum.

    Reflection N 4

    Talk about the latest events regarding the Teachers strike and say how

    they have affected the final practicum process you are now. Refer to your

    expectations, fears and resolutions for this final stage.

    The strike began almost a month ago; teachers belonging to the public

    schools should have been paid a bond which it is set whithin the national layws. The

    above mentioned bond was never paid and the strike was initiated.

    There were several demonstrations both here in Valparaso and in Santiago, where

    teachers were struggling for their rights; moreover, there were different meetings

    which main goal was to find out a solution to this dilemma.

    Owing to this strike students started to lose classes and most of their parents

    began to speak their minds towards this acward situation they were living; they

    wanted their children to be at schools, and they demanded teachers to come back totheir classrooms. Nevertheless, teachers would not surrend against the right of

    receiving something which was legal and by the way they deserved it.

    Teachers ofently state that their job is seen as something which is not

    essential to the development of the society and that is why they feel abandoned

    particularly from the government but also from their country. They strongly believe

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    they are being pushed away, and one of the possible justification for this sensation is

    their salaries; in other words, how much they are being paid is the clear proof of

    how inapreciably their profession is nowdays.

    This past Monday they agreed on a common solution so as to come back to

    their schools; teachers now have to organize among schools how they are going to

    retake the loss of classes.

    As a student in my Final English Teaching Practicum this strike does not

    have that important effect on the development of this subject, as I could not even

    start the observation stage, however, I guess that in this time of the year students do

    not want to come back to classes, so it will be difficult to deal with their attitudes

    towards both studying and the prescence of the head teachers assistant.

    One of my biggest expectations is to succeed in this important challenge as a

    prospective teacher, I know that it will be difficult, but I will try to do my best so

    that this final process can have a deep effect on my future students studying a

    second language perception.

    If you ask about my fears, honestly I do not think education as something

    you have to have fear of, teaching is such an important factor in your life that it can

    not be sensed as a terrible test to pass. Furthermore, being part of the education of

    somebody else is just a rewarding sensation that you can not feel vulnerable,

    otherwise you will never prosper.

    School Information

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    School Liceo Politcnico Computacional

    A-23Principal Sr. Luis Pereira VsquezCity Valparaso, Chile.Address Errzuriz S/NSchools phone number 2281231Grade 1st grade secondary studentsSchedule Mondays 09.30-10.15,Thursdays

    08.00 10.15, and Fridays08.00-08.45

    Guide Teachers name Jimena Campos PadillaGuide Teachers email address [email protected]

    Formato Consejo de Curso

    I.- Nombre del establecimiento educacional: Liceo Politcnico Computacional A-23

    Curso: 1 medio B

    Profesor Jefe: Jimena Campos Padilla

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    Profesor en prctica: Beatriz Olivares Velasco

    Fecha: 25-06-09

    Hora Inicio: 09.30 amHora Trmino: 10.15 am

    II.- Desarrollo Consejo de Curso.Tema en discusin: Violencia y Bullying.

    OFT cubierto: formacin social de los alumnos, aprendizajes habilidades

    sociales.Tabla Consejo de curso: los alumnos presentan sus trabajos sobre violencia y

    Bullying y abren el debate.

    Formato de reuniones de Profesores

    I.- Nombre del Establecimiento Educacional: Liceo Politcnico Computacional A-

    23.Profesor en Prctica: Beatriz Olivares Velasco.

    Hora de Inicio: 16:00

    Hora de Termino: 17:30

    II.- Tabla: Discusin sobre la evaluacin docente.

    Discusin sobre la evaluacin de la parte prctica de las carreras tcnicasimpartidas en el liceo. No enfocarse tanto en la teora, sino tambin en la prctica.

    Discusin rol del profesorado para con los alumnos, falta de compromiso de


    III.- Comentario:

    Fue bastante grato ir al consejo de curso y darse cuenta de cmo trabajan los

    docentes dentro de un establecimiento, ver cul es su posicin frente a las problemticasque afectan a los alumnos, que piensas de ellos. Adems, fue muy interesante la discusin

    que se dio frente al tema de si que vala ms si ensear teora que la prctica. Fue una

    discusin bastante acalorada. Fue muy interesante.

    Formato Reunin de apoderados

    I.-Nombre del establecimiento educacional: Liceo Politcnico Computacional A-23

    Curso: 1 medio B

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    Profesor Jefe: Jimena Campos Padilla

    Profesor en prctica: Beatriz Olivares Velasco

    Hora Inicio: 17.00Hora termino: 19.00

    II.- Tabla de Reunin:Comportamiento general.

    Organizacin Directiva.

    Presentacin notas pupilos.

    III.- Comentario:

    La reunin fue una gran instancia para conocer a los apoderados de mis alumnos einteriorizarme con sus realidades. Los apoderados conversaron conmigo sobre sus hijos,

    sobre sus problemas. Esta experiencia fue una de las mejores, puesto que me pude conectar

    de otra manera con mis alumnos.

    Unit and Lesson Plans

    Planificacin Unidad Didctica

    Sector:Lenguaje y Comunicacin Sub-sector:Idioma Extranjero InglsUnidad (Ncleo) de Aprendizaje:My Family and Friends Curso: 1 Medio B Tiempo:16 hrs.

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    Objetivo Fundamental: Escribir oraciones sintcticamente correctas y comunicativamenteapropiadas.

    Aprendizajes Esperados: Desarrollar la comprensin escrita de los alumnos, completando yredactando oraciones para

    demostrar comprensin del


    Objetivo de Aprendizaje de la Unidad: Los alumnos sern capaces de completar y redactaroraciones, as como resolver ejercicios para demostrar comprensin del texto.

    Contenidos del Aprendizaje

    onceptuales Procedimentales Actitudinalesxpressions related to family

    embers; Vocabulary; Family

    ationships; Possessive case;

    rb To Be; Questions words;

    ouns; Plural forms of some

    uns; Possessive adjectives and

    esent Continuous.

    Completar frases, oraciones, puzzles,


    Redactar oraciones simples en forma

    afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa.

    Responder o formular preguntas,

    utilizando frmulas ya aprendidas.

    Modelar el dilogo con el profesor/a o

    con otro estudiante.

    Practicar el dilogo con otro


    Comprender las ideas presentadas y respetar la diversidad de

    planteamiento, sentimientos y valores expresados en textos e

    y orales en la Lengua Extranjera.

    ctividades Recursos Evaluacin


    illing the gaps

    Wordsearchingnswering questions

    ompleting sentences


    -Power Point Presentations




    1) Summative:


    -Final Test Coef.2 ( Units 2 and 3)-Oral Presentations

    2) Formative:

    -Oral interrogations

    -Group and pair work

    -Training assessment

    Lesson Plan

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    Lesson Plan

    Date: Thursday, July 2nd

    Level: MB1

    Skill: writing and pronunciation

    Expected Outcomes: students will have to apply the knowledge learnt about countries and

    nationalities during the past classes by answering a handout; filling in the blanks and read the

    exercises outloud.

    Resources: Handout


    Core of the class






    5 mins





    5 mins


    Greet my students : Good morning class! How are youtoday? How was your weekend? Did you go out or stayed

    at home? Did you study and do your homeworks?

    Call the role

    Talk about the different artists they know. Ask them if they

    know where they come from. What kind of music do theyplay? Students recieve a handout to be completed. The

    teacher will explain the expected outcomes and the


    Students will develop the handout. The teacher will walkaround the classroom checking their works and theirs


    The teacher will correct the handout outloud with the

    students participation.

    Check some mistakes, which are already written on the

    whiteboard and go over the contents learnt in classes:

    countries and nationalities; and pronunciation.

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    Date: July, Thursday 9th. Level: NMB1

    Skill: Speaking (pronunciation) and Writing.

    Expected Outcomes: Students will be able to recognize the members of a family, specifically the

    Simpsons Family. They students will go over the VERB TO BE: its affirmative form.The students will be able to identify and define the use of adjectives.

    Resources: Laptop, power point presentation, and a handout.


    Core of the class






    5 mins









    The teacher will greet students asking them: How are you?,

    also ask them about the test they took on Monday. Howwas it? Difficult? , Easy? Etc.

    Call the role.

    Motivate them by telling them we are going to do

    something fun today.

    Students will be shown a slide of the Simpsons Familyand they will be asked Who are they? Who is the father

    of the family? Which is his name?, and so on so far.

    Then the teacher will show them the Family Tree of the

    Simpsons, their family relationships: brother and sister,husband and wife, etc. Students will have to pronunciate

    what it is shown on the slides. After that, there will be

    slides where adjectives will be presented, all togetherrelated to the Simpsons. Students will identify them once

    the teacher asks if they know the adjectives in English, andif they can identify them on the slides.

    Once finished the power point presentation, we will check

    again the affirmative form for the VERB TO BE writingsome examples on the board. The teacher will give the

    grammar structure for it. After that, the students will be

    given a handout about adjectives. There will be a brief

    explanation of the use of them and exercises which bedeveloped together with the teacher. Feedback will be

    provided every time is needed.

    The students will be asked to come to the board to write

    the answers of the exercises, so that they can check them

    altogether and learn better. The IV part of the handout willbe checked orally.

    The slides will be shown once again and the teacher will

    ask: Who are they? How are the members of the Simpsonsfamily? How can you describe Bart, or Lisa, or Maggie, or

    Marge, or Homer?

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    Lesson Plan (supervised)

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    Lesson Plan (Supervised)

    Date: Monday July, 20th

    Level: NM1

    Skill: writing and comprehensionExpected Outcomes: students will be able to internalize, the use of VERB TO BE and

    ADJECTIVES, putting in practice their knowledge about the contents named before.

    Resources: Laptop, power point presentations and teachers voice.


    Core of the class






    5 mins






    5 mins


    The prospective teacher will greet the students and ask

    how they are, how their vacations were, if they had a greattime; and will introduce the teacher who is going toevaluate the prospective teachers performance.

    The teacher will ask students if they like watching T.V.,

    moreover, who their favourite artists are. Then the teacher

    will review the use of verb to be and the adjectives,showing them several slides with its content.

    Then, the teacher will tell students they are going to do

    some exercises in order to reinforce the contents studied.

    The students will be chosen, randomly, in order to come tothe board and do the exercises which will be projected

    from the slides. Each of the exercises will be corrected by

    both, the teacher and students.

    In order to close the activity the students will have to

    choose a famous person they admire and describe him/her,

    using the correct form for verb to be and adjectives.

    The teacher will ask students to summarize the use of

    adjectives, their purpose. Moreover, the teacher will askstudents if they liked and enjoyed the class and what they


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    Learning Material

    Flash Cards: Countries and Nationalities

    Date: July, 23rd Level: NM1

    Skill: writing, speaking, and listening.

    Expected Outcomes: students will be able to recognize the present continuous tense and apply itdeveloping writing, listening and speaking activities.

    Resources: magazine, mobile phone, cd player, mp4 device, laptop, colour cards, pptpresentations, and teachers voice.


    C ore of the class






    5 mins





    5 mins


    Greet my students; introduce the teacher who is going to

    evaluate the prospective teacher. Call the role.

    The prospective teacher will ask students what they are

    doing at that moment, she will perform some actions inorder to direct the class and motive them.

    The teacher will show them some slides where the use of

    present progressive is include, implicitly. The slidesinclude some of the pictures I took some classes ago, so

    that the process of learning will be more real and put in

    into context.Then the prospective teacher will show them some

    flashcards. She will begin by saying what they are doing

    and after some examples; she will give the opportunity tostudents to say what the flashcards show, to put into

    practice the knowledge. Once the do these exercises

    students will hear an audio material about actions inprogress.

    Students will be given a handout in order to develop it. It is

    going to be corrected by the prospective teacher, with thestudents participation too.

    The prospective teacher will check what we did in class, ifstudents enjoyed it.

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    .To see more of my learning material, please go to Scribd website and take alook.

    Thank You.


    1. - Teacher Evaluation

    2. - Self Evaluation (for each teaching and practice stage)

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    3. - Peer Evaluation (at least once instance)

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