
Adding photos to Flickr

Log on to your flickr account (see previous tutorial).

Select Upload.

Choose photos and videos

Tips for Uploading Photos

The NOs...

Do not use pictures of people.Do not display personal information.Do not include photos you do not want people to reuse.

SelectionChoose photos you think people may use in presentations or projects. Consider objects, colors, seasons, backgrounds, close ups, animals, etc.

Find the folder you saved your photos in!

Click on your photos and select open.

Click on your photos to select them.

Click on Owner Settings.

Click on Edit next to “None (All rights reserved)”

Choose your license.

We want to share our pictures, so

choose “Attribution”

Select the license that works best for you!

Choose your license.

Name your photos.

Add tags for your photos to help people find them.

Maybe create a new set…

Add tags to your other photos.

Finally-Upload the photos to your photostream.

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