
Our mission is to invite, inspire, and include all people in Christ’s love.

Monthly Newsletter April 2014

Holy Week Schedule

Palm Sunday Service

- April 13, 8 & 10:30am

- Celebration of the day Jesus Christ came into

Jerusalem & palm branches were laid at his feet

Maundy Thursday Service

- April 17, 7pm

- First Communion

- Celebrates the Last Supper

Good Friday Service

- April 18, 7pm

- Commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus

Easter Service

-April 20, 8 & 10:30am

- Celebrates the resurrection of Jesus

- Easter Breakfast 9am

- Easter Egg Hunt 9:30am


2 - Library Clean Up Day, 10am

4-6 - Photography Retreat at Lutherhill

6 - First Communion Class 1-4pm

6 - Wedding Blessing & Reception for Felix

and Amy 10:30am

8 - Creative Hands Craft Group 10am-2pm

12 - Garage Sale for Camp & Mission Trip

13 - Murder Mystery Volunteer Party 1pm

13-19 - Family Promise with First Christian

16 - Men’s Ministry 7pm

17 - Prayer Path (All Day)

17 - Maundy Thursday, First Communion 7pm

18 - Good Friday Service, 7pm

18 - Prayer Path (All Day)

20 - Easter Breakfast 9am

20 - Easter Egg Hunt 9:30am

22 - Creative Hands, 10am

22 - Pastor Chris Leaves for Mission Trip

26 - Contemporary Band Practice

27 - Contemporary Service, 10:30am

27- Guest Sermon by Bishop Michael Rinehart

27- CPR/FA Class by Amy Spoerle, 12:30pm

Upcoming Events


2 - Murder Mystery, 6th-8th Grades

4 - Guest Pastor George Brookover

5 - Cindo de Mayo

3 - Conroe High Tennis Banquet

8 -10, Synod Assembly in Baton Rouge

10 - Family Day at the Zoo 9am

11- Pastor Chris Returns from Mission Trip

11 - Mother’s Day

13 - Creative Hands 10am

17 - Contemporary Band Practice

17 - Work Day at Lutherhill Ministries

18 - Contemporary Service, 10:30am

21 - Men’s Ministry 7pm

25 - Graduation Sunday 10:30am

26 - Memorial Day

27 - Creative Hands 10am

31 - All Camp at Lutherhill Ministries

Pastor’s Corner

Noah -

Tomorrow I am going to see the movie Noah based on Genesis chapters 6-10. This

movie has been a part of lengthy discussion amongst the clergy in this area and a

few things have come to light concerning this.

I think it is fair to say that this text has been romanticized for many years with

parents decorating there children's nursery's with animals and Arks. However, the

reality of the story is being glossed over is the fact that the story tells how God

flooded the earth and killed people. You can nuance it anyway you want but if

you were to put God on trial and asked the question, "Did you do this?" (Yes or No)

----- the but ---- would not really matter unless it was self defense which would be

hard to argue in this case. I don't think I have ever seen a child's nursery with the

pretty little Ark with dead bodies floating in the water. I suspect such a thing would

warp a child which is not a good thing. Therefore so often we over look this minor

detail and theologically excuse this act but I think we have to be careful not to

obfuscate or misdirect the difficulty of this story. Looking at the comments from

USA today this week some one made the following observation.

“I'm enjoying [Glen] Beck's comment about the movie being "strongly anti-human".

Don't know if he noticed, but ... the entire flood was strongly anti-human. Wasn't

that the point of it?” - Travis Prebble

No matter the details the big picture is the big picture. Like many stories of the

Bible, this one may be more troubling than say, the story of Ruth or Jonah when we

really stop and think about it. However, Christians are not the only ones trying to

gloss of the nature of this story. In the preview that I saw the opening line spoken in

that deep Hollywood voice," When tyrants ruled the world and wickedness ruled

the hearts of men, one man chose to do something different..." That may not be

completely correct but you get the gist. Even in those few lines the film maker is

trying to get us past the fact that this dark story is not a bad story because it is

about good and evil. The problem for me is that I know the world is not made of

solely bad people and solely good people. However I think that is how this movie is

going to be told. So here is my prediction of this film and we can see how right or

wrong I was.

We will learn to love the good people (Noah and his family) and hate the evil

people (everyone else) and when the bad people die we will know it was ok

because they were bad folks.

From the Council President

For me, much of the past month has been consumed by the death of my Dad on February

28th. Maxine and I do appreciate the loving hugs and expressions of sympathy we have

received from our dear friends at Tree of Life.

During the 10 days we spent with Dad at the hospital and then at the hospice center, we

met many care givers who were caring and compassionate toward Dad, Mom, and our

family. We thank God for those folks who helped share our grief.

During Dad's last few days, as hope for recovery in this life faded, we had to draw upon

our faith, believing that as this life ended, love, the greatest of these, would endure.

As Maxine and I are returning to our routines, activities at Tree of Life are continuing at a

rapid pace; Holden Evening Prayer service each Wednesday of Lent, Easter preparations,

garage sale and I am sure many other active ministries.

Thank you for your sustaining prayers over the past month.

Thank you,

Dennis McConnell

President - Church Council

Tree of Life Lutheran Church

"Be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry," James 1:19b

Pastor’s Corner, Continued

Theologically if we embrace the horrendous nature of this story with no excuses

here are few points to ponder

1. We as people try to make sense of why God does what God does. The story of

Noah does just that.

2. God is powerful and a healthy respect for God is not a bad thing - I think of the

character Aslan from the Narnia Chronicles "He is not a tame lion."

3. There are parts of our faith that have very dark and have difficult images which

we should be willing to acknowledge.

4. Last of all from Don Carlson came this wonderful piece of theology. "God is all

good; God is all powerful; horrible things happen. You can reconcile any two, but

not all three." - Carl Frederick Buechner.


Chris Lake, pastor

Ryan’s Report

Each month I'm conflicted with what to write about. What do people want to

hear? Do people even read what I write? Well this month I've decided to take a

different approach. Rather than write up an article, I've decided to offer up a few

resources. The main resource I want to offer up is music. I can't imagine going a

single day without listening to music. Around the office I'm known for having a song

of the day (yes it can be that intense.) I want to give you as a parent, a few artists

and songs to play in the car or around the house. Not that songs like, "What Does

the Fox Say" though it can really grab your youth’s attention, but songs with depth

and a true message.

Here are some artists I really like:

Chris Tomlin



Kari Jobe

Tenth Avenue North

Phil Wickham

All Sons and Daughters

The list can go on and on. However, I encourage you to take a look at these.

Maybe you will find them helpful. If not, find a way to get them into your children’s

hand and see what they think.

The Conroe area offers two Christian radio stations. 89.3 offers a great blend of new

contemporary songs as well as a few old classics. 103.7 offers a more alternative

rock style to Christian music. This music features many of the artists that played at

the Winter Jam concert last month.

I also want to offer a few books that youth can read if they haven't already. There is

a great bookstore in Shenandoah called Lifeway. They have a great section for

kids that can barely read all the way to books for high schoolers. My favorite book

to recommend to junior and senior high is one called, "Heaven is For Real." This

book is about a young boy who dies for only a few minutes, comes back to life,

and has a rather unique story to tell. Our own Yuliana Rinehart has also

recommended a book called, "Wenny has Wings." Another book I would offer up

for high school youth that begins to explain the Holy Trinity is one called, "The

Shack." This is a tough one to read, but one I think they'll get a lot from.

Ryan Dockery

Here are some songs I really like:

Ocean by Hillsong United

Reason to Sing by All Sons and Daughters

He is With Us by Love & The Outcome

Lord, I Need You by Matt Maher


I have to ask the question.

Who did it? Who moved to the center of their pews? Who parked further

from the sanctuary? If you did, thank you! Were you able to welcome

someone to the church because of the changes you made in your heart

and mind? Did you notice any changes within yourself or others due to the


If you didn’t move, is it because you forgot, or you simply have no idea

what I’m talking about? Quick recap from last month’s article for you -

Move to the center of the pew to allow visitors a place to sit. Park further

away from the sanctuary to give our guests the prime spots. What would

help you remember?

This is important ya’ll. When we move to the center of the pew, we are

becoming intentional about welcoming someone to our church. We’re not

forcing them climb over us to find a decent spot. We’re telling them “there

is enough room for you and your family here.” Because there is room.

What other steps could we take to let

the outside community know that

there is room for them at Tree of Life?

Drop me a line. Let’s talk.

God’s Peace,

Bunny Stoutes

Media Manager

[email protected]

Synod Activities

Peru Pilgrimage

July 17 – 27

A pilgrimage is a search of spiritual significance, a departure from

daily life. It is a journey that stretches your worldview and God-

view. This is a cross-cultural and cross-generational spiritual

experience with a choice of excursions that include intentional

relationship building with the Peruvian Lutheran Church, visits to

ancient Incan ruins and more.

This pilgrimage is entitled ACTS of faith and throughout our time

together we will be studying key stories in the book of Acts as we

learn with and from our partners in Peru.

Five different and unique tracks are available, including trips to

the Amazon jungle, Cusco, Machu Picchu, Lima, and more. The

trip price starts out at $800, not including the trip from the United

States to Lima. All other travel is included in the cost of the trip.

For more information, go to and

click on events, then Peru


In Our Community

Grace Lutheran Christ in the Passover shows the link

between the ancient Festival of

Redemption and Christ as the Lamb of

God—you will never forget it! This

demonstration is visual, so the you will

actually see a table set with traditional

Passover items. The mission uses

Scripture as well as the visual items to

walk through a Jewish Passover seder,

weaving the story of the Exodus

together with the life, death and

resurrection of Christ. The spoken words

in the upper room come alive as each

Hebraic item is carefully explained.

Grace Lutheran Church on

April 8, 2014 at 7:00pm.

No reservations are needed.

Call 936-588-1944 for more information.

March for Babies

The March of Dimes is getting ready to

walk in March for Babies. It promises to

be a fun day out with people who share

our passion for improving the health of

babies. There will be family teams,

company teams and people walking

with friends - it`s a great feeling knowing

we`re all helping real families. Join the

event and walk with us to raise money

for babies right here in our community!

University of Houston on April 27th

2400 Calhoun

Houston, TX


For more information, email

[email protected]

Montgomery County Fair

April 4-13


April 4th - Jason Boland & The Straggles

April 5 - Hometown Saturday Night with John Slaughter

April 13 - Ramon Ayala


April 7 - Junior Non-Livestock

April 9 - Junior Livestock

April 10 - Replacement Heifer


Kids Days - April 7 & 8

Pet Parade - April 8 at 5pm

BBQ Cook Off - April 10, 11, & 12

9201 FM 1484 Rd, Conroe, TX 77303

(936) 760-3247

Spring Break in Livingston

During Spring Break, almost 20 families from Tree of Life met at Lake Livingston for a week of

camping, fellowship, and food. The Holden Evening Prayer was held lakeside, led by

Butch Nye and Jeremie Brown. Thanks to Shirley Finke and Jeremie Brown for organizing

this event.

Murder Mystery Dinner

On Friday May 2nd, our 6th-8th grade students

are invited to attend a Murder Mystery Dinner

and Lock-In at Tree of Life. Please mark your

calendars now! Your student will receive a

personalized invitation with information they

need to know about their character, including

background, accents, and clothes.

Now, here is the fun part for the adults. Many of

you have expressed an interest being a

participant in the murder mystery party. But, this

is a party for the students. Here's what we are

doing instead - If you will volunteer to help

decorate, cook, serve and/or clean up on May

2nd, you will be invited to an adult only murder

mystery dinner party in April.

Please email Bunny at [email protected] if

you would like to participate as an adult.


First Communion Class

If you feel your child or

children is ready for first

communion, please

have a conversation

with Pastor Chris, then

join the fun and

informative class held

on April 6th from 1-5pm.

Pastor Chris can

be reached at

[email protected]

or by cell phone,



CPR/First Aid/AED Training

April 27

April 27th, Amy Spoerle will host a

Lifesavers CPR/First Aid/CPR class at

Tree of Life in the Fellowship Hall at

12:30pm. The cost is $20 per

participant. Bring your lunch to class.

Participants must be at least 12 years

of age to be certified. To register or for

questions, email

[email protected].

Easter Eggs

On or by April 13th,

please consider

donating plastic Easter

eggs and candy for our

Easter egg hunt and for

the Family Promise Easter

egg hunt. Your

donations are greatly



Men’s Ministry

April 16


All Are Welcome

Graduation Sunday

May 25

Celebrate with our graduating high school seniors.

Dave and Daphne Cox invite you to attend the blessing of

the marriage of our daughter, Amy, to Felix Vara on April 6

at the 10:30 worship service. Immediately following the

service we will have a potluck luncheon in the fellowship

hall. If you have ever met Amy or know Dave and

Daphne, please join us for this celebration. Bring a dish to

share, we will provide ham and fried chicken.

Love Always, Dave & Daphne


Garage Sale



[email protected]

Online Giving ●If you are tired of filling out envelopes

●If the only reason you order checks is

for church

●If you love pressing the “easy button”

Consider online giving!

Scan the QR code below or go to from your mobile


Mailing of Branches

If you know of a member who is

homebound, please contact Bunny in the

office and she will mail them the Monthly

Branches at home. Bunny can be

reached at 936-539-9530 or

[email protected]


Name Tags

If you would like a name tag, please make

the request on the back of your attendance

slip. The cost of the tags are $10. To pay for

the name tags, simply drop it in an offering

envelope, with “name tags” in the memo.

Why name tags? God called Moses by

name, and we would like to call you by

name. It helps visitors to figure out who is who

and lessens pressure on them. Finally, it puts a

stop to those embarrassing moments where

you can’t remember the name of the person

you’re standing next to.

Order yours today in the lobby!

Youth Group

Wednesday at 6pm

Grades K-12


Prayer Requests


Anne Johnson-breast cancer

Josh Beurman– Hodgkin's lymphoma

Lisa Sowell-cancer

Don Palmer Beckham-cancer

Kacey Butler-cancer stage 3


Jacob Bespelac-cancer

Shana Ault-cancer

Tim Marseillis-cancer

Virginia Zeiner-cancer

Joe Donahue Jr.-cancer

Angelica Beltran-cancer

Sarah Malone Anderson-cancer

Anna Fuher-cancer

Bryan Parks-brain tumor


Cindy DeVore-back surgery 3/10/14

Lucy Obrosky-back in the hospital

Jimmie Ray Thompson-stroke

Serving in the U.S.

Lauren Funderburk-in Vandenberg AFB in California, daughter of Keith & Vickie Funderburk

Allen Holm-in FT. Knox and whole family is together, Christy Diamond’s brother-in-law

Jana & Howard Bennette- stationed in Germany, Jan & Lawrence Zuehlke’s son-in-law

Ryan Cole-in Hawaii, Army

John Morio-Army Reserves, will be deployed overseas, friend of Alta Goodnight

Brant Berlehner-stateside, Nancy Berlehner’s son

Jonathon Dilbeck-stateside, friend of Mary Pressley

Auda Will-in Fort Hood, daughter of a friend of Dennis and Karen Andrews.

Chad Duby-Army-stateside.

Leonard Muehr-Army stationed in Colorado Springs, Debra Pieniazk’s nephew

Dan McKaughan-Navy in Monterey.

Corey Williams-Navy Goose Creek, S.C.

Leland Muehr-U.S. National Guard , Debra Pieniazk’s nephew

Justin Gilbreath-stationed at camp Pendleton, CA

Coltton Erickson-US Army stationed in Georga.

Kyle Obrosky-US Army stationed in Fort Walton Beach, Florida

Troy Reed-marine stationed in Oklahoma

Taylor Camron-Navy graduating from boot camp

Jason Pady-Marines in North Carolina

Conner Moeller-entering the Navy


Barbara Nelson-healing

Addison Phelps-healing

Lawrence Zuehlke-back surgery


Butch Nye-for a successful upcoming bone

marrow transplant

Steve Hamm-grief on losses

Valerie Allen-to be able to keep her job

Tim & Roxanne Ault-struggles


Rich Obrosky-birthday

Amy & Felix Vara-married 3/29/14

Our Armed Services Overseas:

Bruce Edmond-Air Force Japan

Andrew Suggs-in the Marines, serving in Iraq,

friend of Kyla Nelson

Jacob Herring-Serving in Afganistan (student of

Chris Douglas)

For Our Community

Have a special event you would like to share? Give

Bunny a call at 936-539-9530 during business hours, or

email her at [email protected].

What is Family Promise?

Family Promise of Montgomery County serves homeless families

with children by offering them an opportunity to stabilize their

family financially and emotionally while being served through

a network of local area congregations. Families are able to

stay together as a unit while they receive shelter, meals,

transportation and other assistance.

Families are required to work full-time, and children must be

enrolled in school and/or child care programs. Families are

expected to take responsibility for their recovery and for taking

necessary steps to become independent and self-sufficient. It

is a 90-day program and successful graduates exit the

program with housing, transportation, school/day care, and all essential needs of their

family met.

Families are required to save all of their disposable income through a Client Savings

Account while they are in the program. When the family exits the program, they then

have a savings account with a “nest egg” to help ensure stability after they leave.

When is Family Promise?

The next Family Promise will be hosted April 13-20.

How can I help?

Tree of Life partners with First Christian Church three times a year to host a set of

families. We need volunteers to make and serve dinner, stay overnight, drive the

families in a van (provided) to the family center, and other various tasks. It’s a fun,

meaningful way to volunteer in the community with a short time commitment.

Sign up on April 6th or after!

To help make sure the program is a success, please email Linda Baumgartner,

[email protected] and she will get you plugged in!


1 - Micayla Andrews

2 - Butch Nye

4 - Linda Bliese

6 - Bob Myers

8 - Kayla Adams

12 - Amy Mersiovsky

16 - Bob Fillers

17 - Keith Funderburk

20 - MariAnn O’Hagan

22 - Alyssa Spoerle

23 - Flo Stiverson

24 - Brett Campagna

24 - D.J. Pressley

26 - Dennis McConnell

27 - Ellen Blinka

30 - Jennifer Griffin

Wedding Anniversaries

22 - Jack & Debra Pieniazek

28 - Wayne & Shelley Pfluger

Baptismal Anniversaries

1 - Dennis Cartwright

1 - Brenna Chaffee

1 - Brian Chaffee

1 - Laura Chaffee

1 - Melissa Chaffee

1 - Linda Patzold

3 - Jill Sauls

7 - Madeline Lake

10 - Mary Coker

10 - Ed Little

14 - Judy Sander

18 - Julie Timmins

19 - Doyle Ebel

20 - Kyle Graves

25 - Jacqueline France

25 - Karen Proctor

27 - Karen Solberg

28 - Chris Douglas

28 - Katherine Lake

April Celebrations


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Tree of Life Lutheran Church

3201 N. Loop 336 W.

Conroe, TX 77304


Check out our Website!

Like us on Facebook!

Isn’t it Pinteresting!

Tree of Life Staff

Ida Craig, Office Administrator

[email protected]

Bunny Stoutes, Media Manager

[email protected]

Talenna & Debra Blaker, Nursery Staff

[email protected]

Chris Lake, Senior Pastor

[email protected]

Ryan Dockery, Director of Youth Ministries

[email protected]

John Burkwall, Organist

[email protected]

Office Hours: 9:00 am - 3:30 pm



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