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Maintenance report volume I 30 new updates to Volume II

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The purpose of me updating the Longfellow landscape

maintenance report is to show the records of what was

going on with the Longfellow plants in the year 2013. To

also show what we recommend happen the next few

years with the 30 plants that were recorded and

maintained whether it’s a tree or a perennials.

During My 20 week internship I

maintained and kept record of trees,

shrubs, perennials, bulbs and vines.

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Record sheets & Why they are


• Each Record sheet contains the Genus and

Species name of the plant

• Each sheet also includes the common name of

the plants

• Each sheets includes date and months plant

was maintained

• If recommendations were made for the plant

they are also included on record sheets

• Each sheet includes the maintenance that was

done to the plant in the year 2013

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Examples one

Top of record sheet

Record Crabapple, Mrs. Ackerly Memorial Crabapple Malus floribunda

Date Work performance, observation, measurement, replacement

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Examples two

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Example three

Details of record sheet


Work performance, observation, measurement, replacement

6/5/13 Poppies were in full bloom this year, they were in bloom for a while and there were

plenty of them. They did really well this year. Some red were added, 3 white.

poppies were added to one corner where they had died out

8/15/13 rabbits ate the newly planted poppies and some of the well-established ones.

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Final product

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Thank you

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