
Portfolio of Evidence Business Admin NQF 4: SAQA ID 61595

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Business Admin NQF 4 – US 12153 – Issue 3 – 01-01-2021


Learner Name: Learner ID #: Learner Student Number:

Formative Assessment

Class Activities

During and after the initial training the learner will be required to complete a number of activities. These activities will be both individual and group activities (class activities / formative activities). The activities are numbered and are to be included in the learner’s portfolio of evidence. These activities will measure the progress of the learner through the programme. For authenticity reasons these activities must be handwritten.

Class Activity 1: Use textual features and conventions specific to business texts for effective writing

Complete the following in small groups / individually as per the instructions from your facilitator:


1. Study the following email and indicate a) what its purpose is, b) in what way it does not comply with industry specific and/or legislative requirements and c) what the possible consequences of non-compliance are, then d) rewrite the email so that it is more compliant:

Subject: Meeting

Hi Jim,

I just wanted to remind you about the meeting we have scheduled next week. Do let me know if you have any questions!

Best wishes, Mark

a) Purpose:

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b) Non-compliance:

c) Possible consequences:

d) Improvement

2. Interpret the technical terms and jargon in bold print and rephrase them in plain language: “Mindset Network is a non-profit organisation that creates, sources and delivers mass education. It reaches primary and secondary schools, the healthcare sector, and under-developed and under-resourced communities. It also installs equipment at schools, provides training for communities, develops technology to assist under-developed communities, and ensures that educational material can be re-used. However, Mindset needs to maximise efficiencies and increase capacity as it grows.”1

1 From: Sunday Times, April 9, 2006, Business Times Careers section, p. 1

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Jargon/technical term Paraphrase/ explanation

Non-profit organisation

Under-developed communities

Under-resourced communities

Maximise efficiencies

Increase capacity

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3. A colleague has brought you this job advertisement for which she intends applying, but says that she does not understand exactly what is required from the incumbent. Please see if you can help:

a. Make a list of the skills / competencies and personal attributes required of the applicant

(5 each):

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b. List 3 abbreviations that have been used in this advertisement:

c. If you could ask the potential employer (client) 2 questions based on the text to help you understand his needs and to focus your colleague’s information gathering for her CV, what would they be?

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d. The person who wrote this advertisement does not seem to have edited or proof read very well. There are at least 3 language errors (spelling, punctuation, etc.) that have slipped through. Can you correct them?

Mistake Correction



five year’s experience

Place any extra evidence after this page, clearly marked for easy reference.

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Class Activity 2: Identify and collect information needed to write a text specific to a particular function

Complete the following in small groups / individually as per the instructions from your facilitator:


1. Identify the type and purpose of each of the following texts2: a. My first political awareness began in high school during the Vietnam War, when I remember wearing

silver “Missing In Action” bracelets with names on them. Those names were mysterious and terrifying. I staged my first political protest in sixth grade assembly. I think these early experiences had a lot to do with my political leanings today.

b. Public protest against the Vietnam War eventually brought that war to an end.

2 Retrieved from:

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c. The Iraq War is as much a quagmire as Vietnam. It's time for us to face reality, admit failure, and leave.

2. Identify and know your audience: how will you adapt your writing for each of the following? a) Skimmer:

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b) Sceptic:

3. Write down 5 open-ended questions that one would ask client to determine their needs for a product/service.

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4. Correct the bias, stereotypes, or any other offensive details in the texts below:

a) The astute leader always listens to his men

b) Men show their true nature in time of crisis.

c) Policemen, mailmen, chairman or businessmen

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d) the following advertisement:

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5. What is the focus of the following article3?

At a clinic in a poor South African township, Themba Grammary puts five anti-tuberculosis pills in his mouth, then sticks out his tongue so his nurse can make sure he's swallowed his medicine. "Some patients hide the pills because they say it's too much for them," says the 48-year-old, who lives in the impoverished neighbourhood of Alexandra, north of Johannesburg. Tuberculosis treatment lasts at least six months and requires taking multiple pills on a regular schedule each day. As Grammary knows all too well, the side effects can be debilitating. "Sometimes I am feeling numb in my legs," he says. But for him, the pills are a life-or-death matter. Like 5.7% of South Africa's 48 million people, Grammary is HIV positive, making him highly vulnerable to TB. Every year, more than 300,000 people with HIV contract TB in South Africa, and 110,000 die of the bacterial lung infection. Grammary, who says he feared his neighbours would ostracise him for having HIV, had never sought anti-retroviral treatment. But when he caught tuberculosis for the second time at the beginning of 2010, he had no choice but to go to the local health centre. "When I came here, I was very skinny. I could not walk. I waited too long," he says. His nurse, Vuyelwa Twalo, says test results showed Grammary's immune system was on the verge of collapse. "His CD4 count was 24. Ours is around 800!" she says. "Without his treatment, he would be gone by now." For 40 days, Grammary received daily injections. Since then, he's been going to the small clinic every day to get five pills that he takes under Twalo's watchful eye. Patients who abandon their treatment regimen can develop a drug-resistant strain of the disease and infect those around them. "We have to make sure that they take the medication at a regular time and don't defect," Twalo says. To fight multi-drug resistant TB, the World Health Organisation has since the 1990s recommended a treatment strategy called DOTS (Directly Observed Treatment Short course), which requires taking pills under the surveillance of an observer. According to a report by the Stop TB Partnership released on Wednesday, 49 million TB patients worldwide have been treated under the system in the past 15 years. Of those, 41 million have been cured, a success rate of 86%. In Alexandra, when patients refuse to come to the clinic every day, Twalo tries to find an observer at the patient's home or work place. But multi-drug resistant TB still strikes in South Africa, where the WHO detected at least 14,000 cases in 2008. Christian Lienhardt, senior research advisor for the Stop TB Partnership, says a massive investment in treatment research is needed to dramatically reduce the prevalence of the disease. "We need a treatment that takes two to four months and has less side effects," he says. Grammary says he knows he has to stay with his current treatment regimen in the meantime. He doesn't want to risk returning to his emaciated condition at the beginning of the year. "Now, I look fine," he says. "People are very impressed!"

3Retrieved from:

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Place any extra evidence after this page, clearly marked for easy reference.

Class Activity 3: Compose a text using plain language for a specific function

Complete the following in small groups / individually as per the instructions from your facilitator:


1. Rewrite the following text so that it is easier for your audience to read (use headings, bullets, etc. as appropriate):

My room is the most comfortable room in my house. I really enjoy having my TV, DVD, Computer, VCR, Game Boy, and CD player all in one place that I can truly call my very own. The bed is comfortable, when I can find it. Often it’s covered with clothes, school books, papers, CD’s and junk. I like to hang out with my friends in my room and turn the music up loud. That’s fun. Most of my friends like the same music I do, like Def Leppard and Iron Maiden. Other friends like more classic rock, like Bruce Springsteen. We get along okay though. Sometimes I just lie there and think about my day. I enjoy thinking, because it helps me concentrate.

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2. Write the cover letter that you will send with your CV when applying for a job/ funding to start your own business:

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3. Describe how your cover letter is appropriate for the:

a. intended audience – who are you writing it to?

b. business function – what is the purpose of a cover letter?

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Class Activity 4: Organise and structure a text appropriately for a business function

Complete the following in small groups / individually as per the instructions from your facilitator:


1. Proofread your cover letter (Activity 3 ) and then after making corrections in a different colour pen (on your first draft), create a final draft that it is completely correct.

2. How can you use graphics, a table or a diagram to enhance your cover letter without exceeding the 1-page requirement?

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3. How would you advise Jane to change her message to George? (At least 3 changes should be recommended). Explain why you are recommending these changes.

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! This message is high priority

From [email protected]

To [email protected]






Recommended change Reason

4. Complete and extend the following sentence in your cover letter into a paragraph to reflect your experience in the job that you are currently in. Refer to both length of time and one specific skill/ task:

As my attached résumé notes, I have …….

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Place any extra evidence after this page, clearly marked for easy reference.

Class Activity 5: Present a written text for a particular function in a business environment

Complete the following in small groups / individually as per the instructions from your facilitator:


1. Change the following sentences to highlight the “good news” in each instance: a) ABC Vitamins will help keep you from getting sick.

b) We are sorry that we cannot deliver the widgets by August 16.

c) I have no experience other than clerking in my father's grocery shop.

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2. Self-assess your cover letter.

The writer has ✓

1. Stated the main point early in the document

2. Used language that the audience will be able to understand

3. Used the appropriate tone for the audience

4. Ensured that the document proceeds in a logical and organised way

5. Organised each paragraph around one main idea

6. Included enough details and examples to support the main point

7. Provided enough background information

8. Ensured that the document conforms to standard business writing convention

9. Proof read for spelling and grammatical errors

10. Cut out any superfluous words and phrases

3. Ask your partner to assess your cover letter, using the same checklist and give you constructive feedback. Ask him/her to write the feedback here and then sign and date it:


Name and signature: Date:

Place any extra evidence after this page, clearly marked for easy reference.

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Individually complete the following: 12153

The purpose of reflection is for you to consider what you have learnt and how you will use it in the future. Answer the following questions as honestly as you can: 1. After the training programme, I can now (tick):

use textual features and conventions specific to texts

identify the intended audience for the communication

identify the purpose of a text

select the appropriate text type, format and layout for the purpose

organise and structure a technical text appropriately

use appropriate grammar conventions

draft and edit a technical text

recognise errors and check for accuracy

present the same information in different ways

use plain language in business 2. How would you apply what you have learnt during this skills programme in the workplace?

3. What was the most significant thing you have learnt in this programme?

4. What do you think you still need to learn more about? (Action Plan)

5. What did you enjoy most about the training?

6. If there was something about the training that you could change, what would it be?

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Facilitator Observation Checklist

The facilitator needs to provide feedback on the participation of each learner in the class:


The purpose of the facilitator observation checklist is to provide the learner with feedback about his/her participation during the formative class activities and also to highlight the observed strengths and perceived weaknesses that the learner displayed during the workshop and/or learning programme.

The facilitator is required to complete the Facilitator Observation checklist for each learner in his/her Learner Workbook. The learner needs to sign-off the document to confirm that he/she has received the observation feedback.

Learner Name Facilitator Name Date

Class Activity Group /

Individual Completed

Participation Comments on perceived strengths and weaknesses of the learner

1.Use textual features and conventions specific to business texts for effective writing

2. Identify and collect information needed to write a text specific to a particular function

3. Compose a text using plain language for a specific function

4. Organise and structure a text appropriately for a business function

5. Present a written text for a particular function in a business environment

6. Reflection Individual

Has the learner sufficiently demonstrated application of the following CCFO’s during the facilitated session?

CCFO1: Make responsible decisions about format, layout and material to be included in the text. Reflect on and explore a variety of strategies to write more effectively for different audiences and purposes.


CCFO3: Organise and manage his/her own learning activities responsibly and effectively

CCFO4: Collect, organise and critically evaluate information from a variety of technical texts

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Be culturally and aesthetically sensitive across a range of social contexts in carefully selecting words to create a variety of texts for different audiences and purposes. See the world as a set of related systems in understanding the consequences of non-compliance with legislative and sector requirements for specific texts

Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No

CCFO5: Communicate effectively using visual, mathematics and language skills in written texts




Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No

Statement by the facilitator: The learner has demonstrated sufficient knowledge and skill during class to proceed with the summative assessment (circle)

Yes No

Additional comments: (optional)

Learner Signature Facilitator Signature

• Learner Workbook with Class Activities completed

During and after the initial training the learner will be required to complete a number of class activities. These activities will be both individual and group activities (class activities - formative). The activities are numbered and are to be included in the learner’s portfolio of evidence. These activities will measure the progress of the learner through the programme. For authenticity reasons these activities must be handwritten.

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Summative Assessment Please complete the following summative assessment activities and submit as part of your Portfolio of Evidence:

• Knowledge Questions

• Practical Activities

• Witness Testimony

• Logbook

The learner needs to individually complete the summative assessment activities. The summative assessment is conducted by means of a knowledge questionnaire and various integrated assessment activities. The learner needs to follow the summative assessment activity instructions to create the evidence required for the portfolio of evidence.

Note: The Critical Cross Field Outcomes are referenced in the following manner:

CCFO1- Identify and solve problems in which responses demonstrate that responsible decisions using critical and creative thinking have been made

CCFO2- Work effectively with others as a member of a team, group, organisation, community

CCFO3- Organise and manage oneself and one's activities responsibly and effectively

CCFO4- Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information

CCFO5- Communicate effectively using visual, mathematical and/or language skills in the modes of oral and/or written presentation

CCFO6- Use science and technology effectively and critically, showing responsibility towards the environment and health of others

CCFO7- Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems by recognising that problem-solving contexts do not exist in isolation

CCFO8- Be culturally sensitive across a range of social contexts so that all actions and decisions made are acceptable to all stakeholders with broad cultural backgrounds

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Knowledge Questions

Please answer the following knowledge questions related to the unit standard embedded knowledge and assessment criteria and place it in your portfolio of evidence. Remember to number the answers according to the question numbers, should you need to attach a document. You have to complete this Knowledge Questionnaire individually based on the theory that you covered in your Learner Guide and the formative assessments you completed in your Learner Workbook.

Knowledge Questions Individually complete the following:

Unit Standard Reference

1. List 5 texts that are written in your workplace: 12153.1.1


2. What are the implications of not following the industry specific or legislative requirements for a) Minutes of meetings b) e-mails c) letters to clients?


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3. List 5 sources that you can consult to gather information for your writing: 12153.2.4


4. Define accuracy, bias and stereotype 12153.2.5



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5. Explain what is meant by main points and supporting details in writing: 12153.3.2 12153.33


6. List two technical terms (jargon) that you use in the course of your job and give the layman’s terms or explanation:


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Total / 30

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Practical Activities

Individually complete the following activities to show your ability to integrate and apply your knowledge and skills in the workplace.

Practical Activity: Use the writing process to compose texts required in the business environment

Individually complete the following:

12153. EEK-


You need to show that you can use the writing process to compose texts required in the business environment. Complete the following: 1. Use the writing process to compose texts required in the business environment. Complete

the following: a. Compose and submit a first draft of the following documents specific to your work

environment: i. 2 Emails – one new email and one in reply to another email (provide the original

email too) ii. Memo – your choice of subject iii. Report – your choice of subject (not a spreadsheet, an actual report with headings as

per the guidelines in your learner guide) iv. Meeting agenda and minutes (for the same meeting)

b. Submit the information / documents that you accessed in order to create each of the 5 workplace documents – submit this as supporting evidence for each of your 5 documents

c. Create a checklist to facilitate reflection and editing – submit this checklist (not filled in). Your checklist needs to reflect the following:

• the correct format and layout is used for the document (including textual features and conventions specific to business texts)

• the intended or incidental audience for whom the text is to be written is identified correctly

• the information is free of bias, stereotypes and other offensive details

• appropriate grammar (plain language) has been used

• technical terms and jargon are rephrase in plain language or used appropriately in the correct context

• different ways of presenting the same information is used to enhance the meaning of the text

• the information is accurate and factually correct

• the document is in a logical sequence and meaningful d. Use your checklist to edit your first drafts of the 5 documents – submit the 5 copies of your

checklist (1 for each of your documents) e. Compose and submit the final drafts of your documents (all 5 documents) f. Request your supervisor to check your 5 documents and signoff and date the documents in

agreement that you have followed company policies and procedures in creating these 5 documents.

Remember: Provide workplace evidence to support your answers and show your ability to do what is required of you in this activity.

Place your evidence after this page; clearly marked for easy reference.

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Assessment Rubric

Your assessor will use the following rubric to assess your composed texts / documents. Make sure that all the criteria listed are evident in your documents:

Criterion Not yet competent Competent

Texts specific to a particular function in a business environment are produced in response to defined requirements.

The text does not conform to the requirements in terms of content, structure, format and / or organisational standards

Requirements are met according to the nature of the request in line with organisational standards

Terminology and conventions specific to a particular function in a business environment are used appropriately.

Little or no evidence of correct writing. Grammatical and spelling errors limit the text’s readability. Jargon is used inappropriately.

The use of language clarifies the readability of the text. E.g. jargon is used for the appropriate target audience, minimum grammatical and spelling errors may be present but do not detract from the readability of the text.

The intended or incidental audience for whom the text is written is identified for a specific field or sub field in order to focus the information needs.

The tone, content and style are inappropriate for the intended audience.

The tone, content and style of the writing reflects that the learners recognise the profile of the intended audience.

Information required for the document is accessed from a variety of sources.

No evidence is provided to show that the learner can source additional information from a variety of sources for a document (research assignment two). Incorrectly interprets data or information with little or no analysis or conclusions.

Learner is able to source and produce as evidence, legislative and company standards required for compliance of a document (for research assignment two). Correct interpretation of sourced data or information. Able to apply to the business context and present and a conclusion based on own research.

Information accessed is checked for accuracy, bias, stereotypes, and other offensive details.

Language is used that can be offensive to a reader.

Text produced is free of gender, cultural, racial, age, sexual orientation, and disability stereotyping and bias and other offensive details.

The focus of the proposed text is defined and a decision is made about what information should be included or omitted in order to ensure the focus.

Too much, too little or irrelevant information is presented in the final text.

All the information collected during the data gathering process, is presented. This includes the information that has been omitted from the final presentation. The omitted information does not affect the purpose or clarity of the text.

A checklist is created to facilitate reflection and editing.

The checklist does not reflect the criteria required to effectively edit the text.

The criteria created for the checklist facilitates the editing process against the company and legislative standards for the text.

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Criterion Not yet competent Competent

A first draft of the text is written that collates the necessary information in a rough framework.

No draft is presented. A draft is presented to demonstrate that the learner planned for the writing process.

The first draft is checked to ensure that appropriate grammar has been used and where necessary the draft is rewritten in plain language using clear accessible language that avoids over-complex syntax.

The learner has not been able to identify the language errors made that will impact on the intended message and the required changes are not indicated on the draft.

Where misspellings, plain language and grammatical errors impact on the intended message, these errors are identified and corrected on the draft copy. (The learner can use a highlighter or coloured pen to indicate the changes to the draft.)

Different ways of presenting the same information are considered and used where these enhance the meaning of the text.

Readability is not enhanced by effective use of appropriate presentation options such as graphs, tables and bullets.

Appropriate alternative methods of presentation are used (e.g. graphs, bullets, tables, etc) to improve readability of the texts presented for the portfolio.

Technical or marketing terms and jargon are interpreted and rephrased in plain language or used appropriately in the correct context where the terminology is essential to the understanding of the text.

Language used would create a breakdown in communication and frustrations for the intended audience.

The use of jargon is limited to texts addressed to laypersons. Texts addressed to non-laypersons have adequate explanations of technical terms. Where jargon is used for a mixed audience, an explanation of the technical terminology is provided (for example in a glossary)

All information is checked for accuracy, and factual correctness.

There are inconsistencies about the information provided. Questions arise out of the factual correctness of the information provided. Lack of necessary information.

Information provided is factually correct. Details support logic and current practice.

The document is ordered to ensure that the sequence is logical and meaningful.

Ideas are disorganised. Few events are logical. Some departures from the subject cause reader confusion. Transitions may be logical, but are repetitive.

The information is presented in a logical, interesting manner and in a sequence that is interesting allowing a reader to follow. Details support logic. The material is clear, relevant, accurate and concise.

A text type, format and layout are selected that is appropriate for the audience and purpose.

The format and layout is not appropriate for the audience and purpose. The format and layout does not meet organisational standards. The information presented does not meet the conventions of the selected text type.

Layout and format appropriate to the audience and purpose are selected and maintained, within organisational standards. Information necessary for the selected text is presented according to the conventions of that text type.

Layout and formatting techniques are used correctly to enhance the readability of the text.

Readability is not enhanced by use of appropriate presentation options such as graphs, tables and bullets.

Appropriate alternative methods of presentation are used (e.g. graphs, bullets, tables, etc.) to improve readability of the texts presented for the portfolio.

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Criterion Not yet competent Competent

Information in the document is evaluated in terms or its appropriateness for the intended audience and business function.

Information is disjointed, and inappropriate for the audience and purpose of the text. There is no apparent theme or context.

The information provided has a common theme and is not incoherent. The communication indicates that the writer understands the audience and has understood the purpose of the communication. The context is communicated clearly with regard to the business function.

The final draft is proof read to check that it is completely correct.

No draft letter is included. A draft is included without corrections or editing.

The draft letter is included in the portfolio with all corrections indicated. The learner may use a highlighter or coloured pen, or any other means to indicate corrections and editing.

The final copy is self-assessed using a rubric or checklist based on the requirements of the writing task and the items on the checklist created in Specific Outcome 2.

The checklist created does not reflect company standards. The final text does not measure against the standards of the checklist.

A checklist is created using organisational standards for completion. The final text meets all the criteria of the checklist.

The final copy (all 5 documents) is signed off and dated in agreement by the supervisor, that you have followed company policies and procedures in creating these 5 documents

The supervisor did not sign and date the 5 documents in agreement

The supervisor did sign and date the 5 documents in agreement that the learner has followed company policies and procedures in creating these 5 documents

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Practical Activity Checklist

Please tick that you have submitted the following evidence as per the instructions above:

Learner Name


Practical Activity Submitted

Yes/No Name of my document /


Use the writing process to compose texts required in the business environment 1. Compose and submit a first draft of the

following documents specific to your work environment:

a. 2 Emails – one new email and one in reply to another email (provide the original email too)

b. Memo – your choice of subject c. Report – your choice of subject (not a

spreadsheet, an actual report with headings as per the guidelines in your learner guide)

d. Meeting agenda and minutes (for the same meeting)

2. Submit the information / documents that you accessed in order to create each of the 5 workplace documents – submit this as supporting evidence for each of your 5 documents

3. Create a checklist to facilitate reflection and editing – submit this checklist (not filled in).

4. Use your checklist to edit your first drafts of the 5 documents – submit the 5 copies of your checklist (1 for each of your documents)

5. Compose and submit the final drafts of your documents (all 5 documents)

6. Request your supervisor to check your 5 documents and signoff and date the documents in agreement that you have followed company policies and procedures in creating these 5 documents

Learner Signature

Portfolio of Evidence Business Admin NQF 4: SAQA ID 61595

Learner Signature

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Business Admin NQF 4 – US 12153 – Issue 3 – 01-01-2021

Witness Testimony

In the workplace, or in simulated classroom activities, you need to show your ability to integrate what you have learnt. This can be measured with the Specific Outcomes and the Critical Cross Field Outcomes of the Unit Standard.

Request your facilitator / supervisor (or workplace mentor) to complete the following form to show that you are able to integrate your learning into everyday workplace application. It is necessary that the facilitator / supervisor also provides a short comment on the form:

Learner Name Date

Did the Learner: Yes No

1. Use textual features and conventions specific to business texts for effective writing?

2. Identify and collect information needed to write a text specific to a particular function in a business environment?

3. Compose a text using plain language for a specific function?

4. Organise and structure a text appropriately for a business function?

5. Present a written text for a particular function in a business environment?

6. Make responsible decisions about format, layout and material to be included in the text?

7. Organise and manage his/her own learning activities responsibly and effectively?

8. Collect, organise and critically evaluate information from a variety of technical texts?

9. Communicate effectively using visual, mathematics and language skills in written texts?

Comments about how the learner applied the knowledge and skills in this programme:

Learner Name:

Learner Signature


Facilitator Name:

Facilitator Signature


Portfolio of Evidence Business Admin NQF 4: SAQA ID 61595

Learner Signature

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This log book has been included to record all time spent on the report and assignments.

Time spent completing on activities should be signed off by a facilitator, supervisor, mentor or witness where possible.

Learner Name:

Learner ID#:

Course Name FETC Business Administration Services NQF 4: SAQA ID 61595

Unit Standard Name SAQA ID 12153: Use the writing process to compose texts required in the business environment; NQF Level 4, 5 Credits

SAQA ID Number 12153 Credits 5 Notional Hours 50 Hours

Practical / Workplace Activities Start Date

End Date

Total No of Hours

Sign Off by Facilitator / Supervisor / Manager / Mentor / Witness

Name & Surname

Relationship to Learner


Use the writing process to compose texts required in the business environment

50 Hours

Activities Completed:

Classroom Training

Identify and list texts specific to a particular function in a business environment

Give an indication of industry specific and/or legislative requirements for each text

Produce texts specific to a particular function in a business environment in response to defined requirements

Give a written explanation of the implications of not following the industry specific or legislative requirements for a specific type of text

List possible consequences of non-compliance

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Create a document, using terminology and conventions specific to a particular function in a business environment appropriately

Identify and list the intended or incidental audience for whom the text is to be written, for a specific field or sub field in order to focus the information needs

Identify and record the purpose of the text within a specific field or sub-field and according to the information

Ask questions to help understand client needs and to focus information gathering

Gather the information required for the document from a variety of sources

Check the information gathered for accuracy, bias, stereotypes, and other offensive details

Write a definition of the of the proposed text

Make a decision about what information should be included or excluded in order to ensure the focus

Create a checklist to assist reflection and editing

Select a format and structure for the text that is appropriate for the intended audience and function

Identify and list the main points to be included in the text and add the necessary supporting details

Write a first draft of the text that collates the necessary information in a rough framework

Check the first draft to ensure that appropriate grammar has been used

Rewrite the draft, where necessary, in plain language using clear accessible language that avoids over-complex syntax

Research and list different ways of presenting the same information and use it where these enhance the meaning of the text

Draw up a chart, interpreting technical or marketing terms and jargon and rephrase it in plain language or use it appropriately in the correct context where the terminology is essential to the understanding of the

Portfolio of Evidence Business Admin NQF 4: SAQA ID 61595

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Check all information for accuracy, and factual correctness

Arrange the document to ensure that the sequence is logical and meaningful

Select a text type, format and layout that is appropriate for the audience and purpose

Use layout and formatting techniques correctly to enhance the readability of the text

Do a written evaluation on the information in the document in terms of its appropriateness for the intended audience and business function

Proofread the final draft to check that it is completely correct

Self-assess the final copy using a rubric or checklist based on the requirements of the writing task and the items on the checklist created in Specific Outcome to Identify and collect information needed to write a text specific to a particular function

Other workplace-related tasks:

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Comments from Facilitator:

Comments from Student:

Portfolio of Evidence Business Admin NQF 4: SAQA ID 61595

Learner Signature

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Business Admin NQF 4 – US 12153 – Issue 3 – 01-01-2021

Assessment Activities Checklist The learner needs to complete all the required activities that are guided by the Specific Outcomes and Assessment criteria of the Unit Standard(s) in this programme:

Programme FETC: Business Administration SAQA 61595

Unit Standard SAQA ID 12153: Use the writing process to compose texts required in the business environment; NQF Level 4, 5 Credits

Once you have completed all the assessment activities, request your supervisor to check that you have completed all the required activities and that they have all been placed in your Portfolio of Evidence, in the following order:

Did the learner provide the required evidence:

Reference: Comments / Feedback Yes No

Formative – Class Activities

Class Activity 1 12153.1

Class Activity 2 12153.2

Class Activity 3 12153.3

Class Activity 4 12153.4

Class Activity 5 12153.5

Reflection 12153

Facilitator Observation Checklist


Summative - Knowledge Questions

Question 1 12153.1.1

Question 2 12153.1.3

Portfolio of Evidence Business Admin NQF 4: SAQA ID 61595

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Business Admin NQF 4 – US 12153 – Issue 3 – 01-01-2021

Did the learner provide the required evidence:

Reference: Comments / Feedback Yes No

Question 3 12153.2.4

Question 4 12153.2.5

Question 5 12153.3.2 12153.3.3

Question 6 12153.4.3

Summative – Practical Activities

Practical Activity

12153. EEK-


As per the Practical Activity Checklist:

Summative – Witness Testimony

Witness Testimony 1 12153

Summative – Logbook

Logbook 12153

Learner Name:

Learner Signature


Facilitator Name:

Facilitator Signature


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Learner Signature

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This is to verify that the above work is my own / authentic. Learner Name: ___________________________Learner Student No:___________________ Learner Signature: ________________________ Date: _____________________________ FOR FACILITATOR This is to verify that the learner has completed all the above and is awaiting final assessment / moderation. File Checked:

Date Facilitator Name Facilitator Signature

Portfolio of Evidence Business Admin NQF 4: SAQA ID 61595

Learner Signature

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Business Admin NQF 4 – US 12153 – Issue 3 – 01-01-2021

Basic Conditions of Employment Act, 1997 Record of Time Worked

Employee Name: ________________________________________________________

Employee Surname: ______________________________________________________

Employee ID Number: ____________________________________________________

Employee Signature: _____________________________________________________

Employer Name: _________________________________________________________

Employer Signature: ______________________________________________________

Year: 2021

Month: _______________________________________

Total hours worked / productive capacity made available during the month: 160 hours

Work completed:

Time spent on training including classroom training and/or digital learning as well as

study and revision time;


Time spent on completing work and digital work tasks (including availability for work); X

Time spent on compiling assessments (formative and summative) for your PoE; X

Time spent on task preparation & research X

Time spent travelling to and from location for task completion X

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