Page 1: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, , 11/13/1987Hazards •••••••••••••••••••


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r,Elc; r H.I. ClEtt Uf;F PEnT J r; I TIE

NOV 1 3 \987 Undet the Fedelol1nsectid··.:.. Fungicide. and Ro:lcr::ic-i~'c Ju.r, as olUonded. fOI the pesticide

"gute"d und~';-<{7'(' f EPA RItQ.No,


1:· .... 1- } .. r..~-I:ai I. '::;BI.~.:- to ~1nr:1 u..~C' onl.Y I')' ce~-tifi(:-~d t"rPF,l.iC::ltors fQl­·tl·.,....::~ .. I.I~:.:~~.:. c}'/E-r-pe! by thf~" .JpptJ\ ..... 1.t()r·~~:;. c(;:'r·tific~tion 0'- P(:-:-I-sons

-{:l·.:\ i nt:-:-d i n :,F:'C Ol-cl~] lv:e I. .... I -1.11 the ,·It::.,: '.)atPi.1 ny i 119 pt· ocl ~LC t ma TJIJd l w(i,-h i fig

1.I.n.-(r.:;," i:hr-:- 'ii,"E"c-t SUpE·'· .... lls.ion ·3nd in the phy'..:;icaL PI-F!~:.enc:~ of tile::-~~'-1ifi~,{j :'~~lic8tor~ Physical pr0sf~nce meaT\S on site or OIl the rll-""fl;! C:I:'~.::. !::'~::-'Ad and f') 1.1.0\'''\ °tho:::! I.-:.\b.,::, I. i;lncJ tl'le l~f-''2>ec":lrcl'' f-',-oduc·ts (·~:-!I".p;:>.n"'" flrod".·:-.:t manual I,.·Jllic:h \.:ont-9i,,~j. CI)mpl.i~t.-::- instru.ctions for'

the sRfe uce of this pestjcidf~.

[Pet i" on f~fJTUXOn (\T

Act iVI? In']i-edi(::-nt: rn~rt }'!~"'Jr.:::·d ien1:~-i: of of of t,. ............... f." of ............. .. 43Y. TOTAL < < , • ' ••••••. , •••••••••••••• ' •••••••••••••• 100)'.


PF·J.::r"r.r.If:::I~"-! AL usuc~r...:Jn~ ;'3j u~.ted ilO

l;\l-~}t1IIr.t(l hi·\~)i:a ·ll.!.(~ I.a Got i·:tu_l?~ta -ej.e

amp l i t'Hli(-?ntE"" .

L'~0 IngLest no tlse es1e L~ tlaya sicto


By',..p-t.·{lm~ n·f tlV~::,-\"€~y.p~~sur[~ to h,/dr'oqt~Tl pl\'.I'.'.'Ipfl id(·~ c'-ll-l~ hf,~a'1achet

rlizzin~s~, nausea, difficult ~r~a*hil'9t vomiting ~nd rjiAr,·h&a. :~T" ,:,.,11 ca~-:·'·?~:: of ftv~r'expOSUTt:' gt?t mt:~dic."ll. ilttt:'~ntion im(J\(~dia1:(;~I.'i.".

'~'gkn victim to the doct()r or em~,-~el'CY tr'9atmel\t faei Lity.

f'-'~;!:;h .:.\il-~ K<?f·:'P Id"n-m ,':",1)(1 malt..:: ~;:,lIrc' pr:'r'!:,dn Ci:ln b'-n<:\th(·~ f\-(~t~ly.

J-f b\·-':~.f\thiy~g h~s stnpppd t qive <1.\··;:il- ic.ii.11. r'r~-::)pir'ati()ll by !J'o(·-I:o···mrouth (H" othl~r mC'·)frS:· \1t \·r:~:;u~-;.c itA';; i on, Do not qiVE! '"'ln~""h i n~J by mouth to an unt:l\n!~c i (,It~.; pe'-~s.,)n ..

:1"1" nu',: TAPI ElS DR THEn, [Jus'r nl·~lo .. nl,J,'1LUJ'~E[I: Dr'ink or administer

Page 2: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, , 11/13/1987Hazards •••••••••••••••••••



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nn~ (\1- t'.·"') 1]'-:1~;(::~~~; of l.oJat01- anti'induc"'? vI)miting by touching b<1ch n-r 'H-,"'I){:li: bJith fing(-2'-'"t In- if avaiL<'"ble, (":)dminis't('":\- syrup of !~"'I?~'--;H> D(' nut .(]iv('~ anyi:hing by mOll'th if victim is unconscious

0'- nqt al.e .. ··1't

·rr: ·"'I"'I..LT" (J[< THEIR DUSr GET [IN S"H'! (m CUlTHING: ~:h::\kf~ !"'I<lt(~'-itll. off cl.othC?ti and ..;·;110C<':; in l';l2l.L v(-"~'itili::1ted (")i-i~at. t!'rl.lnh.' cLrrthe9 ,to aer'atc:? in i!J vi:ntiLc)'(ed a\'-ei;' prior to !~,~pJ~rinqt Do not leave contaloil1dted clothing i1' occupied ~nrl/or confined areas StIch as au1omobi Les, vails, motel rooms, ~~me~f et~t Wasil contaminated skin thoroughly with soap and h_1ate .. - t

JI' !:lUST !'"(,':OM THE TAE'LETS GETS IH EYES: FLush with pLenty 01'

Get medical a1't~ntiont

S~e s\d~ p~nels for addition~L prec~utionary statemellt5t

[let i a Fn?ybe,-<.J, GMBH P. O. Box 1{) 6947 Lau.clenbach F. r..: t o-f GelNIllB ny

f~f~5c~arr.:h Pr uti \lC ts Compa ny [Ii". of McBh€:\ct::~Sf Inc. P. O. flox 1460 ~~a I. I na 1 I"-:S 67402-l4bO

EPI\ I:·_s·t;,b I. i shmc~nt No •• :~3'i!3;:~\,IDOl FPA l~pt:'Ji~1'h-;:lti{)n NOt ~~~jJlB--69


tk:.-t: Co ntent~:;: Nf:.":'t Contents:

H(,/AI;:DS ru HlJr·l("NE ANt.< DtlME:,;n:C AN.f.I1ALS


~Lumi~um ptlosphide in tabLe1s or thl~ir dust can be fatal if .;:-:·,.-'\llnIJH;~r!, [10) not get In p~.Ins!" ir. nO':~C~t on ~5kin 01- on ct.othif,qt rl~' t',-,·~ r.,:,":'ltt ct{·inl·~ or' ~5mol-,e \ ... ,hil,p h.::.ndlin(;J i:llUlIlinum ph()~;;pllid~::

1:':,Oli..-!':1.u-I.:c:. I·Jl·'~·n -I:h(~ con-ta I Tie," j.;;) ('P(-;;-1u:::d Df~t i~';l(r,) ROrOX(R) (-iT I_.~ill hE,:".1in 1:rr 1~(-~I.E'i-l~5€·~ h)'dr'o.gen pho~"phitle (phosphinf;:O) "'Jhich i~5 t':lH ·::~X+~-~·!1'~·":'l.Y i'oxi<: qas. C()\'t;,lct with 'Aat(:;':'l-~ (':lcicls find c;:;ome (jthc:-~'c ! l'l.uid~ wi! I accRLerate thi~ reaction. Pure hydrogel' phosphieje r!.:.c,:]. if::' OdOl-I.f:.'C:;;Sj the odor' is du(,=- '1"0 c:\ r.:ontl:lmi nant. Bi nee an ~d~r may not he defee'ted linder' certain ciY'cums1'ance~t th8 :.~sr.1'w_e of ~1 q:1r'lic: UdOl" doe.c.:.;. not ml"~Hn -tt,at hydrog(:~n ph()~phidf;~

~~S i~ abs~nt. Observe proper dr.pLica1'ion and disposaL

Page 3: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, , 11/13/1987Hazards •••••••••••••••••••

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Page 3

q~rc(,"Jn'!' f)":·'1";l.W,E TO l.lIt-J CClNCEN n~r'l n DNS t,BOVE PERH II3S I ilL!'.: LEl"IEI J3 tltlr:r.~ A PEI:::r.OD OF lIAYS lit-\: tJE1:J.::;B 1,,\{\Y CAUSE pnJf)Of..tING.


AII..'.minlHO phQ~-=pbid",~ in tal)lc·ts or" thpir dw:;.t ,-e'l.lcts t,lith moistur'e from the ~jrJ water, Acids t and m~ny ott}er I.i~uid$ to release h)I!lr~~~p phosphid~ (pnosphin~) ~~S. Mi I.d expo~ure by inhalation f'cP.I"::.":~S !!'ad t ~: ~'i-e (i ndC-:'f i n I te 1"(?C'1. i W3 'It !:~ I ck n0~5s), r i \'19 i H',=J of

~Ars: fAti~(Jet n~tlsea ancl p'"eSSUi-A in ctlest Wllich are rel.ieved by rr.::,t1H)'!:'il to fresh ai·I .... Modcl';1lf? poi!:~oning C~U5e.'s we(-JkTlf~~:)"'1t

vomi~'intJt t:Jpigas'h-ir: pain (pail! j\l~>t abovc-~ the stomach), cht~s-t

~aipl diarrh~a and (iyspnea (difficul-ty ill br0athiT\9). Symptoms of sevpr~ POiSOlling may occur within a fc~ hour's or UP tu ~~'.'·~l-:.:\t ti-"\',fSt r'E:5ul.ting in puLmHna,"Y edemd (-fluid in I.ungs) {:lYle! m~y lead to dizziness, cyanosis (bL'10 or purpl.c skin coLor), H'flc:on~lC: i t)US!V';:oSt~ :1.nd de~';lth.

r~ c.:;.l.lffi;::i'0nt 'lUtln"titYt h)'t1,"o<Jen phl}Spl' affect~i the tivei'~

L!idT\e,!~::., tunqs, n·<:.--:-l"vOUS ~:;';'5"tem and Cii-c11l.atory sy!;~l{'2ln(

'f·qhqI.3ti~n r::~1n r::au~j.i:.~ et:ir:.'rna <fl.l.lit:i in lllTlgc:,) and h'y'pE'YE'mit:1 (~xc~ss of blood iTl a body part)~ smaLL brain !"'~1!i'!'~\-'-h'1'~':.~~::' and hl-ain edc·ma (flUid in br,";$in). In9E~sti()n can ~21.'Sq ll~n~ ~pd brain symptoms, b(It ria mage to the viscera {body r~'!i+y ~r~~n~' is more common. Hydrogel1 ptlosphide poiso"ing may re~lllt in (1) f)ul.m()n~ry c{iema, (2) Liver' el~vated serum GOT f LD~1

:~n~1 ,~t!.~.=\ I. i '!~"? phosph~~·I:.:: .. ~-et l-c .. ducc::~d pl~()thl-'"Hnb i nt h(.~m()\-\-ha9(~ ilnd .i~'}ndi~-r~ (Y'E'I.!~~t,~ ~;kin col.o~-) aT'!!:.! (~3) I~idn(·~'t' hE-:?'ma'lul-ia (blood in urine) ~nd An'lria (abnorfll~L or I_~ck (It Ilrination). Pathology is c:h:1'1":'-lt-:t(.::ori~?tic of hypoxi.~ (OX7-':J':::'ll de'ficiency in bod)' tISSU(~).

l'reatment is 5ymptofnatic.

"": !~:;. !':\ ,-,j"lt',l-l:i{ln of ff~clel-[:\l lL1\.''\ to use thi!:i Pl'oduc::t in a m~~n~l· i~c~nsistpnt with i1s LaL01 irlg.

Pl"(\~:-~!\d'lY'~~~;' "=-n{~ oth(-?}M in"'O\"f1}':ltion n":!Cc!s'sary to PI-()p\;~r·ty use OetialP) ROlOXeR).

'Il!:(~' PF:Ol,I..ILT 'f.~3 AGCDMF''!',NIE[I loW I'HI': Lr'lHEl.ING I...IGTF."D A!>,VE. HE·r.r.l t-'Nn U>J~"EI~~' rAi'T< 1'1 n:: ",N rll·:E 1_r'll'ELINI.;. 1'11...1 ... P')I~TB OF THE L(,n['I .. ING AI~E r:mJAI...LY 1MPClInANT FIJ!': B",Fl:: ,O,N)'! 1,,:1' l'lJ.:T:lV!': USE OF THIS

Page 4: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, , 11/13/1987Hazards •••••••••••••••••••

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"'F"'-'I''.'''' < '::m L. I';:E!:;C,"F'I~I'I r'!.:Ul.lucn; C011PANY Cll~ EPA II: YCJU HAVE "NY ~:Hu:'(:n Ii)N~:; nl~ no NO f UNtIEI-~b ff'N!.i 1~i-l'( Pf~I;':·1 OF ("HIS 1. Al)ELJ:HG.

1-::!.;·1·c.,- \" product L£d)el J n9 1"0)- u-.:,,·-= l"€,~r;;tr jc'~ i (Jus to pl"otect E)\!r'~N(JEr::[D SI·:'·EGIEn.


FI n!:-:k~ ~;:"()Hld

f'-om h~?-~t !'-\nd l)~l nt:lt

be st()l-f~d in 8 d)-y', t,.JeI.L v{;:nti I.ilt(·:.,.d en-f~aJ U"',J~.":\y

undE::~\- l.oc.I·~ ~')nd I·H::.'Y. Post i?l~) a pc=--:>st ic ide stOl-o('')'.:Jt-:! contamina·tc wa1er, fQod or teed by storing the ~iatne ()\'E~a"5 u~~ed to stor'e ·th~~5€~ com:TIod i t i (~~S..

))0 ll~'t ~it~H'I.:~ in buil.dlHqs where l,uII1C\n~:; or dOIll"~''7d'ic: animaLs '''·::::--c;idF!, I';~o?fer to l.'h(~ f'1)ctia(H) .~:OTOX(I~) AT c'-\nd De-tiaUO ~-~n'fr)X(r.;.:) AP Insi'ruc1:ion flook/.(';!t·· for .:=-ldditiou..;,l si'ol-dQe i n!?trHc-t i on~j.

~'rSI"f)~;AL OF I.JN!~EACTED Of'( f,·I'If'lTIt,Ll.Y f~EI'\CTliD TAHl..ET8 (F.-om sp ills. ~~aking flasks or other sources)

IJnr~~~ied or partiaL.Ly reacted Detid(R) ROrOX(R) ·tabLets are ,=.c 'I tf:.' L y ha ?in-d 0 ur;;. Impr Or-:::'~l- Li i sp t1~'j.·:-i L o'f' 1:11 i 50 Pl" od lIC t i!5 d ViOl.8ti n of fedpral. law.

):f thi!:: p\~(lduct cc)nnot be dit:~po~)r~d (Jf by orciin(':ll-Y use t)l­

~ccordjn~ to labeling instructi(!ns, cljntact yOUl' state pe~ticid0 ~r enviroTlmeTltal COlltroL agency or the tl~zardous waste repr'e~~ntative at the n~~rc~1 EPA rpgi()n~l office for guidance. Do not contaminate water by disposaL.

~~~.';l>':-I:.·~rt t;~IJI.(~ts al-p not h..:lZ.-ll-doo.·;s_ FOI" C:()l11pl.etE~ dtSpo'1.c''iI., spil.L ~T~d I t;.,)i11~ prOC(~dll.l~f.~~:; , .. €-~te\- to th{;-~ book 1.1.":'1 "I.Ie1 i n (H) r'::OT[lX(f~) AT c.nrl D,~ti,,(r~) Rl1TOX(l~) AI-" lnstr'uction Bool·:let."


t·1F·rHO!1 ONE: 'r,- i po I. (~ , .. i n~:)c" f I. i) -:.;,.(~,; ~':l nd I. i d·,;) It) i ·l h we. t Pl- • TI1f' ,"I ~ffr:~l- f111- ,-r:; O~- 1-(2'con<.1ii'ioHin9, 0'" punc:"tul'e <'lnd di~:lP()~H':': 0+ +h~M in a sanitary l.andfll.L or' o11,~r appr'oved site (.r by "i·hr.·"t- ')i"l)c(·:~dll,-e!..:; apPI"ovc·d by st,:-\t(~ (1nd I.oed I. au·thol- i i ief->. r:'i~p~)';".l 01· I-insc:)·tf~ in a '!'J.nni·ti:J\·Y laTH.I·f i 1.1, (;1" by othe\" i:1Ppr'ovf:.d ,'or' or.: ~:!od HI- f·:!,~-, ..

Mf~:'rHQI) 1"1.11]: r·~f~mOV(~~ tid:J {111d pl.:!ce (~mpty tl.a~:;k~~ olltdo01S 01- in st, .. t!f.:'tU\-(7:' h(:~ i l\q 'f 11m i qi'ltet! unt i L rC'H i dun i·1l 1" l.a~;;.I",~5. 's l-E~c':ICtj::·~d, !:"lnr:""II_l"e t1n.d dif:i-P()Sf~ of tJ)to:-m ill c'.-\ 'f:ic':lni1:~"'I'~y I,andfll.l 0,- oth(·:~l"' ~I~r'rovprl ~ite or by other proc~dures approved by s1Ate and Local c:lui'ho,~ i t ie~}.

Page 5: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, , 11/13/1987Hazards •••••••••••••••••••

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1~1J~~~I"I"t f"E,dp\""al, statf? .'llld I{~cal di!:~po5cll auihoritie!:"~ to"C ~!'nl"Qv~1 pr~c~ri([\"es other thaT} those given ~b()V~f Approverl procpdl_'Xf.~S '.I,lr"y for d IftC'l-ent tYPf.'5 O"r qpTlI.~rdt(H·5.

·':I·If in 110ubt ·:"oncpr·ni ng 1 .. IJh(~thel- th{"~ dl"~'i-J: i~-i re,";lcted and/ol­~~Tlc~rninq proper" displ)saL tcct)ni~'les C(ITlt~ct Research ProcJtlcis Comp.:~ ny ~

Page 6: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, , 11/13/1987Hazards •••••••••••••••••••



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NOV 1 31987 Under Ihe Fedl8[ol Ins"cticide, f-:,:i : •. ~. ···.'R· :.:t.i-idoAcl. _~ ;}.: .•• Ied, for the pesticido lelJi.:.tsr13d under / EPA RoO. No. 'Zr:-V.--.,

DETIA F'OTDX AI \smal.l Label) .. _ .. - FRON r F'ANEL


TfJXIC HYDl':fJ(')I~N f'HOSf-'HIl)E (f'·I·IO~C;PHJNE. F'H;~) ClAn

F0r y-~tai t sal.e to ilnd use only IJY c~rtifiGd dppi icetors for +h0~P \IS~~ covered by the DPpLic~torts certification or pers~ns -1':T-3! 'l~oi ! n ;"ccoro:iance \,0.,11 ttl the accompi;lnyi ng prodtJ.ct manua l t".I()r-~' i ng '.1 .. ,d,?-,,- thp ciirt?c-t Snpt:;ol-vision and in +h~ ph"y"!;j.ic.aL pr·(~s(:~ncE.· of the ~~rtified 3f)pticator. PhysicdL preSetlCe meatlS on site or on the r\l-""-.\m!~~-~!:~. F:E'ad and foLI.CJ\.·': -tt")E li:\h(·~1. i:lnd thE' Hpsea\-cl-, f-'roducts f.>">I1!p.:.'ny f\\·o)"~I..~c:-t manH", I. "'JIl ieh \.:00t.::I i n~:j COll.P I.t"~te i Tlf.;tt"UC.t i on5 for­

the s~f~ use of this pesticide,

Det i .:>< fO RCJTClX (rO A'I

Ar:t iv(-? Inql-ed jl-7!nt! I pi7~r t r ngred i erl1:~j: •• f .. t ....................... +4::1)"-" 0 TAL t ~ ~ •••• '" ••• # 4 .. 4 f- ~ f f .......... ~ ........ f .......... 1. OOX

DANGEi·::/PEf .. Jbr'O-+'OI>:ON

F"~;:!:rAur:JDN AI .. UBUARH.H Bi u~~teJ n~) l.t~,,;: i n9 Les, no U~~? e~)t~:::' f',-~ducto hbstu 'lHe 1.£:1. f-:."ti'lU(?ta ~:".e I.~ h,':IYc'" ~ido eX:Plic:atiu ftmp L i amen·te.


S",:J"mp1"f\IT!S o·f t;v(·:~r·exp()su .... e to h~,"d\"'\)~~f~n pho~;ph i(:h~ <':lrc~ hf~ddACI1r:~,

rI!:>:7.ine~";'~t llat{?,eA, ~ji'f'flcul,1; br'e:t"ll,in'·;.It v()lI~jtin9 <:~nd di(:;~l"r'h('·'a. In ::111 c:a~:::"';'o~~ o·f OV(-:;'f'(-?xnosurC" ~J,_~t fili.~di('.?l1. (:-attt:~ntion irrnlH-::Oc1 ii"tel.y, T::'.t·:f':'~ '.lictim to th(:-~ dOC1:~Jl- O\~ o::.~m\:,r·{.:.t(,::rlcy ·ll'ei}iolf.:.":'llt 'faci'>,_

TI:: Gt\~~ Ol~ DU'3T Fr-~:DM Ti~HI...ETS IS INI'lf'lI..ED: bed (~XP()!:H:'~r:l P<:::l"!'.)() n i:O

fre~~t) 2!r," Kp~p warm and m~ke ~ur'e person caTI br'eatl')e fr'~0LY_ Jf breAthiTlg has stopped, give ~r·tifici~I, respiration by l1loutb-o'-(-o-' 0'- ool:h(~l- nl(:,aT\~' of rt::.'su5citation. 1)0 not givt:~

~TlythiJlq by mou1h to an UI\COT1Scio~lS pel'son,

r": n·II': TABLETS or': THt:H~ £lUl:rr AF~L nWnl..l ... nWED: llrink or admiTfister

Page 7: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, , 11/13/1987Hazards •••••••••••••••••••






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'~T!,,?- ,,~- h.le ~ll::l::~~j(:·~s of' wZr'h~r .:'Ind inollcf'2' vomiti1ig hy \")uching b;,'CI·~

nf +hr'~,1t 'J~ith fiwJ(·,'Y't or' I'f t:1v(-,il.c-tl)L[~" admini~tel- syrup of !~1cw-:,t:.: Do not gi\"i'::O an,;'1:hing by' mouth if victim is Hnr:.on~5Ci(ilLS

or not al.(7n--t~

n: ·I"'HU'T~~ OH TI·IEII': DU~;r Gt:r UH SI<JN lll·~ CI..UTHINO: 13r ush J'-'?;h~kr~ m~·I-;~'''i'':'I1. off (:Loth(;~~j. and ".:~hl)(,=-~5 i n ~oJ(?Lt v\:.~nti l.atE.-d ~,'ea4

AI.!ow cLnthes tv aerate in D Vel}1lLated dreD f)rior to 1.::,!1.t.iV~t;··~l"!\iq: Do not li::-:avr'2' conl'amilluted cl.t:.l:lliw';'l in ()ccu.pi<.=-~cI

::lTld/nr r::I,ni- ilh:"d 2!l"eas such Elf::· d\l_tomohi I(-?'s~ vans, motel. COvCOS, h~me~1 etCt W3sh ~Ol\t~nlil\ated skill thorO{lghl.y with so~p and ~'.Ir':l tPl- t

Gr~t fh(~d i Cil I. a t t{~nt i 0 t\ t

M-'\T1ufactll_l"pd by: De \ i a Frf;:~yl:H::"I-'-J ~ ONBH r'. O~ Box :t(~

~)94l<..:h F • R + of t.:.;c·r flh:J By

l;:eSPI'11 .. t:h f";'\~()d\I_( t~:; CnfflPany

Div. 0'1" McBha\'(:~~~~ Inc~

P. U. Hox 1.460

FPA I:·~:-t:.;·)h 1 i C::il'illH:-~n-l: No t ~~:.3\?B:·!l .. IGO:i. E p~ I::[,?q i ::i- -t·,- a + i () n No c :;·.~~7,~1l:3--69

N<-2't Co ntf:-l\t~5 t NQ t l';') lItC';'-U ts:


I~EEP our OF f~E(;C'·1 OF CHII...J.lI':EN DANGEfUF'O I nON

n.1_~lminl_I.(!\ pl~~)~::.phid(~ in tabl.~~t~:. 0\- lh(-'·~i\· dU~:i-t C~ln b(-:~ fatal if !'i"':':\II(l"'E'd~ no no·t' q.~~-t In e'y'e~::~~ in n(l~:;f/:-'t OIl !:;kin 0\" on cl.othing. I)~ 'l(' t p:",.~ t ~:Il- i n1-: (~,- c.::-:moi·!{~ 1.'1!'} i '-I.:~ h.:'\ Ih.ll. i n~~ c'i I. tlm i Hum phosph ide f".Ir:i:.l:"nt~:;, I"Jhf.'n thf7' cont.')inC'l" i~; ()1~r-";I::~d [JC~-tIIYl(r~) h:t.rrOX(I,) r,T Mil.1. lv':o':lin '\'(1 \"~~I.r..~\,\::;I=~ h)"(!r'o9r~n phof:;phitl(-:::, (ph()~:iphint~) "'hir.:h i~.l' <':\1\

~!,<·t'-I:'''(JH-~Iy tt)xir.: q;:l~:'" Cont.1c-t- t'Jith t-\Jil'h;:-)', acid~3 (':'Inti !:10(J\('3' o'lh<-:~r' ti':t.~,'d(:1 1,.,lil.l i-lct::f.~I.(,:-r·,'tp i:lli~j. r·(~~lc-i:ion. PU1-~.~ hyc!,"ogen phosl,hi<-l(-;.. ~~q is O(iorl.0ssJ th~ odor' in d'IQ to a c(.1~1amil\~nt. Sil1~e alt "~111'- fl\llY n()~' IJ(·~ d(·~-1: ... ::.(.'t(-:~d untl[~)" {~el .. tdin ci\"cum~:j.ti:\ll(::'::~r.~~ \hE~ ~h~~y,e~ of a garlic Odbl- dnc~ 1}(lt 'Ile~n t~\a1 ~,ydrogeT\ pho!;phirle ''!:II:; !~: ~hl.;.r.·~t\tf Ub~1f~\·ve PI-OP(;:OI" ~,<'ltilJn (-Ind dic3P05r1L

Page 8: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, , 11/13/1987Hazards •••••••••••••••••••

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ru- '·\C·?-/1!n-,- . .r.; ·-:'P<i.'C i f i pd p l':;[~h'I'lC'r,~ in the l.abG l i 11g to PI-(~vent

·J ... .If~l- '="\:-< ~'\ f; t,:: IJ r'F~ •

rT::I: pi .W"t-~r r'xpo:;;t "'RI.: TO Lut·J t;!JNCEf'.fI f~('1 r IONS f-'1nOVE PEI:::l'i I BS 1. [,I_E I.J~l)FL~;)

pUFI:: A PI~'!~~:(ln OF ri{,Yt; Or.:: I,..JELKS ~'I"Y (;('\IJ~";E .:·OISDNING ..

nrlTF TO r-·HY~'IC:r.AN

I:~~f'~~- 'hJ "r'·?ti~1(1~) F,D1UX~fO I~r /.-\1\(1 f)f:~ti.n(r,) I:'~OTOX<FO (iF'

Jns·· £1ool"(I.(2't li i"Qr thi~ s(-~c·tion.


J-I: j.:; ~ viol. .. "tion of t~"Z.dC'}-..':lL L,")1/J 1:0 U!:5,r~ this product in i:'I

rl\,Tltlr:?Y inconsistE~n1: ~~Jlth ji"J::;' lahel.i1l9.

Thf'!' 11l),.~:·ti.::.(E:) HfJTl1X(F~) n"!" and Detii'l(:~) I:;':UTO>{(F\,) AP Inst,'uc"\"ion r~""~k;.I-·~t·' i!.:; ("'1 Pi.-\r+ of'.~~ 1'~C:"f(~~r' to t 1'or- appl.ict:'ti('.n ~'\l-('c~dur'~~:; :lnd oi"h(~r" i nf()l-m.::~t j 0" nr-!.·C(·~";S~·;\l-Y to proper 1.)-' tl~5.e [~tift(R) ROTDX(R).

TH U, Plmrli..lC r 1;' (,CCDMI-'(-)NIED BY THle U',1-<E"I. .l.NU I.. 1STI':!) A[)OlJF:. r!!,:p,n (,NP IJNm'::mnAND THE EN"f.r 1':1,:: LII['EL. H·!(·;. 111.1. PfW:TB OF THE I..AI~E.I. ING ."''''f.: ~:m!.o,I .. LY H1PlJic:TANT FOI, E('IFE I'IND r:Fr: ECTIVE U~;f~ OF TI··IIS F'I~DI)IJCT, CALL Rr:SC(~f~CI-1 F'F:UItU!~ n; C"II'\F(~HY tm EPA IF YOU I-lAVE t,I~,( (11.!ICS nOtJ!, 0": no NIH UNDU,BTAND (\~!y 1"1'1[, I OF THIS I.(,BEI...ING.

1:·0·t'E~'- ~"O Pl-nduct I.i-lbf~l i ng 1"01- u;:),-~ r"(":'~:itr' iet i op:s to pr"(}t(-;.~ct Et,![ItlNr"[f,EJ:I SPEC I ES ,

P~"~ff:"'- to "net i a (P) r;.:O"' UX(fO rl rand DI::";' i a O-;,~) r~()TOX(R) AP 1: n.:..::...1.T'M: t i nn B.ook 1(-?i. 1I t· or' th i:::" ""';'?(: l- ion.

Page 9: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, , 11/13/1987Hazards •••••••••••••••••••

00050 OOlOO 00150 00200 002~!()

00300 00350 004()0 0()4~;()

00500 "0550

( 600 OObc,() OO·?OO 00-f50 00800 00850 00'700 0095() 01000 01050 OHOO 011~j()

01200 012~.:;O

01300 {Jl:~~jO

( 400 'v.1450 Ol500 015~:}O

Ol600 OJ.6!'',0 01700 01."r50



U···-nt Ihe rede-taJ Insf!r:i- . i ;'-U;l:Jj~· ond Rod(;n:i~i-. ..• ;,;1,

~s umcnded. lor Iho pGsticidu

(sgiitelod UndR,Irt .... c. / r. EPA Reg. No. l~ 76 -v"" f-70


For retail sale to and use only by certified applicators for those uses covered by the nppLicator·s certification or persons trained in accordance with this product manual working under the d i "-er.: -t 5Upe)-V j s ion and ; n the phys; Cd L pl-esence of the eel- t if i ed applicatol-. Physical p..-esence means on 5i te or on the pl-emises. Read and follow the label and the Research Products Company pl-oduct mdnuat which contains complete iltst,-uctions fot- ·the safe use of this pesticide.

Detia(R) ROTOX(R) AT and

Detia(R) ROTOX(R) AP


EPM Registl-ation No. 2548-69 EPA Registration No. 25~8-70

EPA Establishmt.nt No. 33982WGOl

Reseal-ch Pl-oducts Company Div. of McShares, Inc.

P. O. Box 1460 Sa I. i na, K8 67402-1460

NOV . 1987

Page 10: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, , 11/13/1987Hazards •••••••••••••••••••

Ol.850 F' 01'700 019~;0

02000 O:·~O50

02100 02j.~50

0:0'200 02250 0;"300 O::!:~50

02400 024~50

02::-iOO 02550 02600 ('~65()

700 0275() 02800 O:-!B~iO

02900 02950 ()3000 03()5() 031.00 ()3J.~jO

TABLE OF CONTENTS I • INTI~ll[lUCTION •• f •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••



A. Hlsto'-y •••••• f .......................... .

B. Product Description ••••••••••••••••••••• C. Product Packaqing •• ~ •••••••••••••••••••• DA What is Hydrogen Pilosphide? •••••••••••• E. Safety Recommendations ••••••••••••••••••

P~-\ECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS f ................... . A. Hazar(js to Humans and Domestic Animals •• B. Statement of Praciical Treatment •••••••• C. Note to Physician ••••••••••••••••••••••• D. Physical and Chemical Hazards •••••••••••

DIRECTIONS FOR USE <I of of ................... " ....... .

A. Generi' I. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• B. Protective Clothing ••••••••••••••••••••• c. Respiratory Protection •••••••••••••••••• D. Hydrogen Phosphide Exposure Limits •••••• E. Industrial Hyqiene Monitoring ••••••••••• F. List of Burrowing Pests ••••••••••••••••• G. AppLic~tion Instructions •••••••••••••••• H. Environment~l Hazards ••••••••••••••••••• I. End~nge'-ed Species F:est'-ic:tions ••••••••• J. SpeciaL L.ocal Resiric"tions •••••••••••••• K. storage and Disposal •••••••••••••••••••• L. Spi Ll and Leak Procedures •••••••••••••••

!"age 2

Page 11: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, , 11/13/1987Hazards •••••••••••••••••••


032~jO p

0:3:500 03:550 0:5400 ()~~450

03500 03~):::;()


0:3650 OT700 0~n5()


03B:50 O:3'?OO O~W~JO

O~OOO (\4050

100 041~iO

04200 04250 04300 043~j()

0440<) 044~0

04500 04'5!::.O 04,sOO 04650 04700 04750 r)4HOO 048c)()

9()O v ... 9~)O

05000 0:::,050 051.00 ()51S0 05200 ()~i2~.JO

()5:500 ()~;:350

()5400 054!:'iO 05!:;OO 05~j:':;O



')::i "700 O~)'I~jO



Page 3


A. HISTORY The history of Detia(R) pesticides is Long, dating back to the mid-1.930·s. in 1970 Detia(H) GAS EX--B W<lS in':,-odllc.ed into the United states. The manufactu,'"e,-, Detia F,-eybe,-g GMBH, West Ger"many Wd5 the early pioneer in the development Gf hydrogen phosphide as a fumigant gas.

B. PRODUCT DESCRIPTICIN Both Detia(R) ROTOX(R) AP and lletia(R) ROTOX(R) AT are a mixture of aluminum phosphide (57X by welght)J ammonium car~amate and urea which is pressed into tablet and/~r pe llet f o,-m. The nea,- ly sphe'- i ca l pe L lets a,-e about :3/8" in diame+er and weigtl 0.6 grams e~ch. l"he tablets are either disc shaped (4/5" in d i ametel- and 1/5" th! ck) 01- cspher i ca l in shape (5/8" in d iameiel-) altO weigh 3.0 gl-ams each. A pellet wi II produce about 0.2 gram hydrogen phosphide, the tablet about 1.() gram. Both react witl, atmospheric moisture to p,-oduce hydr·ogen phosph ide (PH~-!) in the fa llowi ng way:

ALP + 3 H20 A l (OH):3 + PH3

Warm, humid air accelerates the reaction whi le cooL. dry air has the opposite effect.

Detia(R) ROTOX(R) also contains ammonium c6rbamate which LiberAtes ammonia and carbon dioxide as follows:

NH2 COClNH4 2NH3 + CCl2

These gases ar'e essentially nonflammable and act as inerting agents to reduce fire hazards. The ammonia gas also serves as a warning agent.

G. PRODUCT PACKAGING The t .. b lets a,-e pacf(,.ged 500 and 100 to a f Lasf(. The pellets are packaged 1660 and 500 to a flask.

The alum inurn f la~jl·,s in wh i ch they <u-e Pdc:~(aged dl-e

Y'esea lab le (.''\1ld s(~aml.e9s. Their shelf life i'-3 aLmost unlimited db Long as the packaging ~amdins well sealed and intact. Once opened. the flasks may be tiQhtly resealed and stored for future Ufie.

D. WHAT IS HYm~OGEN PI·iDSPH;:I)E? HYl1l-ogen phosphidE:1, tnOl~e comtuonLy ,-efel-l-ed to as phosphinf~, is a colorless gas which is toxic to rodents~ humans, and othr~'- fo,-ml; of animal li·fe. It is ve,-y mobi Le with a high vapor pressure. Thus, the penetrating capabi litv of hydrogen pll osph i de is r.:l'-ea i: • Th(·~ comb i na t Ion of hi gil rno lee: u l<l\W

activity, vapor pressure and toxicity at Low dosages accounts for its wide accel3tance as a fumigant.

Page 12: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, , 11/13/1987Hazards •••••••••••••••••••

()59!50 0(,000 ()11()~o)O

06100 06150 06~!00

06250 06:'$00 06350 t)6400 064~iO

Ot)500 O('~:i~50

06600 06650 06'?OO 06750

\ SOOt)

v{,850 ()6900 O{,9;50 ')7000 010,;0 07100 071.50 07200 072::',0 07300 013~;0

07400 07450 07500 07~)~}{)

'"l600 16~iO

07"1('0 OT1~iO

07!:IOO 01U;:'O t)"7900 ()"7950 OBOOO ()B()~iO

OBl.O() ()£l:l.~;O

08200 (l1-J2~)O


083,50 084()0 Of!4!:iO ()8~';OO


SAFETY RECOMMENDATIONS 1.. Can"fully ,-e.~d the labeling <Inc; follow in5t,-uctions

f>xplicitly. 2. Neve,- a!.low uninst'-Ucted pen,,,ns ·to handle Detia(R). ~'5. Weal~ d,~y 9 LOVl~S mf)d~ of CO·~toT1 or oi-her m(1tel~ ia L when

contact with tablets, peLlets or their dU5t is likely. 4. Open fURligant containers in Opel\ air. Never open in a

flammable atmosphere. 5. Do not allow DetiaCR) to contact liquid water or to

po i I_E' up. 6. Dispose of empty containel~s in a propel- manTle,­

con~;i5tent with -the label in~tl-uction$.

'7. Ae,-ate contaminated <:lothing in well ventilated area prior to washing.

8. Keep containr~rt~ tightly closed (~xcep-t: when l-emoving p}-oduct.

9. Do not reuse aLuminufn phosphide containers for any purpose other 1han recycling or reconditioning.

10. OSHA recommends that the expOSllre screening of employees be conducted to detect impd it·ed pulmonat-y f u nc 1: ion. OSHA l-et ommencls tha t any emp loyees deve l op i n9 the above condition be r-eferred for medical attention.



Aluminum phosphid(:20 in pe~LLe·ts, tablets or' thei\- dust cC.n be fatal if swallowed. Do no1' get in eyes, in nose, on shin or 011 cloth i ng. Do not eat, d,- i n~' 0'- smol',e wh i le hand ling aluminum phosphide fumigants. When the co~t~~ner is opened, Detia(R) ROTOX(R) wi II begin to release hydrogen phosphide (phosphine) which is an extremely toxic gas. Contact with wate}-, acids and some othel- li'lUids wi lL acceLel-ate this l-eact ion. Pt.u-e hyd,~ogen phuspll ide gelS is odo,· Less,; the odo,­is due to a cuntaminant. Since an odor may n~t be detected uncle,- celM 1"ain circum$tanc~eSt 1:he .absence of a gar·lic ado) does not mean that hydrogen phusphide gag is absent. Ob:erve p,-ope,- ~pp I. i CC:i t i () 1l and cI i sp osa l Pl- oced u,-es spec i f i ed e lSl.wher"e in the Labeling to prevent overexposure.


l~. STATEMEf'lT OF pr~AGTICAL TREATMENT Symptoms of overexposure to Ilydrogen phosphide are headachet dizziness, 1l8uSeat difficul1: breathill9t vomiting dnd diar~tlea. In all Cdse5 of overexpOStlre get medical

Page 13: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, , 11/13/1987Hazards •••••••••••••••••••


08700 08750 08800 U 013900 ()89,;".iO 0'1000 090~;O

()91.00 ()91~0

092flO IJ ()9:~(lO

09350 (l94()O ()9450 09~jOO

onmo U ( nmo u

')(;7'50 O'/BOO 09H:"jO 0'1900 (>9950 10000 10GlOO U 1.()150 l.O200 1.0250 10;~OO

l03!:,() l040n 1. 04:'iO 1()500

( . O~j50 .. 0600 l06~)O

H)700 I0750 10BOO WOc';O 10900 10950 11000 1..1. ()~i() 1l1.00 111~'0 1120\) 1.:1 2~:jO U;300 U:~~iO

11400 :11450 1.15()O

Page 5

attention Immediately. Take victim to a doctor or emergency t,"eatment fac I l i ty.

1.. IL_!lillLl!;l1~LJlr:_I?~.L.L~1R_15_1.0tlil.Lt;ld.: Get exposed person to fresh air. Keep warm and make sure p e," ",0 n C.11l b,"ea the f,"ee ly. 1 f b,"ea th i ng has lOt opped. give artificial respir.tioll by mouth-to-mouth or other means of resuscitation. Do not give anything by mou·th to an uY,conscious person.

::!. n,-ink 0\- admini-siel- one or two gLasses of watel- and induce vomiting by touching back of throat with finger, or if avai tablet adm'nister syrup of ipecac. Do not give any1hinq by mouth if victim is un(:onscious or' not dlert.

3 •,i.a..b,l~.t!;l_D..L_lb.~1t:_dll!;li._gt:1!'i_2D_sl:ii.n_.o,r: t:.l.o.!.bi.D9. 1 Brush OlR shdl.(e matf~r'ic)1. off cLo·thes and shoes in wel.L ven1i Lated dl-e,'l. Allow cLothes to af~r,3te in a ven"ti latect area pl-iol- to laundel-ing. Do not leave contaminated cLo1hin() in occupied and/or confined d,\-ed such as 8utomobi Les, vans, motel room5~ homes, etc. Wash contaminated skin thQroughly with soap alld water.

4. If_d.lI.si_f.LQm_1b.tLp..~.L.Lt;l.t.~LJl.L...tilb . .Leil;j_gei5_i.n_.e)f.t;lsl __ _ Flush with plenty of Wdt",". Get medical attention.

C. NOTE 10 PHYSICIAN Al.uminum phosphide tablets, pellets or their dust reacts with moisillre from the air, water, acid~ and many other liquids to release hydrogen phosphide (phosphine) gas. Mi ld eXPQSU\"e by il\hatation Ca\.l.:f.)(~S malaise (indefinite feeling of sickness), ,-inqing uf ea,-s, fatigue., nausea and pl-essUl-e in chest which are relieved by removal to fresh air. Muderate poisoning causes weakness, vomiting! epigastric pain (pain just above ttle stomach)t chest pain, di~rrhe~ and dyspnea (difficul"\'y in bl-eathlng). Symptoms of seVel-e poisoning may occur within a few hours or up to several days, resulting in pulmonary edema (fluid in lungs) dlld may lead to dizziness, cyanosis (bLuc~~ or Pll.r?le ~~'-(in col.o,~), unconsciousness and death.

r n suff it: i ent ·~u.ant i ty hyd," ogen phosph ide affec ts the live,", ~,idn(~Yf;, lungs, ner'vous system, and c:ir'CU~dt()\~y system. Inhalation can cause Lung ~dema (fl.uid in I.ungs) and hyperemia (excess of blood in a body part), small brain hemorrhages and brain edema (fluid in brain). Inqestion can cause Lung and brain symptoms, but damage to tile viscera (body cavity organs) is mo,'e common. Hydr'ogen phosphide poisoning m<1Y ,-esult in (1) pulmonal-y edr:!fna, {2.) I.iver elevated '.:H~\-Um BDT. LDH and aLhaLine phosphatase, reduced pro~llrorubin, hemorrhage and jaundice (Yf~ ll.ow ~,~( I n co lo,") and (3) k i dn€~y h'~m<ltUl" i a (b load in

Page 14: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, , 11/13/1987Hazards •••••••••••••••••••

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Page :.:;

nFn~~~~~r~~ ~recifieJ el~cwhere iTl the L~beling to prevent

n::".!" In·!T FXFO:,;I mE TO LU\J L:ONCf,fH Rr; rI!ll·!B f)f<()I,,'E PFF:lllSSIHLE LC')EL.B P1JU:: A F'1:J~Hm OF Dr,),G 01'( '.~ELKB ~l(W CAI):·;lo F'OIBONING.


I::~~f(~~~~ i'oJ I\rl,::-~ti~1(1~) F\:DllJXu:~) t.r and tlr~tia(rO l~o"OX<Fn AP !nsi'-Hction flooktr:")"t ll 1·0'1"· tllis section.

il]. HEC r IONS For·: IJBE

:r·~ it:; .;'t vi(JI.~1·tion of ·f(·::-del-al LiH'J to U~j.r~ thi~;. p·,-oduct in a m~~ner inconsistent with its laheLiTlg.

Thp. "l)I":-~ti~(F~) f·~(JTDX(I:;~) ~'T and l)(·~tii"l(H) I:~UTOX(F<) AFo lnstru.ction r~(1oI~kl.f;~tl' i~; a Pi.-lTi· of 1.<.1J:)cLJn<:!~ 1·~r:fE:~r· to it tor appl.ication r\-Qr~dures ~nd o+her informatiol1 necp;sar v to pror'erly use D.tiRCRI ROTDXCR).

TH ['0 ,,'r:rmuc r IB ACCOMI-'(-)N1ED BY THt=. U',[,FL ING L IBlED AE<OVE, HE!,,[l N~)I ' .. INJ.:lEm3T!',ND THE FNI JI':I,: [-<'\BELJN!,. AU F'ARm OF THE LABEL ING N;'f·: ~:nU"lU .. Y Hll"l]l':TANl FOH lJ,'lFE ,'\ND EFFECTII)E U~;l:: OF THIS PI~(J\)'.!<:T , CALL REBCAm:H Pf~UDU!"~ n.~ Cn~lPr'o1~Y Of:: EPA IF YOU HAVE AHY '.ll.!lc:S rImJq 0": flO NO r UNDEHSTAND tINY PAr, I OF THIS l.(,BELING.

f;~-::-~·fE~r to pl-oduct l.i-lbE-?l i ng 1""01- U;:)1""? r·f::~·5tr· iet i on~3 to Pl~ot(·?ct



I;o~~f~:~,- to IIDetif.l(P) F:O·llJX(r<) r-,(" and [lE··i·ia(ti~) R()T()X(F~) Ar..:· ':n~::",",:l-'E·.:tion I-:t.ookl(~1." tor· this s,~o.:lion.

Page 15: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, , 11/13/1987Hazards •••••••••••••••••••


l 4:~00 l43!'-'0 1.4400 144~';0



14600 146::.0 1.4700 l47~0

148()() 148~iO

14900 l4'15(J l~;OOI)


1 c)10()

.1.50 15200 1.'52~;O




:1.5450 15:-:-;00


1. !:;l·5() 1~-i'()O



1. 58~-)() l,:)9()0

:<;50 ~(,()O()

1(,050 1.6l00 161.50 162()0 16250 16:300 l6:~5()

l6400 16450 16500 16550 l66()0 16650 1.6"'00 1.6750 16800 16850 :l.69()0

Page 7

tempe,-ature i nCl-ease and conf i ne -the ,-elease of gd,S so that ignition could occur.

AlwaYB open flasks of Detia(R) ROTOX in open air. Never open in 8 flammable atmosphere becallse 011 rare OCCd5iot~ they ne.y fLash. When open i n9, po I nt "the conta i ner away f,-om the face and body and sLowLy Loosen the cap. These precautions wi lL also ,-educe the appLicato\·'s exposure -to hydl-ogen phosph i de gas.

PUI'e hyd,-o<Jen phosphide gas is pl-actically insoluble in water and oi l5 dl1d is ~table at normal fumigation temperatu'·(~s. Howevel·, it m~y ,-euct with c~\-tain metals and ceuse corrosioTl, especially at higher temperatures and relative humidities. Metals such as copper, brass and other coppel· alloyt:;, and precious m(:~tals suc:h as gold and silver are susceptible to corrosion by hydrogen phosphide.


A. GENERAL l. It is a violation of federal law to use this product in

a manner inconsistent with its Labeling. Detia(R) I,O'IOX(R) AT and AF' al-e Restl- icted Use F'e5t ic idf"5 due to the acute inhalation toxici ty of hydrogen phosphide (phosph i ne. PH3) gas. ·fhe4;:1e Pl-octUc:ts iu-e for rett'3 i l sale to and use only by certified applicators for those uses covered by 1t\e applicator's certification or per~ons trai"ed in aceot'dance with this product manual working under the direct supervision and in the physical presence of the ce1-tified applicator. Physical presence means on site or on the premises.

2. Detia(R) is a highly haza"dous matel'ial and m •• y be used ol\l~ by individuals tl-ailled in its pl-oper use. Befol'e IIsing, read and follo,,' the label. PI"ec.lutions and directions on the label and in labeling.

Additional copies of this manual dl'" available from:

Rese,,,-ch PI-odllcts Comp.,ny Div. of McSht'!l"es, Inc.

P. O. Box 146() Salina, Kansas 67402-1460


3. Do not fumigate with this product when burrow tempe,-atm-e is below 40 deglN ef.2'S F (5 degl-ees C).

B. PROTECTIVE Cl..OTHING Wear dry gLoves made of cotton or other material when

Page 16: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, , 11/13/1987Hazards •••••••••••••••••••

01.850 P 01900 019~,0

02000 O:·!O50 0:~100


02200 ()2250 0~~300

02350 02400 024~50


02550 02600 (l~650

700 02750 02800 028~;O

02900 02950 03000 03050 031.00 031.~50

TABLE OF CONTENTS I .. INTI~D[lUCTION ............................................................. ..

A. History ........................................... .. B.. p,- od uc t Descl- i p t ion ...................................... .. C. P,-oduc:t F'ac:kaqing ••••••••••••••••••••••• D. What is Hydrogen Phosphide? •••••••••••• E. Safe·ty Recommellded ions ................................. ..

II.. Pf..:ECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS ..................................... ..


A. Hazards to Humans f1nd [fomesiic: Animals •• B. Statement of Practical Treatment •••••••• c. Note to Physician ••••••••••••••••••••••• D. Physical and Chemical Hazards •••••••••••

DIRECTIONS FOR USE., •••••••••••••••••••••••• A. Ge nel- cl l ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 11. F'r 0 tee t i ve C lot h j ng ........................ . c. Respiratory Protection •••••••••••••••••• D. Hydrogen Phosphide Exposure Limits •••••• E. Industrial Hygiene Monitoring ••••••••••• F. List of Burrowing Pests ••••••••••••••••• G. Application Instructions •••••••••••••••• H. Environmental Hazards ••••••••••••••••••• I. Endangered Species Restl-ic:tions ••••••••• J. Special Local Res1rictions •••••••••••••• K. storage and Disposal •••••••••••••••••••• L. Spi Ll and Leak Procedures •••••••••••••••

Page 17: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, , 11/13/1987Hazards •••••••••••••••••••


19700 19750 1.9BOO .1.9850 1. 9S'OO 199~·;0

20000 :~()O~;O

:W1.00 20l.50 2020() 20250 :?():30{)

203ejO :W400 204~iO ;.>'\':iOO \ 550 ;'~0600

2065Q :W700 20jl5()


2()B50 ~'0900 :~()95()

noon :U 0::;0 :~11.00

21. '.50 :-~120Q



( 350 .c~400

:?1.450 :.!1500 21550 21.t.OO .nt.50 2noo 2l?50 :·!H!OO :>.l.B50 :,'1. 900 :·.~l950

:·!:WOO 220::;() :U:I.()O :~2150


~?2250 :,'23()()

Page 9

I. ENDANGERED SPECIES RESTRICTWN5 "l"11e use of Det ia(R) BOTOX(R) ina mann",,- that may kill 0'-o thel-W i 5e hcH-m a n endangered 0'- th,-ea ten(~d spec i es 01-adversely modify their habitat is d violation of federal laws. Before usinq this pesticide on range dtld/or pastureLand in the couniies Listed below, you must obtain the PESTICIDE UBE BULLETIN FOR PROTECTION OF ENDANGERED SPECIES for the county in which the product is to be used. The bulletin is aval L~ble from your county extensi011 agent, stc";\te fish Cllld game offiCf~, 01- YOl1l- pesticide dealel-. USE' of this product in a manner inconsistent with the PESTICIDE USE BULLETIN FOR PROTECTION OF ENDANGERE)) SPECIES is a vi 0 lat i Gn of fede,-a l laws.

Even if applicable county bULletins do noi prohibit the use of this product at the intended site of application, you may not use thi. product for control of prairie dogs in the states of Arizona, CoLoy"ado, Kans~s, Montana, Nebraskat New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Utah or Wyoming unless a pre-con1Y"ol survey has been canducted~ Contact the nearest U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service e·.1dan(:u:or~1d species specialist to detel-mine sm-vey \-e'tu i l-ements in YOU1- a'-ea. Th is sUl-vey must be in compliance with the bLack-footed ferret survey guidelines, developed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and a deter~lination must be made in ~ccordance with the guidelines that black-footed ferrets are not present in the treatment area.


Fl-esno, Inyo, I<e,-n, Kings, M.;\d€'l-at M£~l-ced, Montel-ey, S~n Benito, San Lui~ Obispo, Santa Barbara, Stanislaus and Tu lal-e

FL.DRIDA Statewide

GEORGIA Appling, Atkinson, Bacon, Baker, Ben Hi ll, Bleck ley, Be,-r i»n, Bl"i.nt ley, ~kooks, B,-yan, Bul lad:, Ca lhoun, Camden, Candler, Charlton, Chatham, Clinch, Cuffee, Col~uitt, Cook, Crisp, Decatur, Dodge, Dooty, Daugherty, E~rly, Echols, Effingham, EmaTluE-~l, Evanst GLynn, Gl-ady, I'~wilh .Jeff Davis, Jen~{ins, John~Jol'l, Laniel'"t Laul~ens, Lee, Libel-ty, Lonq, L.owndes, Mc:~can. MeCi ntush, Mi L lel-, Mi 1:c:hel.l, Mon1:YOmr':H-Y, Pierce, PuLaski. ScreveTlt Seminole, Telfair, Tdttnall, Thomas, Tift; Toombs, Treutlen, Turner, Ware, Wayne, Wheeler, Wi lcox and Wurth


Page 18: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, , 11/13/1987Hazards •••••••••••••••••••



06100 Ob1.~iO

06~!OO 06250 ()6:300 O{'3~jO

<)b400 06450 06~;OO (){)~;50

06600 06650 06 '?OO 067,50

\ S~10c)


069{)O 0f.,9~)O

070()O O'lO,jO 07100 07150 0"7200 O-/2~,O

07300 0'1:5~5()

07400 0"7450 07500 07~)~}O

-'?600 7650

OT1OO 0775{) 07!:lOO <rm50 07900 ()"7950 OB{)OO ()B()~;O

OBl.OO Om.50 08200 OB2~.'i()


08350 08400 0E!4~;0

08:':;00 OB5~iO

Page 4

SAFETY RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Carefully read the labeling and follow instructions

explicitly. 2. NeVel" allow uninstl"ucted per'sons to handle Ioetia(R). 3. Wear dry gloves made of cotton or other material when

contact with tablets, pellets or their dust is likely. 4. Open fumigant containers in open air. Never open in a

flammable atmosphere. 5. Do not allow Detla(R) to contact li~uid water or to

pi le up. 6. Dispose of empty cOT,tainers in a proper manner

consistent wi1h the label in~truction$.

7. Aerate contaminated clothing in well venti lated area prior to washingi

8. Keep containers tightly closed except when removing p." ad uc t.

9. Do not reuse aluminum phosphide containers for any pUl"pOSe othe." than recycling a." ."econditioTliTlg.

1.0. OSHA ,-(~C omcnends tha t the exp osure sc,-een i n9 of employees be conducted to detect irnpail"ed pulmona."y ftlnctioT\. OSHA recommends that any employees developing the above condition be r"efE.\l-r"f~d for" medical attention.



Aluminum phosphide in pelLets, tablets or their dust can be fatal if swallowf?d. [10 not get in t:1yeS,. in noset on 5~~in 01-

OTl clothing. Do not eat, dl"inf' Ol" srnof,e while handliTlg aluminum phosphide fumigants. When the container is opened,. Detia(R) ROTOX(R) wi II begin to release hydrogen phosphide (phosphine) which is an extremely toxic gas. Contact with water, acids and some other li~uids wi II accelerate this reaction. Pure hydrogen phospllide gas is odorle5sJ the odor is due to a contaminant. Since an odor may not be detected under certain circumstances,. tt,e absel1ce of a garlic odor does not mean that hydrogen phosphide gas is absent. Observe proper application and disposal procedures specified elsewhere in the Labeling to prevent overexposure.


B. STATEMENT OF pr,ACnCAL TREATMENT Symptoms of overexposure to hydrogen phosphide are head~chet dizzitlf~s",~, nause~l, difficult b,-eathing, vomiting and diarrt,ea. In all case9 of over"exposure get medical

Page 19: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, , 11/13/1987Hazards •••••••••••••••••••

{ \


08700 08"750 08800 U 013900 08'>'50 0("000 09050 091.00 09150 092tJO LJ 0<"300 09350 09400 09450 on;oo 091500 U

9alOO U ·)97'50 O(lBOO 09B~.!;O

0<;900 09950 1.0000 1011)00 LJ 1.0150 l0200 ::I.0::!50 103()0 1.():3 ~:I () 1. ()400 1.04:50 1.0500

(" • O!)~jO .. 060() 1. ()6~"() H)"~OO

1.0750 10BOO 10B,50 10900 10950 :I.1.()OO U05() 1HOO 1 u.~.0 1. 1. ~)O() lj 2~jO

1.1. :~OO 11350 1 :l400 U.4~;O


Page 5

attention immediately. Take victim to a doctor or emergency treatment facl [ity.

1. • If.,_!lilji;_ll.r.._d.llSi_fr:ll.Ill.-lilb.l~is_Jlr:_gl;.Lls;lis_ls_l.lltlAl~d.: Ge t exposed person to fresh air. Keep warm and make sure person can breathe freely. If breathing ha~ stopped, give artificial respiration by mouth-to-mouth or other means of resuscitation. Do not give anything by mouth 1:0 an U1\C0 l\SC i 0\1'90 ~H~rsoth

2 • If._itle __ ge.L.Lei:il1._f.~b.lei:::_,Jl.r:_ibelc.d..usi_<lr:e_sw< : [ll~ink or adminisieT one or' two of water and induce vomiting by touching back of throat with finger, or If aval lable, administer syrup of ipecac. Do not give anything by mouth if victim is unconscious or not alert.

3 • If_e.~11e.J!a.t,_.i.tlb.lei~_~[:_.tb~1r:_d..u~i_g~1:li_.2.D_sl:d,D_.o,r: !;;.l,!l..ttli.D9.1 Brush 0'- shal«, ,"ater'ial, off clothes and shoes in well ventilated a'-e.,. Allow clothe.-, to ae,-.,te in a ventilated i31-ea priol- to laundel-ing. [10 not leave contam'lnated cLothing in occupied and/or' confined dl-ea such as automobiles, vans, motel rooms, homes, etc. Wash contaminated skin thoroughly with soap and water.

4 • If._d.llsi_fl:.ll.m_.tb.lLE'.el.Lei.~i-.I!r:_i.a.b . .LJ;:i:;_!leis_1D_ey.eS;, __ _ Flush with plenty of wdt.,,-. Get medical attention.

C. NOTE'r 0 PHYSICIAN Aluminum phosphide tablets, pellets or their dust reacts with moisture from the air, water. acids and many other li',uids to ,-elease hyd,-ogen phosphid" (phosphine) gas. Hi ld exposur'e by inhaLation causes malaise (indefinite feeLing of 5 i ckness), ,- i 'Jl<3 i ng of eal-St fd.t i yue, l\dUSea and preSSUl-e in chest which are relieved by removal to fresh air. Moderate poisoning CiHi!i(~S weakness, vomiting, epigastl-ic pain (pain just above the stomach), chest pain, diarrhea and dyspnea (difficulty in b,-eathlng). SYOlptOOlS of sevm-e poisoning may occur' within a few hou,-s 0\- up to sevel-aL diJYs, r'esuLting in pulmonary edema (fluid in lungs) and may Lead to dizziness, cyanosis (bl.ue 01- pu\~pLe sJ-<in COLOI-), unconsciousness and death.

In sufficient ~uantity hydrogen phosphide affects the liver, kidneys, lUllgS, nervous system, and circuLatory system. Inhalation can cause Lung edema (fluid in Lungs) and hyperemi8 (excess of blood in a body part), small perivascuLar braiTI hemorrhages and brain edema (fluid in b)-a i n). Ingest i on can cause lung and bra i n symptoms, but damage to the viscera (body cavity organ5) is mOl"e Common. Hydrogen phosphide poi~onlng may result in (1) pulmonary edr<m.,. (2) L I Vel- elevated <le'-um 130'1'. L[lH and .. L1,a line phosphatase, reduced prothrombin, hemorrhiJge and jaundice ( ye l low 5[: Inc 0 10'-) and (3) kid ney h enla t lll- i a (b l 0 0 din

Page 20: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, , 11/13/1987Hazards •••••••••••••••••••


U.bOO 11.b5() ll700 lH50 11800 :U.8~)0

1.1.900 11.950 l.:WOO l:~O~:jO

1.21.00 12150 1.2',~()O

12250 1.;~300

12350 1'2400

( 450 l2~500

125!50 12bOO 12l,50 1.2700 :1.2750 1.2BOO :t.2f:J~',O

12<JOO 12950 1.3000 L30::;O 1.3100 1.31.50 1..320<)

i "~.~50

, .,300 1. ;~;~:,,(\ 1.3400 1.34~;O

l..'~;OO 13550 l.;5600 lV.50 1'3 'tOO t37!:.;O L:mO(l ~.:3:H50

13900 l3S'50 D. 14000 j.4()~)()

141()O j.41.~;O


Page 6

urine) and anuria (abnormal or lack of urination). Pathology is characteristic of hypoxia (oxygen deficiency in body tissue), Frequent exposure over a period of days or weel(s may Cf7l11Se poisonil19' Tr.~atment is symptncotltic.

The fo lluwi nq measuy"es 8\"e sugge~;ted for use by the phYsician in accordance with his own judgmentl

1. In its mi lder to moderate forms (symptoms of poisoning may tal<e up til 24 hours to ,na~:e thel," apPearance), the fOllowing is suggested I

a. Complete rest 1-2 days during which the patient must be kept ,ulet and warm.

b. If the patient suffers from vomiting or increased blood sugar, appropriate snlutions should be adm in I stered. 1',"e<l tmc.nt witI'> oxygen is ,"ecommended as is the administration of cardiac and circulatory st imuLants.

2. In Cdse5 of severe poisoning (intensive Cd,·e unit ,- a-c 0 tnRte nd ed ) ;

a. Wher'e pulOlonar'Y edenh"3 is ()bSf~r'ved, stel·o id thel~apy should be con~idel·ed c:lne! (:105t::' medical supervision is ,~ecommended. Blood 1..-an!:j.fusi ons may be necessary.

b. In case of manifest pul.monar·y edema, venesect i on should be pe,·t"o,·med unde-H· vein p'~e$SUl-e control. Ht-~i:n~t glYcosh1es (J..V.) can be used in case of hemocOTlcentration. Venesection may result in shoc~(. In the case of proqressive edema of the lungs, immediat~LY intubate and remove edema fluid and adminis1~r oxygen over-pressure respiration, as well as any meaSUl-es ,-E,."\uir'ed fOl~ shoch l,·'-eatntent. In case of kidney fai lure, extracorporeal hemodialysis is necessary. Thera is no specific antidote known for this poisoning.

c. If PI? I.le'ts 0'" ti~b l~~ts """" ingested, induce vom it I ng. Flush the \;t<ln",ch with" dl luted pot,\sslum pel~man<3anl'"'l1(~ ~olutjon or c'~ ~~ol.u'~ion of magnesiURt 1'.>1"0' 'de unt i l f I.ush I ng l i'~llid Ceases to smell of car de. Thf~\"e..,fte,", <wply c","bomc~clklnalls.

PHYSICAL. AND CHEM1CAL HAZAFWH Alumitlllm phosphide in tablefr&, pt.llets 0," pl.l,-tlally spent dust wi II ral.eilse hydrogen phosphide gas If exposed to moi.ture from the air or if It comes Into contact with watm", ,,(:ids 0'" '"",ny othe," ll,:tuida. Pllln'] of ttlblets, pellets or dust from their fra~mentation may cause a

Page 21: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, , 11/13/1987Hazards •••••••••••••••••••

1.4:~00 j.43~-0

1.4400 144:50 14500 t4~j~:iO

14{,0() :1.46~)O

1.4700 1.4750 1480() 14fJ~jO

14900 1.4950 1.~;OO()


"1:)100 \ .. 1.50

15200 15:;~~:iO

1. :)300 1.~;3~jO

15400 1.54~iO

1 ~;~:i()() 1 ~;~;::;(' 1~i600 l~;{~~:;O

1. ~j-"'()() 1. ~-;-,~)O l.~inOO


1. !:'i'7()O ( ~<;~;O


1.6050 1.61.00 :I,61.5() l,b2()() :l.6:~50



1.6400 1 b4r:iO 16~;OO


1.6600 16b50 J.{,'?OO 1. 67:"iO 1.6800 l,b850 :l.b9()0

Page 7

tempel-ature inCl-ease and confine the ,-elease of gas so 'that ignition could occur.

Always open flasks of DetiaCR) ROTOX in open air. Never open ina f Lammab le i. tmosphel-e beed use 0 Tl l-al-e oeCds i 01\5 they may flash. When open; n'9 t poi nt thE~ co nta i nel- away f,- om the face and body and slowly loosen the cap. These precautions wi LL also reduce the applicatorts exposure to hydrogen phosphide gas.

Pw'e hydrogen phosphide gas is practically insoluble in water and oils and is ~table at normal fumigation tempe1-atul-es. I-Iowevel-, it m<'\y l-eact with cel-tclin metdls and Cc'luse CO\Ml~osiont especially at hig(H;~r tempel-atulMes and relative humidities. Metals such (lS coppe\~t bl~a5s and othe\· coppel- alloyt:;, and p'I"eCiOu5 mc=-;otals such as gold and silver are susceptible to corrosiot\ by hydrogen phosphide.


A. GENERAL 1.. It is a violation of' fedel-al law to U~3e this pl-odu<:t in

a manner inconsistent with its labeling. DetiaCR) I~O'IOXCf<) AT and AP al-e I~es'h-icted Use Pesticidf~s due t~ the acute inhalation toxici ty of hydrogen phosphide Cphosph i net F'1-f~5) gas. l'1'H~~-lE~ Pl-oduc:i:s a\-t:~ for \-ett'} i l sale to and use only by certified applicators for those uses covered by 'the applicator~s certification or pel-sons t,-ained in acc:or"dance with this PlMOduct manllal working under the direct supervision dnd in the physical presence of the certified applicator. Physical pre~ence means on site or on the premises.

2. DetlaCR) is a highly hazardous material and may be used only by Individu<,ls t.-ained in its Pl-opel- use. Befo.'e using, read and follow the label precautions and cli.-ections on the l.lbel <,nd in labeling.

Additional copies of this manual dl'e avai lable from:

Research Products Company tliv. of McShc'li'eSt Inc.

P. D. !lox 146() Sa II "a, Kansil" 67402--1460


3. Do not fuml~ate with this product when burrow t[~mpEH-cttu,-e is betow 40 deg\~ees F C5 de9r'e~s C).

B. F'1~IJTI;:L~nVE CLOTHING Wear dry gLovas made of cotton or other milteriill when

Page 22: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, , 11/13/1987Hazards •••••••••••••••••••

17()00 1.7050 173.00 l."l150 n:wo 1"12.50 1.7300 1.T~~;O

H400 17'150 1.7500 1('550 1.7600 176'C.O 17700 1. T7:,0 l"lHOO

/ 7(450 \ 17900 l.7950 1.\'lO()() 1.0030 18100 tB1.5() l8~!.OO



IB:550 :l0400 IB450 :lB~;OO



( "B650 .. B700 11;1750 lB800 WB50 HWOO Hl',~j()

19000 19050 191.00 191.S() 1. 9:?O() 19250 1.9:500 1 ',:550 1. 940() 19450 lS~'iO()

:1. (}~~j~:jO


Page e

contact with tablet~. pellets, or their dust Wash hands after use.

I" likely.

c. RESPJ.RATORY PROTECTION Respiratory protection need not be avai lable for outdoor app l ieat ions.

D. HYDI~OGEN PHOSPHIDE EXPOSURE LIMITS Exposure tn hydrogen phosphide must not exceed the 8 hour TWA of 0.3 ppm.

E. INDUSTFUAL HYGIENE MONITORING Monitor'inq is not Y'e'lui)~ed outdoors.

LIST OF BURHOWING PESTS Detia(R) ROTOX(R) may be used out of doors only for the control of the following burrnwing rldents and molesl marmot sP. - woodchucks and yellow-belly marmots (rockchucks), prairie dogs (ex~ept Utah prairie dog), Norway and roof \~ats, mice, gl~OUnl.( S'luil~l~eL"E;t moles (except in Indiana), volt;:.s, gopheys and chipmU'flks1 (excep't in Califo,-nia).

G. APPL.ICATION INSTRUC',IONS Add from 1. to 4 Detia:R) ROTOX(RI AT tablets or 5 to 20 Detia(R) ROTOX(R) AF·· p,dleh'i to each bun-ow opening. Seal tightl, by shovel in~ 50i lover the entrance. Place the pellets or tablets far enough down the burrow that the soi l used to plug thE burrow doesn't cover the pellets or tablets, sLowing down their action. Where possible, subsurface tunneL~ or runways should be treated every 5 to 10 teet with a do •• of 2 to 4 tablets or 10 to 20 pellets. Use l.(lw€:n~ \"a'te-s in ~ii.,~tte\- b\l\'\~()WSt in ti9ht 50ii.s t (lndet­moist soil conciitiollS dTld higher' ,-ates in La\-gel" bU\"\~oW~t in pOl-nus soi ls ~')nd/o,- Wl1f.Hl soi l m()istu\"·,.~ is Low. In t~)(~',-emely

dr'y 0'- por'ous soil, it is 'Sometimes not possible to obtain satisfactory results. This is Pdrticularly true in i nst;lnc:es where the bu,-,·ot.r.,l sys·tems al-f~ extens I va such CIS moles or gophers. It Is aLwa~5 better not to fumigate du\'o in'] ex tend .. d Pel- i od!> of dl-y wea t;'lel-. Tl-ea t l-eopened bU'-'·OW5 and f\"esh r"UnWt1YS a second t in'e 1 to 3 days aftelM

the initial treatment.

DetlaeR) may be used out of doors only, for control of burrowing pests. Do not use within 15 feet (5 meters) of inhabit",j sil"uctul-tes. Do not apl>ly to bun-own whi<:h m,lY open under or into occupi .. d bui ldings.

H. ENVrr~()NME:NTAL HAZARDS This product is highly toxic to wi ldlife. N~n-target

organisms axposed to hydrogen phosphide gas In burrow!> wi lL b" kill."d. 1)0 not apply dl .... ~<:.tly to w.,hw 01- wetla,,,h, (awamps, bogs, marshe., and pothol".). Uo not contaminate w.)tel- by cleaning of "'·1.uipment 01- dlspo", .. l of wast", ••

Page 23: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, , 11/13/1987Hazards •••••••••••••••••••


19700 19750 19BOO .1.9850 1.9S'00 199~;0



201()O 2()lr;;O 20200 202~iO



:W400 :?()4~jO ;"1',1500

\. 5~50

20(,00 206:::)0 :,'070() :-?O750 :W800 20850 ~~O9()()

20950 :'>.1000 :?1.0~jO



:.?1200 :? 1. 2 ~'j tJ 21:>00

/ 3=jO "-,.,4()C 21.450 215()O 2:1.550 21600 ~~1650 217()0 :?1 ?50 :·~HlO()

:?l.B50 ~?l900

2:1.950 ~~:l(lO()


:~2 00 :=!2150 :·~2:~OO

~!2250 :,~::!3()()


Page 9

ENDANGERED SPECIES RESTRICTWNS The use of [,,,t i a(R) HOTOX(R) ina manne,- that may kill 0'­a the\~w i sa ha,·m an enda nger"ed 0'- th,·ea tened spec i es 0,­adversely modify their habitat is a violation of federal Laws. Befo,-e using this pesticide on r"ange ~lt,d/o,-

pasture Land in the counties Listed below, you must obtain the PESTICIDE UBE BULLETIN FOR PROTECTION OF ENDANGERED SPECIES for the county in which the product is to be used. The bulLEtin is avai Lable from your county extension agent, state fish and game office, or your pesticide dealer. Use of this product In a mantle,- itlconsistent with the PESTICIDE USE BULLETIN FOR PROTECTION OF EN[lANGI~RE)) SPECIES is a violation of fede,-al laws.

Even if applicable county bulletins do not prohibit the use of this product at the intended site of application, you may tlot use this product fOl- cont,-ol of pn.iI-ie dogs in the states of Arizona, CoLorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, No,-th Dakota, Ok l<,homa, South Daf:ota, Texas, Utah 0'­Wyoming unless a p)-e-cordr",1l survey has been contlucied. Contact the nearest U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service endan<:ler~~d species specialist io detel-mine survey l-e,\uit-ements in you,- at-ea. This sUl-vey musi be in compliance with the black-footed ferret survey guidelines, developed by the U.S. Fish and Wi ldlife Service, and a de{-e)-m i nd t ion lOusi be made i n ~'lCC ol-da nee with the gu i de l i TIes that black-footed ferrets are not present in the treatment al-ea.

CALIFORNIA Fresno, Inyo, I(el-n, Kings, Mi\dera, Mel-ced, Montel-ey, SclTl Benito, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Stanfslaus and Tu l",,-e

FLORIDA Siutewide

GEORGIA Appling, Atkinson, Bacon, Baker, Ben Hi ll, Bleckley, Hen";,?n, Bri3ntley, B,-ooks, B,-yan, Bullock, Calhoun, Camden, Candler, Charlton, Chatham, Clinch, Coffee, Colquitt, Cook, Crisp, Decatur, Dodge, Dooly, Daugherty, Early, Echols, Effingham, Emanuel, EVans, Glynn, Grady, Irwin, Jeff Davis, Jen~fin5, Johnson, Lanie'f", LcH.:.rens, Lee, Libe)-ty, Long, l.o~lnden, Mi.~c () n, MeC i nt ()~)I1, Mil lel-, M i \"che l L, Mo nt9 omel-y, Pierc~, PuL~skl, Screven, Seminole, Telfair, TattnalL, Thomas, Tift; Toombs, Treutlen, Turner, Ware, Wayne, Wheeler, Wi lcox and Worth


Page 24: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, , 11/13/1987Hazards •••••••••••••••••••

22400 22450 :·!2500 22550 ZMOO 22650 2~~700

22"150 22800 22B~jO

22'700 229~JO

23000 23050 23100 :·!31~;O

;'3'200 :·!5()


:-!3350 23400 23450 :-?':~5()O


23600 :·!3b50 23700 ~?'3750


23850 23900 '23950 24000

( '()50 .100

24150 242()O 242~;0


24350 24400 24450 24~100


:-!4600 24650 247()0 :~4750 ;,?4EJOO :.!~1~~50




Page 10

UTAH Beave,-, Ga,-f i e ld, 1,- 0 n, Ka ne, Pi u h., Sev i e,-, Wash i ng ton and Wayne



(1) NORTH CAROLINA Detia(R) ROTOX(R) may only be used for control of rats and mice in the state of No,-th Ca,-olina. Use against other pests is not permitted.

(2) OKLAHOMA A special per-mit fo,- bl_ad:-tai led prail-ie dog cont,-ol by poi so n i n9 is ,-e-lU i ,-ed in 01: lah oma. Co ntac t the Oklahoma State Department of Wildlife Conservation to obtain this permit.

(;3) WISCONSIN A state permit is re~uired for use of pesticides in Wisconsin to control small mammalst except rats or mice. Please contact your local Department of Natural Resoul~ces off ice -::O\W i nfOl-mclt ion.

(4) INDIANA Use of Detia(R) ROTOXCR) for mole control is not legal in the state of illdiana.

(5) MISSOURI A state permit is re~uired for use of pesticides in Missouri to control small mammals, except rats and mice. Please contact the Missouri Department of Conservation office for information.

(6) KANSAS A special p,,',-mit fo,- blad:-tai led p,-airie dog cont,-ol by poisoninq is required in Kansas. Contact ttle Kansas Fish .and Game Commission to obtain this permit.


Use of [letia(R) HOTOX fo," chipmunk cont,-ol is not Legal in the state of California.


Flaf~hs should be s1"ored in a dry. well. venti Ldted C)l-ea. awa.y fl-om heat dnd und(~\- loch and ~{ey. Post dU a pesticide Btora~e area. D~ not tontam.nate water. food or feed by storing pesticides in the same areas used to store these commodities. Do not store in bui ldings

Page 25: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, , 11/13/1987Hazards •••••••••••••••••••

171 IJ I




25250 2:::,:SOO :?'5:~50



25550 25660 U 25700



25900 ..,1:-,950

\ .• 0(lO 260~j()

26100 2l,'-~jO

26200 26250 26:500 26~~50

:,!6400 :~6450



26600 266~SO

;,!6700 26G!60 U

( ',850 .,6900 2l,950 :nooo TtO~)()

~nlOO -:~71.50

27200 27300 U ::~'(':~t:jO

2"7400 :n4~:;0



27600 :·~7C!,::iO

2"1700 ~:~7-'~jO

2·h100 :·'.7B50

Page 11

whf:lwe humans Ol~ doml~stic ('"lnimaLs residt~. Keep out of r~ach of chi ldran.

fJatia(R) ),(()T()X(R) Is suppli<!d in gas tight ,'asealable, aluminum flas~,s+ Do not expose the product inside flasks to atmospheric moisture any Longer than is necessary. Seal tightly before returning opened fLasks to sto,'age. The shelf life of Detia(R) is vir·tually unlimited if the containers are tightly sealed.

2. DISPOSAL OF U~HE:eCn;:!! OR EflRII€\L.L.y'"RE£\CIEJ:! TABLETS OR PELLETS O:,'om sp i Lt.s, leak i ng f Lasf:s 0" othe,' sou,'ces) Unreacted or partially reacted Detia(R) POTOX(R) AP or Detia(R) ROTOX(R) AT are acutely hazardo~s. Improper disposal of these products is a violation of federal law. If these pl-oducts canno1: be cI isposed of by ol-d i nal-Y use 01-according to the instructions that folLow, contact your sta1'e pesticide 01- envil-onmenial control agency or the hazardous waste representative at the nearest EPA regional office for g(sidance. Do not contaminate water by d isposa L.

Some local and state wdste disposal regulations may vary from the folLowing recommendations. Disposal procedures should be reviewed with dppropriate authorities to enSlu-e compliance with local \"egulafions.


~~. DISPOSAL Of' EMPTY FLASKS a. l:leillJl.d._Qne: 1"\' i p Le "i "se f lash. and stoppe,'s

with water. Then offer for recycling or reconditioning, or puncture and dispose of them in a sanitary landfi II or other approved site or by other procedures approved by state and local authorities. Dispose of rinsate in a sanitary landfi II or by other approved pr·oc(~du,·es. Sma l L 'luant i ti es can be pOUl'ed out on the g,·ound.

b. I:leill.o.d._.lw.o.; f<emove l i d5 and p lac:e emp ty f lasf: .. 0 u td 0 ors unti L residue in fLc1Sks is ,-eacied. Punctul-e dnd di ... pose of them In a sanitm'y landfi II 0" othe,' approved site or by other procedures approved by state and local dutt\orities.


A spill, other than inc:idental to application or normal handling or· punct",'ed fl.'H.hs can p"(Jduce high levels of gas, and thel~efu\~e,. attend i ng Pt~\~sonnel must weal- a SCBA or its e,ulvalent when the concentrations of hydrogen

Page 26: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, , 11/13/1987Hazards •••••••••••••••••••

:n900 ~~8()00



:·!81.5() 28200 :"".82~)O

:?B300 ::~EI::\~jO

284()0 ::~8450

2B500 ~:~B':.)50

28bOO 28t,50 :·!B100 28150

3UO(l .<8850 28S'OO 28950 290()() ~:?'9050

291()O :~9150

29200 ::':~9250








.9b50 29700 297~jO

298()0 :~9fJ5()

:?9900 :·~995()

:30000 30050 :301.00 :501. ~;() ,30:?00 302~50

:3()300 3(l:3~iO

:50400 ~~O450

305t3O U ~~O(,()O

Page 12

phosphide gas is unknown. If the concentration Is known, other NIOSH/MSHA approved respiratory protection can bf;o WOl~n. Weal- d\-y cotton 01- other glo'.Ies when handling spilled material.

2. DAMAGE TO FIBERBOARD CASE Check aluminum flasks. If they are damaged handle as described below. If they are undamaged return them to c~rdboard cartons or other suitable packaging which compl.i,.s with [lOT l"egulations.

3. LEAKING FLASK PROCEDURES If aLuminum flasks h8ve b",en punctured 01" damaged causing a leak, the product may be immediately used, the container may be temporari I.y repaired with aluminum tape or the [I",tiaeR) may be transferred from tl,e damaged flask 1;0 a sound metal contlline,- which should be sealed and properly Labeled as aLuminum phosphide, Transport the damaged containers to an area suitable for pesticide sto1-age fo .... inspection. FU1-ther" instr"uctions and recom(~endations may be obtained, if re~uiredt from Research Products Comp~ny.

Handle empty damaged containeTs as descl·ibed unde,· "DISPOSAL OF EMPTY FLASI<S" above.

4. SPILL PROCEDLJf~ES Do not flush spi I. Lage down drain with water. DO NOT llse water at anyt io\e to c lean up a sp iLL. Welte}- in contact with unreacted tablets or pellets will rapidly accelerate the production of hydroyen phosphide gas and could cause spontaneous ignition of tl,e gas. If the spi II is only a few minutes old and is not cotltamiTlated by other materials. collect the spillage and place it back into the original flask or other sound metal container and tighten the cap. If possible. use imm,~diatE>ly. CAUTION: AN IGNITION MAY OCCUR WHEN THESE CONTAINERS ARE REDPENED.

If the spi lled material is contaminated or has begun to visibLy decompose. gather it up and place it into open top, pel'fo,"ated gallon cans and p,"ocess it immediately.

[10 not add more than about one flask e2 to 3 lbs.) of spi I. Led ma·tel"ial. to the bucket. If on-site deactivation is not feasibLeJ t~\ese open containers should be transported in open vehicl~s to a suitable araa away from occupied bui ldings. Wet or dry deactivation must then be carried OlLt as described in the section immediatelY beLow.



Page 27: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, , 11/13/1987Hazards •••••••••••••••••••

30i!!60 U 30000 ~~()B5()

30900 30950 ;UOOO 31.050 ~~UOO

31.1.50 ~H200 31.2~;()



;H40() 314~i()


-'1.550 bOO

31650 ~H 700 31750 ~~18()O



31.950 ~~2()OO

3211>60 U :~21.5()






- '450 \ ," . ..:.~~jOO ~~::~550





Page 13 ...

a. Wal_MelhnQ. Transport material by hand or In open vehicles to open air away from occupied structures. FI II a drum 2/3 full with water.

Add 1/4 cup Df low sudsin9 detergent or surfactant in each ga llon of wate,,-. Edch f l,.sf, of tab lets 0'­pellets should be mixed with no less than 1 gallon of water/detergent solution. Slowly pour the m,.te,.·iaL into the wate,.· as it is stin-ed. Stir occasionally thereafter for at least 36 hours. Appropriate respiratory protection must be worn. DO NOT COVER THE CClNTAINER. IF THE CONTAINER IS COVERED THE HYDROGEH PHOSPHIDE BEII~G GENERATED WILL BE CONFINED ANil WILL DECOMPOSE EXPLOSIVELY. The wet method of deactivation is the method of choic~ for quantities in excess of 5 flasks (10 to 15 pounds). It is ~afe to dispose of this sLurry.

Dispose of the resulting de~ctivated slurry, with or without preliminary pouring out of excess water, at 8 sanitary landfi Ll or other suitable burial site approved by Local aufl1orities. Where permissible this slurry may be poured into a storm sewer or out onto the ground.

b • J:!l:l!._Me1hnu As an alternative to the wet method, when permissible small amounts (up to 5 fla5~:s) of partially reacted or unreacted material may be spread out in an open, secure area away from occupied bui ldings to be deactivated by atmospheric rno i stul-e.

NOTE: Never place pellets, tablets, their dust or the dust/wa1:el- SLU1"'-Y ina conf i ned conta i ner such as a cLosed drum or pLastic bags. Any hydrogen phosphide generated wi II be confined and may decompose explosively.

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