  • Slide 1

Slide 2 U.S. Is Drawn Into the War 1. What was the intent of the Japanese when they attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941? They want to destroy the American Navy. vs. Slide 3 Aerial Photo of Pearl Harbor Slide 4 Japanese Aerial Advantage? 2. What were Japanese planes called? Zeroes Slide 5 Japanese Expansion 3.Japan has built an empire across _Korea_, _Manchuria_, and _Hong Kong_ but it wants the whole _Pacific Ocean_. Slide 6 Pearl Harbor 4. Why was the U.S. fleet sitting ducks. The whole fleet was stationed in one little area. Slide 7 Slide 8 Pearl Harbor: A Comedy of Errors? 5. How could the attack have been stopped? Why wasnt it? Radar had picked up Japanese planes coming in but they were ignored because a group of American B- 17s was expected at any time. Slide 9 The Aftermath 6. All _8_ battle ships were put out of action, _1178_ were wounded, and _2403_ were killed. Slide 10 Slide 11 Americas Response 7. The attack of Pearl Harbor was called a day that will live in _infamy_. Slide 12 America: The War Machine Awakens 8. After the attack, what happened to American industry? It awakened American industry that had been idle during the depression. Slide 13 Transportation in WWII 9. What vehicle was invented to be used in WW II? The General Purpose Vehicle or GP, also known as a Jeep. Slide 14 Women and the War? 10. What was the best kept secret weapon of WW II? American Women Slide 15 U.S. Economic Upturn 11. Because of women working in factories, tax returns jump from less than $4 million_ in 1941 to _$42 million__ in 1945. Slide 16 The Cost of War 12. World War II will cost the government _$300 Billion Dollars_. Slide 17 Rosie The Riveter 13.Womens salaries set off a war time _consumer boom__. Slide 18 American Air Power 14. __300,000__ aircraft come out of U.S. factories during the war. Slide 19 Daylight and Nighttime Raids 15. The _United States_ used high altitude precision bombing during the day while the _British bombed at night. America by Day British by Night Slide 20 Saturation Bombing 16. What important event took place on August 17, 1942? The first high altitude bombing during the day took place over Germany with American planes. Slide 21 Precision Bombing 17. What did the U.S. use to aid their bombing? The Norden Bombsight Slide 22 The Casualties of War 18. What grim fact becomes a reality during World War II because of air bombing? Many of the planes and men will not make it home from their raids. Slide 23 Tactically Superior Numbers 19. Americas goal was to overwhelm the enemy with _machines_ and _manpower_. By 1943 _10 million_ Americans have been drafted into the military. Slide 24 Segregation and the Military 20. The American military remained _segregated_ during World War II and did not allow blacks and whites to serve together. Slide 25 A Great Undertaking 21. General Dwight D. Eisenhower took command of the biggest amphibian invasion in history, code named Operation Overlord. Slide 26 Slide 27 D-Day: The Beginning 22. To the world, the Normandy landings were known as _D-Day_. 23. Over _5.4 million American soldiers invaded Europe during World War II. 24. What happened on June 6, 1944? The D-Day invasion of Normandy began in France. Slide 28 Getting off the Beach 25. The Americans main invasion during D-Day took place at _Omaha_ Beach. By 9:00 A.M. there were __5000__ Americans on shore and _2000_ U.S. casualties on Omaha Beach alone. Slide 29 D-Day +3, 4, 5 26. The invasion of Normandy was a logistical miracle but the cost was staggering with _126,000_ Americans killed, wounded, or missing during the battle of Normandy. Slide 30 The War in the Pacific 27. While the U.S. was winning the war in Europe, Americans were still dying while fighting the __Japanese__. Slide 31 The U.S.s Secret Weapon 28. On July 16, 1945, American technology changed the world forever when _the first atomic bomb was test in the desert of New Mexico_. 29. The _Manhattan Project_ was the secret code name for the building of the first atomic bomb. Slide 32 The Atomic Bomb Slide 33 The Flash Seen Around the World 30. When atomic bombs are dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 120,000 people were killed instantly. Over the days, months, and years that follow, Another 80,000 are killed slowly, A day after dropping the second bomb, the Japanese surrender, ending World War II. Slide 34 The Aftermath of the Atomic Bomb

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