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The Key Points We Will Cover

• Today’s Reality• Industry & Trends• USANA Health Sciences

• Learn the Most Powerful Way to Create Health & Freedom

• Training & Support• Timing

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Company Profile

DR. MYRON WENTZFounder, USANA Health Sciences

• 18-year R&D company manufacturing cellular-nutritional products

• Distributed worldwide thru 14 countries

• NASDAQ-Listed & a member of Russell 3000 Index

• Dietary supplement certification, GMP registration & certification for sport through NSF Int.

• Best Dietary Supplements & Personal-Care Products

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True HealthTrue Wealth

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One Man’s Vision

• Myron Wentz, Ph.D., Microbiology, ImmunologyRecipient of the Albert Einstein Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Life Sciences, June 2007

Vision of USANATo manufacture the highest quality, science-based products that people can trust — what is on the label is what is in the bottle — providing maximum bioavailability for better health around the world and giving everyone the opportunity for a better quality of life.

• Founded Gull Laboratories in 1972World leader in human-cell culture and medical-diagnostic technologies

• Shifts from Disease Diagnostics to Health Maintenance

• Founded USANA Health Sciences in 1992

• Expert in Growing CellsUnderstands the nutritional requirements for the human cell

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Today’s Reality

The most important medical discovery of the last half-century concerns free radicals… Free radicals have been linked to (at last count) about 60 diseases. — Dr. Robert D. Willix Jr.

Top 8 Killer Disease1. Heart Disease2. Cancer3. Stroke4. Alzheimer’s5. Diabetes6. Osteoporosis7. Arthritis8. Obesity

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The War Within Our Body

Free Radicals or Toxic Stress Come From:

• Stress• Radiation from

the sun• Pollution• Toxins in the

water• Poor food


Damaged cells after adding digested products from a typical

fast-food meal

Healthy human cells in cultureSimilar cells when antioxidants are added

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Am I Receiving The Nutrients I Need?

Are We Using Supplementation As A Solution?

The USDA surveyed 16,000 Americans and found that not one person obtained 100% of

essential nutrients such as magnesium, vitamin E, and zinc.1

1. Nutrition Today

Wheat Germ (vitamin E fortified)

Almonds (dry roasted, without oil)

Spinach (cooked, boiled, drained w/o salt)

Safflower Oil

To get the recommended 400 International Units (IU) of vitamin E every day, you will have to consume several servings of foods rich in vitamin E

To obtain 400 IU






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Nutritional Supplements

Are You Getting What You Pay For?

A study conducted at Yale New Haven Hospital, USA, tested 257 vitamin products. Only 49 were judged as having adequate ratios of nutrients.1

1 Journal of American Dietetic Association 1987, Volume 87, p.341.

“Most health supplements fall far short of meeting the nutritional needs of the body’s cells.”

— Dr. Myron Wentz

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Best Products In The World

Lyle MacWilliam, Bsc, MSc, FP, former Canadian Member of Parliament and Member of the Legislative Assembly for British Columbia

The Comparative Guide To Nutritional Supplements rated over 1,500 products using a comprehensive set of mathematical algorithms that are based on the Blended Standard and the Health Support Criteria

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Rank Company Product Score

1st USANA Essentials 96.1%

7th Freelife Basic Mindell Plus (Goji) 82.3%

44th Nature’s Way Alive! 60.0%

71st Pharmanex (Nu Skin) Life Pak Prime 52.7%

191st Unicity Network Cardio-Basics 31.0%

198th Amway Nutrilite DoubleX 30.0%

224th Symmetry NutraPack 25.5%

261st Sunrider Metabalance 44 20.4%

310th Herbalife Formula 2 14.8%

311th Lifestyles Lifecycles 14.7%

355th Reliv Classic 10.4%

390th Melaleuca Vitality Pak 6.2%

397th Re-Vita Liqua Health 5.8%

403rd Wyeth Centrum Performance 5.2%

404th Kirkland Daily Multivitamin 5.2%

407th One A Day Active 5.1%

467th Wyeth Centrum 3.2%

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Vit. AVit. CVit. DVit. EVit. B1

Vit. B2

Vit. B3

Vit. B6

Vit. B9

Vit. B12

Pantothenic AcidBiotin


ChromiumMolybdenumSiliconVanadiumUltra Trace Elements

Olive ext.Turmeric ext.Broccoli conc. Green Tea ext.Bilberry ext.LycopeneLuteinRutinCinnamon

QuercetinHesperidin InositolCholineBromelainAlpha Lipoic AcidCoEnzyme Q10N-Acetyl L-CystinePomegranate




Usana Essentials

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Heart Health

Protects the heart and cardiovascular system.

vitamin E (including alpha tocopherol and mixed tocopherols), beta-carotene, coenzyme Q10, calcium, magnesium, l-carnitine, procyanidolic oligomers, phenolic compounds, and lycopene

Optimal Health Benefits

Methylation Support

Nutrients required for the production of methyl group donors to help reduce blood levels of homocysteine, protecting arteries and nerves.

Vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, folic acid, trimethylglycine

Liver Health

Enhances liver function and optimize manufacture of liver glutathione.vitamin C, n-acetyl-cysteine, selenium, vitamin B2, vitamin B3

Lipotropic Factors

Helps remove toxins, including heavy metals, such as lead and mercury.choline, lecithin, inositol

Metabolic Health

Helps the body maintain its daily sugar balance, keeping the system responsive to insulin and restoring insulin sensitivity.

Vitamin B3, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin C, vitamin E (including alpha tocopherol and mixed tocopherols), biotin, coenzyme Q10, chromium, magnesium, manganese, and zinc

Glycation Control

Slows down the progress of many degenerative diseases by retarding the cross-linking of sugars and proteins.

L-carnosine, vitamin E (including alpha tocopherol and mixed tocopherols), vitamin C, and alpha-lipoic acid

Bone Health

Assists in bone remodeling and are vital in warding off osteoporosis and other diseases that weaken the skeletal framework.

vitamin d, vitamin K, vitamin C, Vitamin B6, vitamin B12, folic acid, boron, calcium, magnesium, silicon, and zinc

Sexual HealthImproves sexual libido and promotes optimal rproductive health.Vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B3, vitamin B6, vitamin E, vitamin C, magnesium, selenium, zinc, vitamin D.

Ocular HealthReduces oxidative damage to the retina and lens of the eye, reducing the risks of cataracts and macular degeneration.vitamin C, vitamin E (including alpha tocopherol and mixed tocopherols), vitamin A, carotenoids, lutein, and zeaxanthin

Respiratory Health

Promotes lung health and optimal repiratory function.

Vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, folic acid, trimethylglycine

Mental HealthVitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin C, folate, magnesium, and zinc

Skin HealthVitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B6, vitamin B9, vitamin B12, alpha-lipoic acid, selenium, copper, and zinc.

Immune Function

Promotes optimal immune function and immonomodulation.vitamin C, beta carotene, folic acid, phenolic compounds, manganese, zinc, and selenium

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Optimize Your Health

Optimizers - specialized products for your personal needs

Cardiovascular Health

Bone Health

Healthy Oil

Eye Health

Heart Health

Liver HealthHealthy Joint


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For Diet Energy

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15 Days to a New You

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15 Days to a New You

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15 Days to a New You

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15 Days to a New You

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15 Days to a New You

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15 Days to a New You

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The Usana Difference

• Voluntarily adheres to Pharmaceutical GMPs (Good Manufacturing Practices)

• 100% potency guarantee• Athlete guarantee• Superior ingredients• Balanced, science-based formulas• Accredited team of scientific experts• Exceptional in-house manufacturing

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World-Class Athletes Use Usana

“In USANA, the Sony Ericsson WTA Tour has found a manufacturer that not only meets the Tour’s rigorous anti-doping standards, but one that is willing to back it up with an athlete guarantee.”

— Larry Scott, Chairman and CEO of Sony Ericsson WTA Tour

“USANA products allowed me to fulfill my lifelong dream of becoming an

Olympic Champion.”- Derek Parra, 2002 Olympic gold medalist

& world record holder in speedskating

“USANA products help ensure that I maintain optimal health and sustain my

energy levels as a professional skier.”- Jennifer Heil, 2006 Olympic gold medalist

& four-time World Cup Champion

“Without the help of USANA products I could never have summitted Mt.

Everest.”-Werner Berger, Canadian Businessman, oldest North American to ever summit

Mt. Everest

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Official Supplement of Green Archers

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Celebrities Use Usana

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Celebrities Use Usana

CELEBRITY CLIENTS:Julia Roberts Michelle Pfeiffer Cindy Crawford Jennifer Aniston Kim Basinger And many more…

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Doctors Trust & Approve Usana

“I love the integrity of the people who are doing research for us in USANA…I have been impressed with the results I have seen with friends, patients, and my own family.”

— Christine Wood, M.D., Pediatrics, Author

USANA’s products are listed in the Physicians’ Desk Reference (PDR) and Compendium of Pharmaceuticals and Specialties (CPS).

USANA is involved in a 10-year partnership to provide financial assistance to the Linus Pauling Institute, giving a radical boost to the research abilites of both organizations.

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Doctors Trust & Approve Usana

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