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User-centered thinking in higher ed communications

Batu Sayici Melissa Zuroff

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Let’s talk about

• Using research and data to establish a user-centered strategy

• Determining the tools and team needed

• Recognizing and exploring how to approach potential challenges

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User-centered design Designing a product or service around how users want or need to use it, rather than forcing them to change their behavior to accommodate your product or service.

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Internally driven communication mimicking organizational structure and language!

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The problem?

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A user-centered design and content strategy reflecting students’:

1. mental model 2. priorities 3. language

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How to get therein 4 steps

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Get management support and sponsorship.


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Challenges you might face

• No budget/staff • Low awareness of benefits • Resistance to act • Organizational change

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Overcome the challenges

• Show, don’t just tell.

• Focus on projects that produce tangible results.

• Involve stakeholders throughout the process of planning, execution, analysis, and reporting.

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Make your argument.

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Emphasize what a user-centered

strategy enables

• More effectively meeting organizational objectives

• Better serving user needs

• Better accountability

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Some resources on getting leadership buy-in:

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Build the right team.


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Identify the right people and skill sets…

Visual Design UX Content Analyst

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…and foster their skills.

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Involve users (early) in the design process.


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Determineyour process.

InterviewsSocial Media


BrainstormingCard sorting

Surveys Analytics

Usability tests

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Use your data to find what’s not working.

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Understandcurrent experience

and pain points.

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Simplifytheir journey.

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Talk their language.Avoid jargon and

internal terminology.

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Check rough prototypes early.

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Test & iterateQuick and dirty is better than none.

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Here’s an example

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Tips for user tests

• Use social media and email to create a pool of participants.

• Offer desirable incentives.

• Run small tests often.

• Aim to make things better, not perfect.

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Some resources on testing:

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Measure and communicate results.


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easy to find easy to understand enjoyable

Before After


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To be more user-centered…

Get management support and sponsorship.

Build the right team.

Involve users early in the design process.

Measure and communicate results.

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–Steve Krug

“When fixing problems, try to do the least you can do.”

But also…

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