  • 8/13/2019 User Table Configuration for Date Display1


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    5 th August , 2011

  • 8/13/2019 User Table Configuration for Date Display1


    [Configuration Document] Page i

    Revision Sheet

    Release No. Date Revision Description

    Rev. 0 7/29/11 Created

  • 8/13/2019 User Table Configuration for Date Display1


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    1.0 GENERAL INFORMATION .......................................................................................................... 1-1

    1.1 Purpose ................................................................................................................................... 1-11.2 Scope ...................................................................................................................................... 1-1

    2.0 CURRENT SYSTEM SUMMARY .................................................................................................... 2

    2.1 Background ............................................................................................................................... 22.2 System Objectives and Current Functionality ........................................................................... 22.3 Current Methods and Procedures .............................................................................................. 2

    3.0 PROPOSED METHODS AND PROCEDURES ............................................................................... 3

    3.1 System Objectives ..................................................................................................................... 33.2 Summary of Improvements ....................................................................................................... 3

    3.2.1 Functional Improvements .......... .......... ........... .......... .......... ........... .......... .......... ........... ........... .. 3

    3.2.2 Improvements to Existing Capabilities .......... ........... .......... ........... .......... ........... .......... ........... .. 3

    3.2.3 Implementation Details .......... ........... .......... .......... ........... .......... .......... ........... .......... ........... ...... 3

    4.0 DETAILED CHARACTERISTICS .................................................................................................... 4

    4.1 Specific Performance Requirements ......................................................................................... 44.2 Configuring the System .............................................................................................................. 11

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    [Configuration Document] Page 1-1

    This Document provides the user a clear description on how to configure display of Start date and Enddate for different elements on the Online payslip.


    1.1 Purpose

    Purpose is to facilitate dynamic configuration of date display on online payslip for different types ofearnings.

    1.2 Scope

    All those customers under US Legislation who need to configure dates on payslip.

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    This chapter describes the existing system functions to establish a context for the proposed system.

    2.1 Background

    As of now on the online payslip we are showing Start and End Dates only for Premium &Overtime elements and that too for California state i.e. Jurisdiction code 05.

    2.2 System Objectives and Current Functionality

    With this current system we are trying to show up dates only for a single state and a couple of

    elements. This suits the requirements of Online payslip as of today as ..

    i. We dont need to show up dates for any other state.ii. Elements for which dates have to show up are limited.

    2.3 Current Methods and Procedures

    To achieve this we are decoding the jurisdiction code and element type toDecide on whether to show up dates on the payslip or not.

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    3.1 System ObjectivesIn the proposed system we provide the user with a configurable way of displaying the

    dates on the online payslip.

    User can control the display of dates, one at the jurisdiction level

    and the other at the element type level .

    3.2 Summary of Improvements

    3.2.1 Functional Improvements

    With the new approach we are providing a flexible way of configuring the display of dates.

    The functionality can be extended to other states just by adding the jurisdiction code of the desired state.

    3.2.2 Improvements to Existing Capabilities

    The existing system needs changes at the code level every time there is a need to extend this

    functionality to a new State or add new element type in to the display date list.With the new system this is completely configurable thus saving time and effort.

    3.2.4 Implementation Details

    This proposed functionality is achieved using the concept of User Tables facilitated by theproduct.

    .... In the Table structure the columns represent the jurisdiction code while the Rows represent theElement types that come up on the payslip.

    User needs to add the States (jurisdictions) in the column list and Element types in the Row listbased on the requirement.

    In the next step configure Table Values where we have to do that separately for each state ,for what all the element types we have to show up the dates and for what element types we dont need to .

    An element type left un-configured assumes a default N and for that dates dont show up on the slip.

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    This section basically explains how to configure the new functionality in our product.

    First section helps in understanding the default configuration that shows up at the user end.In the second section we see configuring the system for a sample requirement.

    However these steps remain common.i. Login into the Applicationii. Switch to the desired responsibility.iii. Goto Other Definitions

    Click on either Table Structure or Table Values

    4.1 Default Behavior

    The table structure for the default behavior looks like

    -- To be configured by the user.

    Let us understand how this is represented in the system.

    Overtime Premium

    05California Y Y

    33New York -- --

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    Click on the Table Structure

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    2. Query in the Name field for ONLINE_PAYSLIP_DATE_CONTROL_TBL

    the new table structure created for handling dates.

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    3. Click on the Columns button to see the existing Jurisdictions defined.

    Here in this screen shot we see 05California

    33New York

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    4. Click on the Rows button to see the existing element types defined.

    Here in this screen shot we see Overtime & Premium

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    5. Click on Other DefinitionsTable Values

    to see the how the rule is defined in combination of states and Elements.

    In the Table Values screen query for ONLINE_PAYSLIP_DATE_CONTROL_TBL in the Table field.

    a) By default the Name field in the column section shows 05 the first column defined.

    In the values section we see Y against both of the Overtime and Premium elements.

    This is to define that,

    IF Jurisdiction code =05 Then

    IF Element type= Overtime OR Element Type=Premium

    Show dates for this combination.

    Note: The existing requirement for CA State (05) is that, dates need to be displayed online payslip for

    Elements of type Overtime & Premium.

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    b) Now Query for 33 in the Name fields in the Column section in the same screen (Table values).

    In the values section we see N against both of the Overtime and Premium elements.

    This is to define that ,

    IF Jurisdiction code =33 Then

    IF Element type= Overtime OR Element Type=Premium

    Dont Show dates for this combination.

    Note: The existing requirement for NY State (33) is that, dates need not be displayed online payslip for

    Elements of type Overtime & Premium.

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    4.2 Configuring the SystemIn this section we will try to understand on configuring the system for a sample

    requirement.a) Existing Configuration:

    -- To be configured by the user.

    b) Lets assume that we need to configure

    a. For a new state - Green Shaded region in the below tableTexas with jurisdiction code 35

    Supplemental and Premium elements needs to show the dates.b. For existing state California -

    jurisdiction code 05.Supplemental element needs to show the dates

    c. For Existing state Newyork --Blue Shaded region in the below tablejurisdiction code 33Configure that for Overtime , premium and Supplemental elements

    Note: Instead of defining an element explicitly to N not configuring will asume a default N.Hence the blue shaded region (point c above) is achieved by default.

    Overtime Premium

    05California Y Y

    33New York -- --

    Overtime Premium Supplemental

    05California Y Y Y

    33New York N N N

    35- Texas N Y Y

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    A. Defining the new column value , in our case its the jurisdiction code for the new state

    Texas -35.

    o Click on Other definitionsTable Structure

    o Query in the Name field for ONLINE_PAYSLIP_DATE_CONTROL_TBLthe new table structure created for handling dates.

    o Click on the Columns button.o Add a new record for the code 35 as shown.

    o Save the changes.

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    B. Defining the new row value , in our case its the Element Type - Bonus.

    o Click on the Rows button.o Add a new record for the element type - Supplemental as shown.o Save the changes.

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    C. Defining the Table values ,

    a. Click on Other definitionsTable Values

    b. Query in the Table field for ONLINE_PAYSLIP_DATE_CONTROL_TBL

    the new table structure created for handling dates.

    o In the name field in the Column sectiongoto the value 35 for the new jurisdiction defined.

    In the values section add records for the element types and configure accordinglyi.e Y- if dates have to be shown / NDates need not be shown

    o Add record for Supplemental in the Exact field

    Define value Y in the corresponding value field. .

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    o Add record for Overtime in the Exact fieldDefine value N in the corresponding value field.

    Note: Instead of defining an element explicitly to N not configuring will asume a default N.

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    o Add record for Premium in the Exact fieldDefine value N in the corresponding value field

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    D. Defining for an existing state california

    a. Click on Other definitionsTable Values

    b. Query in the Table field for ONLINE_PAYSLIP_DATE_CONTROL_TBL

    the new table structure created for handling dates.

    o In the name field in the Column sectiongoto the value 05 for the new jurisdiction defined.

    In the values section add records for the element types and configure accordinglyi.e Y- if dates have to be shown / NDates need not be shown

    o Add record for Supplemental in the Exact fieldDefine value N in the corresponding value field. .

    Note: Instead of defining an element explicitly to N not configuring will asume a default N.

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