Page 1: User Training - Creating A New Loan Modification File Module V1

Creating and Submitting a Loan Modification File Using Khafre

User Training

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Last Updated 04/12/23 2

Course Agenda

• Creating a Borrower File

• Adding Borrower & Co-Borrower Info

• Adding Properties

• Adding Mortgages

• Adding Borrower Debts & Assets

• Adding Borrower Expenses

• Uploading Exhibits

• Requesting Loan Modification Processing

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What’s In It For You?

Increased Efficiency

Self Reliance

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Creating a New Loan Modification File

• FIRST STEP: Log In to Khafre Back Office• Access• Enter your user name and password

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Accessing Khafre Back Office

Go to:

ClickAgent Login

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Logging in to Khafre Back Office



And ClickOK

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Creating a New Loan Modification File

• NEXT STEP: Create a New Borrower File• Go to your pipeline & click new• Enter borrower & co-borrower Info:

» Addresses & phone numbers» Employment & income

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Creating a Borrower File

Click on Pipeline

Click New File

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Creating a Borrower File

Click the “Homeowner Info” tab to begin creating the Loan

Modification file



123 Any Street





[email protected]






Cell Phone


Best Practice:Click the pushpin to

keep the window open

Click OK to “save and close”

Then click OK toSave & keep working

Then click the “Employment” tab

to continue Enter the primaryborrower’s

Name and contact infoIncluding credit rating and score

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Creating a Borrower File


ABC Automotive

321 Anystreet





5 6

Click OK to Save

Click Add to enter another employer

for the primary borrower

Or click the “Borrower Miscellaneous Income”

tab to continue

Enter the primaryborrower’s

employer nameand contact infoand record grossand net income

from this employer

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Creating a Borrower File

Use this page to document any additional

income the primary borrower has if


Click OK to Save

Then click the “Co-Borrower”tab to continue

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Creating a Borrower File

Click OK to Save



[email protected]

Check the “Same as Borrower”

box to copy address and phone info from primary


Then add the co-borrower’sname, email addressphone numbers and

credit rating and score

Then click the“Co-Borrower Employment”

tab to continue

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Creating a Borrower File

Add Co-Borroweremployment and

Income information

Click OK to Save

Then click“Co-Borrower Miscellaneous Income”

tab to continue

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Creating a Borrower File

Use this page to document any additional

income the co-borrower has if


Click OK to Save

Then click the“Household”

tab to continue

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Creating a Borrower File



The household tabdisplays annual and

monthly income totals

Enter the numberof dependents and

their ages

Click OK to Save

Click the pushpin icon to

allow the window to be


Click OK to save and close the window

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Creating a New Loan Modification File

• NEXT STEP: Add Subject Property• List properties owned by borrower

» Addresses, APNs, Legal Descriptions

• Identify which property is subject of Loan Modification

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Adding Subject Property

Click the “Subject Property” tab to continue creating the

Loan Modification file

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Adding Subject Property

Check the “Same as Borrower”

box to copy address info from primary borrower.

Best Practice:Click the pushpin to

keep the window open

Choose the type of property from the pull-

down menu

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Adding Subject Property

Enter the Assessor’s Parcel Number

(If available)

1234567890987654321Click OK to Save

Then click the“Legal Description”

tab to continue

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Adding Subject Property

Enter the Subject Property’s Legal

Description(if available)

Click OK to Save

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Adding Subject Property

Click OK to Save and close the window

If the borrower owns multiple

properties click the Add button to

enter that info

After entering multiple properties be sure to identify

which property this loan modification is in reference to by selecting the appropriate

property and click the “Make Subject Property”

button(if applicable)

Click the pushpin icon to

allow the window to be


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Creating a New Loan Modification File

• NEXT STEP: Add Mortgages• Enter Loan & Lender Information• Record NOD and/or NOTS Information (if applicable)• Identify Trustee (if applicable)

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Adding Borrower Mortgages

Click the “Add Mortgage” tab to continue creating the

Loan Modification file

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Adding Borrower Mortgages

The navigation menu expands to allow you to add the first

mortgage for the subject property

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Adding Borrower Mortgages

And opens up the First Mortgage

form window for you

Best Practice:Click the pushpin to

keep the window open

Click System Lendersor Branch Lendersto select the lenderfor this mortgage

Check the box next to the lender you want to


Then click OK to close the window and return to the mortgage screen

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Adding Borrower Mortgages

The lender namepopulates on

the loan form page

And also populates the lender’s addresses

throughout the rest of the lender form pages where


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Adding Borrower Mortgages

Complete this form withas much information as

you have

If a field does not applyor the information is not

available leave blank

Click OK to Save

Then click the“NOD/NOTS”

tab to continue

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Adding Borrower Mortgages


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Adding Borrower Mortgages

It is essential that you accurately identify

whether a mortgage has a

Notice of Default or Notice of Trustee Sale

on record

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Adding Borrower Mortgages

If a Notice of Default orNotice of Trustee Sale

has been recordedcheck the appropriate

radio button and complete the form

Be sure to enter the Trustee Sale Number

in theappropriate field

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Adding Borrower Mortgages

It is important to note that if a Notice of Default or a Notice of Trustee Sale

has been recorded then there will be a

Named Trustee and a Trustee Sale Number.

Enter the Trustee Sale Number in the

“Sale Number” field

Click OK to Save

Then click the“Trustee” tabto continue

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Adding Borrower Mortgages

Then click the “System Trustees”

or “Branch Trustees”button

Check the box next to the

Trustee NameThen Click OK

The Trustee Info is populated on this page

and on the other Trustee tabs

Click OK to Save

Click the pushpin to allow

the page to close

Click OK to save and close the window

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Adding Borrower Mortgages

If the subject property has more than one mortgage, click the

“Add Mortgage”button to continue

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Adding Borrower Mortgages

When the left-hand navigation menu expands click on the “Second

Mortgage” to continue

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Adding Borrower Mortgages

Continue adding mortgage details as applicable

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Creating a New Loan Modification File

• NEXT STEP: Add Borrower Debts• Record private, vehicle & school loans• List credit card accounts• Enter other bank/financing loans

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Adding Borrower Debts

Click the “Debts” tab to continue creating the Loan Modification file

NOTE: The Debts section is used to record actual debts, loans, credit

cards, etc.

We will address recording Household Expenses such as water, gas, electric,

phone, cable, etc. in a separate section.

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Adding Borrower Debts

Best Practice:Click the pushpin to

keep the window open

Choose the debt type from the pull-down


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Adding Borrower Debts

Enter the debt details in the spaces provided

Click OK to Save

Then click Add to


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Adding Borrower Debts

A second debt tab is


Fill out the debt information for Debt 2

in the spaces provided

Click OK to Save

Then click Add to


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Adding Borrower Debts

Continue adding debts by repeating

the process for every debt the borrower has

Click the totals tab to view the total

household debt; not including mortgages

Click the pushpin to allow

the page to close

Click OK to save and close the window

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Creating a New Loan Modification File

• NEXT STEP: Add Borrower Assets• Enter personal & business checking & savings

balances• Include investment data (CDs, mutual funds,

retirement accounts)• Record life insurance information

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Adding Borrower Assets

Click the “Assets” tab to continue creating the Loan Modification file

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Adding Borrower Assets

Best Practice:Click the pushpin to

keep the window open

You add Assets in the same way that you add debts. Fill in the fields

for the asset.

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Adding Borrower Assets

You add Assets in the same way that you add debts. Fill in the fields

for the asset.

Click OK to Save

Then click Add to


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Adding Borrower Assets

Continue adding asset tabs until all household assets

have been recorded

Click the “Totals” tab to view the borrower & co-borrower total


Click the pushpin to allow

the page to close

Click OK to save and close the window

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Creating a New Loan Modification File

• NEXT STEP: Add Borrower Expenses• Weekly (transportation & groceries)• Monthly (entertainment, clothing, utilities, education,

child care, supplies, healthcare, etc.)• Semi-Annual (taxes, auto insurance, tuition)• Annual (property insurance, memberships,


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Adding Borrower Expenses

Click the “Expenses” tab to continue creating the Loan Modification file

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Adding Borrower Expenses

Enter weekly vehicle expenses like gasoline, tolls,

parking, maintenance and weekly groceries


NOTE: Do not use this space to enter

auto loan payments.

Best Practice:Click the pushpin to

keep the window open

Click OK to Save

Then click the “Monthly” tab

to continue

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Adding Borrower Expenses

Enter monthly household expenses

like utilities, telephone, supplies, clothing, education,

charitable contributions,

childcare, investments, etc.

Click OK to Save

Then click “Semi-Annual” to continue

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Adding Borrower Expenses

Enter semi-annual expenses like

automobile insurance, life

insurance, property taxes, etc.

Click OK to Save

Then click “Annual” to continue

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Adding Borrower Expenses

Enter Annual expenses like

property insurance, gym memberships, subscriptions, etc.

Click OK to Save

Khafre maintains a running total monthly

expenses at the top of the window

Click the pushpin to allow

the page to close

Click OK to save and close the window

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Creating a New Loan Modification File

• NEXT STEP: Upload Exhibits• Mortgage documents• Payment coupons• Borrower & Co-Borrower pay stubs• Bank statements, etc.

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Uploading Exhibits

Click the “Exhibits List” tab to continue creating the loan

modification file

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Uploading Exhibits

Click on “Upload New Exhibit”

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Uploading Exhibits

Choose the type of file you are

uploading from the pull-down menu

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Uploading Exhibits

Click Browse…

Select the document you wish to upload

Click Open

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Uploading Exhibits

7. Click Open

Click Upload

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Uploading Exhibits

The Exhibit is now saved to your Exhibit


To view the file online click “Open” Click the “X”

to close

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You have finished creating a new loan modification file!!!


…but wait, there’s more…

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Creating a New Loan Modification File


Request Loan Modification Processing

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Request Loan Modification File Processing

Click the “Generate Documents” tab to submit the Loan Modification file for processing

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Request Loan Modification File Processing

Use the “Choose Mortgage” pull-

down menu to select the mortgage that

you want to request the loan modification

processing for

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Request Loan Modification File Processing

Select “Loan Modification” from the pull-down menu

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Request Loan Modification File Processing

Select “Request a document from another branch”

radio button

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Request Loan Modification File Processing

Choose “Individual or Joint” Loan

Modification using the pull-down menu

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Request Loan Modification File Processing

Click “Process” to submit the file for

review and processing

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Course Review

• Creating a Borrower File

• Adding Borrower & Co-Borrower Info

• Adding Properties

• Adding Mortgages

• Adding Borrower Debts & Assets

• Adding Borrower Expenses

• Uploading Exhibits

• Requesting Loan Modification Processing

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Thank you!If you have any questions please call

at (562) 432-4400


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