Download - Uses of WORDRAMP®

Page 1: Uses of WORDRAMP®

WordRamp® (WR)


A Nonprofit 501(c)(3) Corporation

[email protected]

Riverbank California

Page 2: Uses of WORDRAMP®

The WR format provides literacy

to reading challenged adults and youths..

MAKING A DIFFERENCE ! “Let us count the ways.”

1. Fiction and nonfiction books and other literature will be published online

using the WR format for adults and others with reading problems.

2. Medical prescription directions will be made readable for the reading

challenged. Seniors and others who are too embarrassed to advise their

physician or druggist that they are not able to read or understand written

directions will have directions they can read.

3. Driver handbooks will be made readable using the WR format for the

reading disabled reducing the number of expensive auto accidents and


4. Public libraries will have a section containing DVDs of books that will be in

the WR format for the reading disabled and others. The books could be

read on library computers or checked out and read on computers or

television sets at home.

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5. Voter pamphlets and election literature will be published in the WR

format so voters will be able to get information that will help them

vote more intelligently. Only 60% of eligible voters vote and

participate in government. A large percentage of eligible citizens

never register to vote. Having a literate electorate is necessary for

a viable democracy. Having election literature in the WR format

will invite more people to participate

6. Most businesses, industries and institutions will put their important

documents, announcements, memorandums, safety rules,

newsletters and such online in the WR format for their reading

challenged employees. At least 10% of a typical industrial

company’s employees are functionally illiterate.

7. Many novels, short stories, poems, biographies and

autobiographies will be put online in the WR format for those who

simply enjoy being read to but are reading challenged.

And there will be many more.

The WordRamp® format provides literacy to reading challenged adults

and youths in many ways.

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Go to to read documents and literature in the WR format.

FREE (No Charge).

Instructions showing companies and individuals how to add content to

the WordRamp library are available at no charge on

Some Alternatives

1) People can get an audio book and the printed version of the

book, find the page being read aloud and follow along. A problem

with many e-books is that they are abridged and do not match the


2) Electronic books like Kindle have a narrated onscreen text option.

They read text aloud using a computer generated voice. Computer

generated voices have improved a great deal but can’t match a

human voice.

3) There are text-to-speech programs that will read text aloud using

a computer voice.


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