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Regional Policy

Using European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) for support to Active and Healthy

Ageing –

What is Smart Specialisation and how to mobilise ESIF?

Claus SchultzeCompetence Centre

Smart and Sustainable Growth

DG Regional and Urban Policy

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Regional Policy

Billion EUR

Less developed regions 182.2

Transition regions 35.4

More developed regions 54,4

Cohesion Fund 63.4

European territorial cooperation 10.1

Of which

Cross border cooperation 7.5

Transnational cooperation 2.0

Interregional cooperation 0.6

Outermost regions and northern sparsely populated regions


Youth Employment initiative 3.2

TOTAL 350.3*

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Regional Policy



e 2










Cohesion Policy

Thematic objectives

1. Research and innovation

2. Information and Communication Technologies

3. Competitiveness of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SME)

4. Shift to a low-carbon economy

5. Climate change adaptation and risk management and prevention

6. Environmental protection and resource efficiency

7. Sustainable transport and disposal of congestion on major network infrastructure

8. Employment and support for labour mobility

9. Social inclusion and poverty reduction

10. Education, skills and lifelong learning

11. Increased institutional capacity and effectiveness of public administration

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Regional Policy

Less developed regions: 50%

(and all island regions in Cohesion MS)Developed regions: 80%


60% *

Research and Innovation

Energy efficiency and renewable energy (compulsory)SMEs competitiveness

Access and use of ICTs

Transition regions: 60%


38% *


45% *

* At least two of four themes must be selected

Thematic concentration of ERDF

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Regional Policy

Innovation concept in Cohesion Policy

RTD and innovation: ERDF IP 1(a) research and innovation infrastructure and capacities, centres of competence;(b) business investment in innovation and research, synergies between enterprises, R&D centres and higher education, product and service development, technology transfer, social innovation, eco-innovation, public service applications, demand stimulation, networking, clusters, technological and applied research, pilot lines, early product validation actions, advanced manufacturing capabilities and first production, in particular in Key Enabling Technologies and diffusion of general purpose technologies,

SME competitiveness: ERDF IP3

(a) promoting entrepreneurship, in particular by facilitating the economic exploitation of new ideas and fostering the creation of new firms, including through business incubators;(b) developing and implementing new business models for SMEs, in particular for internationalisation;(c) supporting the creation and the extension of advanced capacities for product and service development;(d) supporting the capacity of SMEs to engage in growth in regional, national and international markets, and in innovation processes;

Access, use & quality of ICT: ERDF IP 2

(a) extending broadband deployment and the rollout of high-speed networks, adoption of emerging technologies and networks for the digital economy;(b) developing ICT products and services, e-commerce and enhancing demand for ICT;(c) strengthening ICT applications for e-government, e-learning, e-inclusion, e-culture and e-health;

Human Capital, Skills &

Mobility: ESFArt.3(2)c) post-graduate studies, training of researchers, networking activities, partnershipsbetween higher education institutions, research & technological centres and enterprises;(d) adaptability of enterprises and workers and increased investment in human capital.Etc.

Low carbon economy: ERDF IP4

(a) production and distribution of energy derived from renewable sources;(b) energy efficiency and renewable energy use in enterprises;(c) energy efficiency & renewable energy in public infrastructures & housing sector;(d) smart distribution systems(e) low-carbon strategies for urban areas, sustainable multi-modal urban mobility(f) research & innovation and adoption of low-carbon technologies;(g) co-generation of heat and power

EAFRD: knowledge transfer

and innovation in agriculture, forestry and rural areas, EIP for agricultural productivity and sustainability

EMFF: innovative,

competitive and knowledge based fisheries and aquaculture including related processing

Cohesion Fund: procurement of environmental and transport infrastructures

Investment priorities 5-7 procurement of innovative

transport and environment solutions

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Regional Policy

SF Health investments 2014-2020Critical factors

• Ex-ante conditionalities

• TO 9. Promoting social inclusion and combating poverty (inter alia Health and Social Infrastructure)

• national or regional strategic policy framework for health

• Coordinated measures to improve access to health services

• measures to stimulate efficiency in the health sector

• Monitoring system + indicative budget framework

• TO1. Strengthening research and innovation• The existence of a national or regional research and innovation (strategy)

(strategic policy framework(s)) for smart specialisation

• Concentrate resources on limited set of R&I priorities through entrepreneurial discovery (=involvement of entrepreneurs)

• Policy mix includes measures to stimulate private RTD investments

• Monitoring system + indicative budget framework

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Regional Policy

= Evidence-based considering all assets and problems in a region, incl. External perspective / internal / global market (critical mass? Opportunities? excellence? cooperation? Value chains?)

= No top-down decision, but dynamic /entrepreneurial discovery process uniting key stakeholders around shared vision

= Mobilisation of investments and synergies across different departments and governance levels (EU-national-regional)

= All forms of innovation – no only technology driven

= Differentiation: SWOT analysis (all types of assets), competitive advantages, potential for excellence, opportunities

= Concentration of resources on priorities, problems and core needs (no sprinkler principle, no picking the winners, yes to catalytic investments)

= Place-based economic transformation: rejuvenating traditional sectors through higher value-added activities, cross-sectoral links, new market niches by sourcing-in and disseminating new technologies rather than re-inventing the wheel; exploiting new forms of innovation

What is Smart Specialisation ?

Cohesion Policy

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Regional Policy

Emerging fields of Smart Specialisation

Cohesion Policy

Mapping of regions' and MS intentions in terms of smart specialisation fields has started:

See: h










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Regional Policy

S3Platform – EYE@RIS3 database:

At least 36 regions and 2 countries envisage smart

specialisations in AHA related areas:

Región de Murcia + Canarias + Etelä-Karjala + Pohjois-Savo + Île de France + Haute-

Normandie + Czech Republic + Nord - Pas-de-Calais + Lorraine + Rhône-Alpes + Languedoc-

Roussillon + Basilicata + Emilia-Romagna + Toscana + Marche + Northern Netherlands +

Oslo + Akershus + Møre og Romsdal + Kujawsko-Pomorskie + Pomorskie + Skåne län + Övre Norrland + Slovenia + Bratislavský kraj + Greater Manchester + Cornwall and Isles of Scilly + Wales + Northern Ireland + Flemish

Region + Région Wallonne + Moravskoslezsko + Berlin + Estonia + País Vasco + Comunidad

Foral de Navarra + Castilla y León + Comunidad Valenciana

… and probably more, which are not yet in the database …

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Regional Policy

Health economy as thematic focus area in RIS3 and OP

Planned support to new approaches in e/health, telemedicine, AAL-type of measures

Cluster and University/business cooperation

Beneficiaries: private and public enterprises, public authorities, universities

e.g. Saxony (DE)

Life Sciences and Health (medical technology, diagnostics, cell technologies and therapies, neuroscience, health, informatics, infection and immunity, cancer, genetics, wound healing, primary care, public health and human nutrition) are priorities in the RIS3 and OP.

Planned funding for centres of excellence, clusters and networks, applied research, development of prototypes, technology investment and tech transfer, business innovation, pilots, demonstrators and prototypes, commercialisation and first production

e.g. Wales (UK)

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Regional Policy

Check the RIS3 platform database and/or the RIS3 platform contact and compare this with the chosen priorities in the ERDF Operational Programme (what investments foreseen for health) by contacting the ERDF Managing Authority in your country/region and/or the ministry responsible for the health-related content in the OP. Offer your support concerning the development of health-related measures for their ESIF Operational Programme(s).

Inform them about interesting projects ideas you may have in the pipeline, and new / different policy tools, such as social innovation, demand driven innovation, mixing technological innovation with social sciences, design, etc. See to what extent they can/want to make use of public procurement through the SF (new solutions/services).

Find out what is planned in terms of innovation and health funding through the Agricultural Fund and the Social Fund (also Fisheries Fund if applicable) by contacting the responsible MAs for these funds.


How to mobilise ESIF for health investments?

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Regional Policy

Most Partnership Agreements with the Member States are going to be approved before the summer. Once approved, they are published online (e.g. Denmark). They are good indicators as they provide a comprehensive overview of all the planned measures for all SF in a MS.

For Synergies with Horizon 2020, check the work programmes of the related H2020 research fields. They often encourage synergies with SF in their guidance for project applications. Again speak to your MA to see what can be done in terms of aligning SF.

Contact your Managing Authorities (Ministries) responsible for Structural Funds in your country/region:


How to mobilise ESIF for health investments?

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Regional Policy


projects in focus: REGIOSTARS AWARDS


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Regional Policy

All about Cohesion Policy:

Guidance for future funding, includes 'Policy guide on Health investments':


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