
LinkedIn and Twitter: Useful Resources in Your Job Search

Erika M. Pryor, Ph. D.Digital Communication Specialist

AMA In TransitionSIG Monthly Meeting

August 24, 2010

Why is LinkedIn a useful resource for my job search?

• To build and maintain a digital presence

Consider your digital presence as a way to maintain visibility and keep your name/face in front of people.

• Grow your network

The more people you know, the more they know about what you do, the better equipped they are to know if an opportunity might suite you.

Why is LinkedIn a useful resource for my job search?

To demonstrate your knowledge and expertise in a specific industry or on a specific topic.

To highlight what you know and your continued engagement in your industry.

To bring alive a static resume

Why is LinkedIn a useful resource for my job search?

• To get answers

LinkedIn is a resource made up of many people generous with their knowledge and information. Take advantage of it

• To highlight your current actvities

Use LinkedIn to let others know what professional activities you are currently engaged -- this includes networking events and volunteer work too.

Is it really worth the extra effort to use social media as a resource in my job search?

You tell me...

10 Tips for Using LinkedInin Your Job Search

Tips offered I use

Choose what makes sense

Do a little at a time

Enhancing your digital presence, increases your offline engagement opportunities

Tip 1: Give people a reason to want to know you

• Create an engaging "Position title" and "Headline" or "Tag Line" for your self

• Associate yourself with a specific professional area and/or interest area

Tip 2: Be Approchable

• Use a flattering profile photo

• Incorporate across social media networks

• Keep it head and shoulders

Pictures help people feel as though they know you in a more intimate way.

Tip 3: A CompellingSummary Statement

• Include why you are passionate about your field or industry

• Include previous accomplishments

• Make "scannable" with short paragraphs and bullet point information

• Write part (or all) in 3rd personSometimes what is most important is what motivates you about your work -- begin and end there!

Tip 4: Include Recommendations

• Solicit from people you have worked alongside, subordinates, or in volunteer roles

• Give the person 2 or 3 bullet points that you would like them to highlight

• Recommend others

Recommendations of others shows a spirit of professionalism and can motivate others to recommend you in return

Tip 5: Connect with Others

• People in shared groups and overlapping interests

• People with shared connections

• Connect with people in your industry or the industry you want to move into

Although tempting, don't seek out HR people exclusively (unless that's your industry) they don't typically make hiring decisions in other divisions.

Connect with others cont.

• Review the network of your connections

• Ask new and existing connections if there are people they recommend you connect with

• Review the "People You May Know" suggested connections

• Connect with people before attending a networking event (if possible)

Tip 5: Use Applications

• Slide Share: Allows you to share power point presentations with others on your LI profile

• Blog Link: Can feature your recent blog posts within your LI profile. -- Start Blogging!

• Create an industry relevant Poll -- send to your connections

• Portfolio Display for creative work examples

Tip 6: Make Yourself Accessible

• Allow other group members to contact you

• Don't require an email address for individuals to connect

• Include your Twitter username in your profile

• In Profile Settings, display "Full" profile

• Allow people to see your name and headlineDon't create roadblocks up for people looking to connect with you

Tip 7: Let People Get to Know You• Include your Twitter username in your profile• Include the name of your blog in the websites

• Ask questions

• Let others browse your network connections

Asking questions is a great way to stay in front of new people, consider emailing to your connections too!

Why should I use Twitter formy job search?

• To "get on someone's radar"

• To know what topics/people are of interest to people you want to develop a relationship with

• To build and maintain relationships

• Increased your digital presence

Tip 8: Build you Twitter network• Follow your network connections on Twitter

• Follow those of interest in overlapping groups on Twitter

• Follow your Facebook connections

• Find potential LI connections on Twitter

• Follow lists created by your Twitter network

• Follow those on the lists created by your Twitter network


Tip 9: Observe your Twitter Network• Carefully review updates posted by your Twitter network

• Review the lists created by key Twitter connections

• Observe how individuals engage one another

• Check out individuals mentioned by key Twitter connections

By observing your Twitter network, you can get a sense of the important topics of conversation.

Tip 10: Use Twitter• Send "at" messages with relevant info or links to key


• Be a resource person on your industry

• Send a Direct Message and ask if they would like to connect via LinkedIn

• Include relevant Twitter updates on LinkedIn profileUse song titles, phrase, famous events or media to create catchy Twitter messages.

Create a Plan

• What could you do today to enhance your LI profile?

• What LI network building activities can you do this week?

• What Twitter activities might enhance existing professional connections?

• Are there 10 people that you would you like to "get on their radar" using Twitter?

Contact me

Erika Pryor, Ph. D., Digital Communication Specialist

[email protected]



(614) 477-8794

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