Page 1: UTP Mineralogy & Petrography July09


















16 NOVEMBER 2009 (MOND4y;

9.00 AM - 12.00 NooN (3 HoUqa,






Answer ALL questions from the Question Booklet.

Begin EACH answer on a new page in the Answer Booklet.lndicate clearly answers that are cancelled, if any.

Where applicable, show clearly steps taken in arriving at the solutions andindicate ALL assumptions.

Do not open this Question Booklet until instructed.

Note : There are SIX (6) pages in this euestion Booklei

page.including the cover

Universiti Teknoloqi ptrTRotjAS

Page 2: UTP Mineralogy & Petrography July09



a. Describe the crystal habits below and give an example for each irclrr ru;.}



'."lalt1'Grt* t&u{a 3.{;,*xrrd:r4-&{,r"s"#€ {"ir*;;+tr


- btinrh of qrq grr.-t

- L ra, l.tqsr+ *1*"{€, pg rolulil-€

Fibrous.- FrlrernelS slendor crgrloll

- 5S, 1 l-r rq :iq:"h l{, A.l l'::e $fsj

testing procedure.

iii. Acicular.-.fl€ndpr,heedl€ lile 6 rgs"f el5

[2 marks]' E g' -iuurrn

a li rr f r h r* r r: r*1 C*i df , ai f€ tt s FI F'lf

List the minerals in the Moh's Hardness Scale and describe the hardness

f" - | ,a h",o vt d' [4 mafkSl-n)r,ptolJii t€{^lt'a4te tt} {}eacfdirS '

\'f*p*kt t Q' &,, t Urr t{r' ''r

- kit\\rat" t*th AIgAgr 1u"vll: *r' will <cr alc6 n)aprat/3l.'1/ar'1.r'*l\en an YPg Jr*'ei€'

c. Halides are one of the important classes of minerals. Explain the most

common mode of occurrence and give an examplet rdtt; t

- lolrcJ(,..!, arp -tAc gtu"* o{ t.?t {ral.;. 1.-,n7!.1a^1 f!'{ /tfiP':/r(*! ,'a*{ .r^ ^^-t.^kund itt ,y*u1ron6, .raff,r\t, ttk0 ,,ojr1 n t** a (,r J lot,*tctf*dl4 mafks]

Jno &, L,pa& ioa pad Glerl -ro4 iatt (tl at', '

- tnc{rat{t f fiar.i{ef,(oA*) ,Aa/idp(NaC f3.,l/ #i}iiyrsr*}ir{',.iryrtf e { &tl}Silicates make up the larlgest group of minerals. List and describe THREEd.

(3) silicate subgroups (examples are required).

A C,+h o-ti f;{af ai- !--congarn if'r:is:lpd $Ct qr pcf yani#fit( ssrr;sp-""JOan a{ t'Ao po$anirn i:s{rndsd ** ce*e t) a7vn"t antJ-hoJ pot5,n ari*e$Eg. /ostorite (hgtioa),pU*pe (etgs*tt (13 grrl

O So-os; tic alej

, 1^, af orggon ?f, rAors d lut{ h ud'1ar*\{ telrot.)(drb 4- gl.blyoh,D rr Ae; #onryruie (<,.0y)6-- F3' Fp) dofe '

@ ftr.:o* )tr"so1n,coh+arh {gp;cal$ .rix mGnbeted tr\gr of ._rui.c q fa{.rotlladral, 'trnqlq Csi6 e,*)''

- 2- t g'faurrrre|l.ns

[2 marks]

[2 marks]

1qq- ft t'€ -'! '

r_* c 1rl,.{ _:%%

[6 marks]


Page 3: UTP Mineralogy & Petrography July09

tu\ilter 1a$ica,( + +hr?a rolrc ncrtrlreq {*l3 karc,}

lhqt iicrretql c pton€ lhet i$tetcsPtJ '

* Jl; J:::: r.iT^7',Q: nQ&

o'c{ul\ i nlevcPlt,rutnlro^QnB 1 034

2. a. Explain the "Law of constancY of interfacial angles". How do we

b. Discuss in detail how to differentiate the SIX (6) crystal s-ystems.

trsbic er'-r,a >43 9:l!j!.Lr--ybJ-t ' -ln'ct) n't c ' '€tl r41::r rL'

tez:: i""i:u' 7"f;,1tr.otD 'na*t;,. :lrcn\a.\ to

)cltelotal 4t"{tCC '' 4

c. fxptainthefollowingterms. "*",vi" o Q r = Qs = 4 s I c'qt. ojr . ?3 = l-C)

c -'Q c-

the interfacial angles?lnl .at-{ai { c"rglpg #ret dt'nlirc/ {o6f,p :' fi e

"rlntar{actal un g!* .rt e

ro*s"{*n{ 9 -fo,

al lhQ {a*:Gtl€ tv:$i{4 *. :-..,1 etg::'t'a/: givAn 'nirtPtafft:a 1gttrftltg, 14

rotlA< * d; * nT G+' Q.f er

tc i'/ ltmarksl

v-:.r:.i:t a .ijj I .',* *..i u l' { *{

f1'l?[kS]o".-d f;vylrs I

'i ta g 6s,s' !----*-t:_'-*

eo n, b)ne d 'ar I \' he, a.u:i.'x! ,qaf"ryj|-;

/, !','!. * ?o u

La et'ut* 6

[2 marks]

[2 marks]

[2 marks]


i. Miller lndices.-,t4ttii, Ae'trn,lte-l '#tt:"* "r {)/ctc€p7 l .o't'

path pltirtr (/t"''-F/ih the f orn o{ nunbe rt Qnd nddt 4 ol '€

'e f /tt *

[2 marks]( t tt-tl a, I "f,srn tt l li r

v* lft\f ntrtrltt*:ir.3 !.y.a/€r* !: Fnr"L':.Q 4 J utr//Pt tn*''rFJ \

ii. Axis of symmetry.

- rd1 1,h. c,,/ rl'J i'orr 6nn t'{ i*l (l 't I

"/ tQf' t:t Fs; r-t-

Pori't'on ,,^r,lr :";;;Zi'.,"d,,'"1'ouf ^ x)r af' sv nrt'a'lt' [2 marksl

- tA " lr'ut 'ftl ld ( di€t€/\' tl'ro4'fi'lal (!'i''a) 'lo't' ;e/d('/ 1f rs-d)

- Ro-la' on tnrn^gh at'glen26O/n o'hpr4 n j s ./Ae ullgrt<,;l .y'rl frto d iur,b?r c f tint/ar /e en37+tctt1 11'"rihoa)

With the aid of a diagram, figure or illustration when appropriate, describe

the differences between:

Fluorite and ruby.

ii. Cassiterite and sPhalerite.O r-us-ter a c.enng lf,::". '

(!)are + Ttn6 F una, n + aiiur"ci ,/p'o-citnu.f**{ fo!n'{ "7n t,fr.Jr1 rP .'',tg$'.*c eJep*r1ft.

tii. Basalt and granite.6a*,, i+ | G're nil,e

* C<j t.l! c.: rcle I- d.Iir.F, r.y r.r* l*r,,f

- +tie,h ui rrOJl!

- L*l:rrc f*A:- J"erL$ t{!,_r {-e r{e;,n-{- Ltrrr;, pl'So*.g h:i5" 7"aP r tuaa"C- /fOo"C ,.- -ler,np.^ 6fuoc -Ssr:cc,

i*::lt"^t Aoeh - ptulontu AoeAl-:_ lrrrsrifc I forgr * Ls*mp*,rie i- 4o,,q5#; I

" -* Ls*mF-ffie 1- rf *ret*,"; f- )tq rides l_ 3o*;i o,- fi*ronor { l, Uilsrnors f-sq.3-) t-sq. I- f,oon 4 i n lyatal lpt tvlat vfl nJ

,- +aur ct ; ry nviawrpltrcqtlouolcd ti;th sut+rde :

41, rich r()c b*3n) nq ail* af@

Page 4: UTP Mineralogy & Petrography July09



A laver of pvroclastic rocks, about 3m thick, consisting of_glnlAlllhie-Uft

has been identified from one of the core samples at a ggpJl1-.qtl.O!9f

located offshore of Kelantan Delta. Answer the followinq,

Describe the magma type and discuss the mechanism of volcanic

!rt-i{i li!cI'-'-:r{3i,.i l,'J:ud5 marksleorlrl- 1ri-fgfE'

in the petroleum

ar [4 marks]

eruption.* '1!fl,{Ar'? it.Fl oldr:rfrc P r{'Sotiit !jodilql

r: xplcsrtp rtuy'lrtrt-itrrxnoLrrod i*t h.1.9h oaJ rinlct'1 ond

- cxpohrrc\ o[ qql LqrL{:l6l re.j'.iEd t{ "ilcoiii*"]

- pr4':tJ'€- h'q3h prpltuip" tr1.t{A! f*tLti i3 to d;rrl w\cn rc:,d.rn$

ii. Would tuff with its vesicular texture play a role

system?Je-r'Tufi *iih ve'lirulr-rf t*x*ule hg1 hrgh Pe r-D$Jl

lhat con Ue uJed {O s"lcre a[d hr;itr1 1 ; ttc!€ q'Gnf

P e'fr" Icunr ' lr ra n LQ a $re4 ta]Qi vat r rr't P

b. Discuss THREE (3) categories of sedimentary rocks with respect to/grain

sizd./textu rd and /envi ro nment of depositio n\-.--'(------'7 - -\- /[6 marks]

c. What is Barrovian metamorphism? Describe in brief THREE (3)



metamorphism facies and give examples.- ki+:4 tsrv-'mpa!'.! €t,,teg4alff fi'd r..6."-^-'t !!1 'rrtt'8* t{ -!4rtf^*tt; : 'cP* c{itt rsd: G ":

v-olcaniC Sf-e Anrt *1 r'-{r@i:};$.Ji''- *t,ae ry -fnuad atr-uJf 1'r^€ ^nd cparte o^ qtl Fat:- F r-O drtf gru t' /, a rn os* Ceintflerr +'o'lq*r*: rp4ii* rl:c tsg

' ' /:' ':/ :.' 'lAl5 mafks]

<:l /At d*rlh,

- catrplgy i",u* uJe{ral /naf **.rsrpF}fa.- ha:f-qtnerp4io fc, *p.S', f' q tanga 'l+' T' f f-' ;a1idr"t''Lri '.,,'dcr *hie l; n'€-lr.!*tetSsi;i{ntr- CvtnnantJ knoLo h; t ctq"*\T.dd 19 , *i3rl Uv r"*-d€-" 4eotogila11 , kno uun; $rean*1..hl"r* {'ncrp'r. an1p h;bcl;l € /'-ic-r €r,g*nuti+€ f*c<et.- evQrgfAing in &rrori-an tfie.{[email protected] 6irnn t( 7n r4ler€oce tE f hQ f q<_ier.- ns/ned a4let rocf-s #r#sn${.*itC,errup& i*:plifr r?,*eu t,{e .

Onul7l-,.. *9 9^al

.8-slqle- pAglltlo - se r,!,,'1 . 1!tai.ri , 1..;"rtat1 -flrFoac_;t,i/- -orn.Aiaori"/l -g,(b) e"leq, ri eS ol rp6ti +t;7,f ot, ,,.r.*

@ fi tt ci e l*tte y' elgit'r" r ir r f i' rnmposctt' af, tr,oot6n.ruE prtsdut'r 4r;sl #* *r:f e/.,,:-.i.,i !;t,€ ,i, ats*fe,r,- har e .tt-[rC ct g 1- f,nr|, i.$+J,1":1":: ":^?'

4^qrtttn (an\,a^olttr

/-- €/ivr/cr,4,pirf xa/o',t:.uto* !taq :,:rc$ s,r,e Qi"p^rrot IJ'.*.*t e)'ppo,fcfiaY:.tro,r11 i..rq''ii, l,rr (rmr()r,t,,cri-f

' hla ots{f tr} .rolv"t't'eia

_ ft e.i {t tF f e dtlp./'M f ,'"trt ,*w*taf *p-

Q enr-A@arire. { r.u*h+ 4. - Flantf c?Ad Gnimafe &)'l ra.rl c{*.nr *lrpd Ai it*rait.{rstn1 ;pq,a.stt'{:,1 . /,e *t q/"{, t/.€,plu4J

Page 5: UTP Mineralogy & Petrography July09


,,,1 .:1






LDescribe the mineralogy of a spotted slate and state the

which it is formed.- ln tor,r{ ore q:ioq.tncippni FerFhqrs*-1ger,,i. d #tida,{i$;*€f1r*-0:61'le; ,n,.y-4.r*'f 1r{ri"ad +f Eie spo.{i,+ri cpfe qf oiir€ ,

rngip6fi6p I[4 dt* ']he slole hgs th#nratly mofdrlovpha566.

What is a granulite? State its grade of metamorphism.- 4+ higi'{{

Brade of hrafa&?,€ttptiiLdcli i; iif-lurrd qg pUrbvflt ln,{+,rwr}rt. '!i,-r'* t'i.ily {Dti.i(d rcrF.r r^ollCd gronqli{e I v [5 marKslfhp t p1

FJ *fe qdvt_"tisi,; r$, l-ickl rylitar*pgft ryirnci ol.f/shphit,spa,Srd hpra: aol obr,.r oqjlq cii :,ln t0

Describe the mineralogidal composition of an_erKose and its environment


conditions in

[5 marks]

pr 4epqqiliq!

[5 marks]

d. How would you expect the texture and mineralogy of shale to look like in

thin section?- Arl:ost

[5 marks]: {et d-: p* r ri t h ;**drf,ua€j- *4:*sJrlf *f ;'=6'f ds.f;rlr e1 ag fudr &r€-:,r€ ff:er6 * #r,lh, s**+sr..:f *f' e>Et rp 3: *f e*l*i*l*r*'l'*i* iero p**d ,#.*rr* r*r-{ par#*dF; -

:- kaJJ h e u:e// so .guj ,* p*r er,$r .e * r, f r, g,*7mn otqre:-frntg bondad bs (a*:Qn' tn&raled nu1ix er na&t ap lt:osD ond rtrohorottf,* fold-spsr gr *itl.r n'i#*l A* */oqd*{t' *iir* fa *r#g,r{e}i's + ,r-, f.d.rrg ,

i* #*Far;1"# ry's-€ fr> ,gap#/{ # q{{&r* ,

- haJrir cre tpd :lAo la fprrre syide:

lgs- cowtpoted af mlcrs6rg:iatttne Eatar{2" vanoUJ trind, of erds. q!:..oalu"le a^#

, ! ohre fet d-spa. J U

* f;';;'nr*#foed

oiprscf p.:nelr*g 65' dsr t4eddrilT .p{vne,rnporf :;,tg

-nn| asnl€lirr -.t{rga! of otnV min€tf*!.g


Page 6: UTP Mineralogy & Petrography July09





Based on the mineral composition shown in TABLE Q5, what is the name

of Rock A and Rock B? Give reasons to support your answer.

[5 marks]


Rock A ll *Ll:rn Rock B iir,.,t rJ e

Plagioclase - 55oh

K-feldspar - 10|%

Quartz - 5%

Hornblende - 10%

Pyroxene - 10%

K-feldspar - 35%

Quartz - 3A%

Plagioclase - 20o/o

Biotite - 1A%

Muscovite - 5%

b. How is the texture of basalt different from that of granodiorite?, [4f) ( { r"'dr rt .

[5 marks]

What is the implication when there is

CfVStal? {1 1 ler d/ cl 1,.ltr ! st} '.1t i ;:'tr'i r' :: i r !t'4"'t i' ,- 'i;:a'# r r.:, \;,:-,....,t s- flr,r.,.,,,.rt.

$1.t at h L, t d o,'p ,r ti l;"t) vip fr#.r/c} { /e^!*'r-te . Gr-i-.r|J [5 marks]i{ Jq q1.^,r.

- dJ,Ji. ot fnl ,!,.::it y *::i .-';:1 -:! rn* **ir-,g: ;it l:tr-:.'{ .2t ;!a;, ,+? rit r' 7i €. 11a4yjcl il ! &-,{c,t, i, rtll<;:.e{ !ack

How would y6u expe&-the stiuciure of boids to look like in thin section?

, [5 marks]

r !. - END OF PAPER -t-:ti - OaTdJ qrq ru&Jp,i tfie.e I cag,t"d Urair. t',atrl4 tt uclQu.J sevit e el u:if *,

t ant nateql oa4 ranfrix /ogar t' *Ae {iq*tato- s f *g r]GJ i .t' fro q't C5 'Af ft7'n - & *i ,n* sof-e&J {hal a,* largo*J 'lhott' Smqr al€ ealied pi-f*i J;'t {upotn& ; rs 2 o^ 4.I e/ h;04 fi 4e! pnPr g 3- ae pasif o d npsv r .1rf€ ef fl$r-,urpf'* + '




tr) Aalat/- As"Jlr roet, "F0-Sf '7'r dolt 4,p74d,7at1

u_u o: 1:.0:l,p* " -

"7 t {} F t r, n r r,'?'l|J,, r :, ;, .. r: !,r.,.(tlFnltla!t'


- p,igZOc/qJo -/a*d to &* :L'i,**rlsaJ **-c,n hodrql or dvaTg org ffa/J.

- &.o,V.'iA*n I p16$ { rfrinatcl iJ or."ji! t tsrctlAL (dg1ti A;*i! !;t rt+141(d 1yi{li irt*L/tE"/r-

- At'dit . < J.}..r? d;'l* 4,:F*r.:3JJ,' lr,, ;.i rtlr,r:t;84ir - ero,i,..,iot,

-eq+. n-.:**t el-i Ond p/*pi"r;r/aJt 4e,, r!'.t{iir..i :n! e* o1, ltaCt(,7

- f -{e I 4.t S.o , ,r; t'J{ !,lf ssg A cdt *1 *h t{ *} or:! :7:i rr'a Acl{S,r\ t Trrri 44in.3'

G "or.eJroi,Ve ,



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