  • 8/2/2019 Values for the Yatra MAR 2012


    ValuesValuesValuesfor thefor thefor the YatraYatraYatraArchdiocesan Value Education Centre (AVEC )E-Letter MARCH 2012

    Value of Silence and Inner PeaceWho ever thought that in a world filled with noise and an overdose of colour,

    that five Oscar Awards would go to a The Artista Silent Movie and shot in

    Black and White? Sacred silence speaks loud amidst the daily noise.

    Pope Benedict XVI, during the Sunday Angelus from the Vatican on January 22, 2012

    asked everyone to quiet down. In his annual communications message, Pope Benedict

    XVI extolled the sounds of silence. He said a little bit of quiet makes people better

    listeners and better communicators by giving them more time to think about what they

    are hearing and saying.

    In October 2011, the seventy four year old, Anna Hazare went on a 'maun vrat'- vow

    of silence! He needed to listen to the silence of his heart to be heard better.

    SILENCE is not talking less; its listening more. In Tuesdays with Morrie, we read how Mitch

    explains a lecture class with Professor Morrie: "He enters the classroom, sits down, doesn't say anything. He

    looks at us, we look at him. At first, there are a few giggles, but Morrie only shrugs, and eventually a deep

    silence falls and we begin noticing the smallest sounds, the radiator humming in the corner of the room, the

    nasal breathing of one of the students. Some of us are agitated. When is he going to say something? We

    squirm, check our watches. A few students look out the window, trying to be above it all. This goes on for a

    good fifteen minutes, before Morrie breaks in with a whisper. 'What's happening here?' he asks. And slowly a

    discussion begins -- as Morrie has wanted all along -- about the effect of silence on human relations. Why arewe embarrassed by silence? What comfort do we find in all the noise?"

    Our most difficult struggles, our deepest desires, our inner peace are all ignored in the Noise that

    surrounds us. We ignore a whole part of us when we surround ourselves with Noise. In Silence, we face our

    true and profound self better. Silence unifies the scattered pieces of our lives, it conserves our energy and it

    helps us to transcend to a higher level of living and awareness. Silence adds sparkle to our lives.

    SILENCE is often a medium to maintain discipline. This is Passive Silence

    Our students are never trained to appreciate moments of silence. The school must be

    an ACTIVE SILENCE ZONE. There is Value in Silence, Inner Peace and God

    Experience. We are so afraid of silence, so fearful of the opportunity to be with our-

    selves. Students are never given an opportunity for Reflection as a medium for

    personal growth, to penetrate into their inner world and find meaning to their life.

    King Solomon tells us, "'Closing one's lips makes a person wise" (Proverbs 10:19).

    It is also true that Genuine Spiritual Heights can only be attained through reflection and introspection which

    only comes by dint of the medium of silence.

    SILENCE is not only good for the body, it is also a nourishing element for the mind, heart and soul.

    Along the Yatra of our everyday life, SILENCE is a great Value that we need to embrace. It adds Sparkle to

    our life and it makes us get in touch with our deepest selves, our God and our World. Treasure Silence !!!

    Fr. Glenford Lowe SDB

  • 8/2/2019 Values for the Yatra MAR 2012


    Diamond Value SPARKLE:

    Value of Silence, Inner Peace andGod Experience

    This months Diamond Value SPARKLE focuses on three very important values

    that we need to cultivate and embrace.

    SILENCE: Is not so much the absence of an exterior sound, but the cultivation of

    an interior stillness

    INNER PEACE: A state of being in constant harmony and tranquility with yourself

    mentally and spiritually.

    GOD EXPERIENCE: In silence, one discovers the presence of a Personal God in

    our life and that we can

    Experience this Love of God in a tangible and unique way. Mother Theresa would say, It is in silence, that

    one discovers God. God is not a knowledge to be learnt, but an experience to be cherished.



    Diamond Value



    Role of the

    Value Educator

    Rationale for

    Promoting the


    To seek Silence as

    a path to discover

    self and God

    Cultivate moments


    Active Silence

    Reflective and

    Deep. Ability to

    spend time in




    while Silence


    To find Peace




    Creating schools/

    classrooms as



    Calm and Serene.

    Become a

    Channel of Peace

    Silence nurtures

    Inner Peace and

    leads to harmony

    To be aware of

    Gods Presence in

    ones life and


    Interfaith Prayer

    services and

    moments for

    Recollections and


    Spiritual Guru and

    an instrument to

    bring others to an

    experience of the


    Silence is the

    mother of reflection

    and God


    To help the students to understand better the Diamond Value SPARKLE, please go through the

    Lesson Plan along with the video clips that has been sent to you as an attachment. Thank you

    ValuesValuesValuesfor thefor thefor the YatraYatraYatraArchdiocesan Value Education Centre (AVEC )E-Letter MARCH 2012

  • 8/2/2019 Values for the Yatra MAR 2012


    SPARKLE: Self Evaluation

    Value Statements and Behaviour Always Frequently Some-times



    1. In my life, I believe in the old adage Silenceis Golden .

    2. Everyday, I begin the day with a fewmoments of personal silence and

    meditation. I end my day with the same.

    3. I understand the Value of silence and try toavoid creating or adding to noise pollution

    4. I am afraid of Silence and I constantly hidebehind loud music. I do not believe inpersonal silence.

    5. I am at Peace with myself inspite of all thestress and cares of the world/school/ home.I feel a calm within me.

    6. .I am constantly hurting inside me and Itake solace in running to other distractionsrather than face my inner self.

    7. I feel uneasy when I am asked to stay stilland to concentrate on my inner journey oflife.

    8. I make efforts to help people observesilence and reduce the noise pollutionespecially when I travel by bikes or cars

    9. I am able to stay still for a least half an houreach day to reflect or mediate on sacred


    10. I believe that it is in Silence, that onediscovers the presence of God.

    11. I believe in the need for a personal retreateach year to grow spiritually and to maturein my faith journey with God.

    12. I believe that the world would be a betterplace if we gave silence its due value

    Be a Diamond Valued StudentCultivate Values of SPARKLE: Silence, Inner Peace & God Experience

    ValuesValuesValuesfor thefor thefor the YatraYatraYatraArchdiocesan Value Education Centre (AVEC )E-Letter MARCH 2012

  • 8/2/2019 Values for the Yatra MAR 2012


    The Story of the WoodcutterA woodcutter lived in poverty. Often he had no food, no oil for hislamp. One day he met a wise man in the woods. The woodcutter

    treated the wise man with respect, and the wise man responded, telling the cutter twowords, "Go farther."

    The woodcutter pondered the words, "Go farther." He was unable to comprehendthem and after several days he turned his mind to his regular worries and his hungerpangs.

    But one day, during his backbreaking toil on the edge of the forest, he remembered the words, "Go farther"again. He dared to venture deep into the forest. And, he found a grove of precious sandalwood trees!

    He gained enough wealth to buy a small house, to buy barrels of oil for his lamp, and he knew he wouldnever be hungry again. He was happy.

    Months later he awoke in the night. He said to himself, "The wise man said nothing of sandalwood trees, didhe? All he said was, Go farther."

    So, the woodcutter rose and went into the woods, past the scrub trees, past the sandalwood grove whichmeant so much to him. Then, amidst some boulders he found outcroppings of silver!

    Now rich beyond his dreams, he became an important man in the city. He bought a large house somewould call it a mansion and he married well. Enjoying himself, he forgot the words, "Go farther."

    The Woodcutter Goes Farther

    Several months later, he awoke in the night. Once again he pondered, "The wise man said nothing ofsandalwood, or of silver, either. All he told me was, Go farther."

    The woodcutter rose and went deep into the forest, past the scrub wood, past the sandalwood, past hissilver mine. He approached an unknown stream. Glancing down, he found gold. Gold!

    Rich, powerful, and considered wise, the woodcutter again forgot the words, "Go farther."

    Years passed. But, again one night, the woodcutter sat up in bed. He said to himself, "The wise man saidnothing of gold, either. He simply told me to, Go farther. What did he really mean?"

    The woodcutter ventured past the scrub wood, the sandalwood grove, his secret silver mine, past his goldstream, and discovered diamonds!

    This story goes on forever. But the main question is, "Who is thewoodcutter?" And will you, "Go farther?"

    Only in Silence, does one make the journey Farther the deepestand the longest journey is the journey within ones self, and thereindoes one discover the beautiful treasures of God and Self.Inner Peace is the greatest treasure that you can possess.

    For if you have found it, you own the world. Silence takes you there!

    ValuesValuesValuesfor thefor thefor the YatraYatraYatraArchdiocesan Value Education Centre (AVEC )E-Letter MARCH 2012
  • 8/2/2019 Values for the Yatra MAR 2012


    AVEC wishes all the SSC students Gods Blessings all through the Exams...

    ValuesValuesValuesfor thefor thefor the YatraYatraYatraArchdiocesan Value Education Centre (AVEC )E-Letter MARCH 2012

    AVEC has prepared a

    beautiful Prayer Service for

    theWorld Water day

    March 22, 2012. To download

    the prayer service go to

    under the label Prayer Service

  • 8/2/2019 Values for the Yatra MAR 2012




    Nikhail Nazareth St. Stanislaus High School, Bandra V B First

    Brendan DSouza St. John the Evangelist, Marol V B First

    Keegan Barboza St. Stanislaus High School, Bandra V B Second

    Subiksha R Don Bosco Senior Secondary, Nerul VIB Third


    K.S. Sandesh Don Bosco Senior Secondary, Nerul VIIB First

    Yashraj H. Pardeshi St. Marys High School (SSC), Mazagaon VIII C Second

    Shivram R. Baikerikar St. Xaviers Boys Academy, Churchgate VIII2 Third

    Vaishnavi Rangankar Canossa High School, Mahim VIIF Third


    Rutuja S. Khanirlkar St. Charles High School, Vakola IX A First

    Akanksha Bhende Canossa High School, Mahim IXE Second

    Shraddha More Holy Family High School, Chembur IX B Third

    Meghana Chavan Holy Family High School, Chembur IX A Third

    Congrats: Drawing Competition

    ValuesValuesValuesfor thefor thefor the YatraYatraYatraArchdiocesan Value Education Centre (AVEC )E-Letter MARCH 2012

    AVEC wishes to congratulate all the schools and the students

    who took part in all our Diamond Values: Defining Lives Competitions

    for the scholastic year 2011-12.

    Eleven Schools will be awarded

    a special Diamond Value Trophy

    in appreciation for their active participation in

    these competitions.

    These schools will be personally visited soon.

    We look forward to your participation in the

    New scholastic year ahead

  • 8/2/2019 Values for the Yatra MAR 2012


    Feb 6, 2012: St. Elias High SchoolBandra ,STD VIII

    SCHOOLS VISITED/ ANIMATED BY AVEC During the Month of February 2012:

    February 6, 2012 St. Elias High School Bandra, Std VIIIValue Orientation Program (171 Students)

    February 8, 2012 St. Anthonys Girls High School / St. Ignatius High SchoolJacobs Circle : Visits

    February 13, 2012 Padua High SchoolMankhurd, Std IXValue Orientation Program (143 Students)

    February 14, 2012 St. Judes High School, Kalyan (East)Visit

    February 15, 2012 Carmel ConventKalomboli, Navi MumbaiVisit / Don Bosco Higher Secondary - Nerul

    February 21, 2012 Fatima High SchoolBadlapur: Std IXValue Orientation Program (250 Students)

    February 27, 2012 St. Aloysius High SchoolBandra, STD IX Value Orientation Program (130 students)

    AVEC E-Letter Values for the Yatra is an initiative to provide Animation Resources forTeachers involved in Value Education in the ABE schools/ Jr. Colleges .

    Values for the Yatra is published every month and is forprivate circulation.Your valuable suggestions are most welcome to assist us in making Values for the Yatra

    a useful tool of animation and bonding among the Management, teachers and students of the

    ABE schools in Mumbai.

    CONTACT:Fr. Glenford Lowe, SDB / Michelle DSouza / Rochwyn Fernandes / Margaret Dubey / Sr. Vera Almeida

    AVECDon Bosco Youth Services, Matunga 400019 , MUMBAI

    Ph: 24154477 e-mail: [email protected] blog:

    ValuesValuesValuesfor thefor thefor the YatraYatraYatraArchdiocesan Value Education Centre (AVEC )E-Letter MARCH 2012

    Feb 13, 2012: Padua High SchoolMankhurd, STD IX

    Feb 21, 2012: Fatima High SchoolBadlapur, STD IX Feb 27, 2012: St. Aloysius High SchoolBandra, STD IX

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