Page 1: VEDIC PANCH MAHA BHOOT in Terms of Present Science Understandings

VEDIC “PANCH MAHA BHOOT” in terms of present science understandings

Dear friends of Astronomy, Science Maths and philosophy,

Next week’s Economist will be published Tomorrow on22nd August 2015. Will be showing science & technology article of “PANCH MAHABHOOT” ! Though they are less aware of Vedic theory of “PANCH MAHABHOOT” – five primary elements of the life. But Greek mythology which is derived from Vedic philosophy is a guide for the western world.

Today’s Science is trying to understand but fact was known to Vedic followers well before many thousands of years. Space “Avakash” is yet not understood by many scientists, but need to understand the Set Notation and Oxidation – Reduction , that will make easier to understand the space element in the life and body.

I have published that article well before 5 years and will follow soon after this post.

A Level Maths Notes: S1 – Set Notation - Table of set theory symbols

Symbol Symbol Name Meaning / definition Example

{ } set a collection of elementsA = {3,7,9,14},B = {9,14,28}

A ∩ B intersection objects that belong to set A and set B A ∩ B = {9,14}

A ∪ B union objects that belong to set A or set B A ∪ B = {3,7,9,14,28}

A ⊆ B subset subset has fewer elements or equal to the set {9,14,28} ⊆ {9,14,28}

A ⊂ Bproper subset / strict subset

subset has fewer elements than the set {9,14} ⊂ {9,14,28}

A ⊄ B not subset left set not a subset of right set {9,66} ⊄ {9,14,28}

A ⊇ B superset set A has more elements or equal to the set B {9,14,28} ⊇ {9,14,28}

A ⊃ Bproper superset / strict superset

set A has more elements than set B {9,14,28} ⊃ {9,14}

A ⊅ B not superset set A is not a superset of set B {9,14,28} ⊅ {9,66}

An element a is a member of a S may be written A picture may be drawn: as

If there are two s A and B, we may find the situations illustrated:

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Page 2: VEDIC PANCH MAHA BHOOT in Terms of Present Science Understandings

Mathematical explanation PANCH MAHABHOOT" IN MATHEMATICAL puzzles of THEORY.

Many a times science has discussion of the theoretical parts of science which is difficult to put in concrete proofs : but Mathematics' SET theory does have some explanations.

LET US see first a process of simple chemical process: - OXIDATION & REDUCTION and using a SET theory for the process. 1) In simple primary understanding OXIDATION / REDUCTION is process of some thing combining with OXYGEN or a reverse the process. Where a chemical element O is required. But is that all? NO let us go step further in atomic level exchanges.

A) As O has a -ve charge: and combines with a positively charged elemental ions - similar process happens every where in chemistry and Biochemical processes. SO OXIDATION & REDUCTION can be explained as process of the combination of +ve & -ve elementary ions, where OXYGEN is not there!!!

B) Going further in sub atomic reactions: - During all the chemical process of above atomic level reactions there are exchange of –ve charged sub atomic particles. -ve charged ELECTRONs so it means OXIDATION & REDUCTION can further be explained as Exchange of the - ve (electrons)/+ve (protons) electronic charge during the process.

C) further break down of the subatomic particles OXIDATION & REDUCTION does not need a exchange of -ve (electrons)/+ve (protons) - any -ve (charged sub particle)/+ve (charged sub particle) can full fill the process at that sub atomic level.

These theories were based on the basic mathematical SET theory solutions of the chemical process of the chemical reactions of the OXIDATION & REDUCTION. AS actual presence of the element is not necessary for the reaction eg OXIDATION without Oxygen O2. and all process of chemical reaction and biochemical Metabolism process may fall under the sub OXIDATION & REDUCTION process.

Going BACK to the subject of Space

1) SET - SPACE is main SET- includes Earth SET as a sub SET and all matter in the space, star, dust and all.2) SET Earth is SUB SET to Space SET - which includes the Earth materials - ITS ENERGY, LIFE on the Earth and its ENVIRONMENT and all we SEE/FEEL on the EARTH.

As in Chemical process of the OXIDATION & REDUCTION we saw level of Exchanges of atomic and sub atomic exchange. Here it may be a physical exchange of the matter of any form of the Energy from themain SET SPACE and sub SET EARTH or a visa versa.

Example 1) if a rocket fly from SUB SET EARTH to the Main SET of the SPACE - the SET theory says a PART of the SET Space is occupied by the rocket from the Sub SET EARTH. So Earth has used a part of Main SET SPACE. - So Earth is utilising a space. And part of the SPACE is dragged with the EARTH if Rocket remains in the SPACE.

Going to next step deeper the process can be similar if antimatter from the main SET SPACE arrives to EARTH SET instead of MATTER (Rocket) going away from the Earth.

OR say any form of Energy is driven out of the SET EARTH to main SET SPACE – e.g. Heat loss of the Earth interior to the space or sound generated by the Earth to the space. Earth vibration - EARTH SONG!!if the Earth vibration are created by the Earth then that part of the Vibration energy is going to space using the space than space is used by the Earth - so earth is taking Space with it while it travel in the space.

Atmosphere loss in the SPACE by the Earth, or even further WE HAVE some thing more than PANCH MAHABHOOT with us. AaTMA - LIFE part of the EARTHen life. that is not a part of PANCH MAHABHOOT and so on the dissolutions of PANCH MAHABHOOT, AaTMA does not stay in theEarth. should it be in the SPACE or utilise the MAIN SET SPACE while going from the Earthen LIFE? Does that use SPACE and SPACE is dragged with the EARTH with loss of AaTMA from the EARTHen LIFE?

1) As we had some discussion of vibration created in the space by the Earth and its movements. - what type of waves might those be? How those travel in the space? does it need a medium to travel in the space - a theoretical medium? what tune - frequency does it have? is it one of the tune of we know of (sa, re, ga, ma, pa, dha, ni, sha?) or a different one? Now that has become a subject of Science philosophy.

2) Now a day science is getting a step closer to the more complicated philosophical subject - "a space dragged by Earth while travel through the space" !!! But how could that happen? how a space (Vacuum) - non mass can be dragged behind the Earth. Does the space have a MASS? & Gravitation to follow the rules of Newtonian?

Veda has given some guidelines as every thing are made from only from PANCH MAHABHOOT (five parts) even our body. It may be very difficult to understand for who do not have basics of VEDAs butthere are other ways to give mathematical explanations for those.

A) Earth - Earthy elements - Biochemistry of the body and elements of the Earth & naturally all body elements are from the Earth only and non Earthy elements can not be there.

B) JAL - Water - fluid - main component of the body.

C) VAYU - GAS - all gaseous composition of the Boby generated in body and also in Living respiration and decomposition process.

D) AGNI - FIRE - a process of Burning - respiration - digestion - metabolism and all METABOLIC?ANABOLIC PROCESS OF THE LIFE and even cellular death - cellular decomposition process after the clinical death.

E - 5 ) A AVKAaSh - AaKAaSH - VACUUM - How that can happen a space inside the body? BODY does not have a SPACE Vacuum in any of ANATOMICAL and PHYSIOLOGICAL explanations!!

So what is the fact? Is the Medical science of ANATOMY/PHYSIOLOGY is correct or the PHILOSOPHY of the Vedic BODY SCIENCE? and why today's Science is after the theoretical explanations of SPACE DRAGGED BY THE EARTH and EARTH SONG theory of vibration by the Earth in the space?

ALL this is just difficult of as there are no scientific way to prove those by the science. but wait for a while there is another way for theoretical explanations by mathematical theoretical explanation to show that that can be that. - IF so then Is the VEDIC philosophical body science is correct? Was Rajnishjee correct what he said 40 years ago?

LET US SEE in the next coming answers of the Mathematical explanatory theoretical proof - soon after this - Just wait for this.

From Yours : Dr. BHUDIA.- Science Group Of INDIA. President:"Kutch Science Foundation".

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