
10-Day Menopause Flat Belly Meal PlanGet Off To A Great Start With This 10-Day Menopause Flat Belly Meal Plan for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner & Snacks, Customized For Women Over 50



IntroductionWelcome to your 14-day diet plan that is geared towards you and your needs as an over-50 female. What does that

mean? It means that these 14 days of meal are geared towards revving your metabolism (yes, it’s still there!),

giving you more energy, and making you look and feel better. Better yet, we made this plan so that you can learn

how to eat deliciously while losing weight and not breaking your bank on fancy “diet” foods or programs. Finally,

and most importantly, the results from following this plan will be measurable, with results in your body and in your

energy levels and motivation.

We’ve planned ahead and made this 14-day prescription easy to follow, providing you with:

Ÿ Recipes adapted for 1 person (making them easy to portion out)

Ÿ Recipes that are quick, easy and delicious too! (Located at the end of this meal plan!)

Ÿ Shopping lists so that you can go to the grocery store prepared

Ÿ Nutrition facts and figures that are easy to read and understand

Ÿ Every day is simple- 3 meals and 1 snack

How to Use This Meal PlanThere are 12 single day meal plans for you to follow. This is because surprise we allow 1 cheat day per week. You

will follow the plan for 6 days and then we will explain the parameters around your cheat day so that you can not

only still enjoy the cheat day, but still see those coveted results.

Take time to prepare for your 14-day diet adventure. Plan out wisely when you should start and finish, preferably

when you are able to be loyal to the plan (i.e. NOT on your birthday week!). Also, read ahead and look at the

shopping lists we have provided. Finally, look over the Frequently Asked Questions section coming up to help ease

your concerns. This is going to be a great 14 days!

Frequently Asked Questions1. What if there is a meal or food I don’t like? Every person has different tastes and preferences with food. There is no need to force yourself to eat something that you don’t find both satisfying and delicious. With this meal plan, simply remember this rule: You can only trade a breakfast with a breakfast, a lunch with a lunch, and a dinner with a dinner. The reason is because this is not just a plan, but a prescription for weight loss with calculated nutritional ratios geared to get you in peak form.

2. Do I need to modify these plans based on my weight? The short answer to this question is “no”. This plan is based around an ideal calorie amount that should let someone lose weight while also keeping her from being hungry. Remember, restricting calories to low levels can be damaging to your metabolism and make your body hold on to fat instead of burning it off. We have also deliberately selected foods that will enhance your weight loss and burn fat, making the calories consumed important and essential to your progress. However, the longer answer for someone might be “yes”. If you are very hungry throughout the program and feel like you need more food, you can increase the protein servings in a meal by 1 ounce. For example, if a recipe calls for 4 ounces of chicken, try 5 ounces and see if this helps.

3. What can I drink while following these meal plans? What you drink should be kept simple during this 14-day meal plan: Water- drinking ½ of your body weight in ounces (i.e. 100 ounces of water if you weigh 200 lbs). Tip: make 1. it more exciting with fresh slices of cucumber, lemon, lime, ginger or a combination. Green tea- Be aware of the caffeine content of your green tea but enjoy it as a metabolism boosting 2. beverage! Tip: make it more exciting with ginger, a cinnamon stick, or peppermint leaves for an herbal taste. You may also use stevia or xylitol as a sweetener. Sparkling water- look for sparkling waters that are simply water with bubbles, no artificial sweeteners. 3. Missing coffee?- Make a coconut milk latte with a chai tea blend. Traditional chai tea is a simple spice 4. blend of cinnamon, cardamom and various other blends. Herbal teas- Many teas are simple herbal blends. Read labels or make your own using leaves (i.e. 5. peppermint leaves) steeped in water.

4. What can I eat on my cheat days? Cheat days are built into this program to teach you, the dieter, to listen to your body and what it truly needs versus wants for food. On a cheat day, listen to your body- what do you really want? Then, make a reasonable decision about what that means. It is advisable, for the best results, to stay gluten free but this day is up to you. This is also a good day to plan social outings with friends and family, including going out to dinner and enjoying your meal (perhaps even with dessert). The cheat days are not about planning your meals, like the other 12 days; they are about having some fun without gorging yourself and learning to enjoy indulgent meals in moderation.


5. What can I expect to happen over these 14 days? During the first 4-7 days, most people go through a “detox” phase. You may experience said detoxification

symptoms, including intense cravings, headaches, low energy and fatigue. This is normal and is because you

are taking a lot of toxins from your diet, in the forms of phytic acid and lectins in grains, preservatives and other

additives, refined flours and artificial sweeteners, and dairy. You’ve probably been eating these foods for a long

time, so your body is going through withdrawal.

During those difficult first few days when you’re wondering whether or not this diet is in fact hurting you – not

helping – remember that after this initial detoxification phase, you may very well experience:

3 tips to help you cope with this initial detox:

Drink lots of water.1.

If dehydrated, your stress hormone gets turned on. Also, as we get older, our body’s thirst signal gets weaker

and we tend to drink not enough. Drink plenty of water and this will help alleviate your detox symptoms.

Get 7-8 hours of sleep.2.

You may need an extra hour of sleep per night during the first week. Give your body the rest it needs for this

first week, if not longer.

Eat *enough* calories.3.

Since you’ve been eliminating a lot of foods, make sure you eat enough of healthy fats and proteins.

6. What should I do after the 14 days is over? Log into the members area to get the Phase 2 Food List, Shopping List and Recipes.

Hint: you'll really enjoy some of the foods that get reintroduced in phase 2.

Top 10 Success Tips1. Start the day with a large glass of warm water and half a lemon squeezed in. Lemon juice is a gentle laxative, and the warm water will wake your digestive system up.

2. Stay hydrated! Your digestive system cannot keep all of these new fibrous vegetables moving through, as well

as the toxins moving out, without water.

3. Try to keep moving, even if it’s gentler exercise than your normal routine. A long walk can make a great craving


4. Ginger and peppermint are natural stomach soothers. Mix them into teas or eat them straight.

5. Prepare the night before. It is always easier to stick to a plan when there is one. Set aside a time of day for

cooking. Make plenty, minding portions into the individual amounts, and freeze or refrigerate leftovers for easy


6. Get spicy! Use of spices will not only reduce the need for excess salt in food, but research has suggested the

following about the relationship between spices and health:

• turmeric: linked to prevention of Alzheimer’s disease

• cumin: iron source, linked to cancer prevention, digestive aid

• coriander: contains anti-inflammatory properties, helps with cholesterol reduction

• chili: helps with pain relief, reduced congestion, weight loss, has cardiac benefits

*More energy *Emotional Balance *Fewer aches and pains *Digestive ease

*Clearer skin *Fat loss *Looking younger *Feeling amazing


• cinnamon: linked to prevention of diabetes and heart disease

• curry powder: safeguards brain cells

7. Get support- tell your family & friends about your plan and your goals you’re your health. Engaging

“cheerleaders” can be important if you lose motivation, or if you need someone to go for a walk with you to avoid

a craving!

8. Come up with a “cravings killer” plan. What can you do if you feel a craving coming on? A walk, brushing your

teeth, have a tablespoon of coconut oil, drink 3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar (in a glass of water to protect

your teeth), calling your best friend or a family member, writing a card to someone you’ve been missing… what

are all of the ways you can crush your craving? Come up with a list and then use it throughout the 14 days.

9. Know why you are doing this: Ask yourself why you are undertaking this 14-day meal plan. Is it just the weight?

Is it energy? Is it the hopes to reclaim your body and rid yourself of nagging symptoms? Is it a challenge to do

something for yourself? Take a moment before starting to write down why you are taking this 14-day challenge

and connect back to those motivations each day!

10. Smile. This is an exciting time! You are taking control of your health and taking action. Enjoy it!

The Meal Plans

Day 1

Ÿ Breakfast: Keep it simple on day 1. Make 2 eggs, any style, in 1 tbsp coconut oil and top with ½ cup black

beans. Serve with 1 sliced tomato.

*Note: Don’t like eggs? No problem- check out the Breakfast Power Smoothie recipe and the Overnight

“Oatmeal” recipe in the recipes section. See the recipe section at the end of this meal plan for instructions. Feel

free to trade them for the egg-based breakfasts.

Ÿ Lunch: Continuing with keeping it simple, make an easy Greek salad. Combine chopped romaine, tomatoes,

black olives, thinly sliced red onions, and top with 2 tbsp chia seeds for protein. Make a Greek dressing of herbs

de provence, sea salt, black pepper, 1 tbsp coconut oil and apple cider vinegar.

Ÿ Snack: 1 ounce raw almonds

*Tip: Portion out the 23 almonds that are in 1 ounce before snacking.

Ÿ Dinner: Cook ½ cup quinoa. Add ½ cup chickpeas, 1 chopped cucumber, 1/8 cup chopped green onions, ¼ cup

raisins. Dress with apple cider vinegar, 1 tbsp coconut oil, and add salt and pepper to taste.

Ÿ Prepare for tomorrow: Make Vegetable Stew. See the recipe section at the end of this meal plan for

instructions. Portion out the 3 large servings, 1 each for the next 3 days’ lunches. Portion out the cashews for

tomorrow’s snack: 18 medium cashews are in 1 ounce.

Day 2

Ÿ Breakfast: Try making the Mexican egg stir-fry from the recipe section. Add ½ cup black beans on top. See the

recipe section at the end of this meal plan for instructions.

Ÿ Lunch: Vegetable Stew. Add in ½ cup chickpeas.

Ÿ Snack: 1 ounce cashews (16-18 cashews).

Ÿ Dinner: Make Black Bean Chili. See the recipe section at the end of this meal plan for instructions.

Ÿ Prepare for tomorrow: Make an overnight “oatmeal”. See the recipe section at the end of this meal plan for

instructions. Portion out leftover chili for next 2 nights’ dinners.


Day 3

Ÿ Breakfast: Oatmeal is ready!

Ÿ Lunch: Vegetable Stew. Add in ½ cup chickpeas.

Ÿ Snack: Guacamole Throwdown with crudités. See the recipe section at the end of this meal plan for instructions.

Ÿ Dinner: Black Bean Chili.

Ÿ Prepare for tomorrow: Make Coconut Chia Seed pudding. See the recipe section at the end of this meal plan

for instructions.

Day 4:

Ÿ Breakfast: Make the Mexican egg stir-fry from the recipe section. Add ½ cup black beans on top. See the recipe

section at the end of this meal plan for instructions.

Ÿ Lunch: Vegetable Stew. Add in ½ cup chickpeas.

Ÿ Snack: Coconut Chia Seed pudding.

Ÿ Dinner: Black Bean Chili.

Ÿ Prepare for tomorrow: None.

Day 5:

Ÿ Breakfast: Make a Power Smoothie; add 2 tbsp chia seeds in the smoothie, and add 1 ounce almonds on the

side. See the recipe section at the end of this meal plan for instructions.

Ÿ Lunch: Make a lettuce wrap- take Bibb lettuce and lay 1-2 large leaves flat. Stack on top of the leaves, spread

hummus on the lettuce leaves, load it up with vegetables, and top with spices & 1 tbsp chia seeds for a delicious

wrap. Have 1 handful of cherries on the side for a sweet treat.

Ÿ Snack: Guacamole Throwdown with crudités. See the recipe section at the end of this meal plan for instructions.

Ÿ Dinner: Bake 1 sweet potato. Top with steamed veggies, salsa, ½ cup black beans.

Ÿ Prepare for tomorrow: Make an overnight “oatmeal”. See the recipe section at the end of this meal plan for


Day 6:

Ÿ Breakfast: Oatmeal is ready!

Ÿ Lunch: Finish the Fridge salad- chop up remaining veggies & lettuce; add in ½ cup leftover beans or chickpeas;

top with 1 tbsp chia seeds. Make a dressing of apple cider vinegar, 1 tbsp coconut oil, and spices.

Ÿ Snack: 1 ounce almonds (23 almonds)

Ÿ Dinner: Cook ½ cup quinoa. Add ½ cup chickpeas, 1 chopped cucumber, 1/8 cup chopped green onions, ¼ cup

raisins. Dress with apple cider vinegar, 1 tbsp coconut oil, and add salt and pepper to taste.


Day 7: Cheat day!

On day 7, you can eat what you would like- don’t deprive yourself. Remember to stay within reason though and the

best results are had if you stay gluten-free. Avoiding wheat and other grains, processed sugars and starches will

yield the most favorable conditions for your cheat day. Enjoy this day but also notice how you feel after you eat

these foods, both physically and emotionally. Remember, taking 2 tbsps apple cider vinegar before a carb-heavy

meal reduces your insulin spike, which causes fat storage, by up to 40%.

Some cheat day ideas:

Ÿ Making tacos with corn tortillas, protein, veggies, and salsa

Ÿ Enjoying popcorn- it’s gluten free and full of fiber!

Ÿ Dark Chocolate Covered Strawberries*

Ÿ Coconut Milk Based Ice Cream*

Ÿ Banana Bread*

*All of these recipes can be found in your members’ online area!


Nutrition Breakdown by Day for Week 1:

Day 1:

Food Protein Carbs Fat Notes


2 eggs 13 0 10

1 tbsp coconut oil 0 0 14

½ cup black beans 8 20 1

1 tomato 1 5 0

Total 22 25 25


Salad/mixed vegs 1 0 0

1 tbsp coconut oil 0 0 14

Total 1 0 14


1 ounce almonds (23 almonds)

6 6 14

Total 6 6 14


Quinoa salad 32 60 11

1 tbsp coconut oil 0 0 14

Total 32 60 25

Grand Total 61 91 78


Food Protein Carbs Fat Notes


2 eggs 13 0 10

½ cup black beans 8 20 1

Vegetables + ¼ cup avocado

2 4 6

1 tbsp coconut oil 0 0 14

Total 23 24 31


Veg Stew (1/3 of batch)

1 10 10

½ cup chickpeas 20 60 6

Total 21 70 16


1 oz cashews(16-18 cashews)

5 9 12

Toal 5 9 12


Black Bean Chili 10 30 15

Total 10 30 15

Grand Total 59 133 74

Day 2:


Food Protein Carbs Fat Notes


½ cup quinoa 12 54 5

¼ cup coconut milk 2 3 13

½ cup mixed berries 0 10 0

1 ounce almonds 6 6 14

Total 20 67 32


Veg Stew (1/3 of batch)

1 10 10

½ cup chickpeas 20 60 6

Total 21 70 16


¼ avocado 1 4 7

Crudites 0 0 0

Total 1 4 7


Black Bean Chili 10 30 15

Total 10 30 15

Grand Total 52 171 70

Day 3:


Food Protein Carbs Fat Notes


2 eggs 13 0 10

½ cup black beans 8 20 1

Vegetables + ¼ cup avocado

2 4 6

1 tbsp coconut oil 0 0 14

Total 23 24 31


Veg Stew (1/3 of batch)

1 10 10

½ cup chickpeas 20 60 6

Total 21 70 16


Chia pudding 12 40 70

Total 12 40 70


Black Bean Chili 10 30 15

Total 10 30 15

Grand Total 66 164 132

Day 4:


Food Protein Carbs Fat Notes


1 cup spinach 1 1 0

½ cup coconut milk 4 6 26

1 cup pineapple 1 10 0

2 tbsp chia seeds 5 12 9

Total 11 29 35


Lettuce + veggies 1 0 1

Hummus (2 tbsp) 3 4 3

1 tbsp chia seeds 2 6 4

1 cup cherries 2 19 0

Total 6 23 8


¼ avocado 1 4 7

Crudites 0 0 0

Total 1 4 7


1 sweet potato 2 26 0

Salsa + veggies 1 4 1

½ cup black beans 8 20 1

Total 11 50 2

Grand Total 29 106 48

Day 5:


Food Protein Carbs Fat Notes


½ cup quinoa 12 54 5

¼ cup coconut milk 2 3 13

½ cup mixed berries 0 10 0

1 ounce almonds 6 6 14

Total 20 67 32


Salad/ vegs/ 1 tbsp coconut oil

1 1 14

Beans (1/2 cup) approx. 15 approx. 15 approx. 15

1 tbsp chia seeds 2 6 4

Total 18 22 28


1 ounce almonds (23 almonds)

6 6 14


Quinoa salad 32 60 11

1 tbsp coconut oil 0 0 14

Total 32 60 25

Grand Total 76 155 99

Day 6:


Shopping List for Week 1:

Protein:Ÿ 1 dozen farm-fresh, organic large eggs

Ÿ 2 organic, all-natural cans of black beans (enough for 2+ cups) plus 1 15 oz can of black beans (for chili)

Ÿ 2 organic, all-natural cans of chickpeas (enough for 2+ cups)

Ÿ Chia seeds (enough for about 1 cup)

Ÿ 1 container fresh, organic hummus

Produce:Ÿ Tomatoes (2)

Ÿ Bibb lettuce

Ÿ Various salad veggies like carrots, cabbage, celery, etc…

Ÿ 2 avocados

Ÿ 2 sweet potatoes (large)

Ÿ 2 bell peppers

Ÿ 1-2 zucchinis

Ÿ 1 yellow onion

Ÿ 1 sweet or red onion (for chickpea/ quinoa dinners)

Ÿ 2 cans organic, all natural stewed tomatoes

Ÿ 1 bundle green onions

Ÿ Fresh berries (2 punnets of any kind)

Ÿ 1 bag spinach

Ÿ 1 pineapple

Ÿ 1 head of garlic

Ÿ 1 mango

Staples / Dry Goods:Ÿ 1 jar coconut oil

Ÿ 1 jar apple cider vinegar

Ÿ Almonds (raw, not salted; 6-8 ounce bag)

Ÿ Cashews (raw, not salted; 6-8 ounce bag)

Ÿ Dark chocolate (2-4 ounces)

Ÿ Coconut milk (at least 2 cups)

Ÿ Raisins (1 large box)

Ÿ 1 15 oz can of organic, all natural tomato sauce

Ÿ Cumin

Ÿ Cayenne pepper

Ÿ Chili powder

Ÿ Honey


Day 8: Ÿ Breakfast: Make 2 eggs, any style, in 1 tbsp coconut oil and top with ½ cup black beans. Serve with 1 sliced


*Note: Don’t like eggs? No problem- check out the Breakfast Power Smoothie recipe and the Overnight

“Oatmeal” recipe in the Recipes section. Feel free to trade them for the egg-based breakfasts. See the recipe

section at the end of this meal plan for instructions.

Ÿ Lunch: Continuing with keeping it simple, make an easy Greek salad. Combine chopped romaine, tomatoes,

black olives, thinly sliced red onions, and top with 2 tbsp chia seeds for protein. Make a Greek dressing of herbs

de provence, sea salt, black pepper, 1 tbsp coconut oil and apple cider vinegar.

Ÿ Snack: 1 ounce raw almonds.

*Tip: Portion out the 23 almonds that are in 1 ounce before snacking.

Ÿ Dinner: Cook ½ cup quinoa. Add ½ cup chickpeas, 1 chopped cucumber, 1/8 cup chopped green onions, ¼ cup

raisins. Dress with apple cider vinegar, 1 tbsp coconut oil, and add salt and pepper to taste.

Ÿ Prepare for tomorrow: Make Vegetable Stew. See the recipe section at the end of this plan for instructions and

use different vegetables- perhaps other colors of bell peppers or red onion instead of white. Portion out the 3

large servings, 1 each for the next 3 days’ lunches. Portion out the cashews for tomorrow’s snack: 18 medium

cashews are in 1 ounce.

Day 9:Ÿ Breakfast: Try making the Mexican egg stir-fry from the recipe section. Add ½ cup black beans on top. See the

recipe section at the end of this plan for instructions.

Ÿ Lunch: Vegetable Stew. Add in ½ cup chickpeas.

Ÿ Snack: 1 ounce cashews (16-18 cashews).

Ÿ Dinner: Make Spaghetti Squash with fresh marinara sauce. See the recipe section at the end of this plan for


Ÿ Prepare for tomorrow: Make an overnight “oatmeal”. See the recipe section at the end of this plan for

instructions. Portion out 2 containers with leftover Spaghetti Squash with fresh marinara sauce for dinners on

Day 10 and 11.

Day 10:Ÿ Breakfast: Oatmeal is ready!

Ÿ Lunch: Vegetable Stew. Add in ½ cup chickpeas.

Ÿ Snack: 1Guacamole Throwdown (see Recipe section) with crudités.

Ÿ Dinner: Spaghetti Squash with fresh marinara sauce.

Ÿ Prepare for tomorrow: Make Coconut Chia Seed pudding. See the recipe section at the end of this plan for


Day 11:Ÿ Breakfast: Make the Mexican egg stir-fry from the recipe section. Add ½ cup black beans on top. See the recipe

section at the end of this plan for instructions

Ÿ Lunch: Vegetable Stew. Add in ½ cup chickpeas.

Ÿ Snack: Coconut Chia Seed pudding.

Ÿ Dinner: Spaghetti Squash with fresh marinara sauce.

Ÿ Prepare for tomorrow: None


Day 12:Ÿ Breakfast: Make a Power Smoothie; add 2 tbsp chia seeds in the smoothie. See the recipe section at the end of

this plan for instructions.

Ÿ Lunch: Make a lettuce wrap- take Bibb lettuce and lay 1-2 large leaves flat. Stack on top of the leaves, spread

hummus on the lettuce leaves, load it up with vegetables, and top with spices for a delicious wrap. Have 1

handful of cherries on the side for a sweet treat.

Ÿ Snack: Guacamole Throwdown with crudités. See the recipe section at the end of this plan for instructions

Ÿ Dinner: Bake 1 sweet potato. Top with steamed veggies, salsa, ½ cup black beans.

Ÿ Prepare for tomorrow: Make an overnight “oatmeal”. See the recipe section at the end of this plan for


Day 13:Ÿ Breakfast: Oatmeal is ready!

Ÿ Lunch: Finish the Fridge salad- chop up remaining veggies & lettuce; add in ½ cup leftover beans or chickpeas;

top with 1 tbsp chia seeds. Make a dressing of apple cider vinegar, 1 tbsp coconut oil, and spices.

Ÿ Snack: 1 ounce almonds (23 almonds)

Ÿ Dinner: Cook ½ cup quinoa. Add ½ cup chickpeas, 1 chopped cucumber, 1/8 cup chopped green onions, ¼ cup

raisins. Dress with apple cider vinegar, 1 tbsp coconut oil, and add salt and pepper to taste.

Day 14: Cheat Day!

On day 14, you can eat what you would like- don’t deprive yourself. Remember to stay within reason though and

the best results are had if you stay gluten-free. Avoiding wheat and other grains, processed sugars and starches

will yield the most favorable conditions for your cheat day. Enjoy this day but also notice how you feel after you eat

these foods, both physically and emotionally. Remember, taking 2 tbsps apple cider vinegar before a carb-heavy

meal reduces your insulin spike, which causes fat storage, by up to 40%.

Some cheat day ideas:

Ÿ Making tacos with corn tortillas, protein, veggies, and salsa

Ÿ Enjoying popcorn- it’s gluten free and full of fiber!

Ÿ Dark Chocolate Covered Strawberries*

Ÿ Coconut Milk Based Ice Cream*

Ÿ Banana Bread*

*All of these recipes can be found in your members’ online area!


Nutrition Breakdown by Day for Week 2:

Day 8:

Food Protein Carbs Fat Notes


2 eggs 13 0 10

1 tbsp coconut oil 0 0 14

½ cup black beans 8 20 1

1 tomato 1 5 0

Total 22 25 25


Salad/mixed vegs 0 0 0

1 tbsp coconut oil 0 0 14

Total 1 0 14


1 ounce almonds (23 almonds)

6 6 14

Total 6 6 14


Quinoa salad 32 60 11

1 tbsp coconut oil 0 0 14

Total 32 60 25

Grand Total 61 91 78


Day 9:

Food Protein Carbs Fat Notes


2 eggs 13 0 10

½ cup black beans 8 20 1

Vegetables + ¼ cup avocado

2 4 6

1 tbsp coconut oil 0 0 14

Total 23 24 31


Veg Stew (1/3 of batch)

1 10 10

½ cup chickpeas 20 60 6

Total 21 70 16


1 oz cashews(16-18 cashews)

5 9 12

Total 5 9 12


Spaghetti squash marinara

2 20 14

2 tbsp pumpkin seeds

5 15 6

Total 7 35 20

Grand Total 56 138 79


Day 10:

Food Protein Carbs Fat Notes


½ cup quinoa 12 54 5

¼ cup coconut milk 2 3 13

½ cup mixed berries 0 10 0

1 ounce almonds 6 6 14

Total 20 67 32


Veg Stew (1/3 of batch)

1 10 10

½ cup chickpeas 20 60 6

Total 21 70 16


¼ avocado 1 4 7

Crudites 0 0 0

Total 1 4 7


Spaghetti squash marinara

2 20 14

2 tbsp pumpkin seeds

5 15 6

Total 7 35 20

Grand Total 49 176 75


Food Protein Carbs Fat Notes


2 eggs 13 0 10

½ cup black beans 8 20 1

Vegetables + ¼ cup avocado

2 4 6

1 tbsp coconut oil 0 0 14

Total 23 24 31


Veg Stew (1/3 of batch)

1 10 10

½ cup chickpeas 20 60 6

Total 21 70 16


Chia pudding 12 40 70

Total 12 40 70


Spaghetti squash marinara

2 20 14

2 tbsp pumpkin seeds

5 15 6

Total 7 35 20

Grand Total 63 169 137


Day 11:

Bonus: 4 additional days of meal plans to make shopping easier :)

Day 12:

Food Protein Carbs Fat Notes


1 cup spinach 1 1 0

½ cup coconut milk 4 6 26

1 cup pineapple 1 10 0

2 tbsp chia seeds 5 12 9

Total 11 29 35


Lettuce + veggies 1 0 1

Hummus (2 tbsp) 3 4 3

1 tbsp chia seeds 2 6 4

1 cup cherries 2 19 0

Total 6 23 4


¼ avocado 1 4 7

Crudites 0 0 0

Total 1 4 7


1 sweet potato 2 26 0

Salsa + veggies 1 4 1

½ cup black beans 8 20 1

Total 11 50 2

Grand Total 29 106 48


Day 13:

Food Protein Carbs Fat Notes


½ cup quinoa 12 54 5

¼ cup coconut milk 2 3 13

½ cup mixed berries 0 10 0

1 ounce almonds 6 6 14

Total 20 67 32


Salad/ vegs/ 1 tbsp coconut oil

1 1 14

Beans (1/2 cup) approx. 15 approx. 15 approx. 15

1 tbsp chia seeds 2 6 4

Total 18 22 28


1 ounce almonds (23 almonds)

6 6 14

Total 6 6 14


Quinoa salad 32 60 11

1 tbsp coconut oil 0 0 14

Total 32 60 25

Grand Total 76 155 99


Shopping Lists for Week 2

Protein:Ÿ 1 dozen farm-fresh, organic eggs

Ÿ 2 organic, all-natural cans of black beans (enough for 2+ cups)

Ÿ 2 organic, all-natural cans of chickpeas (enough for 2+ cups)

Ÿ 1 container fresh, organic hummus

Ÿ Flaxseeds (enough for 1 cup total)

Produce:Ÿ Tomatoes (2)

Ÿ Bibb lettuce

Ÿ Various salad veggies like carrots, cabbage, celery, etc…

Ÿ 2 avocados

Ÿ 2 sweet potatoes (large)

Ÿ 1 sweet or red onion (for chickpea/ quinoa dinners)

Ÿ 2 cans organic, all natural stewed tomatoes

Ÿ 1 bundle green onions

Ÿ Fresh berries (2 punnets of any kind)

Ÿ 1 bag spinach

Ÿ 1 pineapple

Ÿ 1 head of garlic

Ÿ 1 mango

Ÿ 1 head raw cauliflower

Ÿ 2 spaghetti squashes

Ÿ Any vegetables or herbs you want to throw into marinara sauce- i.e. 1 green bell pepper or fresh basil leaves

Staples/ Dry Goods:Ÿ 1 jar coconut oil

Ÿ 1 jar apple cider vinegar

Ÿ Almonds (raw, not salted; 6-8 ounce bag)

Ÿ Cashews (raw, not salted; 6-8 ounce bag)

Ÿ Coconut milk (at least 2 cups)

Ÿ Raisins (1 large box)

Ÿ 1 jar all natural salsa

Ÿ 1 jar all natural, organic marinara sauce


Recipe Section

Vegetable Stew (Makes 3 large servings)

Ingredients:1-2 zucchinis, roughly cut * 1 yellow onion, roughly chopped * 2 bell peppers, any color, roughly cut * 2 cans

organic, all natural stewed tomatoes * 1-2 tbsp coconut oil * Spices, black pepper, or herb leaves like basil to taste

Directions:1. Heat a big pot over medium/high heat with the coconut oil

2. Add in zucchini, onion, peppers first and stir around for about 5 minutes.

3. Add in tomatoes and spices. Stir well.

4. Let simmer at least 20 minutes, covered, or uncovered if it needs to reduce.

5. The longer the dish sits… the more delicious it becomes! Good cold or hot.

Guacamole Throwdown (Serves 1)

Ingredients:1/2 ripe avocado, cubed * 1 plum tomatoes, chopped and deseeded * 1/8 small red onion, diced * 1/2 teaspoon salt

* 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper * 1/2 lime

Directions:1. Combine all ingredients, except lime, in a mixing bowl.

2. If making as a dip, smash avocado and mix ingredients together. If making as a salad, simply combine all


3. Squeeze lime over top.

4. Serve immediately with homemade sweet potato chips or crudités.

5. Serve immediately for best results.

*Tip: If you want to pre-make and save the recipe for later, place the avocado pit in the bowl or squeeze one

lemon slice over the top to prevent browning. Cover and store in fridge for up to four hours.

Mexican Egg Stir Fry (Serves 1)

Ingredients:2 eggs * 1 cup various veggies, chopped: 1/2 bell pepper of any color; jalepeno; red or white onion; tomatoes;

broccoli * 1/4 avocado, diced * fresh salsa * 1 tbsp coconut oil for sautéing


Directions:1. Warm up the coconut oil in a pan.

2. Stir fry the vegetables just shy of desired doneness and add in eggs.

3. Scramble eggs with vegetables by stirring constantly to prevent sticking.

4. Pour mixture onto a plate and add avocado and top with salsa.

5. Serve immediately for best results

Overnight Quinoa Breakfast “Oatmeal”

Ingredients:½ cup quinoa * ½ cup warm water * 1/2 tbsp apple cider vinegar * ¼ cup coconut milk * 1/4 cup water * 1 tbsp

Stevia * ½ tsp each ground cardamom and ground cinnamon

Directions:1. 24 hours beforehand, combine the warm water with the quinoa. Cover and keep in a warm place.

2. Rinse quinoa really well in a fine sieve.

3. Place quinoa with the coconut milk, water, sweetener, and optional spices in a small pan, and bring to a simmer

over high heat.

4. Turn heat to low, and cover. Cook for 12-15 minutes.

5. Serve with your choice of toppings such as nuts, berries, milk, coconut milk, coconut flakes, coconut sugar,

maple syrup, etc.

Breakfast Power Smoothie

Ingredients:1 cup baby spinach * ¾ cup coconut milk * 1 cup frozen pineapple

Directions:1. Blend all ingredients until smooth & serve.

Coconut Chia Pudding

Ingredients:1/4 cup chia seeds * 1 cup coconut milk * ½ tbsp honey * 1/2 cup diced mango for topping

Directions:1. Mix chia seeds, coconut milk and honey in a jar or small glass bowl.

2. Let sit overnight. Serve the next day with ½ cup diced mango on top.


Black Bean Chili

Ingredients:1/2 onion, diced * 2 cloves garlic, minced * 3 tbsp coconut oil * 1 15 oz can of black beans * 1 15 oz can of tomato

sauce * 2 tsp cumin * 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper * 1 tsp chili powder * salt and pepper to taste

Directions:1. Sautee onions and garlic in oil until onions turn clear, about 5 minutes.

2. Carefully add tomato sauce and black beans and reduce the heat to medium low. Add spices and stir to combine


3. Cover and allow to simmer at least 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.

4. Enjoy your homemade vegan black bean chili!

Spaghetti Squash with Marinara �

Ingredients: �1-2 spaghetti squash , cut in half * 2 tbsp coconut oil * 1 jar all natural, organic marinara (or other kind of pasta

sauce) * salt, pepper, & Italian herbs to taste * shelled, unsalted pumpkin seeds

Directions: �1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Cut spaghetti squash in half and scoop out seeds. Brush each half with coconut

oil and season with salt, peppers, and Italian herbs (if you like). Put a piece of aluminum foil on top of your

cookie sheet. Place all halves of squashes face up on sheet.

2. Cook squashes until fork-tender, about 50-60 minutes. Let squash halves cool, but not grow cold.

3. Pull squashes into “pasta” strands with a fork into a large bowl.

4. Portion 1/3 of squash strands into a bowl, cover with marinara sauce like pasta and toss. Cover with 2 tbsp

pumpkin seeds and serve warm.


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