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Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials for a Pediatric Population

A.K. Fenn, B.D. Corneil and D. Mostafa


People rely on balance and stability throughout activity and in everyday life and the structure to

which we owe our balance and stability to is known as the vestibular system. Vestibular dysfunction

affects individuals of all ages and is frequent in society. Therefore finding a suitable test to help identify

these vestibular dysfunctions in all populations is crucial. Currently, clinical tests for vestibulospinal reflex

(VSR) require an uncomfortable posture, making it difficult for all populations to perform. In this study,

we assess the feasibility of alternative testing methods on a pediatric population. Specifically, we focus

on surface EMG recordings during a series of postures with an applied auditory stimulus in order to drive

vestibular evoked myogenic potentials (VEMPs) as this test provides immediate results that are cost

effective for a clinical setting. Target muscles involve the sternocleidomastoid (SCM) and the splenius

capitis (SPL) as they act as synergists and can therefore be recorded simultaneously for comparison.

Ultimately, the goal is to provide a case for further research into VEMPs regarding which muscles to

targets and what postures are involved, while ensuring the proposed test is cost and time effective. We

have found that SCM and SPL VEMPs can be achieved through seating and standing neck turn postures,

making it easier on the subjects being tested.


Organs within the inner ear provide two main functions for an individual: hearing and balance.

The cochlea transduces our sense of sound from mechanical sound waves produced in the auditory canal

via the malleus, incus and stapes. Important structures for an individual’s balance also lie within the inner

ear that make up the vestibular system. Now imagine for a second you were back in your youthful and far

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more physically active days, playing a sport you love, whether it be hockey, soccer, football, etc. No matter

the activity, your youthful self required the stability and balance to perform and maneuver around all

obstacles in your way. However, none of these activities are possible without the ability for your body to

react and provide the stability you need. This rings true in everyday life, as even the simplest tasks such

as walking require a complex amount of sensory and motor signals that help us to maintain balance. In

fact, many individuals experience problems associated with balance and stability, with an estimated 35%

of Americans over 40 years of age indicating some form of vestibular dysfunction (Agrawal et al., 2009).

Therefore it is crucial to understand how an individual is able to sustain balance via the vestibular system

and how to test and individual for a balance deficiency. An individual’s sense of balance relies in large part

on their semicircular canals and their otolith organs, which together form the vestibular system. Three

semicircular canals (anterior, horizontal and posterior) are responsible for sensing angular head rotation,

allowing you to realize the positioning of your head in all three rotational axes. Next, the otolith organs,

consisting of the saccule and utricle, are responsible for sensing linear acceleration and head position

relative to gravity. When the body is disturbed, these vestibular organs lead to powerful stabilizing

reflexes in the body. Say for example, you slip on a patch of ice. Your vestibular organs are quick to respond

by activating neck flexors to tuck your chin to your chest and arm extensors in order to brace your fall

with your arms. An individual with a vestibular deficiency may suffer serious injury in a similar situation,

as their vestibular system may be unresponsive, preventing these reflexes from occurring. Therefore it is

important to test the vestibular systems functionality in all populations, meaning the ideal method of

testing should be cost and time effective but also easy enough for all demographics to perform.

Contemporary means of testing the vestibular system have yet to provide effective and

comfortable testing methods that cater to all demographics. Caloric testing is a means of testing

semicircular functionality by applying water to the auditory canal with temperatures at roughly 30 and

44oC (Teggi et al., 2009). Although effective, patients experience uncomfortable effects throughout the

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test similar to that of vertigo, making it extremely uncomfortable and unsuitable for a pediatric

population. Similarly, other tests are designed to test the functionality of an individual’s otolith organs

using surface EMG electrodes (Colebatch et al., 1994). These tests assess a vestibular evoked myogenic

potential (VEMP) that indicate otolith function, in particular saccular function due to its close physical

proximity to the cochlea within the inner ear (figure 1). Again, these tests provide immediate results in a

cost effective fashion, however they lack ease of posture for pediatric, elderly and infirm populations. The

focus of this study is to assess the feasibility of alternative VEMP testing methods.

Originated by Bickford’s et al. research with regards to the inion response and its myogenic origin,

VEMPs have since been discovered and, as mentioned before, are used as a means of testing an

individual’s vestibulospinal reflex (VSR) and predominantly saccular function (Rosengren et al., 2010).

VEMPs were first described by Colebatch et al. (1994), who identified EMG activity of the

sternocleidomastoid (SCM) to be vestibular in origin. More specifically, Colebatch et al. localized a short-

latency myogenic response labelled as the p13 and n23 to be purely vestibular derived (Figure 2,

Colebatch 1994). Further research has shown that VEMPs can be driven by air-conducted (AC) sound,

bone conducted vibration and electrical stimulation and recorded by surface electrodes over a target

muscle (Rosengren et al., 2010). AC sound has been shown to yield the largest VEMPs. This relates back

to the close physical proximity of the saccule to the cochlea, which allows for cross-talk. Cross-talk simply

Figure 1: Inner Ear

Otolith organs (circled in yellow) lie in close

proximity, with the saccule being the closer of the

two. Therefore fluid movement within the inner ear

has the potential to stimulate multiple organs in

close proximity simultaneously.

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means that the saccule is stimulated along with the cochlea, as the fluid movement caused by an auditory

stimulus spans out to the saccule as well. Stimulation of the saccule with an adequate amount of

background activity on a muscle lead to initiation of a VEMP. Muscle background activity is needed as the

VEMP is classified as an inhibitory response (Rosengren et al., 2010), which can only be observed providing

there is sufficient muscle contraction. After sufficient background activity has been reached, there is a

linear relationship between response amplitude and sound intensity (Rosengren et al., 2010).

Furthermore, VEMPs are not localized to the SCM which is classified as a cervical VEMP (cVEMP).

Ocular VEMPs can be measured using surface electrodes capturing extraocular EMG activity (Rosengren

et al., 2010). In a similar fashion, muscles throughout the body such as biceps brachii, flexor carpi radialis,

soleus and medial gastrocnemius have been shown to deliver VEMP readings (Naranjo et al., 2015). This

is because many muscles in the body may play a role in balance and stability with regards to a postural


In this study, we will be focusing on cVEMPs driven by contraction of the SCM and the problems

associated with this muscle as it is currently considered the best for clinical testing. Currently, cVEMPs

recorded from the SCM are common place for clinically testing a patient’s vestibular function. Clinical tests

for the SCM cVEMP can aid in the diagnosis of vestibular neuritis, benign positioning vertigo, Meniere’s

and other vestibular related deficiencies (Rosengren et al., 2010). However, attaining sufficient levels of

tonic activation of the SCM is hard to achieve. Thus, the test requires an extreme posture that is hard for

certain demographics such as children and elderly to sustain (Kelsch et al., 2006). This posture involves

Figure 2: Colebatch et. al. p13 – n23 VEMP

The arrow indicates the moment of stimulus onset.

The x – axis represents the latency of EMG activity

and the Y – axis represents response amplitude.

Measured p13 and n23 peaks are identified

accordingly. Peaks n34 and p44 were determined to

be acoustic in nature.

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patients laying down in the supine position and raising their head and shoulders off the table

approximately 30o while turning their head to either side of their body (Figure 3). The difficult nature of

this procedure limits patients’ ability to reach adequate background activity (BGA) for a sufficient duration

of time. Furthermore, the SCM is prone to false-negatives that increase in frequency with age (Camp et

al., 2016). Significant numbers of false negatives may be attributed to the fact that the SCM is a large and

very powerful muscle, making it highly fatigable and causing late recruitment during the most forceful of

head turns/ neck flexions (Corneil et al., 2001). Such a level of forced contraction makes this test

increasingly difficult for children and elderly patients, especially if they do in fact have a vestibular

problem. Therefore, there may be a better suited target than the SCM that allows for easier testing and/or

more accurate results. Recently, studies out of Western University were done to improve current clinical

techniques. These studies involved surface EMG recordings from the current target SCM and a purposed

target, the splenius capitis (SPL). In this instance, SCM and SPL cVEMPs were recorded in a simple standing

posture, with the subjects turning their head to different degrees (90, 60 and 45 degrees). From this, SCM

measured cVEMPs from only the most extreme contraction at a 90 degree turn, making it the most

strenuous for subjects, whereas SPL measured cVEMPs at a lesser degree (Camp et. al., 2016).

Furthermore, with regards to ease of testing, all subjects stated that they experienced no pain or

discomfort. As a logical next step, we introduce similar methods to a pediatric population in order to test

the feasibility of further exploration.

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This study will also focus on the SPL using surface EMG electrodes in a pediatric population. SPL

functions as an ipsilateral neck turner, therefore making it a synergist to the contralateral SCM. Choosing

a synergist muscle like the SPL will allow us to collect recordings of both muscles simultaneously for

comparison. SPL contraction has been tested before for ease of contraction compared to the SCM (Gulec

et al., 2013). However, during a seated, head-turned posture, cVEMPs were recorded in both left and right

SPLs. Clearly both SPL muscles would not have been activated, therefore it leads us to believe that cross-

talk may have taken place amongst another dorsal neck muscle such as the trapezius or SCM. Another SPL

experiment had been done using the neck extended in a prone position that suggested an excitatory

reaction (Wu et al., 1999) that leads us to believe it may not be vestibular in origin. The Wu et. al.

experiment also required the subjects to lay down in a prone position and extend their neck to look

forward, which may also be difficult for certain populations (Figure 4). Therefore, our test will provide

simultaneous results for the ipsilateral SCM and the contralateral SPL with regards to the auditory stimulus

to determine the feasibility of conducting cVEMPs in a way that makes it easier for a weaker pediatric


Figure 3: Kelsch et. al. Clinical Posture

Pediatric subjects often propped themselves up

using their elbows in the proposed clinical position.

Subjects were also required to turn their head to

either side while holding this position.

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3 children participants (2 female, one male ages: 6, 11 and 13) volunteered for study. All individuals were

free from conductive or sensorineural hearing loss and no history of vestibular or neurological disease.

Before the study, the parents of all participants gave consent approved by the human ethics committee

of Western University.

Experimental setup:

Upon consent, subjects were wiped with rubbing alcohol on the skin superficial to the

sternocleidomastoid, splenius capitis muscles and on their forehead. Once the skin has dried completely,

surface EMG electrodes (Delsys Bagnoli Desktop System) were placed so that reading bars lay

perpendicular to the fibres within the sternocleidomastoid and Splenius Capitis muscles and a ground

electrode was placed on the forehead to record background activity. Aligning the surface EMG electrodes

with the orientation of their respective muscle fibres is crucial in this experiment as it minimizes the

potential of cross talk from surrounding muscles. However, we do note that cross talk inherently exists to

a certain degree within the readings, but has no bearing on the results if a positive VEMP is reached. This

is due to the fact that any VEMP response from any muscle shows that a subject’s vestibular system is

Figure 4: Wu et. al. SPL Contraction Posture

This position utilized the SPL as a neck extensor.

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intact and would thus provide enough evidence in a clinical setting. The contacting components of the

EMG surface electrodes were dabbed with a conducting gel for to optimize background activity readings.

Vet wrap was then used to secure surface electrodes in place during subject postures, preventing them

from shifting to other muscles of the neck. Auditory stimuli were delivered to the ear using a Er2 insert

earphones (etymotic) and Stewart Audio PA-50B Pa half rack amplifier, playing a sound file created in

MATLab from a Macintosh laptop that consisted of 500Hz tone bursts of 4 ms duration including a 1 ms

rise and 1 ms fall delivered at 7.4 Hz for 30-60 seconds. Subjects were then guided through 3 postures

(seated, standing and clinical) (figure 5) throughout the experiment, with the auditory stimulus delivered

to the ear contralateral to the neck turn. During the posture, readings were focused on the contracted

muscles (the ipsilateral sternocleidomastoid and contralateral splenius capitis, with respect to the

auditory stimulus). Sound intensity was calibrated at 500Hz using a sound pressure level meter (Bruel &

Kjaer, Atlanta, USA) and delivered at a maximum intensity of 118 dB peak SPL. In practice, the volume was

reduced to ~100db, which was sufficient to provoke a cVEMP.

Data Analysis:

All measurements were made with subjects in three postures as previously stated. Recordings were made

simultaneously from bilateral surface SCM and SPL electrodes. A surface EMG test was considered positive

for the cVEMP if the amplitude of the stimulus triggered average contained positive and negative peaks

within 10-30 ms, which is identified as the vestibular response (Colebatch, 1994). Both the positive and

Figure 5: Camp et. al.

Figure shows the placement and

orientation of electrodes in a neck

turned posture.

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negative peaks must also exceed 2 standard deviations (SD) from the mean EMG threshold. Latencies for

cVEMPs were measured at the first and second response peaks (p13 and n23). Background EMG activity

on all muscles was measured from the mean rectified activity over the 40 ms preceding stimulus delivery.

All data are presented as mean +/- SD unless otherwise stated. Due to the small scale nature of this

practice, results will be laid out regarding each individual subject.

Results: *contralateral and ipsilateral refer to muscles with regards to the applied auditory stimulus*

Subject 1 (Male, age 11):

Turn – Posture Contralateral Splenius Ipsilateral Sternocleidomastoid

Right – Seated Positive (10,15) Positive (18,23)

Right – Standing Positive (11,15) Positive (16,25)

Left – Seated Positive (14,19) Positive (19,23)

Left – Standing Positive (14,19) Positive (14,17)

Right – Clinical Negative Positive (13,19)

Left - Clinical Negative Positive (13,16)

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Turn – Posture

Contralateral Splenius Ipsilateral Sternocleidomastoid

Right – Seated

Right – Standing

Left – Seated

Left – Standing

Right – Clinical

Left – Clinical

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Average VEMP latencies for the SPL p13 and n23 were 12.3 +/- 2.1 and 16.6 +/- 2.0 respectively.

SPL tested positive in all proposed seating and standing postures. SPL recorded a false negative in the left-

turn clinical posture. Average VEMP latencies for the SCM p13 and n23 were 15.5 +/- 2.6 and 20.5 +/- 3.7

respectively. SCM recorded positive VEMPs in all postures. Clinical tests were done for 30 seconds as

opposed to a minute duration for the seated and standing postures due to the difficulty of the test.

Our first subject (male, age 11) gave the best representation of the proposed SPL muscle

recordings due to minimal hair on the back of the neck, yielding maximum skin contact for the surface

electrodes. Furthermore, this subject was able to hold all postures, including the clinical posture,

sufficiently throughout the experiment. What is important to note is that this subject received positive

tests for all seating and standing postures for both the SPL and SCM, where the subject experienced no

discomfort. This clearly shows that although the amplitude of SPL readings are significantly lower than

that of the SCM, they both yield a cVEMP, which indicates the intactness of the VSR with an easier posture

compared to the clinical.

Subject 2, (Female, age 13):

Turn – Posture Contralateral Splenius Ipsilateral Sternocleidomastoid

Right – Seated Positive (18,26) Positive (19,26)

Right – Standing Positive (18,28) Positive (19,26)

Left – Seated Positive (13,24) Positive (21,26)

Left – Standing Negative Positive (17,26)

Right – Clinical Negative Positive (9,17)

Left - Clinical Negative Positive (11,15)

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Turn – Posture

Contralateral Splenius Ipsilateral Sternocleidomastoid

Right – Seated

Right – Standing

Left – Seated

Left – Standing

Right – Clinical

Left – Clinical

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Average VEMP latencies for the SPL p13 and n23 were 16.3 +/- 2.9 and 26 +/- 2.0 respectively. SPL

recorded false negatives in the Left-turn standing posture as well as all clinical postures. Average VEMP

latencies for the SCM p13 and n23 were 15.5 +/- 2.6 and 20.5 +/- 3.7 respectively. SCM recorded positive

VEMPs in all postures.

Our second subject (female, age 13) gave best insight to the struggles associated with the SPL as

a target for cVEMPs. Given the fact that majority of females have relatively long hair, contact becomes

difficult for the surface electrode to the skin superficial to the SPL. Regardless, cVEMPs were still present

in majority of the seated and standing postures (when contact with the skin was continually achieved

throughout the 30-60 seconds). SCM cVEMPs were observed in all postures, which is encouraging because

there is potential to achieve positive cVEMPs at an easier posture. Therefore, in practice, it may be

beneficial to start with an easier posture such as seated or standing and progress to clinical method if a

cVEMP is not reached.

Subject 3 (Female, age 6):

Turn – Posture Contralateral Splenius Ipsilateral Sternocleidomastoid

Right – Seated Negative Negative

Right – Standing Negative Negative

Left – Seated Positive (12,16) Positive (16,20)

Left – Standing Positive (12,16) Positive (16,20)

Right – Clinical Negative Positive (13,17)

Left - Clinical Negative Positive (13,20)

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Turn – Posture

Contralateral Splenius Ipsilateral Sternocleidomastoid

Right – Seated

Right – Standing

Left – Seated

Left – Standing

Right – Clinical

Left – Clinical

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Average VEMP latencies for the SPL p13 and n23 were 12.3 +/- 0.6 SD and 17 +/- 1.7 SD

respectively. Average VEMP latencies for the SCM p13 and n23 were 14.5 +/- 1.7 SD and 19.3 +/- 1.5 SD

respectively. False negatives were prevalent in all right-turn seated and standing postures as well as the

clinical posture for the SPL. Perhaps barriers such as ear wax or EMG contact existed in the test that

prevented cVEMPs from occurring in right-turn and clinical postures. However, this subject displays the

importance of many recordings and the clinical posture. Had only the clinical procedure been carried out,

this test would have been read as positive immediately. Therefore, similar to subject 2, this test may

require a progression of postures in order to be most effective.



As a preliminary feasibility study, the main point to take away is that cVEMPs were successfully measured

on both the SCM and/or SPL throughout all postures in this small sample of three children. More

importantly, all our subjects had successful cVEMPs in the seated and/or standing postures. This indicates

that although there may be potential barriers that need to be accommodated for throughout the test, it

is possible to record cVEMPs while catering to the ease required to test all demographics. The goal of this

study is to provide a test that is cost and time effective while providing a posture that is plausible for all

demographics to sustain. Therefore, we acknowledge that this study is feasible regardless of

complications involved, as it sets a stage for further research in the field that may be able to one day

develop a new clinical practice to test an individual’s VSR.

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Potential future studies:

We know that VEMPs can be recorded throughout the entire body, therefore problems such as hair

superficial to the SPL can be avoided if a more suitable target can be identified. In choosing potential

muscles, it is important to consider the posture that would reach a sufficient level of background activity

and whether or not that posture is feasible for all populations as well. Also note that this experiment was

done with only three children. In which, the ages spanned from 6-13. Without a sufficiently scaled study,

it is impossible to make conclusions about the pediatric population as a whole and therefore studies need

to be carried out with a wider range of subjects for more accuracy. Potential targets in for further research

such as trapezius come to mind as it is superficial and can be contracted by simply shrugging. However, it

is important to imagine trying to instruct a child who is only a few months of age through the same

exercise. The answer then becomes, “how do you get a baby to shrug their shoulders?” For instance, in

our study, a doctor may need to physically aid a baby in the posture or receive help from a parent holding

a toy in order get children to turn their head to a desired side. All these factors combined make it difficult

to propose new targets for VEMPs. Perhaps further research can stay focused on SCM and SPL activity

while accounting for barriers (ex. Shave hair superficial to the SPL). But regardless, the main goal of further

research should be to focus on retaining an effective and easy test that is able to provide adequate results.

As we saw throughout this study, positive VEMPs can be achieved by targeting multiple muscles with a

progression of postures. This suggests that utilizing more target muscles and a wider range of postures

may provide an effective way to test an individual’s VSR in all populations.

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