Page 1: Veritas InfoScale 7.3 Getting Started Guide - AIX

Veritas InfoScale™ 7.3Getting Started Guide - AIX

Page 2: Veritas InfoScale 7.3 Getting Started Guide - AIX

Last updated: 2017-12-06

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Technical SupportTechnical Support maintains support centers globally. All support services will be deliveredin accordance with your support agreement and the then-current enterprise technical supportpolicies. For information about our support offerings and how to contact Technical Support,visit our website:

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DocumentationMake sure that you have the current version of the documentation. Each document displaysthe date of the last update on page 2. The latest documentation is available on the Veritaswebsite:

Documentation feedbackYour feedback is important to us. Suggest improvements or report errors or omissions to thedocumentation. Include the document title, document version, chapter title, and section titleof the text on which you are reporting. Send feedback to:

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You can also see documentation information or ask a question on the Veritas community site:

Veritas Services and Operations Readiness Tools (SORT)Veritas Services andOperations Readiness Tools (SORT) is a website that provides informationand tools to automate and simplify certain time-consuming administrative tasks. Dependingon the product, SORT helps you prepare for installations and upgrades, identify risks in yourdatacenters, and improve operational efficiency. To see what services and tools SORT providesfor your product, see the data sheet:

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Chapter 1 Veritas InfoScale products overview ............................. 5

About this guide ............................................................................. 5About the Veritas InfoScale product suite ............................................ 5About Veritas InfoScale product licensing ............................................ 6

Registering Veritas InfoScale using product license keys .................. 6Registering Veritas InfoScale product using keyless licensing

....................................................................................... 8

Chapter 2 Installation and configuration of Veritas InfoScaleproducts .......................................................................... 10

Obtaining the product binaries ......................................................... 10Mounting the ISO image ................................................................ 12Assessing your systems ................................................................ 12

Automatically assessing your systems ........................................ 12Manually assessing your systems .............................................. 13

Installing your Veritas InfoScale product ............................................ 14Configuring your Veritas InfoScale product ........................................ 15

Chapter 3 Patching and updating ..................................................... 17

Checking installed product versions and downloading maintenancereleases and patches .............................................................. 17

Obtaining installer patches ............................................................. 18Disabling external network connection attempts ............................ 19

Appendix A How the discs are organized ......................................... 20

Contents of the media kit ............................................................... 20Directory structure ....................................................................... 20

Appendix B Where to find more information ..................................... 22

Veritas InfoScale documentation ...................................................... 22Documentation set ....................................................................... 22Service and support ...................................................................... 27About Veritas Services and Operations Readiness Tools (SORT) ........... 27


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Veritas InfoScale productsoverview

This chapter includes the following topics:

■ About this guide

■ About the Veritas InfoScale product suite

■ About Veritas InfoScale product licensing

About this guideThis guide provides a high-level overview of installing Veritas Infoscale productsusing the script-based installer. There are other installation methods that are notdescribed in this guide. For the other installation methods, refer to the VeritasInfoScale Installation Guide. This guide is useful for new users and returning usersthat want a quick refresher.

Note: Before you install, see the release notes for the system requirements,supported operating system versions, disk space usage, and other hardware orsoftware requirements.

About the Veritas InfoScale product suiteThe Veritas InfoScale product suite addresses enterprise IT service continuityneeds. It draws on Veritas’ long heritage of world-class availability and storagemanagement solutions to help IT teams in realizing ever more reliable operationsand better protected information across their physical, virtual, and cloudinfrastructures. It provides resiliency and software defined storage for critical services


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across the datacenter infrastructure. It realizes better Return on Investment (ROI)and unlocks high performance by integrating next-generation storage technologies.The solution provides high availability and disaster recovery for complex multi-tieredapplications across any distance. Management operations for Veritas InfoScale areenabled through a single, easy-to-use, web-based graphical interface, VeritasInfoScale Operations Manager.

The Veritas InfoScale product suite offers the following products:

■ Veritas InfoScale Foundation

■ Veritas InfoScale Storage

■ Veritas InfoScale Availability

■ Veritas InfoScale Enterprise

About Veritas InfoScale product licensingYou must obtain a license to install and use Veritas InfoScale products.

You can choose one of the following licensing methods when you install a product:

■ Install with a license key for the productWhen you purchase a Veritas InfoScale product, you receive a License Keycertificate. The certificate specifies the product keys and the number of productlicenses purchased.See “Registering Veritas InfoScale using product license keys” on page 6.

■ Install without a license key (keyless licensing)Installation without a license does not eliminate the need to obtain a license.The administrator and company representatives must ensure that a server orcluster is entitled to the license level for the products installed. Veritas reservesthe right to ensure entitlement and compliance through auditing.See “Registering Veritas InfoScale product using keyless licensing” on page 8.

If you encounter problems while licensing this product, visit the Veritas licensingSupport website.

Registering Veritas InfoScale using product license keysYou can register your product license key in the following ways:

6Veritas InfoScale products overviewAbout Veritas InfoScale product licensing

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The installer automatically registers the license at the time ofinstallation or upgrade.

■ You can register your license keys during the installation process.During the installation, you will get the following prompt:

1) Enter a valid license key2) Enable keyless licensing and complete systemlicensing later

How would you like to license the systems? [1-2,q] (2)

Enter 1 to register your license key.■ You can also register your license keys using the installer menu.

Run the following command:


Select the L) License a Product option in the installer menu.

Using theinstaller

If you are performing a fresh installation, run the following commandson each node:

# cd /opt/VRTS/bin

# ./vxlicinst -k license key

# vxdctl license init


# vxlicinstupgrade -k

If you are performing an upgrade, run the following commands oneach node:

# cd /opt/VRTS/bin

# ./vxlicinstupgrade -k license key

For more information:


Even though other products are included on the enclosed software discs, you canonly use the Veritas InfoScale software products for which you have purchased alicense.

7Veritas InfoScale products overviewAbout Veritas InfoScale product licensing

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Registering Veritas InfoScale product using keyless licensingThe keyless licensing method uses product levels to determine the Veritas InfoScaleproducts and functionality that are licensed.

You can register a Veritas InfoScale product in the following ways:

■ Run the following command:


The installer automatically registers the license at the timeof installation or upgrade.During the installation, you will get the following prompt:

1) Enter a valid license key2) Enable keyless licensing and complete system

licensing later

How would you like to license the systems? [1-2,q] (2)

Enter 2 for keyless licensing.■ You can also register your license keys using the installer

menu.Run the following command:


Select the L) License a Product option in the installer menu.

Using the installer

Perform the following steps after installation or upgrade:

1 Change your current working directory:

# export PATH=$PATH:/opt/VRTSvlic/bin

2 View the possible settings for the product level:

# vxkeyless displayall

3 Register the desired product:

# vxkeyless set prod_levels

where prod_levels is a comma-separated list of keywords.The keywords are the product levels as shown by the outputof step 2.


8Veritas InfoScale products overviewAbout Veritas InfoScale product licensing

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Warning:Within 60 days of choosing this option, you must install a valid licensekey corresponding to the license level entitled, or continue with keyless licensingby managing the systems with Veritas InfoScale Operation Manager. If you fail tocomply with the above terms, continuing to use the Veritas InfoScale product is aviolation of your End User License Agreement, and results in warning messages.

For more information about keyless licensing, see the following URL:

For more information to use keyless licensing and to download the Veritas InfoScaleOperation Manager, see the following URL:

9Veritas InfoScale products overviewAbout Veritas InfoScale product licensing

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Installation andconfiguration of VeritasInfoScale products

This chapter includes the following topics:

■ Obtaining the product binaries

■ Mounting the ISO image

■ Assessing your systems

■ Installing your Veritas InfoScale product

■ Configuring your Veritas InfoScale product

Obtaining the product binariesThe installation media or tar ball includes multiple products. When you run theinstallation program, you can choose which product to install. If you are not surewhich product to install, refer to the high-level overview about the products.

If you are not installing from the installation media, you need to obtain the productbinaries from Veritas's electronic distribution site.

Obtaining the product binaries

1 Call Customer Care for your region by following the instructions provided at:

Do one of the following:


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■ If you have not obtained a license, ask Customer Care to email you alicensing template. Follow the instructions in the email to license yourproduct, and repeat these instructions.

■ If you have already obtained a license, ask Customer Care to email you aFileConnect download template.

2 Locate the email that contains the FileConnect download template, and locatethe serial number. (The serial number is not a license key; it is a code you needto download Veritas Infoscale products from the portal).

3 Go to Veritas's electronic distribution website at:

4 Select a language.

5 Enter the serial number contained in the FileConnect download email, andclick Enter, and then agree to the license agreement.

6 Select the product you want to download.

7 Under step 1, select a download method. Do one of the following:

■ If you are only downloading one item, click HTTP Download to make thedownload go faster.

■ If you are downloading more than one item, click Managed Download.

8 Select the product you want to download, and click Begin Downloading.

The binaries are available as a tar file or as an ISO image.

1 Open the tar file and save it to your local system.

2 Unzip the tar file.

# gunzip Veritas_InfoScale_\<version>_<platform>.tar.gz

3 Untar the file. For example, enter the following:

# tar -xvf Veritas_InfoScale_\<version>_<platform>.tar

.tar.gz format

See “Mounting the ISO image” on page 12.ISO image format

11Installation and configuration of Veritas InfoScale productsObtaining the product binaries

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Mounting the ISO imageAn ISO file is a disc image that must be mounted to a virtual drive for use. You musthave superuser (root) privileges to mount the Veritas InfoScale ISO image.

To mount the ISO image

1 Log in as superuser on a system where you want to install Veritas InfoScale.

2 Create a loopback device to which you can bind the ISO image file:

# mkdev -c loopback -s node -t loopback

loop0 Available

3 Bind the ISO image to the loopback device and mount the device:

# loopmount -i <ISO_image_path> -l loop0 \

-o "-V cdrfs -o ro" -m /mnt

Where <ISO_image_path> is the complete path to the ISO image

Assessing your systemsBefore you install, you can assess your systems for installation readiness usingone of the following methods:

See “Automatically assessing your systems” on page 12.Automatically assessingyour systems

See “Manually assessing your systems” on page 13.Manually assessing yoursystems

Automatically assessing your systemsYou can use the data collection tool available on the Veritas Services and OperationsReadiness Tools (SORT) website to create a custom report that assesses yoursystems for installation readiness, and provides all the information you need toinstall your Veritas InfoScale product.

Note: If you automatically assess your systems, you can skip the instructions forcreating a preinstallation checklist and checking the hardware compatibility list. Theautomatic assessment already generates that information.

12Installation and configuration of Veritas InfoScale productsMounting the ISO image

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To automatically assess your systems

1 Go to the My SORT page on the SORT website at:

2 Find the Custom Reports using Data Collectors widget.

3 Click the Data Collector tab.

4 Click the appropriate link in the Platform column to download the data collectiontool for your environment.

5 Follow the instructions in the readme file to install the data collection tool.

6 In your environment, run the data collection tool on each of the systems onwhich you plan to install the product. The data collection tool analyzes yoursystems and stores the results in an XML file.

7 On the widget's Upload Report tab, upload the XML file to generate a report.

If you plan to do a lot of Veritas Infoscale product installations, consider bookmarkingthe My SORT page on the SORT website at:

Manually assessing your systemsTable 2-1 lists the tasks you need to perform to manually assess your systems.

Table 2-1 Tasks for manually assessing your systems

The preinstallation checklist helps you make sure that yourconfiguration meets the operating system requirements andthat you are installing the correct product patch level.

1 Go to the Assessments > Install and Upgrade tab onthe Veritas Services and Operations Readiness Tools(SORT) website at:

2 From the drop-down lists, select the information for theVeritas InfoScale product you want to install.

You see a checklist with system requirements, patchinformation, operating system parameters, and productinformation. You can print the checklist, save it as a PDF, andemail it.

Filling out the onlinepreinstallation checklist

13Installation and configuration of Veritas InfoScale productsAssessing your systems

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Table 2-1 Tasks for manually assessing your systems (continued)

The hardware compatibility list contains up-to-date informationabout supported arrays, host bus adapters, switches, andother hardware products. Check the hardware compatibilitylist to make sure that the hardware in your configuration issupported. Before you install your Veritas InfoScale product,follow any instructions that are needed to prepare yourhardware.

The software compatibility list summarizes each VeritasInfoScale Solutions product and product features, operatingsystem versions, and third-party products it supports.

1 Go to the Documentation > Documents page on theVeritas Services and Operations Readiness Tools(SORT) website at:

2 From the Document categories list, click the check boxfor Compatibility lists.

3 Select the compatibility list for your product version andplatform.

The compatibility list shows as a PDF file in the bottom-leftcorner of your browser window. Open the PDF and check thehardware or the software information depending on thecompatibility list you have selected.

Checking the compatibilitylists

Installing your Veritas InfoScale product

Note: Before you install, run the installation program with the -precheck option tocheck the recommended swap space, optimal memory size, and supported operatingsystem versions.

# ./installer -precheck sys1 sys2

Keep the following information handy before you start the installation:

■ The system name with the fully-qualified domain name

■ The product license key if there are no plans to use keyless licensing

■ The cluster name and cluster ID (high availability products only)

■ The public NIC device name (high availability products only)

14Installation and configuration of Veritas InfoScale productsInstalling your Veritas InfoScale product

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■ The private heartbeat NIC device name (high availability products only)

To install your product

1 Mount the media or navigate to the installation directory.

2 From this directory, type the following command to start the installation on thelocal system. Use this command to install on remote systems if Secure Shellor Remote Shell communication modes are configured:

# ./installer

3 Follow the prompts of the installation program to install your product.

Configuring your Veritas InfoScale productEach Veritas InfoScale product has several configurable components. Theconfiguration steps differ according to the component you want to configure.

Table 2-2 provides an overview of the configurable components and thecorresponding documents that provide the configuration steps.

Table 2-2 Configurable components

Reference documentsConfigurablecomponents


Refer to the following document:

Storage Foundation Configuration andUpgrade Guide

SFVeritas Infoscale Foundation

Refer to the following documents:

■ Storage Foundation Configurationand Upgrade Guide

■ Storage Foundation Cluster FileSystem High AvailabilityConfiguration and Upgrade Guide



Veritas Infoscale Storage

Cluster Server Configuration andUpgrade Guide

VCSVeritas Infoscale Availability

15Installation and configuration of Veritas InfoScale productsConfiguring your Veritas InfoScale product

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Table 2-2 Configurable components (continued)

Reference documentsConfigurablecomponents


Refer to the following documents:

■ Storage Foundation Configurationand Upgrade Guide

■ Storage Foundation and HighAvailability Configuration andUpgrade Guide

■ Storage Foundation Cluster FileSystem High AvailabilityConfiguration and Upgrade Guide

■ Storage Foundation for Oracle RACConfiguration and Upgrade Guide

■ Cluster Server Configuration andUpgrade Guide




SF OracleRAC


Veritas Infoscale Enterprise

For additional configuration options, consult the feature-specific user documentation.

■ Veritas InfoScale 7.3 Virtualization Guide

■ Veritas InfoScale 7.3 Solutions Guide

■ Veritas InfoScale 7.3 Replication Administrator's Guide

■ Veritas InfoScale 7.3 Disaster Recovery Implementation Guide

■ Veritas InfoScale SmartIO for Solid-State Drives Solutions Guide

See “Veritas InfoScale documentation” on page 22.

16Installation and configuration of Veritas InfoScale productsConfiguring your Veritas InfoScale product

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Patching and updatingThis chapter includes the following topics:

■ Checking installed product versions and downloading maintenance releasesand patches

■ Obtaining installer patches

Checking installed product versions anddownloading maintenance releases and patches

Use the installer command with the -version option to:

■ Determine the product filesets that are installed on your system.

■ Download required maintenance releases or patches .

The version option or the showversion script in the /opt/VRTS/install directorychecks the specified systems and discovers the following:

■ Veritas InfoScale product versions that are installed on the system

■ All the required filesets and the optional filesets installed on the system

■ Any required or optional filesets (if applicable) that are not present

■ Installed patches

■ Available base releases (major or minor)

■ Available maintenance releases

■ Available patch releases


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To check your systems and download maintenance releases and patches

1 Mount the media, or navigate to the installation directory.

2 Start the installer with the -version option.

# ./installer -version sys1 sys2

For each system, the installer lists all of the installed base releases,maintenance releases, and patches, followed by the lists of available downloads.

3 If you have Internet access, follow the prompts to download the availablemaintenance releases and patches to the local system.

4 If you do not have Internet access, you can download any neededmaintenancereleases and patches from the Veritas Services and Operations ReadinessTools (SORT) website in the Patch Finder page at:

You can obtain installer patches automatically or manually.

See “Obtaining installer patches” on page 18.

Downloading maintenance releases and patches requires the installer to makeoutbound networking calls. You can also disable external network connectionattempts.

See “Disabling external network connection attempts” on page 19.

Obtaining installer patchesYou can access public installer patches automatically or manually on the VeritasServices and Operations Readiness Tools (SORT) website's Patch Finder pageat:

To download installer patches automatically

◆ If you are running Veritas InfoScale version 7.0 or later, and your system hasInternet access, the installer automatically imports any needed installer patch,and begins using it.

Automatically downloading installer patches requires the installer to make outboundnetworking calls. You can also disable external network connection attempts.

See “Disabling external network connection attempts” on page 19.

If your system does not have Internet access, you can download installer patchesmanually.

18Patching and updatingObtaining installer patches

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To download installer patches manually

1 Go to the Veritas Services and Operations Readiness Tools (SORT) website'sPatch Finder page, and save the most current patch on your local system.

2 Navigate to the directory where you want to unzip the file you downloaded instep 1.

3 Unzip the patch tar file. For example, run the following command:

# gunzip cpi-7.3P2-patches.tar.gz

4 Untar the file. For example, enter the following:

# tar -xvf cpi-7.3P2-patches.tar




5 Navigate to the installation media or to the installation directory.

6 To start using the patch, run the installer command with the -require option.For example, enter the following:

# ./installer -require /target_directory/patches/

Disabling external network connection attemptsWhen you execute the installer command, the installer attempts to make anoutbound networking call to get information about release updates and installerpatches. If you know your systems are behind a firewall, or do not want the installerto make outbound networking calls, you can disable external network connectionattempts by the installer.

To disable external network connection attempts

◆ Disable inter-process communication (IPC).

To disable IPC, run the installer with the -noipc option.

For example, to disable IPC for system1 (sys1) and system2 (sys2) enter thefollowing:

# ./installer -noipc sys1 sys2

19Patching and updatingObtaining installer patches

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How the discs areorganized

This appendix includes the following topics:

■ Contents of the media kit

■ Directory structure

Contents of the media kitVeritas InfoScale Solutions includes several products.

Read this guide and the release notes before you begin an installation procedure.

Veritas InfoScale is a licensed product. Refer to the End User License Agreement(EULA) in the product directories for the terms and the conditions that govern theuse of the product.

Directory structureTable A-1 lists the directory and contents of the Veritas InfoScale product suite.

Table A-1 Veritas InfoScale product directories

ContentsDirectory name or file name

Veritas software license agreementEULA

The Copyright (©) filecopyright

Product installation scriptinstaller

Perl language binaries and library functionsperl


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Table A-1 Veritas InfoScale product directories (continued)

ContentsDirectory name or file name

Veritas InfoScale product packagespkgs

Veritas InfoScale scriptsscripts

Volume Replicator Advisor Windows clientwindows

21How the discs are organizedDirectory structure

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Where to find moreinformation

This appendix includes the following topics:

■ Veritas InfoScale documentation

■ Documentation set

■ Service and support

■ About Veritas Services and Operations Readiness Tools (SORT)

Veritas InfoScale documentationThe latest documentation is available on the Veritas Services and OperationsReadiness Tools (SORT) website in the Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF).

See the release notes for information on documentation changes in this release.

Make sure that you are using the current version of documentation. The documentversion appears on page 2 of each guide. The publication date appears on the titlepage of each document. The documents are updated periodically for errors orcorrections.

You need to specify the product and the platform and apply other filters for findingthe appropriate document.

Documentation setThe Veritas InfoScale documentation includes a common installation guide andrelease notes that apply to all products. Each component in the Veritas InfoScale


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product includes a configuration guide and additional documents such asadministration and agent guides.

Veritas InfoScale product documentationTable B-1 lists the documentation for Veritas InfoScale products.

Table B-1 Veritas InfoScale product documentation

DescriptionFile nameDocument title

Provides information on how to install theVeritas InfoScale products.

infoscale_install_73_aix.pdfVeritas InfoScale Installation Guide

Provides release information such assystem requirements, changes, fixedincidents, known issues, and limitations ofVeritas InfoScale.

infoscale_notes_73_aix.pdfVeritas InfoScale Release Notes

Provides information about the new featuresand enhancements in the release.

infoscale_whatsnew_73_unix.pdfVeritas InfoScale—What's new inthis release

Provides a high-level overview of installingVeritas InfoScale products using thescript-based installer. The guide is usefulfor new users and returning users that wanta quick refresher.

infoscale_getting_started_73_aix.pdfVeritas InfoScale Getting StartedGuide

Provides information about how VeritasInfoScale components and features can beused individually and in concert to improveperformance, resilience and ease ofmanagement for storage and applications.

infoscale_solutions_73_aix.pdfVeritas InfoScale Solutions Guide

Provides information about VeritasInfoScale support for virtualizationtechnologies. Review this entire documentbefore you install virtualization software onsystems running Veritas InfoScale products.

infoscale_virtualization_73_aix.pdfVeritas InfoScale VirtualizationGuide

Provides information on using andadministering SmartIO with VeritasInfoScale. Also includes troubleshootingand command reference sheet for SmartIO.

infoscale_smartio_solutions_73_aix.pdfVeritas InfoScale SmartIO for SolidState Drives Solutions Guide

Provides information on configuring campusclusters, global clusters, and replicated dataclusters (RDC) for disaster recovery failoverusing Veritas InfoScale products.

infoscale_dr_impl_73_aix.pdfVeritas InfoScale Disaster RecoveryImplementation Guide

23Where to find more informationDocumentation set

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Table B-1 Veritas InfoScale product documentation (continued)

DescriptionFile nameDocument title

Provides information on using VolumeReplicator (VVR) for setting up an effectivedisaster recovery plan by maintaining aconsistent copy of application data at oneor more remote locations.

infoscale_replication_admin_73_aix.pdfVeritas InfoScale ReplicationAdministrator's Guide

Provides information on common issuesthat might be encountered when usingVeritas InfoScale and possible solutions forthose issues.

infoscale_tshoot_73_aix.pdfVeritas InfoScale TroubleshootingGuide

Provides information required foradministering DMP.

dmp_admin_73_aix.pdfDynamic Multi-PathingAdministrator's Guide

Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC documentationTable B-2 lists the documentation for Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC.

Table B-2 Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC documentation

DescriptionFile nameDocument title

Provides information required toconfigure and upgrade the component.

sfrac_config_upgrade_73_aix.pdfStorage Foundation for Oracle RACConfiguration and Upgrade Guide

Provides information required foradministering and troubleshooting thecomponent.

sfrac_admin_73_aix.pdfStorage Foundation for Oracle RACAdministrator's Guide

Storage Foundation Cluster File System High AvailabilitydocumentationTable B-3 lists the documentation for Storage Foundation Cluster File System HighAvailability.

Table B-3 Storage Foundation Cluster File System High Availabilitydocumentation

DescriptionFile nameDocument title

Provides information required toconfigure and upgrade the component.

sfcfsha_config_upgrade_73_aix.pdfStorage Foundation Cluster FileSystem High Availability Configurationand Upgrade Guide

24Where to find more informationDocumentation set

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Table B-3 Storage Foundation Cluster File System High Availabilitydocumentation (continued)

DescriptionFile nameDocument title

Provides information required foradministering the component.

sfcfsha_admin_73_aix.pdfStorage Foundation Cluster FileSystem High AvailabilityAdministrator's Guide

Storage Foundation and High AvailabilityTable B-4 lists the documentation for Storage Foundation and High Availability.

Table B-4 Storage Foundation and High Availability documentation

DescriptionFile nameDocument title

Provides information required toConfigure and upgrade thecomponent.

sfha_config_upgrade_73_aix.pdfStorage Foundation and HighAvailability Configuration and UpgradeGuide

Cluster Server documentationTable B-5 lists the documents for Cluster Server.

Table B-5 Cluster Server documentation

DescriptionFile nameTitle

Provides information required to configureand upgrade the component.

vcs_config_upgrade_73_aix.pdfCluster Server Configuration andUpgrade Guide

Provides information required foradministering the component.

vcs_admin_73_aix.pdfCluster Server Administrator’s Guide

Provides information about bundledagents, their resources and attributes, andmore related information.

vcs_bundled_agents_73_aix.pdfCluster Server Bundled AgentsReference Guide

Provides information about the variousVeritas InfoScale agents and proceduresfor developing custom agents.

vcs_agent_dev_73_unix.pdfCluster Server Agent Developer’sGuide

Provides notes for installing andconfiguring the DB2 agent.

vcs_db2_agent_73_aix.pdfCluster Server Agent for DB2Installation and Configuration Guide

Provides notes for installing andconfiguring the Oracle agent.

vcs_oracle_agent_73_aix.pdfCluster Server Agent for OracleInstallation and Configuration Guide

25Where to find more informationDocumentation set

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Table B-5 Cluster Server documentation (continued)

DescriptionFile nameTitle

Provides notes for installing andconfiguring the Sybase agent.

vcs_sybase_agent_73_aix.pdfCluster Server Agent for SybaseInstallation and Configuration Guide

Storage Foundation documentationTable B-6 lists the documentation for Storage Foundation.

Table B-6 Storage Foundation documentation

DescriptionFile nameDocument title

Provides information required to configureand upgrade the component.

sf_config_upgrade_73_aix.pdfStorage Foundation Configurationand Upgrade Guide

Provides information required foradministering the component.

sf_admin_73_aix.pdfStorage Foundation Administrator'sGuide

Provides information about the deploymentand key use cases of the SFDB tools withVeritas InfoScale products in DB2 databaseenvironments. It is a supplemental guide tobe used in conjunction with other VeritasInfoScale guides.

infoscale_db2_admin_73_unix.pdfVeritas InfoScale Storage andAvailability Management for DB2Databases

Provides information about the deploymentand key use cases of the SFDB tools withVeritas InfoScale products in Oracledatabase environments. It is a supplementalguide to be used in conjunction with otherVeritas InfoScale guides.

infoscale_oracle_admin_73_unix.pdfVeritas InfoScale Storage andAvailability Management for OracleDatabases

Provides developers with the informationnecessary to use the applicationprogramming interfaces (APIs) to modify andtune various features and components of theVeritas File System.

vxfs_ref_73_aix.pdfVeritas File System Programmer'sReference Guide

Veritas InfoScale Operations Manager is a management tool that you can use tomanage Veritas InfoScale products. If you use Veritas InfoScale OperationsManager, refer to the Veritas InfoScale Operations Manager product documentationat:

26Where to find more informationDocumentation set

Page 27: Veritas InfoScale 7.3 Getting Started Guide - AIX

Service and supportTo access the self-service knowledge base, go to the following URL:

About Veritas Services andOperations ReadinessTools (SORT)

Veritas Services and Operations Readiness Tools (SORT) is a Web site thatautomates and simplifies some of the most time-consuming administrative tasks.SORT helps you manage your datacenter more efficiently and get the most out ofyour Veritas products.

SORT can help you do the following:

■ List product installation and upgrade requirements, includingoperating system versions, memory, disk space, andarchitecture.

■ Analyze systems to determine if they are ready to install orupgrade Veritas products.

■ Download the latest patches, documentation, and highavailability agents from a central repository.

■ Access up-to-date compatibility lists for hardware, software,databases, and operating systems.

Prepare for your nextinstallation or upgrade

■ Get automatic email notifications about changes to patches,array-specific modules (ASLs/APMs/DDIs/DDLs), and highavailability agents from a central repository.

■ Identify and mitigate system and environmental risks.■ Display descriptions and solutions for hundreds of Veritas error


Manage risks

■ Find and download patches based on product version andplatform.

■ List installed Veritas products and license keys.■ Tune and optimize your environment.

Improve efficiency

Note: Certain features of SORT are not available for all products. Access to SORTis available at no extra cost.

To access SORT, go to:

27Where to find more informationService and support

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