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The following individuals have been nominated to serve on the Vestry of Emmanuel Parish. 


Karen Best Nominated by Jess Stanford 

 Church Involvement: A member of Emmanuel since 2012. Normally attend 10:30 Sunday service.   Required Assents: to an existing Emmanuel Vestry resolution supporting the tithe (10%) as the biblical standard for Christian giving to the Church (yes);  to Canon 31, Section 1 of the Canons of the Diocese of Northwest Texas, and Article V, Section 1 of the Emmanuel Parish By-Laws, that call for one to subscribe to the same declaration of conformity required of those who are ordained, "I do believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be the Word of God, and to contain all things necessary to salvation; and I do solemnly engage to conform to the doctrine, discipline and worship of The Episcopal Church." (yes) 


Living into the Parish Mission Statement Worship: I was raised in a family torn between two churches: Church of Christ and Southern Baptist. When I married John (an Episcopalian-in-utero), I wondered if I could ever understand the liturgy, find my place, learn the words, know when to kneel/stand/not kick the step. (I still make the sign of the cross in reverse from time to time). But I was welcomed and supported by those who cared more for my presence than my perfect execution. Over the years, I discovered the beauty of the cadence, the peaceful rhythm in the meter of the words. I found my own space to meditate on the message, or even to have the opportunity to lay my burden at the altar. More than once I have found that burden lightened by the love, prayer, and healing ministry of friends.    Over time I have found that worship gives me the chance to be still and silent (an opportunity lacking in my typical day). It provides a balance, a silent space wherein I am humbled and grateful. In times of great stress I will wait to come to the altar until there is no one there. It is not a figure of speech to say that there are days, sometimes weeks, when I will go into the sanctuary to be alone with God. Though He is everywhere, there is something very special to me about the space on the steps. Over the years I've prayed there when losing a child case in the courthouse across the street, pointed my 

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angry protestations to the altar, cried tears of joy and pain, prayed for healing, and been grateful for miracles so very close to home. I've read poetry to my children there, and studied the saints with books scattered on the floor. It is truly a sanctuary for me, and as I shut the knob on that walnut door upon exiting, I know I am not alone.  The only thing lacking in those more private moments is the communion. Receiving communion from the hands of friends is an important moment for me. Taking it while kneeling next to my husband and children is even better. I do have to admit that sometimes, after taking communion on a Sunday and walking back to my seat, I think of my precious great-grandmother, Ma Nairn. I was supposed to have been named "Brandy Sue," but she changed my name in the hallway of the hospital to "Karen Sue" because she said no great-granddaughter of hers was going to be named after a hard liquor. I have a sneaking suspicion that she's thumping me on the back of the head from her special place in Heaven as I partake of the communion wine (she was a grape juice lady).    All that I mentioned above reminds me of the One who is in control in all things, and that our duty is not to win, but to seek justice, be kind, try to see perspectives, and remember that we are all in this together. At the end of the day we are a family both within the church and outside of it.  Serve: I have been blessed with the opportunity to serve in our community through our court system representing abused and neglected individuals, both children and adults. Those who know what I do know what it is to serve in this regard, and also know that it literally takes a village, not one person or the state, to bring hope and healing in the situations. I am privileged to work in the company of some of the finest people I have ever met to do our best to make a bad situation bearable, and sometimes even better.   I also serve on the Habitat for Humanity Board. They are incredible people, as are those they serve. If you are ever looking for an excuse to swing a hammer, I can set you up!  This last Fall, after the shootings at Sutherland Springs Baptist Church, I asked if people from this congregation and others from across several counties would be interested in helping to raise monies to assist devastated families with the process of starting to heal. The shootings were on Sunday, and by Thursday we had a fundraiser which raised over $2,500.00. People came from many places, bringing their children, their donations, and their Christian love for one another. Word of mouth resulted in another 21 donations directly through Facebook through the church's fundraising page.    For several years we were blessed with our Lego League (Go Legocabras!) which brought children into Emmanuel weekly for learning, play, and prayer. Kids in that program came from all walks of life, some from public, private, and home schools. Some from broken homes where "Lego night" became the safe place for a child's parents to be decent during a custody exchange. For a few, Lego night was the only 'team' they belonged to. Those are some very special kids, who still look at Emmanuel as a welcoming place. I think there are many opportunities like this one, outreach that speaks to kids and helps them to know the Word of the Lord, and to allow them to grow in positive ways within the church as well as outside of its doors. I actively volunteer as 'Boy Scout Mom' for William's troop (Go Troop 374!), and am graced by the fact that these kids are growing up reverent of God in word, act, and deed.   Something worth mentioning came to mind. Opening Emmanuel's kitchen to a last minute hot dog fundraiser for Sutherland Springs raised money, which was wonderful. But that night, as I ran around the wall from the kitchen to the dining room, I saw a friend who came from Mertzon. He had shaved his beard. I know his job in law enforcement takes him away from home, and surprised to see 

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him there, I gave him a hug. I learned a few minutes later that he had just arrived back in San Angelo from Sutherland Springs where he had spent days working the forensics of that impossibly horrible crime scene. He had not even been home, yet he found his way to Emmanuel where he held his kids, put toppings on hot dogs, and dropped money in the basket. I could barely breathe. It still gets to me. God uses us, our seemingly small ideas, our spaces, for His reasons, and to extend His mercies.    Learn: My work does not allow me a lot of time to participate in organized study. When I attend Wednesday night suppers I like to clean the tables. It's actually like a quiet therapy mid-week. I read the Word, and wish I could say that I could make it all the way through the scriptural analyses of C.S. Lewis, but I haven't graduated beyond 'The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe' because, well, they're simply amazing, and I have kids. I learn from my friends and clients, who show me what it is to endure, survive, and overcome.    God is constantly putting in my path amazing people who, if I am really paying attention, have something to share with me. Every one of them leaves an impression, a mark, something that reminds me to be my better self, and of what is truly important. It reminds me to look for God in all things. And that it's not all about me.  Love: I think I merged this into a previous question, and accidentally already answered it. God is love. We are charged to be conduits of that love. I'm surprised at how often the worst disputes are resolved when people remember that they love one another. I'm shocked when I see it and don't expect it. I'm disheartened when I expect it but don't see it.    Candidate Statement: This year will mark twenty years of marriage for me and John. We were married at Emmanuel while still living in Austin. My children know Emmanuel as their home. William and Hayden acolyte, and John serves as an usher. My children have been taught here. During the most trying time of my life, friends in this congregation have stood sentry over my family in prayer and deed.    Some of you may not know that William was very ill for a time not long ago. In the scariest of times, he was carried through his education at the loving direction of Beth Rowe. When he could no longer read, she read to and for him. As writing became difficult, she found other ways to assist him. Trips to doctors, visits with therapists... she was there for him, as was Rebecca Duncan, and Javi, and so many others. Ski will never know what it meant to William to be able to carry the torch during that time. And always there was the constancy and healing calm and expertise of Karl Wehner, without whom things would be very different now.  There is so much to love at Emmanuel. I see in Jess and Glenda Stanford the kind of love and selfless dedication I wish to emulate in my life for my family and friends. I remember Javi's hand upon on Hayden's head through the car door, in tearful prayer, as we departed for the last time before going to the airport to send him to school in Massachusetts. Knowing I have Joe Satterfield to blame for all of the rocks in my house. Jetty's smile when doing dishes on Wednesday nights, Barbara's stories of Scotland. Irvin's patience when I FaceTime him at 9:00 p.m. John Caldwell's laugh. Fr. Christian's laugh. The friends I can call upon any time I need to, who are always there, and who will stop the world to help.  This parish has a beautiful history which should be told, preserved, and sustained. It also has a hand in the hope of the future, as a parish should. This church has influenced more children in our community than it will ever have reason to know. I see it in the kids who come to Grace and Grub, 

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the children of the parish, and especially in my own children. We have so much to give, an open heart for it, and a need to develop that part of ministry.    We need more children here.    The words I have written are an honest response to a calling to serve in any way that would please the Lord and the wonderful people of this parish. If on Vestry, or off Vestry, or wiping down tables on Wednesday night, or just being with someone in need, it is my privilege to serve in whatever capacity I can.    This church is a family. It is a vital part of my family. As the years go on, I have come tor realize just how much so. I never thought I'd need a church. The Lord has shown me that I am mistaken in that thought. I don't just need it, I haven't gotten by without it. And for that I am eternally grateful. I love this parish, and to the extent that any of my gifts, whatever they may be, can be of service to it, I humbly offer them.    In His name, Karen 



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Heidi Brooks Nominated by Jess Stanford 

 Church Involvement: A member of Emmanuel for more than thirty years, after growing up in the Catholic Church.  Required Assents: to an existing Emmanuel Vestry resolution supporting the tithe (10%) as the biblical standard for Christian giving to the Church (yes);  to Canon 31, Section 1 of the Canons of the Diocese of Northwest Texas, and Article V, Section 1 of the Emmanuel Parish By-Laws, that call for one to subscribe to the same declaration of conformity required of those who are ordained, "I do believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be the Word of God, and to contain all things necessary to salvation; and I do solemnly engage to conform to the doctrine, discipline and worship of The Episcopal Church." (yes)  

Living into the Parish Mission Statement Worship: Attend Sunday services regularly, serve as a chalice bearer, serve on a cooking team, previously served on vestry and twice on the search committee. Worship helps in sensing the Holy Spirit in my daily activities. Serve: Serving meals for the elderly, visiting retired homes guest. This helps me to feel a closer bond to the Holy Spirit. Learn: Faith Matters class, reading daily scriptures. Since Jesus was referred to as the great teacher, I carry that over into my daily life and learning. Love: My love for the congregation and parish is my reason for running for the vestry. My love is shared daily in my work, family, and those who are unfamiliar to me (strangers) - by being a Good Samaritan.  

Candidate Statement: Having the Holy Spirit direct me to help lead the church to grow and bond.  


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Elizabeth Grindstaff Nominated by Jess Stanford 

 Church Involvement: Member of Emmanuel for approximately ten years. A cradle Episcopalian. Normally attends the 10:30 Sunday service. Required Assents: to an existing Emmanuel Vestry resolution supporting the tithe (10%) as the biblical standard for Christian giving to the Church (yes);  to Canon 31, Section 1 of the Canons of the Diocese of Northwest Texas, and Article V, Section 1 of the Emmanuel Parish By-Laws, that call for one to subscribe to the same declaration of conformity required of those who are ordained, "I do believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be the Word of God, and to contain all things necessary to salvation; and I do solemnly engage to conform to the doctrine, discipline and worship of The Episcopal Church." (yes)  

Living into the Parish Mission Statement Worship: As a cradle Episcopalian, I believe that corporate worship is essential to a healthy spiritual life. The liturgy, the sacrament, and the meditation are all very important in my worship. I find worship to be necessary to "recharge" my spiritual batteries. The worship style of the Episcopal Church, its liturgy and traditions, are very comforting to me. I participate in Sunday services, and an occasional Wednesday evening service, but I also enjoy reading my Prayer Book on days in between.  Serve: During my time at Emmanuel, I have lead a Cook Team, served on Vestry, including the position of Junior Warden, substitute taught Sunday School to the youth, cooked for EYC, and organized a Lenten worship series. As for service outside of Emmanuel, there are several non-profits which I support. I firmly believe that through our giving and service to others, that we are living by example. Learn: For approximately 8 years, I never missed a class of "Faith Matters," However, when my teenagers quit participation in their own Sunday School classes, it made it logistically impossible for me to attend my own class. I chose to give up the classes to ensure that my kids continued to attend Sunday worship. Although I can read and meditate on my own, I very much look forward to re-engaging in classes at the church, and the group discussions within them. I find that setting very nurturing on a personal level. Learning and striving to know is very important in order to know God's word more fully. I find that reading my Prayer Book, or meditating, helps me recognize God's presence in my life, which then allows me to share that presence with others. Love: I am always willing to help someone in need, whether it be the gift of food or a compassionate hug. At Emmanuel, I don't think I have ever not helped, when called to do so. Locally, I participate in several non-profit activities and provide financial support to them. I donate clothes, take meals to shut-ins, and have helped those incarcerated. We are bathed in God's love. Therefore it is important that we share that grace with others. Our daily lives can be very stressful, so participate in loving, selfless acts reminds us why we are on this earth. I do my best to show love and kindness to everyone I meet, and help them as needed, regardless of circumstance. Candidate Statement: I have served on the Vestry before, and found it very rewarding, but also very demanding. My life is simpler now, and the call to serve has returned. I personally think we need to do more to help young families with children feel as welcomed as we do to others. Emmanuel has been my family's spiritual home for many years, and I want to see it grow and flourish. To that end, I am willing to give my time, my skills, and whatever other resources I have to support an inclusive and loving church home.


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Kenny Hollingsworth Nominated by Anthony Wilson 


Church Involvement: Member of Emmanuel for eighteen years. Normally attends the 10:30 Sunday service.   

Required Assents: to an existing Emmanuel Vestry resolution supporting the tithe (10%) as the biblical standard for Christian giving to the Church (yes);  to Canon 31, Section 1 of the Canons of the Diocese of Northwest Texas, and Article V, Section 1 of the Emmanuel Parish By-Laws, that call for one to subscribe to the same declaration of conformity required of those who are ordained, "I do believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be the Word of God, and to contain all things necessary to salvation; and I do solemnly engage to conform to the doctrine, discipline and worship of The Episcopal Church." (yes)  Living into the Parish Mission Statement Worship: Through the years I have been an active participating church member. I have been an usher, spoken on occasions, and attended both services. Being active in church has always helped me feel God, acknowledge God, and walk with God in my daily life. When I know God is with me in my daily life is when I truly experience the peace of the love of God. Serve: Over the years I have helped serve the church by helping with EYC, taking kids to Camp Quarterman in Amarillo, attended Sunday School classes, have started lunch and breakfast Men’s Meet and Eat groups, served on the Vestry, been a Diocesan Convention Delegate, served on a Search Committee, served on the Diocesan Board for Camp Quarterman, have been a mentor in the confirmation program for the youth of Emmanuel, served Courtyard Coffee on numerous occasions, have cooked for events, involved with the Agape Groups, participated in EFM, attended Cursillo, and served on a music team. Participating helps me take God into my daily life. As people ask what did you do this weekend I can witness to them about my experiences in Sunday School. At times a youth will say something that lets me see and feel the glory of God, so many times what happens at church follows me into the next week and in casual discussion lets met witness about God.  Learn: Christian education ministries help me continuously grow my knowledge of God. By sharing my knowledge with others it seems the exchange always brings more understanding and awareness of God. Many times I see the subtlety of God become clearer when sharing with others. No matter how much I know someone else can share experiences to enrich my knowledge. When I participate in finding God I am confident in my walk of life and begin to walk with Him. When I walk with God some of the most mundane actions can become glorious because I know I did them with Him. Some things I accomplish I catch His helping presence and just know things are alright. God’s presence in my daily life lets me know of His glory. Love: Some participation in the ministries of the church that I did not share earlier are giving a ride to those in need of transportation to church functions, helping set up at special functions, and helping to pick up and place all back in order when done. My participation helps me walk with the Lord in my daily life, to feel His presence and know He is there walking with me.  Candidate Statement: I have been laboring in getting more active in my church community. I keep trying to find a spark to get me running on all cylinders. Lately I have been thinking it would be fun to serve on the vestry, never entertaining the thought it would happen. Yes, the opportunity was 

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presented. I pondered if indeed it would be the right decision. As I talked to Lori about it that night I dreamed my granddaughter ran up to me and wanted to proceed with me. She had on her shirt we got her which says “2018, Let’s Do This.” So, “2018, Let’s Do This.” My vision is to listen to God and to serve on His wishes. If I am correct and I am being called it is to serve and help the Lord with his church. I am to listen and do His will.  


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Susan Kinney Nominated by Jess Stanford 

 Church Involvement: Born and raised at Emmanuel, a lifelong member, except when I have lived in other places. Normally attend the 10:30 Sunday service.  Required Assents: to an existing Emmanuel Vestry resolution supporting the tithe (10%) as the biblical standard for Christian giving to the Church (yes);  to Canon 31, Section 1 of the Canons of the Diocese of Northwest Texas, and Article V, Section 1 of the Emmanuel Parish By-Laws, that call for one to subscribe to the same declaration of conformity required of those who are ordained, "I do believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be the Word of God, and to contain all things necessary to salvation; and I do solemnly engage to conform to the doctrine, discipline and worship of The Episcopal Church." (yes)  Living into the Parish Mission Statement Worship: 10:30am service, LEM3, Lector, Taize. Worship connects me to a larger world, to each other, to our community. It's a time for scripture to seep into our hearts and for us to be deeply fed by communion. Serve: Helped facilitate Outreach Committee for several years, Vision & Direction, past Vestry, past Sr Warden. Currently, I hope I can bring ideas and dialogue to the Vision & Direction group.  Learn: Faith Matters for many years, Richard Rohr reading group drop-in. Two inspired sources for me lately have been: my training in Brooklyn, NY for the Dance for PD program and a recent podcast called the "Role of Doubt" with the poet Christian Wiman. Learning can be glorious and thrilling, and it comes from all directions.  Love: To self-report on our ability to love seems askew. I hope my actions will be increasingly motivated by love as I grow. I have to trust God with that.   Candidate Statement: I love Emmanuel and the people in it. I hope my service is motivated by love and God's calling. I need to be honest about growing increasingly worried about our path as a parish. So many wonderful people have come and gone, and I think that we may need to make changes to thrive again. In past years, our pews were filled with a wide variety of people, many whose work had tentacles deep in the community. This revised application form may contain clues to our orientation to the rapidly changing interconnected world. Item #16 prompted me to call the Diocese of Northwest Texas for clarification, because the title "declaration of conformity" seemed....well...anti-Episcopalian! However, after some discussion, I understood it more and can agree to it. I do find it curious as a new addition to the Emmanuel Vestry application at a time when there are serious divisions. Rather than screen the dissenting voices out, I hope we will accept the tension and struggle as a gift, and perhaps move forward together. If I serve on Vestry, I hope to participate, listen, and be a part of the process. In the past weeks, I’ve prayed about this decision and Emmanuel. The time I have to offer is limited, but I am able to make most of the listed meetings, retreat, my regular worship, and participate on the Vision & Direction committee. If this time limitation disqualifies me as a candidate, I understand.  

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 Wayne Neighbors 

Nominated by Anthony Wilson 


Church Involvement: Member of Emmanuel for eleven years. Usually attend the 10:30 Sunday Eucharist. Usher, past vestry member, including service as junior warden.  Required Assents: to an existing Emmanuel Vestry resolution supporting the tithe (10%) as the biblical standard for Christian giving to the Church (yes);  to Canon 31, Section 1 of the Canons of the Diocese of Northwest Texas, and Article V, Section 1 of the Emmanuel Parish By-Laws, that call for one to subscribe to the same declaration of conformity required of those who are ordained, "I do believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be the Word of God, and to contain all things necessary to salvation; and I do solemnly engage to conform to the doctrine, discipline and worship of The Episcopal Church." (yes)  Living into the Parish Mission Statement Worship: I help usher and I was a past Sunday School teacher. Worship makes me mindful that God wants to be involved in everything that I do and to not give God only Sundays. Serve: When I am able I help my wife and her cooking team. and I welcome new visitors to Church when I usher. It helps me by studying the word and trying to read the Bible everyday. Learn: I like to read and study the word of God. This increases my faith and knowledge of the Bible. This makes me aware of the Holy Spirit and what God wants to do for me and my family. Love: I like to visit with parishioners after service. It helps me by knowing what people are going through and how to help and pray for them.   Candidate Statement: I feel called to serve on the Vestry as it is an important part of our Church. I was a past Vestry member and while I was on the Vestry, I served as Junior Warden. I think that we as parishioners should serve on the Vestry. I think that the Vestry is important in our church because of the guidance and leadership that we give and to offer support to all of our church staff. I think that it is a privilege and honor to be elected to the Vestry. My children have grown up in this Church and I think that being on Vestry is an important way to help out future children of our church family. I would like to see our youth and younger children ministries grow and to get more families with children attending our church. I am a lifelong resident of San Angelo and I like our community. 


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 Mary Jane Steadman 

Nominated by: John Caldwell, Jr. 


Church Involvement: Member of Emmanuel for eighteen years. Normally attends the 10:30 Sunday service.  Required Assents: to an existing Emmanuel Vestry resolution supporting the tithe (10%) as the biblical standard for Christian giving to the Church (yes);  to Canon 31, Section 1 of the Canons of the Diocese of Northwest Texas, and Article V, Section 1 of the Emmanuel Parish By-Laws, that call for one to subscribe to the same declaration of conformity required of those who are ordained, "I do believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be the Word of God, and to contain all things necessary to salvation; and I do solemnly engage to conform to the doctrine, discipline and worship of The Episcopal Church." (yes) 


Living into the Parish Mission Statement Worship: When I am not traveling out of town on business or to see our children, I attend the 10:30 service. For me, worship is what draws me nearer to God. To be filled with the Spirit through corporate worship and communion is what re-centers me each week and fuels me through the next. Serve: I recent years I have served on our Outreach Guild as well as having previously serving on Vestry and many other numerous church committees in the past. I have served on several different non-profit board and have volunteered in the community over the past 25 years. Presently I serve on the Board of Directors of Fairmount, the Friends of Fairmount and the Howard College San Angelo Foundation. I am also presently a Trustee with the San Angelo Health Foundation. He uses me to serve others, not only those at Emmanuel but in the community as well. To be able to lend a hand to your neighbors, in any area of need, is one of the most fulfilling and meaningful things we can do. God blesses us all in many different ways; we should honor God by sharing and blessing others with our time, talent and financial resources, as each is able. Learn: I participate in personal/group Bible Studies. I believe that we cannot grow in our knowledge and understanding of God if we are not actively seeking His Word and working to actively apply that knowledge in our daily lives. To emulate and give love, one must first seek and receive.   Love: In the past I have participated with the Wednesday night cook teams, and in recent years have moved toward working on the special event meals such as the Epiphany Feast and Mardi Gras Celebrations. Cooking, serving and sharing a meal with others is one of the most beneficial interactions we can have together as a parish and church family. It is imperative that we break bread together and feed each other spiritually. Like any family, we will lose touch with one another if we don't make it a priority to make time to share time and a meal together. By spending time together we strengthen our relationships within the Body. It is the strength within the Body that weaves us together as a tight knit family who are connected in Christ. Many of us have experienced first hand how we can be there for each other as church family in times need.   

Candidate Statement: Even though I have remained active with the church since our boys moved away, I have felt somewhat disconnected. I cannot discern exactly why that is. I have openly prayed for guidance and wisdom to determine why I feel the way I do. I have felt guided and called to become involved at the Vestry level to have a better understanding of who we are as a church family, how best to meet our needs 

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as a congregation, as well as how best to continue to grow our parish and God's Kingdom.  

Carl White Self-Nominated 

Church Involvement: A member of Emmanuel since 2004. Normally attend the 10:30 Sunday service. I deeply love God and the people of Emmanuel.  Required Assents: to an existing Emmanuel Vestry resolution supporting the tithe (10%) as the biblical standard for Christian giving to the Church (yes);  to Canon 31, Section 1 of the Canons of the Diocese of Northwest Texas, and Article V, Section 1 of the Emmanuel Parish By-Laws, that call for one to subscribe to the same declaration of conformity required of those who are ordained, "I do believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be the Word of God, and to contain all things necessary to salvation; and I do solemnly engage to conform to the doctrine, discipline and worship of The Episcopal Church." (yes)  Living into the Parish Mission Statement Worship: Historically, a regular attendee of the Faith Matters class, a wonderful class! A regular attendee of services, 10:30 a.m. It does help stay focused on serving God’s will. Serve: Historically, I was very active in several ministries, most notably on the vestry, serving six years, four as senior warden. Again, it helps to keep focused on serving God’s will. Learn: Faith Matters class, when it existed. I read different books on theology from time to time. Again, it helps to keep focused on serving God’s will. Love: Historically, I was very active in Emmanuel ministries. More recently have been in fellowship with folks around the world. Love possesses our hearts, eradicates evil.  Candidate Statement: Several in Emmanuel know me. Some do not. I was once very active in the church. Honestly, through prayer, I heard the call to step away and have been inactive for a while. Prayer recently have told me to return. I am answering that call. I love you all.  


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