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I’m continually amazed by Veteran Entrepreneurs. All these wounded, injured and sick (WIS) armed forces men and women

are doing some incredible stuff. I’m inspired every day – I’ve taken the time to list a few in this article. Enjoy these Veteran Entrepreneurs. And please take the time to support them…

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RICKY CLEMENTOn the 27th May 2010 whilst serving as an Infantry Platoon Sergeant in Afghanistan with the 1st Battalion the

Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment my life was thrown into turmoil. It was on a routine foot patrol that I stepped on a pressure plate I.E.D. (Improvised explosive device). Thanks to the excellent training and quick thinking of my lads I was given emergency first aid and evacuated back to camp Bastion before being flown back to the UK. It was a miracle I even survived or rather a credit to all the medics from on the ground, the ones on the Helicopter that

picked me up and those back at camp Bastion.Ricky’s Charity – A Soldiers Journey

Our mission is to provide national support, advice and assistance to all current serving members of the Armed forces, ex servicemen and women, those injured, their families and in particular those suffering from Post

Traumatic Stress Disorder. Our vow is that no matter the size of the problem we will provide help, advice and assistance in overcoming it.

If you wish to find out more check out Ricky’s website A Soldiers

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I founded LIOS Bikes because I want to provide a bespoke bike fitting service coupled with a personalised client relationship. I built my first bike with my Dad when I was eight years old and started racing in Devon when I was thirteen. On leaving school aged eighteen I joined the Royal Marines. Over a seventeen year career I served all over the world, including operational deployments to Northern Ireland, Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan. During the second half of my career I got into triathlons and also started competitive cycling again, representing both the Royal Navy & Royal Marines. Unfortunately both my military career and my cycling aspirations came to an end in the summer of 2011, as I was severely injured by an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) whilst on my

second tour of duty in Afghanistan; I spent nearly three weeks in a coma and two years in medical rehabilitation.Having had significant surgery on my chest, right arm and leg, I know that I will not be able to compete again, nonetheless, I remain passionate about

cycling and want to continue in the industry. Although there are companies that provide bike fittings, I want to offer a more personalised service for people that appreciate quality, but may not have the time or experience to purchase or build their own bike.

If you wish to find out more check out the LIOS

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THE UNTOLD WISHThe Untold Wish is a delightful little hand drawn world and an exciting new brand, which is fuelled by a wonderful gift – a unique and rather creative imagination, paired with plenty of treasured childhood memories… oh, and a mechanical

pencil, more than a few paint brushes and of course much paint (often mixed on an unused plate)To help such an utterly beautiful creation along the way, and for it to continue to grow and grow in the MOST ethical

way. We work together as a team of three to talk about the important stuff, over MUCH tea – sometimes, by the pot…and the odd biscuit too, of course!!

Now here’s a little story for you to read, about the very beginning of The Untold Wish…If you wish to find out more about the The Untold Wish check out their website.

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In the early hours of Christmas Eve 2007, Royal Marines Commando Mark Ormrod was out on a routine foot patrol in the Helmand Province of Afghanistan when he stepped on and triggered an Improvised Explosive Device. Thanks to the swift action of the men around him and the intervention of the Medical Emergency Response Team he was airlifted via helicopter to an emergency field hospital in a desperate attempt to try and save his life. An innovative and dangerous procedure carried out onboard a Chinook helicopter en route to the hospital did save his life. He woke up three days later in the UK in Selly Oak Hospital, Birmingham: Both legs amputated above the knee and his right arm amputated above the elbow. He was the UK’s first triple amputee to survive

the Afghanistan conflict.During his recovery the doctors told him that he’d never walk again and that he should prepare himself for the rest of his life in a wheelchair.

Now it would have been understandable for Mark to bitterly withdraw in a state of anger and depression and to resign himself to live life on the sidelines. It would have been easy for him to cash in his disability pension and whittle away the days, forever regretting the decision to join the Marines and to deploy to

Afghanistan, but he didn’t. To the contrary he used his set back as a springboard for growth and reinvention.If you wish to find out more check out Mark’s website.

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A triple amputee, right below knee, left above knee and full right arm, victim of an IED whilst on patrol in Afghanistan in 2009, he has gone on to use walking prostheses,

running prostheses, cycling prostheses and various arm prostheses, he has also managed to raise vast sums of money for various army charities including motor-trike riding from Lands-end to John O’groats, a tandem skydive and abseiled down ‘The Big One’ at Blackpool, plus he is now a motivational speaker and also author of “Standing

Tall” released February 2013If you wish to find out more check out Andy’s website.

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Jon grew up amongst the Royal Marines, his father – John – served for 25 years but whilst wandering around a careers fair aged 14, Jon firmly decided he wanted to be a Royal Marine. He was persuaded to attempt Direct Entry as a Commissioned Officer but at 17 he was initially unsuccessful. A few months later Jon resolved to re-apply and was successful and started Royal Marines

Young Officer Training in September 2002 aged 19. The Commando Training Centre Royal Marines, Lympstone is considered to be one of the finest leadership training establishments in the world. The training is tough: it engenders values and standards that set the graduates up for success through the rest of their lives both in the military and civilian worlds.

Jon graduated and completed several tours as a Troop (30 men) Commander and Company (100) Second-in-Command before specialising as a Mountain Leader. This 9 month course is considered to be the toughest that the British Military has to offer: it gives its graduates the skills, robustness and confidence to lead by example in the most demanding situations. On successful

completion of this course he did a short operational tour in Afghanistan as a Liaison Officer for the Harrier Force and high level ground commanders. His final military command was of 40 Commando’s Reconnaissance Troop. It was whilst on patrol in Afghanistan with his Troop that he stepped on a Pressure Plate Improvised Explosive Device and lost three limbs.

Since June 2010 he has been on the road to recovery, continually seeking new challenges and proving that a strong will and sharp mind can overcome almost anything. His completion of the Devizes to Westminster Kayak Race in April 2012 epitomised this. He and his colleague Colour Sergeant Lee Waters Royal Marines, completed the race in just over 28Hrs and were awarded the

Gluckstein Trophy for their endeavour.This is just the beginning….

If you wish to find out more check out Jon’s website.

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Shine Brighter Coaching is a unique coaching and training company that works with people to inspire them and allow them to choose to alter their behaviours and thoughts. This will lead to the positive changes to overcome lifes obstacles. Everyone has the choice to be who they want to be, and everyone is able to acheive their goals.

Sometimes we are led down a different path, and it becomes less easy to get to where we want to be. Anxiety, depression and PTSD are common obstacles some people face along the way. The Coaching and Training Packages designed utilise techniques that are quick working and have positive lasting effects. Techniques used include NEURO-LINGUISTIC

PROGRAMMING (NLP), TIME LINE THERAPY AND HYPNOSIS Anybody can achieve anything they want to, sometimes they just don’t know how to get there. Most people feel like this on their own, and don’t feel like anyone will understand them. Maybe you’ve tried talking to others, and they can’t understand why you feel and act the way you do? This is where

Shine Brighter will help you. You are able to change now, you have all the tools to do so. This coaching will show you how to get the best and effective use out of those tools.About Dawn..

Dawn has had a very successful and exciting career so far. She is a veteran of British Army, after over 10 years of her life, serving as a Combat Medical Technician (RAMC) and then into Army Nursing (QARANC). Dawn has travelled to so many parts of the world, and her passion and drivers have always been to help others and inspire them to be better at what

they do. From training the Infantry Battalions ‘Life Saving Combat Medical Training’ to presenting extensive research and subject knowledge to fellow Nurses, Doctors and Surgeons.

If you wish to find out more check out Dawn’s website.

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RORY MACKENZIEBorn in South Africa, Rory Mackenzie served in the British Army as a Combat Medical Technician for nine years. However in 2007 Rory

was a victim to a road-side bomb; the device killed a fellow soldier, and forced the amputation of Rory’s right leg. Despite initially falling into a cycle of decline, with weeks of operations and a loss of hope, Rory, with the support from his family, started to show signs

of recovery. After a further 7 months at Headley Court, including many hours in the prosthetics department, Rory made a complete physical recovery.

At first Rory felt defeated by what had happened, but when Help for Heroes invited him to try adaptive skiing in Germany, through a programme called Battle Back, Rory began to understand that all was not lost. The freedom and exhilaration of skiing allowed him to

forget his disability, and gave him the confidence to approach life with a genuinely positive outlook.I first met Rory at a service station on the way up to Catterick, he was on his new prosthetic leg. We didn’t know each other, even

though we both served in the Royal Army Medical Corp as Combat Medical Technician’s. I might have asked a few more questions if I had realised what was going to happen to me a few short months later… Rory is a very accomplished speaker, I have seen him first

hand deliver his inspiring presentations. He inspired me when I was initially injured, he can inspire you too.Rory is a motivational speaker who can offer you after dinner and conference keynote presentations. Each talk is tailored for you using

awe-inspiring imagery and footage from his expeditions.Why are my presentations of relevance to you?I have found that my talks are in high demand across all fields of business and at all levels, from medical reps right up to the Board of Directors of Diageo Plc. It’s a well known fact that business in this day and age

constantly needs to be able to adapt and change. The themes of resilience and overcoming adversity that naturally come out in my talks, help audiences and business learn these tools and effectively implement them in their companies.

I speak of my experiences in life to motivate my audiences to work smarter and harder and focus on working effectively as a team and the importance of rapid effective decision-making.

If you wish to find out more check out Rory’s

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Holistic DreamzI wanted to create a comprehensive meeting place where people can find the very best treatments and therapies

out there, from reiki to reflexology, personal trainers to Pilates groups, counsellors to crystal healers.We also want to invite YOU to get involved as much as you can in creating a supportive, reliable community of people who want to promote wellbeing and shout about the safest, most effective, highest quality treatments

and practitioners in your area!If you wish to find out more check out Holistic Dreamz website.

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UniKurve was designed by a British infantry soldier, who, whilst serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, often found gym time restricted. When able to use the gym he found it was often very busy and

quite a bit of the equipment was out of order from over use, general damage and the killer…Dust! Working with a kettle bell, medicine ball and a dumbbell or improvising with jerry can’s, a

rifle and a helmet with water bottles in it the UniKurve concept was born.I’m getting one of these bad boys… If you wish to find out more check out the UniKurve website.

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There is also a huge amount of interest being generated from Military Speakers which is a specialist agency for keynote, motivation and after dinner speakers for corporate, industry and public sector events. Also

Heropreneurs are creating social impact defines our mission which is to ensure that Service leavers, Armed Forces veterans and military spouses who are aspiring entrepreneurs reach their full potential, their capabilities are recognised and that society benefits from their contribution.

Lastly Soldier On! is a national independent education charity which teaches members of the British armed forces who have been made redundant on medical grounds to plan and manage their careers. We work with both service leavers and veterans who have been wounded on operations, sustained injuries whilst serving or have been discharged through any other forms of ill health.

I realise that there are loads of Veteran Entrepreneurs out there who I haven’t included, please contact me via Twitter or my

Facebook page and I’ll add you or if I have included you but want me to change anything please let me know. Equally if you don’t want to feature in this article for what ever reason please let me know.Lastly please take the time to like this article – it will help everyone featured. Thank


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