  • Slide 1
  • Victor P. Nelson Computer-Aided Design of ASICs Concept to Silicon
  • Slide 2
  • ASIC Design Flow Behavioral Model VHDL/Verilog Gate-Level Netlist Transistor-Level Netlist Physical Layout Map/Place/Route DFT/BIST & ATPG Verify Function Verify Function Verify Function & Timing Verify Timing DRC & LVS Verification IC Mask Data/FPGA Configuration File Standard Cell IC & FPGA/CPLD Synthesis Test vectors Full-custom IC Front-End Design Back-End Design
  • Slide 3
  • ASIC CAD tools available in ECE Modeling and Simulation Modelsim, ADVance MS/Questa, Eldo, Mach TA/ADiT (Mentor Graphics) Verilog-XL, NC_Verilog, Spectre (Cadence) Design Synthesis (digital) Leonardo Spectrum, Precision RTL (Mentor Graphics) Design Compiler (Synopsys), RTL Compiler (Cadence) Design for Test and Automatic Test Pattern Generation DFT Advisor, Fastscan, Flextest (Mentor Graphics) Schematic Capture & Design Integration Design Architect-IC (Mentor Graphics) Design Framework II (DFII) - Composer (Cadence) Physical Layout IC Station (Mentor Graphics) SOC Encounter, Virtuoso (Cadence) Design Verification Calibre (Mentor Graphics) Diva, Assura (Cadence)
  • Slide 4
  • Mentor Graphics Analog/Mixed-Signal IC Design Flow
  • Slide 5
  • Mentor Graphics CAD Tools (select from eda list in user-setup on the Sun network) ICFlow** For custom & standard cell IC designs IC flow tools (Design Architect-IC, IC Station, Calibre) Digital/analog/mixed simulation (Modelsim,ADVance MS,Eldo,MachTA) HDL Synthesis (Leonardo) ASIC Design Kit (ADK)** Support files for various technologies DFT ATPG/DFT/BIST tools (DFT Advisor, Flextest, Fastscan) Modelsim ** (HDL Simulation) FPGA (FPGA Advantage, Modelsim, Leonardo) *Xilinx/ISE (Xilinx FPGA/CPLD - back end design) *QuartusII (Altera FPGA/CPLD - back end design) *Ims/6.2 (IMS chip tester) ** Installed on both Solaris and Linux servers * Vendor-Provided (Not Mentor Graphics) Tools
  • Slide 6
  • Mentor Graphics ASIC Design Kit (ADK) Technology files & standard cell libraries AMI: ami12, ami05 (1.2, 0.5 m) TSMC: tsmc035, tsmc025, tsmc018 (0.35, 0.25, 0.18 m) IC flow & DFT tool support files: Simulation VHDL/Verilog/Mixed-Signal models (Modelsim SE/ADVance MS) Analog (SPICE) models (Eldo/Accusim) Post-layout timing (Mach TA) Digital schematic (Quicksim II, Quicksim Pro) (except tsmc025,tsmc018) Synthesis to standard cells (LeonardoSpectrum) Design for test & ATPG (DFT Advisor, Flextest/Fastscan) Schematic capture (Design Architect-IC) IC physical design (standard cell & custom) Floorplan, place & route (IC Station) Design rule check, layout vs schematic, parameter extraction (Calibre) We also have ADKs for Cadence tools for several technologies
  • Slide 7
  • Xilinx/Altera FPGA/CPLD Design Tools Simulate designs in Modelsim Behavioral models (VHDL,Verilog) Synthesized netlists (VHDL, Verilog) Requires primitives library for the target technology Synthesize netlist from behavioral model Leonardo (Levels 1,2,3) has libraries for most FPGAs (ASIC-only version currently installed) Xilinx ISE has its own synthesis tool Vendor tools for back-end design Map, place, route, configure device, timing analysis, generate timing models Xilinx Integrated Software Environment (ISE) Altera Quartus II & Max+Plus2 Higher level tools for system design & management Mentor Graphics FPGA Advantage Xilinx Platform Studio : SoC design, IP management, HW/SW codesign
  • Slide 8
  • Behavioral Design & Verification Create Behavioral/RTL HDL Model(s) Simulate to Verify Functionality Synthesize Circuit Synopsys - Design Compiler Leonardo Spectrum, Xilinx ISE (digital) Modelsim (digital) VHDL-AMS Verilog-A ADVance MS (analog/mixed signal) VHDL Verilog SystemC Technology Libraries Technology-Specific Netlist to Back-End Tools Simulate to Verify Function/Timing VITAL Library Design Constraints
  • Slide 9
  • ADVance MS Digital, Analog, Mixed-Signal Simulation ADVance MS Working Library Design_1 Design_2 VITAL IEEE 1164 Resource Libraries Simulation Setup EZwave or Xelga Input Stimuli VHDL,Verilog, VHDL-AMS, Verilog-A, SPICE Netlists Eldo, Eldo RF Modelsim View Results Mach TA Mach PA Analog (SPICE) Digital (VHDL,Verilog) Mixed Signal (VHDL-AMS, Verilog-A) SPICE models Xilinx SIMPRIMS
  • Slide 10
  • ADVance MS : mixed-signal simulation A/D converter digital analog VHDL-AMS
  • Slide 11
  • ADVance MS: mixed Verilog-SPICE SPICE subcircuit Verilog top (test bench)
  • Slide 12
  • Questa ADMS (replaces ADVance MS) Four simulation engines integrated for SoC designs Questa VHDL/Verilog/SystemC digital simulation Eldo analog (SPICE) simulation ADiT accelerated transistor-level (Fast-SPICE) simulation (replaces Mach TA) Eldo RF Engines and languages can be mixed in a simulation IEEE 1497 Standard Delay File Format (SDF) IEEE 1076.1 VHDL-AMS IEEE 1076 VHDL IEEE 1364 Verilog IEEE 1800 SystemVerilog IEEE 1666 SystemC Accellera standard Verilog-AMS Language SPICE Eldo, HSPICE, and Spectre dialects.
  • Slide 13
  • Questa ADMS
  • Slide 14
  • Example: 4-bit binary counter VHDL model (count4.vhd) VHDL model Create working library: vlib work vmap work work Compile: vcom count4.vhd Simulate: vsim count4(rtl) ModelSim simulation-control inputs ModelSim Macro ( ModelSim Macro OR, VHDL testbench ModelSim results listing or waveform listingwaveform
  • Slide 15
  • -- count4.vhd 4-bit parallel-load synchronous counter LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; USE ieee.numeric_std.all; --synthesis libraries ENTITY count4 IS PORT (clock,clear,enable,load_count : IN STD_LOGIC; D: IN unsigned(3 downto 0); Q: OUT unsigned(3 downto 0)); END count4; ARCHITECTURE rtl OF count4 IS SIGNAL int : unsigned(3 downto 0); BEGIN PROCESS(clear, clock, enable) BEGIN IF (clear = '1') THEN int tpd_A0_Y, PathCondition => TRUE ), 1 => ( InputChangeTime => A1_ipd'LAST_EVENT, PathDelay => tpd_A1_Y, PathCondition => TRUE ) ), GlitchData => GlitchData_Y, Mode => OnDetect, MsgOn => TRUE, Xon => TRUE, MsgSeverity => WARNING Determine delay along each input-output path"> INT_RES_0, Paths => ( 0 => ( InputChange" title="VITAL Model (3) -- PATH DELAY SECTION -- VitalPathDelay01Z ( OutSignal => Y, OutSignalName => "Y", OutTemp => INT_RES_0, Paths => ( 0 => ( InputChange">
  • VITAL Model (3) -- PATH DELAY SECTION -- VitalPathDelay01Z ( OutSignal => Y, OutSignalName => "Y", OutTemp => INT_RES_0, Paths => ( 0 => ( InputChangeTime => A0_ipd'LAST_EVENT, PathDelay => tpd_A0_Y, PathCondition => TRUE ), 1 => ( InputChangeTime => A1_ipd'LAST_EVENT, PathDelay => tpd_A1_Y, PathCondition => TRUE ) ), GlitchData => GlitchData_Y, Mode => OnDetect, MsgOn => TRUE, Xon => TRUE, MsgSeverity => WARNING Determine delay along each input-output path
  • Slide 30
  • Design for test & test generation Consider test during the design phase Test design more difficult after design frozen Basic steps: Design for test (DFT) insert test points, scan chains, etc. to improve testability Insert built-in self-test (BIST) circuits Generate test patterns (ATPG) Determine fault coverage (Fault Simulation)
  • Slide 31
  • DFT & test design flow Memory & Logic BIST Boundary Scan Internal Scan Design ATPG
  • Slide 32
  • DFTadvisor/FastScan Design Flow Source: FlexTest Manual DFT/ATPG Library: adk.atpg count4.vhd count4_0.vhd count4.v count4_scan.v Leonardo
  • Slide 33
  • ASIC DFT Flow Insert Internal Scan Circuitry Generate/Verify Test Vectors Synthesized VHDL/Verilog Netlist adk.atpg ATPG Library DFT Advisor Fastscan/ Flextest VHDL/Verilog Netlist With Scan Elements Test Pattern File
  • Slide 34
  • Example DFTadvisor session Invoke: dftadvisor verilog count4.v lib $ADK/technology/adk.atpg Implement scan with defaults: (full scan, mux-DFF scan elements) set system mode setup analyze control signals auto set system mode dft run insert test logic write netlist count4_scan.v verilog write atpg setup count4_scan (creates count4_scan.dofile for ATPG in Fastscan)
  • Slide 35
  • count4 without scan design
  • Slide 36
  • count4 scan inserted by DFTadvisor
  • Slide 37
  • ATPG with FastScan (full-scan circuit) Invoke: fastscan verilog count4.v lib $ADK/technology/adk.atpg Generate test pattern file in FastScan: dofile count4_scan.dofile (defines scan path & procedure) ** set system mode atpg create patterns auto (generate test patterns) save patterns ** count4_scan.dofile was created by DFTadvisor
  • Slide 38
  • Test file: scan chain definition and load/unload procedures scan_group "grp1" = scan_chain "chain1" = scan_in = "/scan_in1"; scan_out = "/output[3]"; length = 4; end; procedure shift "grp1_load_shift" = force_sci "chain1" 0; force "/clock" 1 20; force "/clock" 0 30; period 40; end; procedure shift "grp1_unload_shift" = measure_sco "chain1" 10; force "/clock" 1 20; force "/clock" 0 30; period 40; end; procedure load "grp1_load" = force "/clear" 0 0; force "/clock" 0 0; force "/scan_en" 1 0; apply "grp1_load_shift" 4 40; end; procedure unload "grp1_unload" = force "/clear" 0 0; force "/clock" 0 0; force "/scan_en" 1 0; apply "grp1_unload_shift" 4 40; end;
  • Slide 39
  • Generated scan-based test // send a pattern through the scan chain CHAIN_TEST = pattern = 0; apply "grp1_load" 0 = (use grp1_load procedure) chain "chain1" = "0011"; (pattern to scan in) end; apply "grp1_unload" 1 = (use grp1_unload procedure) chain "chain1" = "1100"; (pattern scanned out) end; // one of 14 patterns for the counter circuit pattern = 0; (pattern #) apply "grp1_load" 0 = (load scan chain) chain "chain1" = "1000"; (scan-in pattern) end; force "PI" "00110" 1; (PI pattern) measure "PO" "0010" 2; (expected POs) pulse "/clock" 3; (normal op. cycle) apply "grp1_unload" 4 = (read scan chain) chain "chain1" = "0110"; (expected pattern) end;
  • Slide 40
  • ASIC Physical Design (Standard Cell) (can also do full custom layout) Floorplan Chip/Block Place & Route Std. Cells Component-Level Netlist (EDDM format) IC Mask Data Design Rule Check Std. Cell Layouts Mentor Graphics IC Station (adk_ic) Mach TA/Eldo Simulation Model Backannotate Schematic Generate Mask Data Layout vs. Schematic Check Design Rules Process Data Libraries Calibre ICblocks
  • Slide 41
  • Cell-Based IC I/O pads
  • Slide 42
  • Cell-Based Block
  • Slide 43
  • Source: Weste CMOS VLSI Design Basic standard Cell layout
  • Slide 44
  • Preparation for Layout 1. Use Design Architect-IC to convert Verilog netlist to Mentor Graphics EDDM netlist format Invoke Design Architect-IC (adk_daic) On menu bar, select File > Import Verilog Netlist file: count4.v (the Verilog netlist) Output directory: count4 (for the EDDM netlist) Mapping file $ADK/technology/adk_map.vmp 2. Open the generated schematic for viewing Click Schematic in DA-IC palette Select schematic in directory named above (see next slide) Click Update LVS in the schematic palette to create a netlist to be used later by Calibre 3. Create design viewpoints for ICstation tools adk_dve count4 t tsmc035 (V.Ps: layout, lvs, sdl, tsmc035) Can also create gate/transistor schematics directly in DA-IC using components from the ADK library
  • Slide 45
  • DA-IC generated schematic
  • Slide 46
  • Eldo simulation from DA-IC Run simulations from within DA-IC Eldo, ADVance MS, Mach TA DA-IC invokes a netlister to create a circuit model from the schematic SPICE model for Eldo & Mach TA Eldo analyses, forces, probes, etc. same as SPICE View results in EZwave
  • Slide 47
  • Eldo input and output files -Netlist -Simulation cmds -Stimulus
  • Slide 48
  • SPICE netlist for modulo7 counterSPICE circuit file generated by DA-IC Force values (created interactively) From ADK library
  • Slide 49
  • Force functions (1) DC value Vsigname A 0 DC 5 Value (volts) Between circuit nodes A and GND (node 0) V indicates voltage Force name
  • Slide 50
  • Force functions (2) Pulse/square wave Vsigname B 0 pulse 0 5 0 0.1N 0.1N 20N 40N Initial Voltage v1 Pulsed Voltage v2 Delay from start of period for waveform to begin - td Rise Fall time tr tf Pulse Period width tp tw v1 v2 td tr tw tf Nodes tp
  • Slide 51
  • Force functions (3) Pattern wave (for logic 0 & 1 values) Vname B 0 pattern 5 0 5n 0.1n 0.1n 10n 011010 R Logic 1 & 0 voltages Between circuit Nodes B & GND (node 0) Bit pattern Repeat the pattern (optional) Delay to waveform begin Rise & Fall Time between changes Duration of bit value 0 11 0 1 0 delay pattern
  • Slide 52
  • Eldo simulation of modulo7 counter (transient analysis)
  • Slide 53
  • Create a std-cell based logic block in IC Station Invoke: adk_ic In IC Station palette, select: Create Cell Cell name: count4 Attach cell library: $ADK/technology/ic/process/tsmc035 Process data: $ADK/technology/ic/process/tsmc035 Design rules: $ADK/technology/ic/process/tsmc035.rules Angle mode: 45 Cell type: block Select With connectivity (use imported schematic) EDDM schematic viewpoint: count4/layout Logic loading options: flat
  • Slide 54
  • Create Cell dialog box
  • Slide 55
  • Auto-floorplan the block place & route > autofp
  • Slide 56
  • Auto-place the std cells Autoplc > StdCel
  • Slide 57
  • Auto-place ports ( signal connections on cell boundaries) Autoplc > Ports
  • Slide 58
  • AutoRoute all nets (hand-route any unrouted overflows) Then: Add > Port Text to copy port names from schematic for Calibre
  • Slide 59
  • Layout design rule check (DRC) Technology-specific design rules specify minimum sizes, spacing, etc. of features to ensure reliable fabrication Design rules file specified at startup Ex. tsmc035.rules From main palette, select ICrules Click Check and then OK in prompt box (can optionally select a specific area to check) Rules checked in numeric order
  • Slide 60
  • Common errors detected by DRC To fix, click on First in palette to highlight first error Error is highlighted in the layout Click View to zoom in to the error (see next) Example: DRC9_2: Metal2 spacing = 3L Fix by drawing a rectangle of metal2 to fill in the gap between contacts that should be connected Click Next to go to next error, until all are fixed NOTE: There can be no DRC errors if MOSIS is to fabricate the chip they will run their own DRC.
  • Slide 61
  • Sample error: DRC9_2 metal2 spacing = 3L Draw rectangle of metal2 to fill gap It also called contact-to-contact metal 2 spacing DRC9_2 error
  • Slide 62
  • Layout vs schematic check using Calibre Interactive LVS Compare extracted transistor-level netlist against netlist saved in DA-IC From ICstation menu: Calibre > Run LVS In popup, Calibre location: $MGC_HOME/../Calibre Rules: $ADK/technology/ic/process/tsmc035.calibre.rules Input: (previously created in DA-IC) H-cells: $ADK/technology/adk.hcell (hierarchical cells) Extracted file:
  • Slide 63
  • Post-layout parameter extraction via Calibre Interactive PEX Extract Spice netlist, including parasitic RC Simulate in Eldo or MachTA ICstation menu: Calibre>Run PEX Options similar to Calibre LVS Extraction options: lumped C + coupling caps distributed RC distributed RC + coupling caps Output file: count4.pex.netlist
  • Slide 64
  • Post-layout simulation with MachTA MachTA is an accelerated Spice simulator Digital & mixed-signal circuits Analyze timing effects pre- and post-layout SPICE netlists with parasitic R/C Execute test vector file to verify functionality Algorithms support large designs Partition design, simulate only partitions with changes Combine time-driven & event-driven operation Solves linearized models using a proprietary high-performance, graph-theory based, matrix solution algorithm
  • Slide 65
  • Mach TA flow diagram SPICE netlist $ADK/technology/mta/tsmc035
  • Slide 66
  • Prepare Calibre-extracted netlist for Mach TA (file.pex.netlist) In file.pex.netlist, insert model definitions and VDD/GND voltage source functions after comment header: * File: m7.pex.netlist * Created: Thu Nov 15 15:25:56 2007 * Program "Calibre xRC" * Version "v2005.2_9.14".model n nmos.model p pmos Vvdd VDD 0 5 Vgnd GND 0 0 Delete (or comment out with * in 1 st column).subcircuit statement and any continuation lines (for long statement): *.subckt modulo7 CLK Q[1] CLEARBAR I[1] Q[0] I[0] Q[2] *+ L_CBAR I[2] GND VDD Change.ends to.END near end of file
  • Slide 67
  • Post-layout simulation with Mach TA Invoke Mach TA: ana - command file to initialize Anacad SW mta ezw t $ADK/technology/mta/tsmc035 count4.sp Other options: -do file (execute commands from instead of design.spdo -donot (run without simulating compile only) -b (run in batch mode no GUI output to console) Transistor calibration files for this technology Generate waveform database & display in EZwave Netlist, modified as on previous slide
  • Slide 68
  • Sample Mach TA dofile (transient analysis) plot v(clk) v(q[2]) v(q[1]) v(q[0]) measure rising TRIG v(clk) VAL=2.5v RISE=1 TARG v(q[0]) VAL=2.5v l load l reset h count l clk run 5 ns h reset h clk run 5 ns l clk run 5 ns h clk run 5 ns Signals to observe in EZwave Measure time from rising edge of clk (TRIGger) to 1st rising edge of q[0] (TARGet) - voltages Drive signals low/high (Lsim format) Simulate for 5 ns Command to execute: dofile
  • Slide 69
  • EZwave waveform viewer (results for previous dofile) Double-click signal name to display.
  • Slide 70
  • Alternative Mach TA dofile (same result as previous example) plot v(clk) v(q[2]) v(q[1]) v(q[0]) measure rising TRIG v(clk) VAL=2.5v RISE=1 TARG v(q[0]) VAL=2.5v vpulse Vclk clk 0 pulse(0 3.3 10n.05n.05n 10n 20n) l load l reset h count run 5 ns h reset run 200 ns Voltage source name Nodes to which source connected v-levels delay rise fall width period Periodic pulses
  • Slide 71
  • Mach TA test vector file Verify design functionality/behavior apply test vectors capture outputs compare outputs to expected result use vectors/outputs from behavioral simulation Command to execute a test vector file: run tvend test vector file (next slide)
  • Slide 72
  • Test vector file format # Test vector file for modulo7 counter CODEFILE UNITS ps RISE_TIME 50 FALL_TIME 50 INPUTS clk,reset,load,count,i[2],i[1],i[0]; OUTPUTS q[2] (to=max),q[1] (to=max),q[0] (to=max); CODING(ROM) RADIX 3; @0 X; @2000 0; @7000 0; @10000 5; @20000 5; @30000 6; @40000 6; @50000 0; @60000 0; .. END Header Vectors: @time expected_output Sample 5 fs before next vector signal order within vectors Test vectors derived from behavioral simulation results Vector format
  • Slide 73
  • Behavioral simulation listing Corresponding Mach TA test vector file
  • Slide 74
  • Alternate test vector file (clock generated separately by voltage source) vpulse vclk clk 0 pulse(0 3.3 10n.5n.5n 10n 20n) Can mix other simulation commands with test vector application.
  • Slide 75
  • Mach TA has been replaced by ADiT Fast-SPICE simulator Analog & mixed-signal 10X to 100X faster than other SPICE simulators Integrated with Questa
  • Slide 76
  • Top level layout design flow** Create a symbol for each core block (adk_daic) Create a chip-level schematic from core blocks and pads (adk_daic) Generate design viewpoints (adk_dve) Create a layout cell for the chip(adk_ic) Place core logic blocks from the schematic Generate a pad frame Move/alter core blocks to simplify routing Route pads to core blocks Design rule check & fix problems Generate mask data ** Refer to on-line tutorials by Yan/Xu and by Dixit/Poladia
  • Slide 77
  • Chip-level schematic (1) Generate a symbol for each core logic block In DA-IC, open the schematic (eg. modulo7) Select: Miscellaneous > Generate Symbol Add phy_comp property to the symbol Select the body of the symbol From the popup menu: Properties > Add Enter property name: phy_comp Enter property value: mod7b (layout cell name for the block created in IC Station) Check & save Example on next slide
  • Slide 78
  • Symbol with phy_comp property Layout cell is mod7b for logic schematic modulo7
  • Slide 79
  • Chip-level schematic (2) In DA-IC, create a schematic for the chip Instantiate core blocks Menu pallete: Add > Instance Select and place generated symbol Add pads from ADK Library>Std. Cells>Pads >tsmc035 : In, Out, BiDir, VDD, GND Wire pads to logic blocks and connectors Assign pin numbers, if known Change pad instance name to PINdd (dd = 2-digit pin #) Check & save Create design viewpoints with adk_dve Example on next slide
  • Slide 80
  • Assigning PAD pin numbers Change instance name property on pads to PINxx xx = 2-digit pin number (01 40 for Tiny Chip package) Place pad on chip pin 01 Default instance names
  • Slide 81
  • Top-level schematic for modulo7 chip Hierarchical connectors on Pad pins Wire block I/O pins to pad signal pins VDD/GND Pads Core block Instance name = PINxx (chip pin #)
  • Slide 82
  • Chip layout Start IC Station (adk_ic) & create a new layout cell enter cell name logic source is layout viewpoint of chip schematic same library, process file, rules file, and options as standard cell layout Open the schematic ADK Edit menu: Logic Source > Open In the schematic, select all core cells (but not pads) Place the cells: Place > Inst Generate the pad frame Top menu bar: ADK > Generate Padframe > tsmc035
  • Slide 83
  • Chip layout (2) Move, rotate, flip core logic cells as desired to make routing easier BUT - DO NOT EDIT OR MOVE PAD CELLS Autoroute all connections Select autoroute all on P&R menu Click options on prompt bar, and unselect Expand Channels (prevents pads from being moved) Add missing VDD/GND wires, if necessary Autorouter might only route 1 VDD/GND wire, even if multiple VDD/GND pads Manually add others: Objects>Add>Path VDD/GND net width = 50 VDD/GND net vias = 6x6 (copy an existing via)
  • Slide 84
  • Modulo-7 counter in pad frame

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