
PowerPoint Presentation

Victorian HyperobjectsTimothy MortonHyperobjectsMassively distributedWe can think and compute themBut not perceive them

17:5118:38Anthropocene1784+ Carbon in Earths crust1945+ Radioactive materialsEarth systems influenced by humansHuman history geological timePaul Crutzen

Me .0. Species Where .0.= is in a loop withANTHROPOCENEthat this world was being watched keenly and closely by intelligences greater than mans and yet as mortal as his own

as men busied themselves about their various concerns they were scrutinized and studied

across the gulf of spaceintellects vast and cool and unsympathetic, regarded this earth with envious eyes, and slowly and surely drew their plans against us. And early in the twentieth century came the great disillusionment. H.G. WellsGreat DisillusionmentsPhenomenonthing gapKantReasoning, mathematizing Subject(not me)Withdrawn yet uncannily near

FuturalDeep temporality AgrilogisticsHyperobjectsMassively distributedWe can think and compute themBut not perceive


Dim and wonderful is the vision I have conjured up in my mind of life spreading slowly from this little seed-bed of the solar system throughout the inanimate vastness of sidereal space.H.G. Wells

HyperobjectsEvolutionElectromagnetism El Nio and La NiaThe unconscious

What constitutes pretense is that, in the end, you dont know whether its pretense or notLacanSomething Is WrongThere is a gap between a thing and its phenomenaBut we cant locate that gap anywhere on the things ontic surface or in its depths+Very large finitude

The Post-Kantian TricksterPlaythis world was being watched keenly and closely by intelligences greater than mans and yet as mortal as his own

Me .0. Species Where .0.= is in a loop withANTHROPOCENEThe Origin of Species ; )Fixed DarwinViscosity

Dim and wonderful is the vision I have conjured up in my mind of life spreading slowly from this little seed-bed of the solar system throughout the inanimate vastness of sidereal space.H.G. Wells

some grains of wheat, found by Sir G. Wilkinson in a grave at Thebeslying for three thousand years. They were found in a hermetically sealed vase.

twelve grains, and from them had a plant which had grown to a height of five feet, whose seeds were now perfectly ripe

a bulbous rootin the hand of an Egyptian mummyat least two thousand years oldin a flower-pot, where it had at once grown up and was flourishing

a pea-plant, producing a full crop of peas, that came from a pea taken from a vasefound in an Egyptian sarcophagus where it must have been lying for 2,844 years.

Symphony No. 10: I. AdagioGustav MahlerGustav MahlerSymphony 102000-06-06T07:00:[email protected] Gustav Mahler2006-07-30T20:08:16ZBerliner Philharmoniker & Sir Simon Rattle

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