
Documentary Q`S & A`S

María Antonia CamperosJulieta Olarte Laura Avella


Question #1

• How did the moral perspective of art changed towards the new paintings of nudes?

Question #2

• Why was the Christian theory about God’s creation proven false?

Question #3• What changed people’s beliefs towards the

old morality during the Victorians age?

Question #4

• How industrial development influenced Victorians behaved towards death?

Question #5

• Do you think all these exotic beliefs about death and the supernatural life were a rebellion towards Christianity?


Answer #1

• At the beginning of the Victorian period, culture was characterized by its morals and its values. Victorians beliefs disapproved the new way of painting because they considered it grotesque and burglar. Nevertheless, at the end of the period the traditional morals started to lose importance and relevance in society, the nudes were accepted and seen as a symbol of women’s beauty and passion.

Answer #2

• While the process of industrialization new discoveries about science and evolution were obtain, Victorians found fossil that proved them that the earth was older than what the Christian theory said it was. The Bible’s theory said Earth was created on Sunday, October 23, 4004 B.C., but the fossil Victorians found was much older than that.

Answer #3

• As Victorians loosed interest for Christians beliefs, due to the doubts about their veracity, and morality was so attached to religion, people started to change their thoughts towards morality, what was correct and what really a sin. Besides, as Victorians were so oppressed by many rules they reach a point in which they couldn’t resist any more and they reveled against traditions.

Answer #4

• New discoveries, gained with the new industrialized methods, influenced Victorians perspective towards death because they putted in doubt the veracity Christian beliefs about afterlife and heaven. Besides, the industrial development brought with it a life apart of nature and spiritual sense, changing their old beliefs about death.

Answer #5

• Yes, because Christian thoughts were against unusual conceptions about death and afterlife, they were against people’s beliefs about ghosts, the other life and the desire of communicating with spirits. As Victorians realized Christian beliefs towards death might not to be true, they started to believe in other things contrary as the ones they used to.

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