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ALSO INSIDE Getting Personal with Adam and Eve | Real Praise and Worship | Living within Your Means | Much More

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Living Victoriously Volume 5, Issue 4

Pastor & Executive Editor Pastor Smokie Norful

Managing Editor LaShaunn Tappler

Editorial Coordinator Deirdre McClarin

Editorial Proofreaders Eugene Gatewood, Karen Mason

November Issue Contributors Dahlia Johnson, Deirdre A. McClarin, Pastor Smokie Norful, LaShaunn S. Tappler, Vashanti Taylor, Sherri Valentine, Achkei “HK” Wilson

Design/Layout LaShaunn Tappler LT ComDesign, LLC

Living Victoriously is published monthly by Victory Cathedral Worship Center ©2011.

Victory Cathedral Worship Center

Mailing Address 319 N. Weber Road, PMB 347 Bolingbrook, IL 60490 Phone: 630.378.9172

Weekly Schedule Sunday Worship Service @ 7:30am & 10am Romeoville High School 100 N. Independence Blvd, Romeoville, IL

Sunday Worship Service @ 12:30pm Percy L. Julian High School (PLJ) 10330 S. Elizabeth Street, Chicago

SpeakThoseThIngS | Pastor smokie Norful

The eVIdence of ThankSLIVIng

November typically kicks off the “season of appreciation,” or a time when we express gratitude for what God has done in our lives. and truth be told, everyone—even non-believers—has something to be

thankful about. at Victory, i’m challenging everyone to go beyond the season of thanksgiving to enter into a lifestyle of “thanksliving.”

How do we demonstrate “Thanksliving?” through our actions. simply put, our thankfulness should be evident. No one wants to be silently appreciated. You can be as modest as you’d like, but the truth is everyone wants to be appreciated for what they have done.

and God is no different. He wants outward signs of our appreciation. it’s through our praise and worship that God wants us demonstrate our thanks to Him. We’re showing appreciation to God when we sacrifice our time to serve others. We’re saying thank you to God when we obey Him through our tithes and offerings. He doesn’t want it temporarily, when it’s convenient for us, or our backs are against the wall; He wants it always! We should live each day with an attitude of gratitude.

first and foremost, we are to thank God for who He is, for all He has done, and for all He is going to do. to thank God beforehand requires faith. and we know that without faith it is impossible to please Him.

Next we are to express our gratitude to others. showing appreciation is a small gesture that goes a long way. a phone call…an e-mail…a thank you card…a text message…a statement of thanks…could make someone’s day. Never allow yourself to get so busy that you neglect to appreciate those around you, those who support you, and those who are influenced by you.












i’m particularly excited about this issue of Living Victoriously, as it examines the temptations, sins and effects of ingratitude. Conversely it provides practical tools, resources, thoughts, and ideas to help you along your journey of appreciation.

Be sure to read the “one small tree” on pages 8 and 9. it modernizes the story of adam and eve, and how their lack of gratitude and obedience led to sin and death. oh, but God! He sent His only son to pay our sin debt, and now all those who believe in Him will have eternal life. for that, i am eternally grateful!

in Christ’s Victory,

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turN to PaGe 5 for PraCtiCal WaYs to gIVe ThankS To god tHrouGH our aCtioNs.

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aReYouSaVed?Be Thankful for the Gift of His Son

The most important question in life is Are you saved? It doesn’t matter how good you are, or if you are a church

member, but Are you saved? Are you sure you’ll go to Heaven when you die? God says to go to Heaven, you must be born again (saved!) And God’s plan for you to be saved is simple. Accept Jesus as your personal Savior by saying this prayer from your heart to God:

Dear God,

I admit that I am a sinner and in need of Your forgiveness. I believe that Your Son Jesus Christ died for my sins, that He was buried, and that He arose from the grave. Because of that, I can receive forgiveness for my sins. I invite You to come into my heart and be Lord of my life. Your Word says, “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved (Romans 10:9).” I believe with my heart, and I now con-fess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord of my life. Therefore I am saved!

We encourage you to join a loving family of believers who will love you and encourage your relationship with God. We’d love to rejoice with you. Please call us at 630.378.9172 so that we can celebrate your new life!

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The Grass Is Not Always Greener by Dahlia Johnson

In the movie Forrest Gump, Forrest made a memorable quote that is both reflective and insightful: “My momma always said, ‘Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.’”

In Philippians 4:11–12, Paul says:11I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. 12I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.

Both Paul and Forrest Gump understood a very simple truth: A life of choice does not always result in a choice life.

As believers, how do we come to this level of wisdom and contentment? Here are some simple and practical suggestions:

1. In all things, give thanks. You already have your own yard and your own grass. Take care of what you have.

2. Keep it real. Your yard has natural beauty and real grass, even if there are a few bare patches. The Joneses use artificial spray and paints the grass at night for a deeper color and gloss. They know you’re watching.

3. Maintain to retain. Keep the faith. Just continue to water the bare patches; those seedlings of faith will sprout.

Don’t believe the hype of the devil, for it will surely lead to sin. God has not withheld anything from us, and been generous and giving to others. Many marriages, assets, and dreams have been sacrificed because we think someone else’s’ stuff is better than ours.

The idea that God has been restrictive and stingy to us and encouraging and giving to others is an age old trick of the devil to get us trapped in sin. Many marriages, fortunes, and property have been sacrificed because people always think someone else’s’ stuff is better than ours.

As you stand in your yard looking over the fence into your neighbor’s yard, it’s possible that you see nothing but healthy, green growth. What you don’t see are the many blemishes of your neighbor’s yard because you’re not standing in it; you’re looking at it from a distance.

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Giving God’s Way... From the Lips. From the Hand. From the Heart. by Achkei “HK” Wilson

It’s New Year’s Eve 2010. Among flying t-shirts, bouncing balls and high dollar value items being presented to unsuspecting members and guest, Pastor Norful preached a dynamic Word about “Giving God’s Way.” There was

even a moment in service that something miraculous happened. Pastor Norful noticed a young couple in the audience. He called them to the front and told the congregation a little bit about their hardship. In his exciting delivery, he said to them that he wanted to bless them by paying their utility bill. The family showed their gratitude by praising God. The Holy Spirit filled the room. Without any solicitation from Pastor, someone from the audience went to the front and left money at their feet. Soon, members of the choir came down, band members came down, ministers came down, the overflow rooms merged with the main sanctuary as a mass of people flooded the alter to leave money as if a levy had been broken. It was that night that Giving God’s Way became a memorable event for Victory Cathedral Worship Center.

What exactly is “Giving God’s Way?” Is it all about money? According to Brother Terry Moss, a leader of Victory, “Giving God’s Way” is not a money thing; it’s a heart thing. “Some people give because of the amount of money they have,” says Brother Moss. “Some give for personal gain or recognition.” However, “Giving God’s Way” from the heart is what God wants us to do. Although we cannot give like God, for He gave His only begotten son, we can give the way God would like us to give. We can give through generosity.

There are several things that you can do to help show your gen-erosity. For the past several months, there have been a number of “drives” that VCWC has promoted. There was the shoe drive, the food drive, the baby clothing drive, the military care package drive, and the current business clothing drive. These are ways that giving through your generosity is how God wants us to give.

Another aspect of “Giving God’s Way” is through your time. Sister Monique French, a member of the South Campus, gives a spiritual and practical way of how giving your time is what God wants us to do. “If they are hungry, then feed them whether they are naturally hungry or spiritually hungry. If they thirst, give them something to drink, even if it’s for natural liquids or for knowledge.” She then adds, “If they are naked, clothe (cover them). Help them. Run to their rescue. And if they are tired, let them rest at your expense. Ease their burden by taking something off of their plate.”

Brother Tacuma Smith was on his way to the train station, when suddenly his car broke down two miles from the train station. Without thinking about it, he went into prayer. He says that his initial instinct was to hitch a ride to the station. God, however, told him to “Run!” With no time left, and still a couple hundred yards to go, he could see the train at the station. Miraculously, Brother Smith makes the train. Through the sweat, his racing heart and fatigue, Brother Smith looks up and sees that the con-ductor is a personal friend of the family. The conductor hears his story and without hesitation, gives him seven train passes for what he went through that morning.

Another aspect of “Giving God’s Way” is through our tithes and offerings. God’s kingdom is financed by His people—Christians. God said that a tithe would be enough to support spreading the Gospel. Because our God is a loving and generous God, we are made to give. Therefore, we are to be obedient to His Word and in response to God’s goodness (Malichi 3:10; James 1:17). God wants us to break the yoke of bondage that money could have on us (Matt 6:24). We should give because the focus should be on God as our ONLY source of security (Phil 4:19; Matt 6:19–20a, 23b–33). Giving, quite simply, is for us to be a blessing to others (Acts 20:35).

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A Public Display of Appreciation Intro by LaShaunn Tappler is not a ministry, or even a Christian site per se, but its purpose, resources, and ideas demonstrate the founder’s passion for living a more joyful, fulfilled, and pleasurable life through the power of gratitude. Site founder, Damaris Pierce, encourages visitors to simply see the abundance in what we already have, and to transform our lives with an attitude of gratitude.

Now, as believers our thankfulness to God for who He is and all His wonderful blessings should reign supreme. And our thankfulness to Him is extended when give our heart to others—whether through love, gratitude, or service. Thankfulness is a matter of the heart.

Below is narrative taken from the IamThankful Web site, which further elaborates on the site’s mission and purpose. As you’re surfing the Web, why not stop by to utilize some the resources, tools, and ideas to foster your growth and development in the area of thankfulness? It is certainly a great—and productive—use of your time. Enjoy the journey! was created to spread the message about the power of gratitude and to encourage the practice thereof. It is to be used as a tool and enjoyed as a worldwide display of what can spring from simply seeing the abundance that is yours.

“Of course it’s easy to feel thankful when things go smoothly and life just handed you a blessing,” says founder Damaris Pierce. “But faced with our daily challenges, we don’t know how on earth we can feel grateful in the midst of debt, depression and complete overwhelm. It literally comes down to practice. Very few people go to the gym simply to be able to bench-press 100 lbs, but rather to have energy and muscle strength to pick up the kids and the groceries, do the yard work, and maybe not suck wind after climbing two flights of stairs.”

Practicing gratitude is the workout for our soul: repeated awareness shifts towards the blessings of our lives enable us to

not dwell on how someone has done us wrong or how life has supposedly handed us the shorter end of the stick. If you can condition yourself to look at the brighter side of life, it will only get brighter—especially while things don’t go your way!

So, make gratitude your daily practice so that you will have the thankfulness muscle that lets you see the light no matter what life hands you. Today is the best time to start flexing that muscle!” was created by artist Damaris Pierce who, through her own development and studies, underwent tremendous transformations in her life that led her to share her findings with others. “Gratitude is more than a concept,” states Pierce. “It is a state of being that can be cultivated every day.” “I believe when you focus on the things you are thankful for each day you begin to live a more joyful, fulfilled and pleasurable life.” She continues, “I want to share this with others and create a public display of gratitude that ripples around the globe!

Gratitude is a powerful force that can help people from any walk of life change their perspective and achieve a better quality of life. It is important for each of us to say thank you to

family, friends, pets, nature or places we love for enriching our lives and bringing us joy. has a host of resources to express gratitude. Use the free gratitude journal to cultivate your own sense of abundance daily or weekly; read articles and quick nuggets on gratitude; send free e-cards to people who enrich your life; submit a colorful postcard to spread your thankfulness around the globe; or make a gift purchase to brighten someone’s day. Most of all, say ‘thank you’ today and every day to the many forces of life that support you ceaselessly.


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Holiday Cranberry Chutney Submitted by Dahlia Johnson

Cooking Instructions:1. In a saucepan, combine

all ingredients; bring to a boil, stirring constant-ly. Reduce heat; simmer for 15–20 minutes or until apple is tender and mixture thickens. Cool completely.

2. Store in the refrigera-tor. Serve over cream cheese with crackers or as a condiment with pork, ham or chicken.


“A chunky chutney like this one makes a great gift for friends and neighbors. I give them the chutney in a decorated jar with a package of cream cheese and a box of crackers. It makes a lovely snack and is just as good alongside a main dish.

– contributor


Ingredients:1 (12 ounce) bag fresh or frozen cranberries1 1/4 cups sugar3/4 cup water

1 large cooking apple, chopped2 teaspoons ground cinnamon1 teaspoon ground ginger1/4 teaspoon ground cloves

Prep Time: 10 minCook Time: 20 minLevel: EasyYield: 12 Servings

DONATION: ONLY $258-discs + Bonus cddisc 1. releaseddisc 2. released…the tithedisc 3. released…spiritual stepsdisc 4. released…debt…Breaking out!disc 5. released…debt…debt Bondagedisc 6. released…practical steps, part 1disc 7. released…practical steps, part 2disc 8. released…practical steps, part 3Bonus cd: transform your MindNow Available at the Media Center or call 630.378.9172


Notes from GodSubmitted by Sherri Valentine

Let’s meet at My house Sunday before the game.–God

C’mon over and bring the kids. –GodWhat part of “Thou Shalt Not…” didn’t you under-stand? –God

We need to talk. –God

Keep using My name in vain and I’ll make rush hour longer! –God

Loved the wedding. Invite me to the marriage. –God

That “ Love Thy Neighbor” thing…I meant it. –God

I love you…I love you…I love you… –GodWill the road you’re on get you to My place? –GodFollow me. –God


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one small tree A Dialogue with Adam & eve by Achkei “HK” Wilson

Adam and Eve are known as the father and mother of mankind. They are the first humans to walk on the earth after God created them. Their story is tragic in

nature, yet, without them, there would be no mankind. To fully understand why we were born into sin, you have to go back to the beginning of creation. I sat with Adam and Eve, in my mind, and delved into their side of the story. As compelling as their life was, I can’t help but realize how thankful we all should be that God sent Jesus to die for our sins rather than to destroy the world forever.

HK: Hello Adam and Eve. Thank you both for meeting with me today.

Eve: Hello.

Adam: Hello, HK. Thank you for having us.

HK: Adam, you are the very first human in the universe. Would you tell everyone how that feels?

Adam: It is the most amazing thing to know that on the sixth day of creation, God created me from the dust of the ground, and breathed into my nostrils the breath of life so that I may become a living being. I was also given total dominion over the earth.

HK: What was it like to have total dominion?

Adam: It was great, at first. I was eating fruit off of the trees and watching them replenish themselves. I was walking around naming everything. One day, I was bored and I saw this clumsy bird. He couldn’t fly and he had a funny beak. So I called him a Dodo Bird. (everyone laughs) I didn’t realize it at the time, but I became lonely. Sure, God was with me and walked with me and talked with me, but I felt a little disconnected.

HK: The Bible says that God saw that you were lonely and did something about it.

Adam: Yes. God is an awesome God. He knows what hurts you. He knows what you need and He is a provider. God put me in a deep sleep. He opened me up and pulled out a rib. He didn’t

even leave a scar. God created a woman from my bone, and He presented her to me like a proud Father.

HK: And here she is. The “womb of man.” Mother, you are very beautiful.

Eve: Aww, thank you, HK.

HK: Would you tell us why God created you and presented you to Adam?

Eve: I was created to be Adam’s helpmate. He created marriage, a holy union between a man and a woman. I remember the look on Adam’s face when he first laid eyes on me. It was love at first sight. He was so happy and overjoyed. He said something like, “flesh of my flesh…”

(Adam corrects her)

Adam: Bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman’ because she was taken out of man. That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.

Eve: Yes, that’s it!

HK: That’s a beautiful statement. It is also a testament to all marriages why divorce and marital breakups are so painful. But even through the pain, the two of you stuck together. You had everything. You had each other. You even had a direct link to God. Which brings me to my next question. Why did you sin and disobey God?

Adam: We failed a simple test. It was an epic fail. When God put the “tree of knowledge of good and evil” right in the middle of the garden, that wasn’t by accident. When He allowed Satan to roam the earth, that wasn’t by accident either. The command of God was simple and plain. Do not eat of that one forbidden tree. I’ve come to realize that the sin of mankind falls heavily on me. I could have avoided all of the pain by exercising the authority God had given me over everything, which includes my wife and Satan.


Adam and Eve had it all! They had everything they needed with the exception of access to one small tree. One would think resisting the tree would be easy—especially since they had access to so many other trees. With some cunning assistance from the enemy, Adam and Eve began to think about that one tree. This turned their focus from what they had to what they didn’t have. They justified their reasoning that God was holding out on them! They were simply ungrateful for all they had. Who knew the first instance of sin would have such an impact on humankind? Even though their story took place more than 2,000 years ago, all believers can learn the importance of gratitude, obedi-ence, and relationships.

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HK: This is just my opinion, but I think you’re being a little too hard on yourself. Although you were the litmus test for all mankind, I think given the same test and scenario, someone would have screwed it up down the line. Eve, the Bible says that you allowed Satan to tempt you into sinning, and then you convinced Adam to sin. Why do you think Satan was so convincing?

Eve: Satan was very jealous of Adam. He roams the earth to steal, kill and destroy what God has created. It’s what he does and how he operates. He wants to spiritually devour us. When we realized what we had done, it was too late. We were ashamed and guilty of condemnation. We lost our childlike innocence.

HK: Please continue.

Eve: When God found us, we were hiding. We put fig leaves over our private parts because it was then that we knew we were naked.

HK: And what did God do?

Eve: He banished us from our perfect home! (Eve starts sobbing as Adam puts his arms around her)

HK: I realize this is hard on the both of you. Should we end the interview?

Adam: No, God would want us to continue. The consequences for sinning were great. I had to work and sweat for food, and Eve was cursed with bearing children in pain. God then cursed the world by pronouncing that we would die. You see, God’s plan was for us to live forever. Had we passed the test, we would have eaten from the “tree of life.” He did not want us to have the knowledge of evil. He wanted us to be “simple concerning evil,” meaning He did not want us to cross any lines to experiment with sinful activity. But because of Satan and his deception, we have to live with knowing that we will surely die lest we are born again in a new spiritual birth.

HK: Which is why God prophesied to Satan when the serpent was cursed. God was forecasting the coming of Jesus and the crucifixion.

Adam: Yes. Eve and I not only suffered a physical death, but we suffered a spiritual death when we lost direct contact with God the Father. This is what can happen when you are not thankful for what God has done for you. Now, the only way for us to have direct access with God is through Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit.

HK: I totally get it now. Adam, do you mind telling us how long you lived?

Adam: I lived to be 930 years old.

HK: Eve, there is no biblical record of your age, but it probably wouldn’t be appropriate to ask you anyway.

Eve: There’s no sense in breaking tradition!

HK: You’re absolutely right. I want to again thank you for being so transparent and honest with your story. I pray that everyone who reads your story becomes blessed and may even bring someone to Christ.

Adam: Thank you, HK, for your gift to bring our story to life in your magazine.

Eve: Yes, thank you and may God bring continued blessings in your life.

ADAM & EVE’s ProfILEstrengths and Accomplishments

• Adam: The first landscape architect, placed in the garden to care for it

• Adam: Father of the human race

• Adam: The first human to share an intimate per-sonal relationship with God

• Eve: First female. As such, she shared a special relationship with God; had co-responsibility with Adam over creation.

Weakness and Mistake

• Adam: Avoided responsibility and blamed others; chose to hide rather than confront; made excuses rather than admitting the truth

• Eve: Allowed her contentment to be undermined by Satan

• Eve: Acted impulsively without talking to God or to her mate

• Both: Teamed up with one another to bring sin into the world

• Both: When confronted, blamed others

Lessons from Their Lives

• God wants people who, though free to do wrong, choose instead to love Him.

• The basic human tendency to sin goes back to the beginning of the human race

• We should not blame others for our faults

• We cannot hide from God

Vital statistics

• Where: Garden of Eden• Occupation: Adam: Caretaker, gardener, farmer;

Eve: Wife, helper, co-manager of Eden• Relatives: Married to one another. Sons: Cain,

Abel, Seth. Numerous other children. The only people who never had an earthly mother or father.

Key Verse

“The Lord God said, ‘It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.’ ” Genesis 2:18

“The man said, ‘The woman you put here with me—she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it.’” Genesis 3:12

Their story is told in Book of Genesis.

Source: Life Application Study Bible (NIV), published by Tyndale-House Publishers and Zondervan Publishing House.

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“I’ve grown more grateful for accepting and realizing that things are not always within my control. Because of that I have to lean and look toward God because that is the only way that I will

accomplish my goals and get my answers and get through life.”

—Natalie Dansberry (West)

God’s mercy and grace, and always providing for me; saved parents who taught me to always do my best; my parents who set an example on how to live as a Christian” —Angela Baskin-Hardin (South)

“Over time I have grown more grateful of wisdom, patience and just an overall calmness. In addition I have grown closer to God by attending church.”- Wayne Suggs (West)

“Life in general, the good and the bad. I’m grateful how God has shown me things that I have grown from in my lifetime.” —Charlette Lucas (South)

“I’ve grown more grateful for family relationships through Christ. My career has caused me to relocate to different states but God has always has placed people in my life that were like

family. And not just regular family but godly people that genuinely cared for me. For that I’m grateful.” —Jerrod Collins (West)

“I’m more grateful for the fact that God has allowed me not to act out in flesh, and that I have learned to be more obedient in situations and not give into temptation.”

—Latisha Lewis (South)

Living Victoriously’s roving reporter Vashanti Taylor roamed the high school halls asking Victory walkers:

For what have you grown more grateful over time?

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Psalm 100:4 tells us to “Enter into his gates with thanksgiv-ing, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.” As you embark upon ThanksLiving, here is a list ways we can show thanksgiving to God.

1. Place Him at the Head. Your thoughts, desires, words, and actions should be guided by your commitment to live in submission to Him as the Head of your life.

2. Give Him credit as the source. There’s no doubt that God has blessed you. Look at your life, health, children, and your relationships, to name a few. As you count your blessings, be specific. Recognize Him as the Source for all that you have.

3. Pray regularly. God desires that we express our gratitude to Him every day of our lives. When you pray, tell God thank you for your many blessings.

4. Keep a Gratitude Journal. Be intentional about record-ing what God does for you on a daily basis. A journal will give evidence of God’s blessings, and help you recount what He has done for you throughout a period of time.

5. repent of sins. Our salvation requires repentance. Repentance is one of the most powerful ways in which we can show unto Him our gratitude. It shows that you are grateful for who He is, and that your heart’s desire is to please and obey Him.

6. obey His Commandments. In God’s eyes, the only thing greater than sacrifice is obedience. “And Samuel said, Hath the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams.” (1 Samuel 15:22)

7. serve others. When we serve others, we are ultimately serving God. He told us that, “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me” (Matthew 25:40). By sacrificing our time, talents, and treasures for the benefit of others, we are showing thanksgiving unto God.

8. Express Gratitude to others. When others help or serve us, they are also serving God. And when others help us, we must express our gratitude to them. We can easily acknowl-edge the service of others by simply saying thank you, sending a card or e-mail. Saying thank you requires very little effort but can go such a long way—to others and to God.

9. Have an Attitude of Gratitude. To have an attitude of gratitude is to live a life of thanksgiving. We choose how we react to circumstances. Why not honor God by always choos-ing to have a positive attitude and being content, regardless of our circumstances.

10. Choose to be Humble. Humility begets gratitude while pride begets ingratitude. We can react to our afflictions by becoming humble and thankful, or we can allow anger and bitterness to take over. As we choose to be humble we are showing thanksgiving to God. We are demonstrating our faith in Him—that we trust Him. We may not know God’s plan for us, but as we humble ourselves, especially in adversity, we are submitting ourselves to His will.

11. Change for the better. An excellent way to show thanksgiving to God is to be resolved to change for the better. Although He doesn’t expect us to change instantly, He does expect us to work toward change.

Adapted from 11 Ways to Show Thanksgiving to God by Rachel Bruner, Guide

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to God by LaShaunn Tappler

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If you have a problem with your lights flickering, or need an electrical outlet added, there is a member in our congregation who can hook you up (pun intended). Meet Brother Stanley Hinton Jr. He is a skilled electrician who’s been in the field

for more than twenty years. Stanley comes from a large God-fearing family. He is the second of three boys, born and raised on the southeast side of Chicago. His daddy is Reverend Stanley Hinton Sr.; his oldest brother is Reverend Alonzo Hinton and his youngest brother, Antoine Hinton, is a deacon at at a church. Stanley says he first became familiar with Pastor Norful when they were both members of another church. It was in the middle of 2011 that Stanley began hearing great things about Victory Cathedral Worship Center. Stanley says, “I wanted to check it out; and when I did, everything Pastor Norful was saying was on point. Everyone knows he can sing,” he continues, “but his deliverance of the Word impressed me.”

Aside from his busy schedule, Stanley describes himself and talks about his extracurricular activities. “I’m just a regular guy. I enjoy reading inspirational books and autobiographies. I like watching and participating in sports and listening to all types of music. I might even spin a record or two as a dee-jay.”

Stanley says he likes to encourage people and may consider getting involved with the Outreach Ministry.

Welcome Stanley! You have just walked into Victory!

In today’s times, a typical “large” family may be considered to be as many as four to five family members. As with Sister Ronda Baker, there are exceptions. Ronda is the third child of eleven brothers and sisters. Born in Wichita Falls, Texas to a military father, her family moved to Chicago where she was raised on the south side.

Ronda often talks about her family and how much she loves them. She credits her mother, Mrs. Jean Brown, for instilling the family values by which she lives today. Ronda says, “My mother taught me what family is all about. She taught me to believe in God first and foremost. She instilled in me to always treat people good. She adopted and raised four more children even after her own children were grown. My mother is phenomenal!”

Ronda is an accounting manager and works for a major hotel chain. She is a mother of two. Her oldest daughter, Karissa, is a nursing graduate of Everest College in Chicago. Karissa has a 22-month son named Kiel. Her youngest daughter, Jasmine, is a senior at Xavier University in Chicago, and is majoring in Psychology. She plans to work with children.

Ronda enjoys reading motivational books written by Iyanla Vanzant and Christian books by Joyce Myers. Her walk to Victory began more than a year ago when her niece invited her to church. She says she loves the way Pastor Norful breaks down the Word and helps to instill in her the godly values that she needs. Ronda says she loves sharing with other people and looks forward to serving in the Crown Jewels ministry.

Welcome, Sister Ronda, you have just walked into Victory!

new MeMBeR pRofILe: SoUThMeet Stanley Hinton Jr. by Achkei “HK” Wilson

new MeMBeR pRofILe: weSTMeet Ronda Baker by Achkei “HK” Wilson

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Does this sound familiar?

Yes! I made it to church on time today. Got myself a good parking spot, good seat in the sanctuary…I hear the music playing…and wait a minute…yup, that’s my song! Sing that song, Choir! I know I’m gonna get my “praise and worship on” today!

If this sounded familiar to you, you are not alone. Some people’s understanding of praising and worshiping the Lord is limited to a musical context. While it is

scriptural to praise the Lord in song, (Psalm 71:23 “My lips will shout for joy when I sing praises to you; my soul also, which you have rescued) the definitions of praise and worship are much broader.

So what does it mean to praise and worship Almighty God? While these terms can go hand in hand, it is important to know that they have separate and distinct meanings.

Praise means to express approval of, or admi-ration for, to commend, to magnify, and to glorify.

When we praise God we are choosing to focus on who He is, and what He’s done. We are extolling Him and expressing our love to Him for He is worthy of our praise. We are to do this regularly. “Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise – the fruit of lips that confess His name.” (Hebrews 13:15)

When we offer the sacrifice of praise, it means that there is a cost related to it. This means that we are to praise the Lord even when we don’t feel like it, or regardless of our current situation! In other words, we are to say, “Hallelujah anyhow!”

Worship, on the other hand, is our primary obligation to God in addition to serving Him. “You shall worship the LORD your God, and Him only you shall serve” (Matthew 4:10).

It is, therefore, essential that we understand what it means to worship.

Worship means to show profound religious devotion; to have intense love, adoration and praise to God with an attitude and acknowl-edgement of His supremacy and Lordship.

Worshiping God means that we do not let anything or anyone become more important than Him, or turn our hearts away from Him. We express our love and awe of who He is as the Creator of the universe and everything in it, which includes you and me. When we worship God, we are developing an intimacy with God and this intimacy brings us close to His heart.

Worship is not merely a routine or tradition that we follow in church. Sure, we can worship God through prayer, singing, raising our hands in adoration, dance, art, playing instruments and many other ways. However, one of the most important ways to show our devotion to God is through our daily obedience to Him in our lives. Being obedient and exalting God in whatever we do are both powerful forms of worship. Our location doesn’t matter. Whether we are alone or with a group of people doesn’t matter. God is looking at our hearts to see if they are pure and repentant.

John 4:23–24 (NIV)23Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. 24God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” (John 4:23–24, NIV)

To worship God in truth means that we do several things: submit to His will, honor His majesty, obey and commit to Him, humble ourselves, and deal with any sin in our hearts and repent accordingly.

Our God is a holy, righteous, and loving Father. He is worthy of all of our praise and worship. So the next time you think about “getting your praise and worship on,” just remember to take the limits off.

Going Beyond the LimitsPraise and Worship Redefined by Sherri Valentine

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The National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse released the following 2011 statistics on diabetes:1. Diabetes affects 25.8 million people of all ages 8.3 percent of

the U.S. population.2. While 18.8 million people have been diagnosed, 7 million

people are undiagnosed.3. Diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death in the United

States.Consider this self-care plan advocated by the National Diabetes Education Program.

• Many people avoid the long-term problems of diabetes by tak-ing good care of themselves. Work with your healthcare team to reach your target. Follow a diabetes meal plan. If you don’t have one, ask your healthcare team to help you develop a meal plan.

• Eat healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables, fish, lean meats, chicken or turkey without the skin, dry peas or beans, whole grains, and low-fat or skim milk and cheese.

• Keep fish and lean meat and poultry portions to about 3 ounces (or the size of a deck of cards). Bake, broil, or grill it.

• Eat foods that have less fat and salt.

• Eat foods with more fiber such as whole grain cereals, breads, crackers, rice, or pasta.

• Get 30 to 60 minutes of physical activity on most days of the week. Brisk walking is a great way to move more.

• Stay at a healthy weight by using your meal plan and moving more.

• Ask for help if you feel down. A mental health counselor, support group, member of the clergy, friend, or family member who will listen to your concerns may help you feel better.

• Learn to cope with stress. Stress can raise your blood glu-cose. While it is hard to remove stress from your life, you can learn to handle it. NDEP’s Diabetes HealthSense provides online access to resources that support people with diabetes in making changes to live well. For more information visit

• Stop smoking. Ask for help to quit. Call 1-800-QUITNOW (1-800-784-8669)

• Take medicines even when you feel good. Ask your doctor if you need aspirin to prevent a heart attack or stroke. Tell your doctor if you cannot afford your medicines or if you have any side effects.

• Check your feet every day for cuts, blisters, red spots, and swelling. Call your healthcare team right away about any sores that do not go away.

• Brush your teeth and floss every day to avoid problems with your mouth, teeth, or gums

• Talk with your healthcare team about your blood glucose targets. Ask how and when to test your blood glucose and how to use the results to manage your diabetes. You may want to test it one or more times a day.

• Check your blood pressure if your doctor advises.

• Report any changes in your eyesight to your healthcare team.

Source: US Department of Health and Human Services’ National Diabetes Education Program

Do you live within your means? In other words, do your spending habits/patterns cause you to go outside the boundaries of your ability to pay according to your bud-

get, if you have one? If you don’t have one, why not?

Having a budget will assist in determining how much you have to spend throughout a period of time, and where it needs to be spent. Not having a budget is akin to playing in a football game without the knowledge of the playbook—you are sure to lose.

God expects us to live within our means. If we responsibly manage what we have, He will bless us with more. Don’t allow the enemy to distract you from God’s plan for your prosperity. (Jeremiah 29:10) Keeping up with the Joneses will tempt you to buy something just to show others you can. It’s not because you need it; it’s because you want to impress them.

When you feel tempted to make a purchase, ask yourself, “Is this something I really need? And then be honest with yourself. Asking yourself this question will lead to many things, among which are increased savings, obedience, and wealth.

Don’t allow the enemy to force you to operate outside of God’s will for your life, distract you from saving and planning for your future, and lead you into a life of enslavement to others. God’s Word warns us: “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly (John 10:10 KJV).”

And the book of Pastor Norful says it in a more down-to-earth way: “Just because it looks good to you, doesn’t mean that it’s good for you!”

Manage Your Diabetes by Sherri Valentine

Avoid Temptation to Live Outside Your Means by Deirdre McClarin

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by Felicia McKinney

\As Chicago begins to have schools with longer class days, education is a hot topic. The documentary Wait-ing for Superman is a film that forces the viewer to take a shockingly close look at our nation’s public school

systems and ask the most oblivious question: Is the system failing our youth? This film, which hit theaters in 2010, follows a handful of kids though the public school system as they enter a lottery with the prayer that they would get an opportunity to attend what has been defined as a “good school.” The No Child Left Behind program that was intended to make sure every child received a proper education in America has been argued by many as a fail-ing attempt to fix an already dysfunctional school system.

This film is eye opening. As you are introduced to the featured children and guardians, you begin to feel a connection to them. You cheer them on and you want them to succeed. Even as I cheered for the children, I became more shocked and appalled at the structure of the public school system. This is not an issue ger-mane to certain neighborhoods, cities or schools; this is national problem. For the first time in American history, today’s genera-tion will be less literate than the prior. How is that possible? out of 30 developed nations, The United states of America rank 25th in Math and 21st in science.

In a world where the job market is becoming more competitive by the day, we must ask, are our children ready and educated at the level required to compete with other nations? I didn’t know much about the public school system prior to viewing this film and it makes me realize, ignorance is not bliss. We have to know what’s going on in our schools and how we can effect change. This movie pro-vides you with an inside look into the historical structure of the education system, the teacher performance measures and union environment, as well as the makeup of charter schools and the lottery system.

Even if you don’t agree with all the positions the documentary takes on the current state of the public school system, you can’t ignore the passion in which the filmmaker’s points were made.

As a parent, I felt a wave of different emotions—anger, disap-pointment, inspiration and a call to action to fight for every child’s right a great education. Any educator who views this film will undoubtedly have a strong opinion, and parents will be shocked to learn some of the statistics of even the schools that are labeled “good.”

This documentary speaks to both sides of the issue/debate on educa-tion. Its voice and message is clear—the school system in America has done millions of children a grave disservice. Do you agree?

How Can I See the Light When It’s So Dark? by Linda Douty

This new from Linda Douty, author of How Can I Let Go If I Don’t Know I’m Holding On? is concerned with the idea of grati-tude. Here she argues that gratitude is necessary for our physical, emotional and spiritual health, and she looks at the scriptural and psychological foundations of the concept. She offers specific tools and techniques for developing the grateful mind, along with ques-tions and activities at the end of each chapter to help you along the road. (Product Description)

Founder’s Month 2011 by Various Ministers

Don’t miss the life-changing messages from some of the most phenomenal ministers of the Gospel. Messages by Evangelist Shane Perry, Pastor Rance Allen, Pastor Corey Brooks, Pastor Chris Evans, and Pastor Susie Owens will propel you into your next level. This set is a great addition to your library of personal and spiritual development. The five-disc set (plus 3 BONUS CDs) includes: “Why Not?”; “Praise God in the Middle of It;” “Go Get It”; “God Will Provide;” and “Who Are You Working With?” BONUS CDs: “The Power is in the Palm of Your Hands;” “Pull It Together;” and “I Am On Course.”

Free by Kierra sheard (CD)

Track Listing: 1) Intro (I Am Free); 2) War; 3) Mighty; 4) You Are; 5) Interlude; 6) Desire; 7) Free; 8) Indescribable; 9) People (feat. S.O.M.); 10) Victory (feat. James Fortune); 11) Believers Evolved; 12) Back 2 Earth; 13) Lane (feat. JDS); 14) Sind I Found Christ (feat. Mali Music & JDS); 15) Ready to Go

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Mailing Address 319 N. Weber Rd, PMB 347

Bolingbrook, IL 60490 Phone: 630.378.9172

Weekly Schedule*

Sunday Worship Service @ 7:30am & 10am Romeoville High School

100 N. Independence Blvd, Romeoville, IL

Sunday Worship Service @ 12:30pmPercy L. Julian High School (PLJ)

10330 S. Elizabeth Street, Chicago

*Subject to change. Check for the most updated information.







GVictory Cathedral’s Vision statement:Victory Cathedral Worship Center will be a progressive and relevant ministry that will LEAD people to achieve God’s best for them. We will be a community of well-informed and spiritually empowered people who will actively equip people to carry out their divine purpose while building everything around us…lives, families, homes, community, and ultimately, the world.

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