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SCENE 1: INT. JAMES' BEDROOM - DAYOpening credits fade. Close up of alarm clock, hits 7:30am, alarm goes off, JAMES rolls over and turns it off. (Soft focus on JAMES)Fade in musicSCENE 2: INT. BATHROOM - DAYLong shot showing JAMES in the shower, silhouette of JAMES behind shower curtain. Cut to a medium close-up of JAMES having just washed his hair, washing his face.*If a walk-in shower is available then use a medium shot of JAMES behind the frosted glass. Sound of a shower running.SCENE 3: INT. JAMES' BEDROOM - DAYMediumshot of JAMES as he opens wardrobe to get changed, JAMES puts onashirt.Cut to a soft focus of JAMES doing up his tie.SCENE 4: INT. KITCHEN - DAYClose up of Cereal bowl on kitchen table as JAMES eats breakfast (soft focus on JAMES)SCENE 5: EXT. OUTSIDE JAMES' HOUSE - DAYJAMES opens door and walks outside, down the path and towards work.SCENE 6: INT. JAMES' WORK - DAYLong shot of JAMES in work walking down the corridor, smiles and half wavesat a small group of women who laugh and make a few nasty remarks quietly. Cut to JAMES trying to 'chat-up' a female work colleague who looks disgusted at him and walks away.SCENE 7: INT. PUB - NIGHTJAMES sits at the bar looking utterly alone, surrounded by couples.JAMES tries to 'chat-up' a young woman but fails dismally.Afterwards JAMES decides to leave and head home to bed.

SCENE 8: INT. JAMES' BEDROOM - NIGHTJAMES gets undressed then sits on the side of his bed and put his head in his hands.JAMES


Please God send me a miracle, Ive been looking for too long. Let me find someone who will actually give me a chance.

JAMES gets into bed and falls asleep, camera slowly zooms in on his face - scene fades to white.

SCENE 9: EXT. STREET - DAYScene fades in from white, JAMES is in his dream standing in a street. JAMES is confused as to his whereabouts, he sees a girl with red hair appear, she walks past him and smiles. JAMES is completely love struck by this woman, the women turns and smiles at him. JAMES then wakes up.In reality:JAMES(Gasp) Who the hell was that?!

SCENE 10: EXT. PARK - DAYJAMES goes back to sleep. He ends up back in the same dream but this time the girl isn't there. He goes looking for her and finds her sat in a park. He goes to talk to her.

GRACEHello, you found me then.

JAMES(Stutters) Y,Y,Yes I did. Do I know you?GRACENo, I'm just a stranger. You can sit down you know.JAMES sits down next to GRACEGRACESo whats your story? JAMESWhat do you mean?GRACEYour story? Why is a good-looking guy like you running around on his own looking for a miracle?JAMESA miracle? I'm not looking for a miracle.

GRACEThats not what you said before you went to sleep...JAMESWait. How do you know about that?!GRACEHey I'm not judging, we all want to find someone who makes us feel wanted and special, how long have you been looking?JAMESToo long!GRACEWell maybe she's right under your nose.JAMES looks up at GRACE who has a sweet smile on her face.JAMESI'm hoping she is(The sound of an alarm is heard.)JAMESWhats that?!

GRACEThats your alarm telling you to start your day, I'll see you tonight, don't miss me too much.JAMESWhat, wait!...Scene fades to white as JAMES wakes up from his dream.SCENE 11: INT. JAMES' BEDROOM - DAYJAMES wakes up suddenly, looks at the clock and hurries to get ready for work. Stopping to rethink the dream he's just had. Scene fadesSCENE 12: INT. WORK - DAYFade in. JAMES is at work completely oblivious to his surroundings, the only thing on his mind is the girl he met in his dream. JAMES starts getting a bit clumsy, therefore gets laughed at by colleagues.SCENE 13: EXT. PARK - DAYJAMES goes to the park where he had sat talking to GRACE, wishing she were there. JAMES starts to fall asleep sat on the bench, GRACE appears next to him.GRACEYou know, park benches aren't the best places to fall asleep.(Wakes up in dream suddenly)

JAMESWhat?!GRACEIt's pretty cold to be sleeping out here!JAMESOh, am I asleep?GRACEWell I'm here so I'm guessing soJAMESWhy do I keep dreaming of you, I don't even know your name!GRACEGrace Hayward. (Flirty) I'm the girl you can't seem to get off your mind.JAMESJames Jordan and that seems to be true, you've been on my mind all day. I came here looking for you.

GRACEI don't live in reality James; I'm simply an element of your imagination.JAMESSo in theory this could never go any further?A passing young girl wakes JAMES up, ending the dream along with GRACE.YOUNG GIRLHey you shouldn't really sleep on these benches you know.JAMESErm, sorry. I mean thank you.JAMES goes home to sleep.SCENE 14: INT. JAMES' DREAM - DAYJAMES enters the dream and starts to look for GRACE; he finds her standing alone under a tree at the park looking sad.JAMESGrace, whats wrong? I've been looking everywhere for you.GRACE looks up to JAMES with tears in her eyes.

JAMESGrace, what is it, whats wrong?!GRACEIts just, It gets so lonely here when you're out there living your life. I never realised how hard this would be, I didn't plan to fall this hard James.JAMES cups GRACE'S face in his hands and looks deep into her eyes.JAMESGrace, I think, I mean I know I've fallen for you. Youre on my mind all day, every day.GRACEJames you have a life away from all this, you can't stay here; you need to go and live.JAMESGrace, I can't live in reality without you, I need you!JAMES tips GRACE'S head up and kisses her softly on the lips.

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