Download - Vietnam 12 ppt

  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 12 ppt


    VIETNAMVietnamis ofcially the Socialist Republic of Vietnamis the easternmost country on the Indochina peninsula inSoutheast Asia. With an estimated 90.0 million inhabitantsas o !0"#$ it is the %orld&s "#thmost populous country$and the ei'ht(most(populous Asian country. The name

    Vietnam ) translates as *Southern Viet* +synonymous %iththe much older term Nam(,iet- it %as /rst ofciallyadopted in "0! by Emperor Gia Long$ and %as adopteda'ain in "912 %ith the oundin' o the Democratic

    Republic of Vietnamunder

    Ho Chi Minh. The country is

    bordered by 3hina to the north$ 4aos to the north%est$3ambodia to the south%est$ and the South china Sea tothe east. Its capital city has been Hanoisince thereuni/cation o North and South Vietnam in "956.

  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 12 ppt


    The Vietnamese became independent romImperial 3hinain A7 9#$ ollo%in' the Vietnamese,ictory in the 8attle o 8ch:;n'panded 'eo'raphically andpolitically into Southeast Asia$ until the Indochina?eninsula %as coloni@ed by the renchin the mid(

    "9th century. ollo%in' a Bapanese occupationinthe "910s$ the Vietnamese ou'ht rench rule inthe irst Indochina War$ e,entually e>pellin' therench in "921. Thereater$ Vietnam %as di,ided

    politically into t%o ri,al states$ North and SouthVietnam. 3on=ict bet%een the t%o sidesintensi/ed$ %ith hea,y inter,ention rom theCnited States$ in %hat is Dno%n as the

    Vietnam War. The %ar ended %ith a NorthVietnamese ,ictor in "952.
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    ONE of the beautiful spotin VIEN!M

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    SVietnam sports held a si'ni/cantposition in the countrys cultural /eldand ha,e al%ays played a pi,otal part

    in the cultural de,elopment o Vietnam.Vietnamese 'ames is a %ide arena thatinclude a number o sports liDe soccer,cycling, boxing, swimming, tennis,

    aerobics, judo, karate, etc. Themost popular Vietnam sport is soccer.And the Vietnamese sports %hich hold

    a hi'h ranD are chess, kung fu and

  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 12 ppt


    Vietnam has ,arious natural resourcesincludin' orest$ sea$ and mineralresources.

    In addition to hu'e potential ener'ysources liDe oil, natural gas, coal andhydropower, Vietnam is rich inother mineral source, such as ironore, copper, gold and buildingmaterials.

    Moreo,er$ sea sources and a'ricultural

    potential also enrich Vietnam&s natural


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    Ho Chi Minh Cit$$ ormerly named Sai'on$ isthe lar'est city in Vietnam. It %as once Dno%nas "re$ No%or$ an important Fhmer sea portprior to anne>ation by the Vietnamese in the"5th century. Cnder the name Sai'on$ it %asthe capital o the rench colony o 3ochin chinaand later o the independent republic o South

    Vietnam rom "922G52. Hn ! Buly "956$ Sai'onmer'ed %ith the surroundin' ia :Jnh ?ro,inceand %as ofcially renamed Ko 3hi Minh 3ityater KL 3h Minh +althou'h the name Si On

    is still commonly used-.

    L!RGES CI&

  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 12 ppt



  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 12 ppt


    Vietnam has an e>tensi,e state(controllednet%orD o schools$ colle'es and uni,ersities$and a 'ro%in' number o pri,ately run andpartially pri,ati@ed institutions. eneraleducation in Vietnam is di,ided into /,ecate'oriesP Dinder'arten$ elementary schools$middle schools$ hi'h schools$ and uni,ersities

    . A lar'e number o public schools ha,e beenconstructed across the country to raise thenational literacy rate$ %hich stood at 90.#Qin !00.

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    The University of medicine inHanoi

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    Schoo chidren

  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 12 ppt


  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 12 ppt


    he emple of LiteratureinHanoi',_Hanoi,_Hanoi
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  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 12 ppt


  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 12 ppt


  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 12 ppt


    Vietnamese poetry ori'inated in the orm

    o olD poetry and pro,erbs. Vietnamesepoetic structures include si>(ei'ht$ double(se,en si>(ei'ht$ and ,arious styles shared

    %ith 3lassical 3hinese poetry orms$ suchas are ound in Tan' poetry e>amplesinclude ,erse orms %ith *se,en syllableseach line or ei'ht lines$* *se,en syllableseach line or our lines* +a type o`uatrain-$ and */,e syllables each line orei'ht lines.* More recently there ha,e been

    ne% poetry and ree poetry.


  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 12 ppt


    Goo( Morning) !pocal$pse No* + !ribute to a Vietnam Veteran

    M$ uncle (oesn,t spea% much

    !bout Vietnam or the stu-He *itnesse( *hen he

    .as /ust a bo$' See)

    He li%es to (ri0e the bac% roa(sfast

    !n( hon% at ran(om cars that pass'His frien(l$ gestures al*a$s lea( toho*

    He gre* up compare( to %i(s no*'

    2umping an( racing trains on the

    trac%s3ecame (o(ging bullets an(

    carr$ing his bu(($ on his bac%'

    he marshes an( (irt 0alle$s here

    3ecame the forests an( trenches ofthe militar$ frontier'

    Last $ear) m$ sister (onne( his/ac%et

    Last $ear) m$ sister (onne( his /ac%et! fatigue( fatigue that hung in his closet'In color an( memor$ (ar%ene()4ept out of sight for fear it *oul( har%ens

    he "SD he,s struggle( to a0oi('

    He sa* his brothers) $oung li%e himo Vietnam succumb.hile on !merican soil!n( he promise( he *oul( ne0er spea%)5or fear his stomach *oul( coil)

    .hen remembering rice 6 a (ish he nolonger en/o$s'

    !n( there,s no orange on his clothes toremin( him of th

    e agent that (estro$e('.hen he spea%s calm

    7Goo( morning7) I *on(er if he,s thin%ingof Vietnam

    Or if he %no*shat I a(mire his strength an(3ra0er$ an( ho*He continuall$ 8ghts againsthe 7!pocal$pse No*7'

  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 12 ppt


    I ouche( he .all o(a$ 9he Vietnam Memorial .all:Emotions ;oo(e( m$ 0er$ soul as I 0ie*e( that Sacre( .all'Etche( for all eternit$ are hero,s names *ho sacri8ce( their all'I sense( that I *as on hallo*e( soil as I %nelt on ben(e( %nee'

    I touche( he .all to(a$) but more than that) he .all touche( me'I o-ere( a silent pra$er for each of the names that I caresse('ho, their time here *as brief) b$ them *e *ere trul$ blesse('he$ place( national (estin$ abo0e their o*n (efen(ing libert$'I touche( he .all to(a$) but more than that) he .all touche( me'

    he$ *ere or(inar$ !mericans) *ho performe( e !las) *e shall ne0er %no*'o teach nations he Gol(en Rule) I suspect *oul( be their plea'I touche( he .all to(a$) but more than that) he .all touche( me'ho, gran(er monuments ha0e been built for those of greater fame)his simple $et po*erful memorial *ill %eep ali0e the ;ame)Of humanit$,s ?uest for brotherhoo() peace an( (ignit$'

    I touche( he .all to(a$) but more than that) he .all touche( me'

  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 12 ppt


  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 12 ppt


    In !00$ a'riculture and orestry accounted or!".percent o Vietnam&s 'ross domesticproduct+7?-$ and bet%een "991 and !001$ thesector 're% at an annual rate o 1." percent.

    A'ricultures share o economic output has declinedin recent years$ allin' as a share o 7? rom 1!Qin "99 to!6Q in "999$ as production in othersectors o the economy hs risen. Ko%e,er$a'ricultural products accounted or #0 percent oe>ports transormed the country into the %orldssecond or third lar'est rice e>porter.


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  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 12 ppt


    Ater reuni/cation ollo%ed a pattern that %asinitially the re,erse o the record in a'riculture itsho%ed reco,ery rom a depressed base in theearly post%ar years.

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  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 12 ppt


    Vietnamese cuisineencompasses thefoo(s an( be0erages of Vietnam$ andeatures a combination o /,e undamentaltaste elements in the o,erall meal.Each

    Vietnamese dish has a distincti,e =a,or%hich re=ects one or more o theseelements. 3ommon in'redients include/sh sauce$ shrimp paste$soysauce$ rice$

    resh herbs$ and ruits and ,e'etables.Vietnamese recipes use lemon'rass$ 'in'er$ mint$ Vietnamese mint$ lon' coriander$Sai'on cinnamon$ bird&s eye chili$ lime$ and


  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 12 ppt



    IN 3!HN R!NG

  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 12 ppt



  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 12 ppt


  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 12 ppt


    VIEN!MESE "EO"LEThe Vietnamese peopleor the Kinhpeopleor ngi Kinhare anAsian

    ethnic grouporiginating from present-day

    northern Vietnamand southern China. They

    are the majority ethnic group of Vietnam,comprising 86% of the population at the !!!

    census, and are officially "no#n as Kinh to

    distinguish them from other

    ethnic groups in Vietnam. The earliest recordedname for the ancient Vietnamese people

    appears as Lc.
  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 12 ppt


    Although geographically and linguistically la$eled

    as outheast Asians, long periods of Chinesedomination and influence ha&e placed the

    Vietnamese culturally closer to 'ast Asians, or

    more specifically their immediate northern

    neigh$ours, the outhern Chinese and other

    tri$es #ithin the outh China. The #ord Vit is

    shortened from BchVit, a name used in

    ancient times. Nam means (south(.
  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 12 ppt


    !eo%e of Ton&in' ()*(+()),

  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 12 ppt


    Ric&sha- in Hanoi in the (.th cent/ry

  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 12 ppt



    The population o Vietnam is estimatedat 9!$215$929 as o Buly " !0"1. Vietnam&s population represents ".!Q o

    the total %orld population. Vietnam ranDs number "1 in the list

    o countries by population.The population density in Vietnam is !59

    people per Fm!

    . ##Q o the population is urban +#0$1!$""people in !0"1-.

    The median a'e in Vietnam is #0.# years.

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  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 12 ppt


    he General Secretar$ of the Communist "art$perorms numerous Dey administrati,e ande>ecuti,e unctions$ controllin' the partys national

    or'ani@ation and state appointments$ as %ell assettin' policy. he presi(ent of Vietnam is the titular head o

    state and the nominal commander(in(chie o the

    military$ ser,in' as the 3hairman o the 3ouncil oSupreme 7eense and Security. The ?rime Ministero Vietnam is the head o 'o,ernment$ presidin'o,er a council o ministers composed o threedeputy prime ministers and the heads o !6

    ministries and commissions.

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    Hanoiis the capital o Vietnamand the country&ssecond lar'est city. Its population in !009 %asestimated at !.6 million or urban districts$6.2 millionor the metropolitan [urisdiction.rom "0"0 until"0!$ it %as the most important political centre o

    Vietnam. It %as eclipsed by Ku$ the imperial capitalo Vietnam durin' the N'uyn7ynasty+"0!G"912-$but Kanoi ser,ed as the capital o rench Indochinarom "90! to "921. rom "921 to "956$ it %as the

    capital o North Vietnam$ and it became the capital oa reuni/ed Vietnam in "956$ ater the North&s ,ictoryin the Vietnam War.The city lies on the ri'ht banD othe

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  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 12 ppt


    lobetrotters are =ocDin' ,ietnam these daysthe most or not one but se,eral reasons.3ulture and Vietnam tour is o course one othem. Visitin' some o the ma[or tourist places

    o Vietnam can help e>plorin' the 'ems oVietnam culture in detail. 3ulture o Vietnam ise>otic and mar,elous. Tra,elers are astonishedto disco,er about ,arious aspects o its cultural

    eni'ma. 3ultural tour in Vietnam is an e>citin'%ay to disco,er the indi'enous culture o thecountry.


  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 12 ppt


  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 12 ppt


    A 4n Ln' practitioner perorms in apa'oda.

    Scholars such as Toan gnh +T"n#ng$ng

    Vit#%am"99"- ha,e listed a resur'encein traditional belie in many local$ ,illa'e(le,el$ spirits.

    Vietnam reli'ion are 7ao Mau$ 8uddhism$

    ?ure land$ Hrthodo>ism$ 7ao 7ira$Kinduism$ Kao Kao$Tun Kiu N'ha$?rotestantism$ 3ao dai$ Islam$ and3hristianity.


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  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 12 ppt


    "ure Lan( 3u((hismis abroad branch o Mahayana8uddhismand is said to be

    one o the most popularschools o 8uddhism inVietnam$ in %hichpractitioners commonly recitesutras$ chants and dharanis

    looDin' to 'ain protection rombodhisatt,asor 7harma(?rotectors

    Cao Fiis a relati,ely ne%$syncretist$ monotheistic

    reli'ion$ ofcially establishedin the city oTjyNinh$southern Vietnam$ in "9!6.

    The term Cao &iliterallymeans *hi'h 3hannel*$ or/'urati,ely$ the hi'hest place%here od rei'ns.
  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 12 ppt


    HAa Ho KOaKkois a reli'ious tradition$ based on 8uddhism$

    ounded in "9#9 by Kunh?hS$ a nati,e o the

    MeDon' 7eltare'ion o southern Vietnam. n HiBu NghJaT n Kiu N'ha '()our *+,t- o. /ratitud+(0$ a

    8uddhist sect based in An ian'?ro,ince$ is one o

    the most recently re'istered reli'ions in Vietnam. "rotestantism ?rotestantism %as introduced to 7aNan'in "9""

    by a 3anadian missionarynamed

  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 12 ppt


    Ortho(o 3hristianity$ the 3hurchis

    represented in Vn'Tu$ Vietnam$ mainly amon' the

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    Much liDe Kinduism$adherence to Islam in Vietnamis primarily associated %iththe 3hamethnic minority$althou'h there is also aMuslim population o mi>ed

    ethnic ori'ins$ also Dno%n as3ham$ or 3ham Muslims$ inthe south%est +MeDon' 7elta-o the country. Islam isassumed to ha,e come toVietnam much ater its arri,al

    in 3hina durin' theTan' 7ynasty+6"G905-$throu'h contact %ith Arabtraders.


  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 12 ppt


    CatholicismNotre 7ame 3athedral inKo 3hi Minh 3ity$ Vietnam.

    Main articleP

  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 12 ppt


    Traditional Vietnamese music is hi'hlydi,erse and syncretistic$ combinin' nati,eand orei'n in=uences. Throu'hout itshistory$ Vietnam has been most hea,ilyimpacted by the 3hinese musicaltradition$ as an inte'ral part$ alon' %ithForea$ Mon'olia and Bapan.\"] The ormer

    Indochinese Din'dom o 3hampa alsoe>erted some in=uence +albeit moreminor %hen compared to 3hina- onVietnam&s traditional music.


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  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 12 ppt


    Traditional Vietnamese dance comprises se,eraldierent orms includin' dance as perormed inVietnamese theatre and opera$ dances perormed atesti,als$ and royal dances o the imperial court.7ance is thou'ht to ha,e been an inte'ral part o

    Vietnamese culture since ancient times$ as depictedby en'ra,in's ound on 7on' Son drums.

    Vietnam is a di,erse country %ith 21 dierent ethnic'roups$ %ith the ethnic Vietnamese +Dno%n as Kinh-

    maDin' up the ma[ority o the population. Thisarticle mainly ocuses on the traditional dances othe ethnic Vietnamese$ althou'h each o the manyethnic minorities o Vietnam ha,e their o%n richculture and dance styles.


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  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 12 ppt


  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 12 ppt


    Theater o Vietnam comprisesmany traditional orms o drama%hich sur,i,e and retain their

    popularity to ,aryin' de'rees.Vietnamese theater is stron'lyin=uenced by 3hinese opera andother orms$ and includes 'enresliDe Kt tuLn'$ Kt cho and 3kilYn'.


  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 12 ppt



  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 12 ppt


    Vietnamese art is ,isual art that$ %hether ancient ormodern$ ori'inated in or is practiced in Vietnam or byVietnamese artists.

    Vietnamese art has a lon' and rich history$ the earlieste>amples o %hich date bacD as ar as the Stone A'e

    around $000 83E\citation needed]. With the millennium o 3hinese domination startin' in

    the !nd century 83$ Vietnamese art undoubtedlyabsorbed many 3hinese in=uences$ %hich %ouldcontinue e,en ollo%in' independence rom 3hina in the

    "0th century A7. Ko%e,er$ Vietnamese art has al%aysretained many distincti,ely Vietnamese characteristics.

    8y the "9th century$ the in=uence o rench art tooDhold in Vietnam$ ha,in' a lar'e hand in the birth omodern Vietnamese art


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  • 8/9/2019 Vietnam 12 ppt




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