Page 1: Vietnams country report on National S&T Statistics Dr. Dang Duy Thinh NISTPASS, Vietnam

Vietnam’s country report on National S&T Statistics

Dr. Dang Duy ThinhNISTPASS, Vietnam

Page 2: Vietnams country report on National S&T Statistics Dr. Dang Duy Thinh NISTPASS, Vietnam


Content S&T Statistics 1980’s S&T Statistics 1990’s S&T Statistics 2000-2003 S&T Statistics 2003-2008 Conclusion

Page 3: Vietnams country report on National S&T Statistics Dr. Dang Duy Thinh NISTPASS, Vietnam

S&T Statistics 1980’s

Report Method for collecting data for S&T Statistics:

14 S&T Indicator groups for Government and Higher Education sectors

04 S&T Indicator groups for Industry sector Some R&D Indicators (only limited done) No innovation indicators Report method was not successful at that time

for collecting data

Page 4: Vietnams country report on National S&T Statistics Dr. Dang Duy Thinh NISTPASS, Vietnam

S&T Statistics 1990’s

Survey Method for collecting data for Statistics:

233 State R&D institutes R&D activities in 52 provinces The indicators mainly included Input indicators No Indicators of FTE, Intra/Extra Expenditure for

R&D, type of R&D activities Output Indicators were very simple No innovation indicators

Page 5: Vietnams country report on National S&T Statistics Dr. Dang Duy Thinh NISTPASS, Vietnam

S&T Statistics 2000-2003 Survey Method for collecting

data for S&T Statistics: Trail Project (S&T indicators of China) ASEAN-ROK project (S&T indicators of OECD,

ASEAN) Conducting the test survey for fostering the

Indicators system Conducted the survey on national R&D

institutions from August to December 2003 Results of survey published in ASEAN-

Documents (as Results of Projects)

Page 6: Vietnams country report on National S&T Statistics Dr. Dang Duy Thinh NISTPASS, Vietnam

S&T Statistics 2000-2003

R&D indicators proposed for VN: National R&D - financial resources/human

resources Business Enterprises R&D - financial

resources/human resources Higher Education R&D - financial

resources/human resources Government R&D – financial resources/human

resources Patents and Articles

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S&T Statistics 2000-2003

Coverage and new Indicators introduced

Coverage covers 4 sectors: Gov; HE; Non P; BE (before: only Gov and HE sectors)

Introduced some new indicators in the survey: Personnel: included Headcount, FTE Expenditure: included intramural/extramural

expenditure R&D activity: divided into basic research, applied

research and development

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S&T Statistics 2000-2003

Test survey Questionnaire and sample survey The first sample survey applied for 15 institutes The second ones applied for 45 institutes Correcting the questionnaires based on

the donor experience and abroad experience of China, and ASEAN for Vietnam’s national R&D survey

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S&T Statistics 2000-2003

Conducting the survey: Institutional arrangement NISTPASS was responsible for methodology,

questionnaires NACESTI was responsible for implementing the

survey The survey was based on Units not

based on R&D Projects

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S&T Statistics 2000-2003

No Sectors Sent Questionnaire

Respond Questionnaire


1 Total 446 273 61

2 Research Institutes

199 144 72

3 Education:- Universities- College




4 Non-profit organization

50 13 26

5 Business Enterprises


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S&T Statistics 2000-2003

Results of the R&D survey: The coverage of the survey up to 80% total

R&D performance of Vietnam Generating to 5 general table for Vietnam (as

attached in the annex), detailed divided by sector, by performance, by source...

Resulting by practical situation of Vietnam, so we only applied the survey by unit, not by project so hardly generating for FTE indicator, especially in the Higher Education sector

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S&T Statistics 2000-2003


GERD (mil. VND) 1032560.90

GERD (1000 USD)* 67744.45

GERD / GDP (%) 0.23

Total R&D personnel


Female R&D personnel



* Average Exchange Rate in 2002 (1US$=15242 VND)

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GERD by source of funds)

1,000,000 VND

1000 USD


Business enterprises 186478.00 12234.48 18.06

Direct Government 736165.25 48298.47 71.30

Higher education 29013.70 1903.54 2.81

Private non-profit 5756.00 377.64 0.01

Funds from abroad 65397.95 4290.64 6.33

Other 6753.00 443.05 0.65

Total GERD 1032560.90 67744.45 100.00

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GERD by type of


1,000,000 VND

1000USD %

Basic research

226229.24 14842.49 21.91

Applied research

544303.51 35710.77 52.71

Experimental development

257562.15 16898.19 24.94

Total GERD 1032560.90 67744.45 100.00

S&T Statistics 2000-2003

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Researchers/Scientists/Engineers (RSE)

41117.00 86.29

RSE with Doctor degree 4466.00 9.37

RSE with master degree 8369.00 17.56

RSE with bachelor degree 28282.00 59.35

Technicians 2973.00 6.24

Other supporting staff 3561.00 7.47

Total R&D personnel 47651.00 100.00

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Researchers/Scientists/Engineers (RSE) - females

144090 30.24

RSE females with Doctor degree 906 1.90

RSE female with Master degree 3407 7.15

RSE females with Bachelor degree

10096 21.19

Technicians females 1385 2.91

Supporting staff females 1806 3.79

Total R&D personnel females 17585 36.90

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S&T Statistics 2000-2003Advantages and difficulties of survey:

• Advantage The high respond rate in the GOV, BE sectors

Incorporating ROK-statistical Project with Government R&D statistical Project (using oversea experiences)

Difficulties Survey with 4 sectors and new indicators

Lack of law framework for statistical performance

Calculation of FTE only available for Gov. sector

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S&T Statistics 2003-2008 Law on Statistics 2003

For imple. the Law (Gov. Degree 40/2004 ND-CP): - National Indicators System (NIS), - NIS: Indicators, sectors/groups, time Survey method for collecting data for statistics - National Survey Programs (NSP) - General Directorate for Statistics organizing NSP - Survey beside the NSP: for the policy of Ministries - Ministries are responsible conducting one part in NSP - Gov. Budget for implementing NSP (important)

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S&T Statistics 2003-2008 For imple. the Law …(cont.):

Statistic Report Method:

- Grassroots level (St. Agency, S&T inst… who using State Budget, FDI, do report),

- Centralized level (Ministry, Province to compilate) Statistic Organizations: - General Directorate for Statistics - Statistic Unite at Ministries, Provinces - Statistic Unite at Cities, Districts, Communities

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S&T Statistics 2003-2008 National Indicators System (part

for S&T) (Decision of Prime-Minister No 305/2005)

1. No of S&T institutions2. No of Personnel working in the S&T Field3. No of R&D Projects 4. No of Patents5. No of National and International Prizes6. Expenditure for S&T7. Expenditure for Innovation in Enterprises8. Paying and selling the technologies9. Paying and selling the patents

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S&T Statistics 2003-2008 Tables for Statistic Report which

are to provide by MOST (according to Decision of Prime-Minister No 111/2008) 1. 01B/KHCN: No of S&T institutions2. 02B/KHCN: No of Persons working in the S&T Field3. 03B/KHCN: No of R&D Projects 4. 04B/KHCN: No of Patents5. 05B/KHCN: No of National and International Prizes6. 06B/KHCN: Finance for paying and selling the

technologies and the patents

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S&T Statistics 2003-2008 Statistics on the S&T Field (according to the Gov. Degree 30/2006 ND-CP):

Statistic S&T Indicators are:a) Indicator group of S&T Personnel (4 Indicators)b) Indicator group of Finance for S&T (3 Indicators)c) Indicator group of Infrastructure for S&T(4 Indicators)d) Indicator group of Capability for Tech. Innovation (4 Ind.) e) Indicator group of Results of S&T activities (7 Indicators)f) Indicator group of Impacts of S&T (4 Indicators)g) Indicator group of Others

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S&T Statistics 2003-2008 Statistics on the S&T Field (cont.)Institutions to make the statistic report : State S&T Institutions State agencies State Enterprises Politic Organizations, social Organizations,… which

using the National Budget for the S&T activitiesS&T Statistic Survey: Institutions, agencies to be surveyed which do not

make the statistics report or survey to be done extra for statistic report or for issues which not planned to do or in the emergency case.

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S&T Statistics 2003-2008 Statistics on the S&T Field (cont.)S&T Statistic Survey: Incorporated in National Survey Programs MOST conducts the S&T part in National Survey

Programs Ministry extra S&T survey for own purpose Other ministries and Provinces can do S&T surveys for

their purposes and reported to MOST MOST is responsible for set up extra S&T Indicators

(beside the S&T Indicators in National Indicator System) for its statistic purpose.

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S&T Statistics 2003-2008 Statistics on the S&T Field (cont.)

Network for colleting data for S&T statistics: S&T Statistic Organization of MOST Statistic Organization of Ministries, Agencies of Gov. Statistic Organization or Personnel responsible for S&T

statistic in Provinces, Cities, Districts, Communities Personnel responsible for S&T statistics in S&T

institutions, Enterprises,…(in the grassroots level)

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S&T Statistics 2003-2008 Indicator System in S&T FieldIn Process for setting up this Indicator System by MOSTThe Indicator System in S&T Field comprises of (draft): S&T Personnel S&T Finance S&T Infrastructure S&T Cooperation S&T Publication Patents Capability of technological Innovation Activities of Assessment, Evaluation of Technology Activities of Standardization, Measuring, Quality Management Activities for Management of using Nuclear Power for civil purpose Activities of Inspectors in S&T Field

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Conclusion VN had along time ago dealing with report method in

S&T Statistics but it was not successful VN tried to collecting data for S&T and specially for R&D

in some cases but until now only in form of research activities (not legally) prior 2003

VN uses legally 2 methods (report and survey) for the collecting the data for S&T Statistics. It promises to provide reliable data for the S&T statistic purpose

VN is now on the wage legally to set up the mechanism and the indicators for the S&T Statistics and hopefully it is finished in this year and can conduct the statistic activities in the next years

One weakness of the VN’ S&T indicators system is not clear about R&D indicators and Innovation Indicators. It can be amended, revised before to be approved by Government and MOST.

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