
Champagne Sabering, a Noble Art of Sabrage –

Champagne Sabres

You probably saw it at your very own television screen or perhaps a fancy

restaurant that you recently dined in. Sabrage or Champagne sabering is a method which

has been made famous by the cavalries of the Great Napoleon Bonaparte called the Hussars.


Champagne sword is intended only to cut the neck area of the bottle. It is not for cutting meat or for thrusting. If you are going to observe the blade, you’ll notice that it is blunt. Sharp edge blade is unnecessary; it is all about pressure when doing so.  Champagne sabre is definitely ideal gifts especially for people who are enthusiast about wines and champagnes. When executing the art the most important part is that the bottle must be cold

First step

Carefully remove the wire that supports the cork. Of course you have to remove the seal around the bottle. After removing those, now it’s time to find the seams. Seams are the weakest point of the bottle, it is somewhere at the glass lip just below the wire basket. It is important to remove unnecessary foil since it might impede the force when sliding your sabre.

Second step

You should hold the bottle firmly place your thumb at the base of the bottle which is usually curved. You should point the bottle where is safe with about 30 degree horizontally. It is important to ensure that there is no one near or beside you. Aim the bottle somewhere safe not to break glasses or windows.

Third Step

Calmly slide the blade along to the seam of the bottle. Your firm sliding with enough force and pressure will push the annulus or glass ring. The cork will fly dramatically away with your stroke making it very astonishing. Let the bubbles eliminate small shards, it is highly recommended to use linen napkin over the bottom portion of the bottle.

When these three steps performed correctly, the cork ring will simply fly away spilling some amount of precious wine. Now it’s time to enjoy your drink and appreciate whatever occasion you are celebrating with your friends, loved ones and co-workers. Keep in mind that not all bottles are equally made.

To add more excitement in celebrations and make them memorable ones select finest champagne

sword and sabres from Champagne Sabres. Here all the blades are developed from the finest

manufacturers in the industry of steel blade. Carved from the supreme quality of steel and blade

that can be used when performing sabrage or sabering for any celebration.

Contact Us

For more information and details about Champagne Sabre and

Champagne Sword visit our website:

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