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"Farewell Warnings to Church"

1 Peter 5:8-11

Rev. Min J. Chung

(Sunday Worship, May 9, 1999)

"Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of s ufferings. And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. To him be the power for ever and ever. Amen." 1 Peter 5:8-11 .

I. IntroductionA. Last week we talked about Peters final address to the church. He

exhorted the elders to sacrifice and serve and give to the sheep, not because they have to, but because they cannot help but to, by the grace and power and love of God. He told the young men to be submissive to their spiritual leaders, which he himself had learned before. He told them to be humble to everyone in the church, because God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. If youre humble before the Lord, you will cast your worries on Him and trust in Him. Thats so applicable this week and the next as you take finals and face different kinds of trials. Are you worried and does it control you and you cant do other things, like pray or spend time with Him? Those things are gone, because your worries dominate you. It shows that you are proud. "Cast your cares on Him for He cares for you."

B. Starting with verse 8, Peter gives some final warnings to the church. After he talks to the church he tells them to be ready for persecution and difficulties. The Devil prowls around like a lion, looking for someone to devour. We need to know our enemy. Dwight Pentecost wrote in Your Adversary the Devil, of the need to know our enemy. "No military commander could expect to be victorious in battle unless he understood his enemy. Should he prepare for an attack by land but ignore the possibility that the enemy might approach by air or by sea, he would open the way to defeat. Or should he prepare for a land or sea attack, and ignore the possibility of an attack through the air, he would certainly jeopardize the campaign. No individual can be victorious against the adversary of our souls unless he understands his philosophy, his methods of operation, his methods of temptation." We need to know our enemies. C. S. Lewis in the book, The Screwtape Letters, a fascinating book about a devil discipling his nephew on how to tempt people, said, "There are two equal and opposite errors into which our ways can fall about the devil. Disbelief in their existence the other is to believe and have an

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unhealthy, excessive interest in them." The Bible warns us against Satan and demons, but it cannot be in an unhealthy manner, focusing on them. They are strong and powerful but we cant be obsessed by their presence. There are two ways he can attack. He can attack with his power or with scheming, subtle ways. Hes a great discipler. "Like all young tempters you are anxious to be able to report spectacular wickedness. But do remember, the only thing that matters is the extent to which you separate the man from the Enemy [God, since its from the Devils perspective]. It does not matter how small the sins are, provided that their cumulative effect is to edge the man away from the Light and out into the Nothing. Murder is no better than cards if cards can do the trick. Indeed, the safest road to Hell is the gradual one€the gentle slope, soft underfoot without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts." Isnt that fascinating? Satan at times attacks with power but at other times with schemes. You start to compromise a little bit. You might not murder, but you hate people. Slowly but surely you are being separated from God. You fall asleep to death. This text warns about the first method€the powerful attacks of Satan! Satan roams like a roaring lion and Peter amply experienced it himself. First, well talk about who to be aware of. Second, how to fight. Third, what to hold on to.

II. BodyA. Who to Be Aware Of

Verse 8, "Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour."

1. The Devil Is the Enemya. He is the enemy. He wants to devour you. Dont fool around

with Satan. He wants to devour you, to eat you alive. Devour is the same word used in the OT when the big fish swallowed Jonah. He wants to swallow you, to capture you. R ev. 12:12 says that he is filled with fury, because he knows his time is short. Peter is painting a picture of Satan. Hes like an animal, with smoke coming out of his nose. He knows that the end and his destruction is near for him and he wants everyone to go along with him. He wants to devour you, to eat you alive, to destroy you. That is his goal.

b. What animal is he compared to in this text? A lion. In Gen. 3 Satan comes as a snake. Snakes are subtle, cunning, and scheming. He has a scheme. Hes smart. He comes in subtle ways. Hes like that, too, but here hes a lion. He attacks with

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power. Hes hungry, fearful, and he directly attacks, especially using persecution. Hes like a lion.

c. Who are we as compared to the lion? Last week, Peter talked to the shepherds. We are sheep€dumb, idiotic, ignorant sheep. Hes a hungry lion who wants to devour us. People at that time knew what Peter meant.

d. Many times we wonder, "Is Satan real?" Have you ever seen Satan or a demon? If you had, your prayer lives would be changed. You would come to morning prayer. If you saw a demon in your bathroom, youd pray. Sometimes we dont really believe the demonic world is real. Its just an abstract concept to many of us. Is Satan real? The Bible says so. What the world says and what your mind says versus what the Bible says is different, but its the Bible that is reality. The Bible, which sees history and all kinds of realms and layers, is reality. We dont really live like that, do we? You are living in a dream world, if you dont really believe it. If you dont believe in Satan and the spiritual battle, you are living in a dream world. Are you living in a dream world or in reality? We are soldiers in a battle. We are to fight, or demons and Satan and his followers will eat you alive.  Do not make the mistake of no Satan. Also, do not make the mistake ofall Satan. Just be aware. Hes the enemy.

2. The Devil is the Accusera. Verse 8, "Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the

devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." Rev. 12 again gives insight into what the Devil is like. Rev. 12:10 says, "Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say: "Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Christ. For theaccuser of our brothers, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down." How does he accuse? He accuses them and also before God. Thats his characteristic whether before God or inside the minds of men.

b. How does he accuse us? He accuses us in our minds. He can cause thoughts to occur. He can speak in non-verbal ways. He can influence our minds unless we are careful. Peter didnt know that Satan was speaking through him when he said, "Jesus, dont go to the cross." Satan didnt

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come and laugh hysterically and say, "Muhahahaha, tell Jesus to go to the cross!" and tempt Peter. Peter didnt know, but those thoughts were the thoughts of Satan. He can accuse us with:

1. Past guilta. Our unhealthy guilt can cripple us. Be careful

that its not an excuse for lack of repentance. If youre not repentant enough, guilt comes to cause us to truly repent. However, Demons can use guilt to accuse us to hinder our spiritual effectiveness.

2. Failuresa. You failed in this manner. If I didnt believe in

the blood of Jesus Christ, there would be no way I could stand on this pulpit.

3. Depressiona. Satan makes you think that something is

reality when it is not. He makes you think that you are not useful€he can depress you that way. What you really believe causes the emotions that come out. You need to get those thoughts out of your mind, and your emotions will follow. You need to fight that with the truth of the Scripture.

4. False Realitya. He may accuse you in order to discourage you

with false reality.5. Doubts

a. Sometimes we will have doubts, but if we focus on those doubts, itll cause us to be weak.

6. Pessimismc. What is the proper reaction to these accusations? Always

turn to Christ. They may be false thoughts or true ones. Whether they are true thoughts from the Holy Spirit or false thoughts from Satan (hes the false accuser), whatever accusations come, turn to Christ. Trust Him. Hold onto Him. Turn to Christ.

d. There are improper reactions to accusations. We can accuse God. You blame Him. Its just like Adam and Eve. Adam said, "The woman you gave me" Some of you are

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angry with God. Some of you might say, "God did this", while you did it with your sin. Sometimes you accuse yourself, saying negative things about yourself and what youve done.Sometimes you can accuse others€you blame them. "Its not really my fault." When you accuse God , self, and others, you are more like the Accuser than the Defender. Are you more like the Accuser or the Defender? How do you react when accusations come? When you accuse God, yourself, or others, not really turning to Christ, you are like the Accuser, youre going right along with Satans temptations, while Scripture says you need to be like Christ, the Defender. Ask Him to clothe you and cleanse you, strengthen you and empower you. We need to be aware of the Accuser. Always turn to Christ.

3. The Devil is the Prowler"He prowls around like a roaring lion." What does that mean? Hes actively and angrily seeking someone to devour. Thats why hes working even now. His followers pray more than Christians at times. Who does the Prowler attack?

a. The intoxicated ones1. Thats what that verse means. Be self-

controlled  literally means dont be intoxicated  , be sober. Of course we can be intoxicated with wine. But we can also be intoxicated with the world, worldliness. When something consumes your mind, it hinders your spiritual life. When you have an unhealthy emotional attachment to someone, you keep thinking about him or her and it hinders your spiritual life. When you have hatred toward someone, it hinders your spiritual life. When you have an addiction to something, it hinders your spiritual life. When you try to pray, those things come and hinder our prayers. Satan attacks the intoxicated ones. Thats why it says to be sober. Demons come and use these things. You are intoxicated with those things; they bother you so that you cannot get closer to the Lord. In order for you to think straight and get closer the Lord, you need to change your life by the power of the Spirit.

b. The sick ones1. Those who are overdosed on the world.

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c. The young ones1. Those who are ignorant of the word.

d. Alone, wandering sheepe. Not alert

1. The ones who are sleeping in their lives. The world intoxicates you, but the Word awakens you. When the Word of God goes in, it attacks the cancerous things in our lives, but the Prowler attacks the intoxicated ones.

f. Why are they intoxicated and on the drugs of this world? Because they are proud. God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. We absolutely need the grace of God to overcome the awesome and powerful enemy. In order to receive that grace, you need to be humble. Humble yourself under the mighty hand of God. When we say that the Prowler attacks the intoxicated ones, we are talking about the ones who get down on themselves and worried and then think that they can take care of their anxieties and worries. Thats pride, thinking you can handle your problems, not going to the One who can help you. They are the ones who think, "I can handle it." He or she is an I-will-never-fall-away person. There are also I-have-no-problem-people. "Its not my fault. I dont have a problem. Im misunderstood. Its-because-of-person. Why are you always blaming me?" A why-didnt-you-person. Are you an I-have-no-problem-person? Most problems in the church or family are caused by these types of people. Satan is looking for these kinds of people to attack.

B. How to Fight1. Remember that you are not alone

a. Verse 9 says, "Because you know that your brothers and sisters are undergoing the same kind of suffering." You are not alone. Throughout the world there is a war going on. You arent alone. Something about knowing this strengthens us. When I watch talk shows on TV, dumb kinds of guests come out and when they share their dumb stories, the audience cheers them on and then what happens? They come alive. They know they are not alone. Then the other half of the guests argue with them and half the audience cheers them on and then they come alive. Theres something about when you know you arent alone, that

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you are supported. Whats the big deal about home-court advantage? Its the same court, the same field, the same size. Everything is the same whether youre playing a game away or at home. But theres something about forty, fifty, sixty-thousand people making animalistic noises that strengthens you. Theres something about people encouraging us that strengthens us. Why? Because we are spiritual beings and when they say those things, its a spiritual thing. What we say is spiritual and it either helps or discourages people. Remember that you are not alone. Heb. 11 talks about all the people of faith whove gone ahead of us. Then chapter 12 talks about the cloud of witnesses cheering us on. Moses and Abraham are cheering us on. We have home-court advantage. We have a crowd on our side. All the saints that have passed before us and who are still fighting are on our side. All the angelic beings and God are on our side. We are on the right side. You are not alone. Your soul receives strength when you know you are not alone.

b. I remember talking to Burundian pastors who were going through a war. At a national pastors conference, about five hundred pastors gathered together in the midst of the war zone and I was saying, "Do not forsake your sheep but put your life on the line. I dont know if Id be able to do that if I were in your shoes, but thats what the Bible says to do." Afterward, the five hundred pastors stood together and prayed for each other to be able to give their lives for their sheep. Im sure many of them have passed away since then. But many of them were so encouraged as they realized that they were not alone.

c. When I get discouraged I talk to other ministers in the States. Just talking to each another, we get strengthened becausewe know we are not alone. To the ones who are leaving, youll get discouraged and have difficulties. At least for a few years itll be hard as you adjust. But you are not alone. Well be with you in our prayers. We promise that. Remember that you are not alone.

2. Resist hima. Isnt it discouraging when you have a tough question and

the person youre talking to responds, "Pray." "Just do it." Youre crying and saying, "Im having a hard time. How can

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I get through it?" They say, "Overcome." [Its frustrating.] Peter says, "Resist him." Do you know what youre talking about, Peter? Yes, you know this saint, with white hair and wrinkles, knows what hes talking about.

b. When youre a father, there are times to tell your kids, "You cant do it." Joshua asks, "Can I drive that car?" I have to tell them, "You cant drive when youre eight years old." "You cant do it." However, there are times you need to tell them, "You can do it." I remember the first time I put Joshua on a slide. I got him up there and it wasnt that high. But he was lingering on the top. I said, "You can do it!" He was about three or four years old. The reason I knew he could do it was because right before him there was a two year old girl who had gone down that slide! So I was thinking, "My boy can do this!" "You can do it!" Yet he would not come down. So I told him that even if he fell off the slide and did a somersault,Id catch him. What I was saying to Joshua was, "You can, and I willcatch you." Thats what God is saying when He says, "Resist him." Hes saying, "You can, and I will." When the Bible commands something, its not like someone telling you to do something who doesnt know what hes talking about. Hes saying, "You can and I will." James 4:7 says, "Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." When you submit yourselves to the Lord, He will cause the Devil to flee. Theres a difference between a soldier and a pretender. He can look real good, have a good suit. Sharp. Cleaned-up. Looks like an All-American. But when he goes out to war, he doesnt know what to do. He looks good, but hell get killed. A soldier might not look good, but he knows how to fight. What are you? Are you a soldier or a pretender? I dont know how many of you are soldiers! I dont know how many of you will fight to the end! Resist him! When you know how to do that, to resist difficulties, struggles and the enemy, you are a soldier as well as you are becoming one.

3. Stand Firm in the Faitha. The important word is faith. If you have faith, you can

stand firm. Peter knows what hes talking about. Remember when Jesus said to Peter, "Youll fail. Satan has asked Me to sift you. But I prayed that your faith may not fail." It was

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faith that enabled Peter to stand firm. Peter knew how important faith is, because that was the only reason he was able to not fall away. Stand firm in the faith. Jesus prays to give us strength to hold on with faith. Its not Jesus automaticallyholding onto us while we do nothing. Faith is the avenue to receive strength. Through faith, as we depend on the Lord, we receive strength. He provides us with the ability, through faith, to receive power. We need to pray so that we can stand in faith. Every morning, everyday we need to exercise that! We have our responsibility to stand firm in faith. He doesnt automatically hold on to us, but through our struggle to hold on by faith, exercising that we are able to stand firm.

b. Suffering, which Peter illustrates with the lions mouth, can overwhelm your faith with fear and pain. It destroys your faith and discourages you. This explains why we need to be sober. We need to be sober not only to duck from the attack but also to hold onto Christ. Its so we can look at Jesus. Thats what sobriety is for: Not only to duck, but to see Jesus clearly. We do not focus on the lions mouth but the leash on his neck. Who holds that leash? Christ! Be sober, not focusing on the lion, but have peace focusing on the Lord. We need to be sober to see Jesus clearly. Be sober and focus on God. Focus on the faithful ones fighting the same battle, and also focus on the Faithful One€God. Hes given us the ability to receive the strength of God.

c. How can my faith be strengthened? How does it work? There are a few cartoon shows that I used to watch in Korea.Marine Boy. 009. Popeye. How many know Popeye? [Almost everyone raises their hand.] I wasnt sure it existed in America. Popeye is the sailor who has small biceps and big, thick forearms. Its one of my favorite cartoons of all time. Hes like a superman figure. Theres Olive Oyl with stick-like legs and annoying voice. Shes like the church. Bluto is a satanic figure. Hes always doing bad things to get Olive Oyl and when she gets in trouble, Popeye eats this can of spinach. It doesnt look like he has a can anywhere, but somehow he pulls one out. Then he opens it with a squeeze and when he eats it, all kinds of things happen. He gets strong; he flies. He can overcome Bluto, Satan. You see, Popeye is like our heart with faith.

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Spinach is like Gods promise. If our hearts eat Gods Word and His promises, then we receive power and strength. Thats how faith works. Faith needs the spinach of Gods promises. When its so, we receive strength. Its not just about listening or putting it in our ears, but it has to go in our hearts. Faith must eat the Word for it gives strength to overcome. Thats how to overcome: eat the bread of life.

C. What to Hold On ToVerses 10-11 say, "And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. To him be the power for ever and ever. Amen." If you have a heart of faith€one that says, "Lord, strengthen my faith"€which He gives when you become a believer, you need to nourish it with the word of God. Ill give six ingredients in the spinach of Gods promise.

1. All gracea. Everything we need is in Gods grace. In this promise Peter

is saying there is grace. In the midst of suffering and persecution, God gives His grace. All grace.

2. Callinga. He called us to glory, to His eternal glory. He called us

to all the fullness of His glory. We know Hes not done with us. He called us into that glory and well get there. Hes changing us and He wont stop until Hes done.

3. A little whilea. "After you have suffered a little while." Whatever suffering

you go through is just a little while. Its just a little while compared to eternity. Sometimes life seems so long. Just to make it through this finals week seems so long. This sermon seems like an eternity, but the Bible says that all this life is just a little while.

b. The psalmist says, "Show me the brevity of life." (Psalm 39:4) Thats wisdom to seek in this life. You might be thinking about summer intersession or break and saying, "Wow! I have three weeks of break. Or I have three months of break!" You think thats a long time? Thats nothing. 99% of the people I meet say that this year went by so fast. Most people say that they cant believe that four or five years have gone by. I cant believe I have four kids. I feel like a college student. Sometimes I kick my kids just to make sure they are real. Do I really have four kids? Remember

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our suffering is temporal, but our reward is eternal. When the psalmist says, "Show me the brevity of life," hes also saying show me the length of eternity. The reward of eternity rather than the suffering of temporary.

4. Restore youa. This word is used in Mark 1:19. James and John were

mending their nets in preparation for fishing. They were preparing their nets so that they could catch fish. Jesus is restoring you, healing you, preparing you to catch men. Youll be fishers of men. You are being prepared to catch men who are going through difficulties and suffering and heading toward eternal destruction. Thats why Hes healing, mending, and preparing you. Hes in the process of preparing us for something. Hes expanding His kingdom through us. Can you believe that? He must be powerful and omnipotent or Hed be in serious trouble. Hes not through with you yet. Hes mending His nets, us, to catch men. Hes in the process of restoring you.

b. Many people say, "Pastor Min, youre all set. Im going to send my children and grandchildren to U of I." But I dont know how long Im going to be here. If He tells me to go, Ill cry a little bit and pack up and go. Hes preparing me for something. I dont know what it is, but Hes preparing me. When Im 60, Ill still say that Hes preparing me for something.

5. Make you stronga. Make you strong means establish firmly. Remember what

Jesus said to Peter, "Satan has asked me to sift you. You will fail three times, but when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers." That word strengthen  is the same word used here, make you strong. That means Peter remembered Jesus words all throughout his life. Jesus looked at him and said, "Remember not only your failure, but My restoration." "When you have turned back, youll strengthen your brothers." At the end of his life, he remembered His words. After he wept, he remembered the words of Jesus. "Im gonna strengthen my brothers. Thats the goal of my life. Im gonna strengthen all those who are failures." Peter remembered now what he forgot then€the words of Jesus. Peter remembered and obeyed for how long? To the end.Thats what it means to be

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a soldier, not a pretender. He fought all his life to remember the words of Jesus. He knew that he was not alone. We are not alone either. There was a soldier who fought and finished his race. May we do the same.

6. Power€Dominiona. His power will rule over us. May it rule over us. Its not a

wish, but a prophecy. Its gonna happen. Hell rule and capture His people. Hell rule over even Satan and his followers. All the false prophets will be in hell. Its not a mere wish, but a prophecy. It will happen, whether you like it or not. We need to hold onto that promise and eat it with faith, so it can be strength and power for us to go through it today. There is grace available to you. Hell give it to you.

b. Im trying to teach the concept of grace to my kids. I used to do it like this. Before I would spank them, I would say, "Do you agree that you did wrong?" Theyd say, "Yes." I make sure they know that they did something wrong. If they dont agree, I reason and argue with them until they agree. "How many spanks do you deserve?" They usually say, "Two." "You know you deserve more than that." Then they say, "Twenty." "OK, here we go." After the first ten, they always want a break. Its rubbing-their-behind-time. They know ten more are coming. After that I always spank them five more times and then stop. So rather than spanking them twenty times, I spank them fifteen. I ask them, "What do you call that?" "Grace." I used to do that but then I realized that only shows one side of grace. Thats a deficient picture of grace. Grace is not only not receiving what we deserve, but receiving what we dont deserve. Theres also the positive aspect. Grace is overall positive, but its the positive aspect of grace. So to teach them this way. I make them read and for every hour they read they get to play one computer game. Im trying to teach them the diminishing returns of worldly things. Theyre going to get into computer games eventually, perhaps even getting addicted, so Im teaching them the diminishing returns of these things now. Can you believe that they sit there for three hours reading just to play a few video games, each of which lasts two minutes? But they want to do it. After they play a couple of games, I say, "Daddy will let you play one more game. What do you call that?" "Grace." Grace is not only

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not getting what we deserve€hell, but getting what we dont deserve€all the strength and power we need to go through our lives. Soldiers, lets grow up and not be pretenders. Youre not alone.

III. ConclusionA. Grace is not only needed for salvation € not getting what we deserve,

but also sanctification € getting what we dont deserve, strength and power to go on and finish the journey. You need this grace. He needs to strengthen you to be fantastic workers this week. He needs to strengthen you so you can go through ministry this week. He needs to strengthen you so that your faith may not fail. But you are not alone. Every week we pray for one another, so we can go through this week by the grace of God. To the ones who are leaving especially, you will never be alone. If you are still in this world when we are gone, we will wait for you among the cloud of witnesses. Finish the race we have. Until then, may He lavish you with His grace. May He strengthen us and empower us to go on. Peter is shouting at us, "Come on, saints of God! Grace is available. If I can do it, take my word for it, you can." May we go on another day by this steadfast grace and mercy which is new and fresh every morni ng€great is His faithfulness. Pray so we can go through this day by His grace.

B. Do not live in a dream world. If you just try to face the world with what you see with your eyes, youre in big trouble, because theres a lot more to this world than what your eyes can see. There is a realm that we cannot imagine. Theres a battle going on, and that battle is all our lives. Satan is an awesome enemy. He prowls. He accuses. But remember, you are not alone. Resist him with the grace and power that comes through faith. God has given you faith, if you are believers in Jesus Christ. Receive it with hunger. If you have hunger, youll receive His grace. Hell strengthen and empower you to go on. The God of all grace, who called you, is preparing you. Youll suffer for a little while, but Hes restoring you, preparing you, and mending you to catch others. Then youll be able to strengthen others. Remember this grace, because Hell rule through you. Pray to the Lord by faith. If you ask, grace will come and empower you and youll be able to overcome all the enemies for the glory of God. Believe it, resist the Devil, hunger after the Lord. Give your anxieties to Him; Hell strengthen you right now. All the saints of God, lets pray.

Suggested Closing Song:

I Believe in You

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Faithful One


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