Page 1: Villa Marina Association of Apartment Owners Board of ......Villa Marina Association of Apartment Owners . Board of Directors Special Meeting . February 23, 2017 5:45 pm ... Motion

Villa Marina Association of Apartment Owners Board of Directors Special Meeting February 23, 2017 5:45 pm Remote via Google Hangouts Board Meeting called to Order at 6:06 pm Board Members Present: Jim Burbidge, Amy Byron, Jon Raduenz, Naveen Garg Board Members Absent: Sarah Jones (proxy to Amy), Hugo Rossini (no proxy given) Others Present: none Quorum established

Minutes for 02/15/17- Motion to approve the minutes that were previously circulated. Approved.

Director to be designated on Proxy – Motion to approve Jon Raduenz as the Director to be designated on the proxy if the Owner leaves the designee blank when submitting their proxy to be voted. Jon abstains. Approved.

Distribution of Quarterly Financials for Owners – Motion to approve distribution of financials for the June, September, and December quarters and the month of January to homeowners as the accompanying Treasurer’s Reports are completed. Approved.

Meeting adjourned at 6:49 pm

Next Meeting The next meeting is the Annual Meeting, Wednesday, March 15, 2017. Recorded by Amy Byron

Page 2: Villa Marina Association of Apartment Owners Board of ......Villa Marina Association of Apartment Owners . Board of Directors Special Meeting . February 23, 2017 5:45 pm ... Motion

Villa Marina Association of Apartment Owners Board of Directors Regular Meeting January 30, 2017 6:30 pm Board Meeting called to Order at 7:12 pm Board Members Present: Jim Burbidge, Amy Byron, Sarah Jones, Naveen Garg, Azin Rassaian, Jon Raduenz, Hugo Rossini Others Present: Sacha Copeland, The Copeland Group, LLC; Quorum established

Approval of Minutes for 12/05/16 - Motion to approve the meeting minutes that were circulated earlier. Approved – Naveen abstained, as he was not present at that meeting.

Approval of Minutes for 01/10/17 - Motion to approve the meeting minutes that were circulated earlier. Approved - Naveen abstained, as he was not at that meeting.

Marina Restoration – Motion to approve making the marina dredging and restoration part of the reserve study. Approved.

Marina Dredging – Motion to approve up to $13,000 for the Watershed Company to perform phase one of the study for evaluation scope of the dredging project. Approved.

Unit 29 Repair – Motion to approve $2,500 in repairs of unit 29 subject to some allocation to the owner that Sacha will separate out. Approved.

Board approved to repair the handrail by unit 35.

On-Site Manager – Motion to approve the job description for the on-site manager as submitted. This person will be the Copeland Group’s employee. Approved.

Reserve Study – Motion to approve retaining Jeff Sandal for $5,800 to perform the on-site reserve study, which includes providing the reserve study for the following two years as well. Approved.

Unit 11 – Motion to ratify the approval of the repairs of unit 11. Approved. Payment Plan – Motion to ratify the payment plan for units that are behind in dues. The Manager and/or Treasurer is authorized to negotiate payment plans on behalf of the Board for delinquent balances of less than $3,000 with repayment periods of less than three (3) months, provided that the repayment plan covers the full delinquent balance (that is, any plan that contemplates a write-off will still require Board approval regardless of dollar value or repayment period). These plans with be evidenced in writing agreed to by the Owner as well as the Manager and/or Treasurer, and a copy will be emailed to the Board as notice of the arrangement. For owners who agree to the repayment plans of delinquent balances, late fees and interest will continue to accrue in accordance with the collection policy during the time that the Owner is actively under a payment plan. If all payments during the payment plan period are made timely as expected in accordance with the terms of the payment plan, late fees and interest accrued during the payment plan period will be credited to the ledger as an incentive to the Owner. Should the Owner miss an expected payment date or amount for any reason, the Owner will remain responsible for all accrued late fees during the payment plan period. Approved.

Board member (secretary) Azin Rassaian informed the board that she is resigning from her role. Sarah Jones volunteered to fill the role until a new member is added to the board.

Meeting adjourned at 9:55 pm

Page 3: Villa Marina Association of Apartment Owners Board of ......Villa Marina Association of Apartment Owners . Board of Directors Special Meeting . February 23, 2017 5:45 pm ... Motion

Next Meeting The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday February 15, 2017. Recorded by Azin Rassaian

Page 4: Villa Marina Association of Apartment Owners Board of ......Villa Marina Association of Apartment Owners . Board of Directors Special Meeting . February 23, 2017 5:45 pm ... Motion

Villa Marina Association of Apartment Owners Board of Directors Regular Meeting February 15, 2017 6:30 pm Held at Villa Marina Cabana Board Meeting called to Order at 6:55 pm Board Members Present: Jim Burbidge, Amy Byron, Sarah Jones, Naveen Garg (phone) Board Members Absent: Jon Raduenz (proxy to Amy), Hugo Rossini (no proxy given) Others Present: Sacha Copeland, The Copeland Group, LLC Quorum established

Approve Minutes of Prior Meetings

Minutes for 01/30/17- Motion to approve the minutes that were previously circulated. Approved.

Treasurer’s Report

Reserve Transfer – Motion to approve transfer from reserve to operating for $27,513.53 to reimburse the final balance paid on the re-roofing of buildings 17302/306/310. Approved.

7:09 pm – Naveen dropped from the phone call and joined in person

President’s Report: Annual Meeting Items

Open Board Position – There was much discussion about how best to handle filling the vacancy left by Azin’s resignation. The Board acknowledged that its most critical function is to ensure that it fills the role with the candidate that will serve in the best interest of the Association, which may not mean electing the Director by popular vote. During discussion, it was pointed out that if we decide not to put the fifth Director up for election, any decision we make today about how to appoint the fifth Director following the election will not be binding on the newly appointed Board anyway, as they can simply vote to change our decision. Motion to allow the open Board position to be elected by the owners by popular vote was not seconded. Motion to allow the newly elected Board to appoint the Director to Azin’s open position at some time following the election according to the methodology they deem appropriate (based on popular vote or otherwise). Approved.

AGM Slidedeck – Agreed that Jim and Amy will each draft the President’s/Treasurer’s AGM content over the coming weeks and circulate a draft of their content for Board review and feedback by February 28.

Meet the Candidates – Meeting to be set for March 1 at 7pm in the Cabana. Jim to craft meeting notice to owners for circulation.

Unfinished/New Business:

Unit 35 Concerns – Motion to communicate decision not to replant in this location at this time. Approved.

Unit 169 Request – Agreed to have Salome work with owner to understand request and develop and present joint proposal to Board for removal and replacement of large bushes blocking owner’s water view with something more aesthetically pleasing at the owner’s cost with the understanding that the Association will be developing a long term landscape plan and the Board cannot commit at this time to the long term preservation of owner-financed replacement planting

Building Repair Committee – Motion to approve the Board resolution to establish a Building Repair Committee. Approved.

Page 5: Villa Marina Association of Apartment Owners Board of ......Villa Marina Association of Apartment Owners . Board of Directors Special Meeting . February 23, 2017 5:45 pm ... Motion

Soltner Group Architects Proposal – Motion to engage George Singer to work with the Building Repair Committee to develop a recommendation to the Board for the best approach to move forward with a building envelope study for the property. Approved.

Unit 148 Repairs – Motion to restore unit 148 from water investigation work done for the lawsuit, subject to re-allocation of appropriate costs to the unit. Due to complexity of issues involved in the lawsuit, and differences of expert opinions provided in the lawsuit, the Board would like Sacha to have Sound Legal Partners weigh in on the appropriate allocation of costs for this restoration bid between the Unit and the Association. Approved.

Spa Repairs for VGB Compliance – Motion to bring the spa into compliance with the Virginia Graham Baker Act and make the necessary additional repairs to make it operable, with approved budget of up to $15,000. Approved.

Pool Maintenance Agreement – Motion to engage Ken’s Pools for the annual pool/spa maintenance agreement at a cost of $340 per month plus tax plus the cost of chemicals. Approved.

Operating Budget – Motion to approve the proposed annual budget with total annual assessment income (from monthly dues) of $835,706, a 4.21% increase. Approved.

Unit 177 Repairs – Unit 177 was flooded by 178. Owner remediated the unit immediately, may have already begun repairs, information about the incident to the Association well after the incident. We are now being contacted by the vendor for payment of approximately $16K. Sacha to follow up with owner for further info.

Unit 164 Roof Drain – Discussed options to repair or replace. Agreed to replace.

Sacha left at 8:35 pm

Committee Reports:

Security Cameras – Jeff Ezell provided a progress update

Landscape – Salome provided a progress update; She has researched Naveen’s suggested vendor who does engraved stones, and mocked up Naveen’s suggestion of a graphic imagery incorporating some marine waterfowl from the north end of the lake. The Board like this idea. An engraved image such as Naveen has suggested can be included on the rocks at the front entrance design, but the Board would need to increase the budget to do so. Motion to increase front entrance budget an additional $3,500 to $15,000 total (of which $5,000 will come from city match and $10,000 will be VM budget) to allow for Marenako’s to provide etched graphic design for the rock at the entrance. Approved.

Meeting Adjourned to Executive Session at 9:34 pm to discuss Collection Strategy for Unit 24

Meeting Reconvened in Open Session at 9:36 pm

Unit 24 – Sold at Trustee’s sale 12/30/16, remaining ledger balance is approximately $28.5K. Agreed to pursue turning this owner ledger over to a collection firm in Texas to see what our options may be, though collectability is expected to be low. We will also plan to book a reserve for bad debt at year end.

Unit 177 Late Fees – PSCG incorrectly deposited a payment for unit 177 to the bank account of another HOA. As a result, Unit 177 was charged late fees for the period of time until this payment was able to be recovered from the incorrect HOA. Motion to waive late fees charged for payment PSCG processing error. Approved.

Meeting adjourned at 9:38 pm

Next Meeting The next meeting is the Annual Meeting, Wednesday, March 15, 2017. Recorded by Amy Byron

Page 6: Villa Marina Association of Apartment Owners Board of ......Villa Marina Association of Apartment Owners . Board of Directors Special Meeting . February 23, 2017 5:45 pm ... Motion

Villa Marina Association of Apartment Owners Board of Directors Special Meeting March 13, 2017 6:30 pm Held at Villa Marina Cabana Board Meeting called to Order at 6:42 pm Board Members Present: Jim Burbidge, Amy Byron, Sarah Jones, Jon Raduenz, Naveen Garg (phone), Hugo Rosini (phone) Quorum established

Approve Minutes of Prior Meetings

Minutes for 10/30/16- Motion to approve the minutes that were previously circulated. Approved. Minutes for 02/15/17- Motion to approve the minutes that were previously circulated. Approved. Minutes for 02/23/17- Motion to approve the minutes that were previously circulated. Approved.

Operations Items

Reserve Transfer – Motion to approve transfer from reserve to operating for $73,931.07 to reimburse various items paid including a charge from 2015. Approved.

Unit 11 Water Intrusion – Unit 11 has reported water damage at the lower portion of the corner of the bedroom wall which seems to be a building envelope issue. Motion to approve George Singer to review and recommend a fix - Approved.

Unit 12 Stairs – There are 4 treads on the staircase to units 10 and 12 that have been compromised and require repair or replacement. Riccon was unable to locate a matching cast for the precast tread. They have provided a quote of $700 to repair the concrete and are obtaining a quote for a new stair system. Motion to approve up to $700 for repair of the concrete. However, we request that George Singer review these treads while he’s out to look at Unit 11 for structural risk assessment to determine whether the concrete is rebar-enforced and therefore stabilized and can be addressed as part of a larger project. – Approved.

Unit 62 Deck – Riccon has looked at the deck on unit 62, which was reported to appear to be sagging. It appears that a supporting wall was removed from under this deck at some point. Recommend George to review. Motion to approve George Singer to review and recommend a fix – Approved.

New Business:

Legal Opinion – The Board reviewed and discussed Theresa Torgesen’s legal opinion in response to the questions posed to legal by Jim Burbidge.

Release of Opinion – Amy had previously emailed the Board that she would like the ability to release this legal opinion, which Theresa had confirmed was not an issue from an Association liability perspective. Amy moved that the legal opinion be attached to the minutes and made a part of the business record. – Approved.

Board’s Position Letter – Amy requested that the Board also issue a written statement regarding their position on her actions based on the information presented by Jim and Theresa’s response. Amy provided a suggested draft for the Board’s review and requested feedback and/or edits. Motion was made to sign the letter as submitted with no edits, and attach the signed letter to these minutes as part of the business record for this meeting. Approved by all members present, with the exception of Amy who abstained. Those participating remotely agreed to sign electronically.

Page 7: Villa Marina Association of Apartment Owners Board of ......Villa Marina Association of Apartment Owners . Board of Directors Special Meeting . February 23, 2017 5:45 pm ... Motion

Appointed Representative to Answer Questions on Board’s Position – There was discussion of how to handle questions regarding the prior week’s public display that may arise at the annual meeting. The Board agreed that its response would be that it has no further comment beyond that contained in the Board’s written position statement. Specific questions regarding the legal opinion would be referred to Theresa who will be present at the meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 9:38 pm

Next Meeting The next meeting is the Annual Meeting, Wednesday, March 15, 2017. Recorded by Amy Byron

Page 8: Villa Marina Association of Apartment Owners Board of ......Villa Marina Association of Apartment Owners . Board of Directors Special Meeting . February 23, 2017 5:45 pm ... Motion

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Page 12: Villa Marina Association of Apartment Owners Board of ......Villa Marina Association of Apartment Owners . Board of Directors Special Meeting . February 23, 2017 5:45 pm ... Motion

Villa Marina Association of Apartment Owners Board of Directors Meeting March 27, 2017 8:00 pm Held on Google Hangouts Board Meeting called to Order at 8:08 pm Board Members Present: Jon Raduenz, Amy Byron, Naveen Garg, Hugo Rosini, Salome Casas, Mellisa, Roy Quorum: Established

Approve Minutes of Prior Meetings: Minutes for 3/13/17 Special Meeting - Motion to approve the minutes that were previously circulated. Approved. Minutes for 3/15/17 Annual Meeting/Election of Officers - Motion to approve the minutes that were previously circulated. Approved. Minutes for 3/15/17 Annual Meeting Draft- Motion to approve the minutes as a draft that were previously circulated and publish to Pilera. Approved.

Unfinished Business:

Appointment of 7th Board Member

Interested potential candidates will be solicited via an email from the property manager Sacha requesting their application/resume be submitted by April 12th. The Board of Directors will conduct an internal selection process and appoint a suitable candidate.

Legal Statement

Jon will follow up with Sacha to send a communication to owners

New Business:

Collection Items

#1.) Deny the request for a late fee waiver Approved -Jon Raduenz, Amy Byron, Naveen Garg, Salome Casas, Mellisa Roy Abstained - Hugo Rosini

#2.) Record a lien on the unit now but do not have legal issue a demand for payment at this time; give the owner 30 days to work with Amy to develop a payment plan to be reviewed and approved by the board. Payment plan should not allow the balance to climb; payback should be in a reasonable timeframe with payment to resume in May. Approved -Jon Raduenz, Amy Byron, Naveen Garg, Salome Casas, Mellisa Roy, Hugo Rosini

#3.) Record a lien on the unit now but do not have legal issue a demand for payment at this time; revisit at our 4.12.17 Board meeting for the next steps on the unit. Approved -Jon Raduenz, Amy Byron, Naveen Garg, Salome Casas, Mellisa Roy, Hugo Rosini

Meeting adjourned - 9:45pm Next Meeting - on Wednesday, April 12, 2017 Recorded by - Salome Casas

Page 13: Villa Marina Association of Apartment Owners Board of ......Villa Marina Association of Apartment Owners . Board of Directors Special Meeting . February 23, 2017 5:45 pm ... Motion

Villa Marina Association of Apartment Owners Board of Directors Special Meeting January 10, 2017 4:00 pm Location: Copeland Group office - the full board had agreed to meet at this location Board Meeting called to Order at 5:35 pm Board Members Present: Jim Burbidge, Amy Byron, Azin Rassaian, Sarah Jones (via phone) Board Members Absent: Naveen Garg, Jon Raduenz, Hugo Rossini Others Present: Sacha Copeland, The Copeland Group, LLC; Theresa Torgesen of Sound Legal Partners Quorum established

Insurance – Motion to ratify acceptance of Insurance Proposal circulated earlier to the board and approved via email with increased Liability to $25M. Approved.

Unit 29 Hot Water Tank - Motion to approve authorizing the replacement of the hot water tank in unit 29. Approved.

CDK Agreement – Motion to approve the CDK agreement to perform the repairs at Units 37 and 38. Approved.

Unit 11 Repairs – Motion to ratify repairs to unit 11 that were previously approved by the board via email. Approved.

Unit 2 Roof Repairs – Motion to approve up to $5,000 for roof repairs at unit 2. Approved.

SGA Proposal – Motion to approve SGA proposal for phase 1 for up to $10,000 to put together the roof replacement plan for the association. Approved.

5:47 pm – Meeting adjourned

Next Meeting The next meeting is scheduled for January 30th 2017. Recorded by Azin Rassaian

Page 14: Villa Marina Association of Apartment Owners Board of ......Villa Marina Association of Apartment Owners . Board of Directors Special Meeting . February 23, 2017 5:45 pm ... Motion

Villa Marina Association of Apartment Owners Board of Directors Annual Meeting March 15, 2017 following Annual General Meeting Held at Lake Washington School District Administration Building, Resource Center – Board Room Board Meeting called to Order at 9:25 pm Board Members Present: Jon Raduenz, Melissa Roy, Naveen Garg, Salome Casas, Amy Byron, Board Members Absent: Hugo Rosini (proxy to Jon Raduenz) Others Present: Sacha Copeland, The Copeland Group, LLC; Theresa Torgesen, Sound Legal Partners Quorum established

Election of Officers

Treasurer – Motion to appoint Amy Byron. Approved. President – Motion to appoint Jon Raduenz. Approved. Vice President – Motion to appoint Melissa Roy. Approved. Secretary – Motion to appoint Salome Casas. Approved.

Next Meeting The next regular meeting will be held in the cabana on Wednesday, April 12, 2017 at 6:00 pm.

Meeting adjourned at 9:31 pm Recorded by Amy Byron

Page 15: Villa Marina Association of Apartment Owners Board of ......Villa Marina Association of Apartment Owners . Board of Directors Special Meeting . February 23, 2017 5:45 pm ... Motion

Villa Marina Association of Apartment Owners Board of Directors Annual Meeting March 15, 2017 following Annual General Meeting Held at Lake Washington School District Administration Building, Resource Center – Board Room Board Meeting called to Order at 9:25 pm Board Members Present: Jon Raduenz, Melissa Roy, Naveen Garg, Salome Casas, Amy Byron, Board Members Absent: Hugo Rosini (proxy to Jon Raduenz) Others Present: Sacha Copeland, The Copeland Group, LLC; Theresa Torgesen, Sound Legal Partners Quorum established

Election of Officers

Treasurer – Motion to appoint Amy Byron. Approved. President – Motion to appoint Jon Raduenz. Approved. Vice President – Motion to appoint Melissa Roy. Approved. Secretary – Motion to appoint Salome Casas. Approved.

Next Meeting The next regular meeting will be held in the cabana on Wednesday, April 12, 2017 at 6:00 pm.

Meeting adjourned at 9:31 pm Recorded by Amy Byron

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