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Vintage adventure

@ home


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Rev Canon Erica Roberts

City Chaplain for Older People


[email protected]

07535 164014

With our best wishes

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Dear Vintage Friends,

Happy New Year! I suspect that many of us will be pleased to leave 2020 behind, but before we do that, perhaps like me you’ve found it helpful to look back and give thanks for some of those moments where we’ve seen God’s grace in action, where we’ve experienced the kindness of others and where we have known God’s goodness and faithfulness in our own lives. Somehow just expressing gratitude for the small things can lift our spirits.

As I write this, I’m aware that these next few months are going to be hard for many of us, from young to old, from those who are alone to those living in large families juggling work and home-schooling; and yet, although it may feel as though we’re living in dark times, not only do we have the hope of the vaccination, but we have the hope and reassurance of Jesus, who came to be the light of the world, to shine in the darkness, and to be the light that comforts, guides and saves us.

As we you read through the contents of this month’s Vintage Adventure @ Home, you’ll see that we have focussed on the theme of trusting God to light up the way ahead as we look forward into 2021. We’ve also thought about the story of Simeon and Anna, that is both included in the Worship Booklet and in a separate reflection about the widow Anna. Despite being a young baby, both of these wise, prayerful, older people recognised Jesus as the Son of God, as the light of salvation and as someone who had come to express God’s love for the whole of humanity, both Gentiles and Jews.

We really hope you enjoy spending time with the contents of the pack; so, do make that cuppa, perhaps light a candle as a reminder that Jesus is the light of the world, sit back and stay with whatever jumps out at you. God might speak to you through the worship and reflections, but equally you may become aware of His presence as you do the wordsearch or colouring!

Let me leave you with the prophecy about Jesus as a new light dawning, from Isaiah 9:

“The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.”

May you all know God’s light guiding you through this year as we wait patiently to gather together again! In the meantime, do contact us if you’d like to receive a phone call or any practical help (contact details on separate card)

Happy 2021 From Erica and the Vintage Team

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Light – Today and forever

Christmas is gone and tidied away, but Jesus is not, as He never changes and has promised to be with us always by the Holy Spirit

Opening Prayer

We thank you that Your love never changes. We thank you that your light cannot ever go out. We thank You that You are the eternal God and yet you humble Yourself to live with us, Immanuel. Jesus, we pray that You will meet with us in a special way

even now and show to us Your eternal Light. We pray that you will open our eyes and let that light flood us where we are now.



Luke 2:25 – 32

So, when Mary and Joseph came to present the baby Jesus to the Lord as the law required Simeon was there. He took the child in his arms and praised God saying ‘Sovereign Lord, now let your Servant die in peace as you have promised – I have seen your salvation which you have prepared for all people. He is a light to reveal

God to the nations, and he is the glory of your people Israel.’

Simeon held on in there – God had spoken, and Simeon waited for God’s promises to be fulfilled. I wonder what God wants to promise you today. Pray that you will

have patience, like Simeon to see these promises come to pass.


Luke 2:36-38

‘Anna lived as a widow to the age of 84. She never left the Temple but stayed there day and night, worshipping God with fasting and prayer. She came along just as

Simeon was talking with Mary and Joseph, and she began praising God. She talked about the child to everyone who had been waiting expectantly for God to rescue


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Anna – what a woman! She was the first evangelist as she praised God as she ‘talked about the child to everyone who had been waiting expectantly for God to rescue

Jerusalem’. For once old people had the best lines. Anna and Simeon show some of the positive attributes of old age. They represent wisdom and simplicity and offer some helpful

ideas about using our later years. Age does not have to mean diminishment. There may well be constraints, but there

is also space and time for patient, prayerful growth to fruitfulness.

Read the following poem quietly and slowly Ask God to speak to you – and then listen.

Nunc Dimittis

How eagerly he clasped the tiny boy. The years of waiting, longing, satisfied.

His aging heart now burst, and full of joy Knowing his service done, he died.

Your faithfulness to me remains the same, You grant me new adventures in old age

And prop me as I totter in Your name; My time has not yet come to disengage.

So guide me, Master, these declining years, Be my true strength in this late autumn season. Let me not let you down – you know my fears

of proving faithless or of final treason. This I am learning still, but oh so slowly,

How much you care and love me on my journey. By Revd David Corfe

Light – can anyone put a light out? no – it just shines in the darkness however dark the dark may be. A night light gives light as much as a Lighthouse light; they both have a purpose and they both give hope and raise our spirits. The star that led the

wise men must have been seen by hundreds of others, but only a few followed it. We cannot manage without light, try it if necessary and see how limited your life is - light

brings freedom from fear in addition to illuminating everything around it, bringing colour to our world and enabling us to avoid objects that would otherwise trip us up.

How we all need this light in 2021.

Jesus said ‘I am the light of the world. If you follow me you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life’.

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As you read the words from this hymn, ask Jesus for that light yourself and for those

who you know and love. Pray that our world would know the light of Jesus during these dark months of winter, darkened further by this pandemic. Pray that each day

the light of Jesus would be discovered in the unexpected; a conversation, a bird hovering in the breeze, a smile in the eyes of a stranger, a snowdrop pushing its way

through the cold earth or as you perhaps light a candle and rest quietly in God’s love.

Longing for light, we wait in darkness.

Longing for truth, we turn to You. Make us Your own, Your holy people,

Light for the world to see.

Christ be our light, Shine in our hearts.

Shine through the darkness Christ be our light!

Shine in Your church gathered today.

Longing for peace, our world is troubled, Longing for hope, many despair.

Your word alone has power to save us. Make us Your living voice.

Longing for food, many are hungry. Longing for water, many still thirst

Make us your bread, broken for others Shared until all are fed.

Christ be our light Shine in our hearts

Shine through the darkness Christ be our light

Shine in Your church gathered today. Bernadette Farrell (b.1957)

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Closing Candlemas Prayer

I left my candle burning. Lit from light borrowed from another It stood there, witness to Christ, Light of the world

Prayer that light would overcome darkness. As I left, another lit a candle from my light;

Dispelling gloom with added strength. Who knows how many took a step, drawn by the

Light of Christ from darkness to new life? Lord Christ set me on fire.

Burn from me all that dims Your light. Kindle an answering flame in lives around ;

That darkness may be driven back And glory stream into this world,

Transforming it with love. AMEN

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Meditation of Anna

‘I really felt I had missed it- truthfully. I mean I wasn’t just old – I was ancient!

And still there was no sign of the Messiah, no hint of His coming. I began to wonder whether all those years of praying and fasting had been worth it,

or simply one almighty waste of time. I doubted everything – questioned everything,

Despite my outward piety. Why had God not answered my prayers?

Why had He not rewarded my faithfulness? Why believe when it didn’t seem to make a scrap of difference.

I still kept up the facade mind you – spoke excitedly about the future, Of all that God would do –

but I didn’t have much faith in it, not after so many disappointments.

Until that day when, hobbling back through the Temple after yet more prayers, Suddenly I saw him, God’s promised Messiah

Don’t ask me how I knew, I just did Without any shadow of doubt,

And it was the most wonderful moment of my life, A privilege beyond words.

It taught me something that experience. It taught me never to give up,

Never let go Never to lose heart.

It taught me there is always reason to hope No matter how futile it seems

It taught me to go on expecting Despite all the blows life may dish out.

It taught me God has never finished However it may feel like it. I nearly lost sight of all that

I was right on the edge, Teetering on the brink,

Fearing God has passed me by. But He’d saved the best till last,

And I know now, even though the waiting is over, That there is more to come,

More to expect, More to celebrate.

For though my life is nearly at an end; It has only just begun.

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Reflecting on Isaiah 42:5-7

A Light For Us All

Isaiah 42:5-7 5This is what God the LORD says - the Creator of the heavens, who stretches them out, who spreads out the earth with all that springs from it, who gives breath to its people, and life to those who walk on it: 6"I, the LORD, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles, 7to open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness.” The coldest part of the night is just before dawn, it is said, and with good reason. Without daylight it soon becomes cold and that light is needed to bring warmth again. This winter, and perhaps our lives at the moment, probably seem a bit like that night, especially with the challenges, restrictions and sadness brought by the COVID pandemic: we are in the cold darkness whilst we wait for the greater warmth of increasing light. And yet we know that better times are to come – the spread of vaccines means that there is light on the horizon and the prospect of some normality. The writer of Isaiah 42 knew all about tough times: several centuries before the birth of Jesus the people of Israel suffered from conquest, capture and exile by foreign nations, in which everything they had known was lost or changed. However, God, their One constant through change and challenge, was still there and had a plan. God would bring the people freedom from captivity and from all the things that held them back, and would send a special someone to do this, to bring light to the people and through them to the Gentiles, i.e. everyone else. That special one was not Mourinho of

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course, whatever his gifts in football management(!), but Jesus! It is God’s light in Jesus that falls on us too, showing us the way, bringing us the warmth of God’s love and comfort. Just as verse 5 of Isaiah 42 reminds us that God made everything, so God cares about that creation and us too! As daylight allows us to see clearly, brings warmth and lets plants grow, so Jesus’ light also shows us the way ahead in life, warming us, changing us and allowing us to grow as people, whatever age we are. But unlike daylight, God’s light is eternal and overcomes all – the darkness will never put it out! Verse 6 reminds us that God is in Jesus, who in turn holds us by the hand and leads us on. Whatever difficulties, challenges (and joys!) lie ahead, God’s light is with us, and around us. It will never leave us. In turn God calls us to take heart and help one another by sharing His light with those we meet, wherever we go and whatever happens to us.

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‘God Knows'

And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year: “Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.”

And he replied: “Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the Hand of God. That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way.”

So I went forth, and finding the Hand of God, trod gladly into the night. And He led me towards the hills and the breaking of day in the lone East.

So heart be still: What need our little life Our human life to know,

If God hath comprehension? In all the dizzy strife

Of things both high and low, God hideth His intention.

God knows. His will

Is best. The stretch of years Which wind ahead, so dim

To our imperfect vision, Are clear to God. Our fears

Are premature; In Him, All time hath full provision.

Then rest: until

God moves to lift the veil From our impatient eyes,

When, as the sweeter features Of Life’s stern face we hail,

Fair beyond all surmise God’s thought around His creatures

Our mind shall fill. Minnie Louise Haskins (1875-1957)

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This poem written in 1908 was originally entitled “God knows”. Although studying in

Bristol, the author Minnie undertook voluntary work for the local Congregational

Church and for the Springfield Hall Wesleyan Methodist mission in Lambeth before

departing for Madras with the Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society to work in the

Zenana Mission to Women. In order to raise funds, she published a small volume of

poetry called The Desert which included this poem. When poor health led her to

return to England she ran a hostel for munitions workers in Woolwich. Although well-

educated she loved people and was concerned with industrial welfare. Her words

touched the lives of Royalty and the working class alike.

In 1939 King George VI used the first part of this poem within his Christmas

broadcast to the Empire as it had been handed to him by his daughter Princess

Elizabeth then aged 13. It was an uncertain time for our Country as we had entered

the 2nd World War in September that year. The Third Reich of Nazi Germany led by

Hitler from 1933, had ruled in Germany and spread terror across Europe. Our nation

was gripped with fear and there was much uncertainty for the new year. The King

used this poem to speak peace and calm to his nation. As the reigning King he

reminded his people that only the true King could provide real peace and hope at

such a time.

Years have passed and times have changed but the words of this poem are still so

relevant today. Last year was difficult for us all in different ways and everyday life

became very uncertain. We face a new year with new challenges but also new

blessings. Maybe the future is still uncertain. Minnie Haskins beautiful poem

encourages us to not stand still in terror or fear in the midst of darkness in whatever

form that takes but to step into the unknown holding the hand of the One who knows

the future. The Hand of God. As the original title of the poem tells us – God knows.

He knows the future, He knows our future, He knows the way ahead and He knows us

so well. He understands our frailties and fears and knows exactly what we need and

even what we desire. He is our loving Heavenly Father who will never let us go and

who promises to hold our right hand. There is no safer hand to hold than His. Why

not take hold of His hand today and walk calmly and confidentially into your future,

knowing that He will ever let you go.

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Isaiah 41 verse 10: Don't be afraid, because I'm with you; don't be anxious, because I am your God. I keep on strengthening you; I'm truly helping you. I'm surely upholding you with my victorious right hand."

Psalm 121 verse 3: He will not allow your foot to slip; your Protector will not slumber.

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We love the times when we are able to sit alongside you, chat and even hold your hand for a short while. Until we are able to do that again, why not cut out the chain of paper dollies in this pack as a reminder that God holds your hand and that you are not alone. Also that as a team we at Caraway are standing with you. God tells us in Isaiah 41 v 13 “For I am the LORD your God, who holds your right hand, Who says to you, Do not fear, I will help you.”

If there is something specific you would like us to pray about, do please contact us at the following addresses – but in order to maintain confidentiality please only use your initials. The Lord will know who you are as we pray. God bless you.

Email [email protected]

By post

Caraway Prayer line, 59 Brookvale Road, Southampton, SO17 1QS

By phone (leave voicemail message) 07535 164014

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Simeon and Anna

Now that Christmas is over and the bright lights in the shops, streets and houses have been taken down, do you sometimes feel rather low and heavy hearted? January is often a dark and chilly month, and in the midst of this continuing pandemic, which seems to go on and on, it can be hard to look forward hopefully to the future. As we get older too, we can struggle to carry on believing that God really cares about us. We can be tempted to give up, feeling that we are now too old, too frail, or simply too ordinary for God to be interested in us. And maybe you don’t quite believe in God but even so, you are still facing the New Year with some anxiety and sense of hopelessness.

The Bible encourages us with the account of the role played by two very elderly people, Simeon and Anna. Instead of using ‘bright young things’ full of energy and enthusiasm, with their lives before them, God chose to reveal an important message about Who Jesus is, to a couple of senior citizens, both a man and a woman. Simeon and Anna appear briefly in only one of the gospel narratives; in that written by the historian and doctor, Luke. He writes,

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Jesus’ parents took Him to Jerusalem to present Him to the LORD ……. That day, a man named Simeon, a resident of Jerusalem, was in the Temple. He was a good man, very devout, filled with the Holy Spirit and for a long time, had been eagerly expecting the Messiah to come soon. Indeed, the Holy Spirit had revealed to Simeon that he would not die until he had seen God’s anointed King. On that particular day, the Holy Spirit had prompted him to go into the Temple and so, when Mary and Joseph arrived to consecrate the baby Jesus to the LORD in obedience to the law, Simeon was there and took the child in his arms, praising God. He said, ‘Sovereign LORD now I can die content for with my own eyes, I have seen Him as You promised I would. I have seen the Saviour You have given to the world. He is the Light that will shine upon the nations and He will be the glory of Your people Israel…….’

From Luke 2 verses 22-32 Simeon realised that the tiny baby just a couple of months old was, in fact, the Son of God, born to bring His glorious light and majesty into a hurting world. Furthermore, he understood that Jesus was not just for the Jews, but that He is the Saviour of the whole world, no matter what nationality we happen to be. But Simeon was not the only person to spot Mary and Joseph in the Temple that day. Luke goes on:

Anna, a prophetess was also in the Temple that day. She was the daughter of Phanuel of the Jewish tribe of Asher . Anna was very old, having lived with her husband for seven years after their marriage but had been a widow until the age of eighty-four. She never left the Temple but stayed there night and day, worshipping God by praying and fasting. Anna came along just as Simeon was talking with Mary and Joseph. She also began thanking God and telling everyone in Jerusalem, who had been awaiting the coming of the Saviour, that the Messiah had finally arrived.

From Luke 2 verses 36-38 Both Simeon and Anna had been waiting for years and years for the coming of God’s promised Saviour. To them the days of waiting must have seemed endless, rather like us waiting for signs that the pandemic is over. We are not told exactly what Anna said, though she clearly confirmed the correctness of Simeon’s message. Even though

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they were coming to the end of their earthly lives, rather than dwelling on the past, Simeon and Anna were still looking forward to the future with hope and certainty that God was in control and that as He had promised, His Son would come to show us humans just how much God loves us. Anna was so excited at this good news, that she kept on thanking God and could not help sharing it with others around her.

In her nineties, my mother used to say to me as she sat for long hours confined by chronic obstructive airways disease to a chair in her living room, ‘I can’t do anything now but pray’. But like Simeon and Anna, she did continue to talk to God, listen to Him and read the Bible. Anna and Simeon were also great people of prayer, keeping as close to God as their circumstances allowed.

As a widow, Anna was probably poor and often ignored in a society dominated by men. Amidst the hustle and bustle in the crowded courts of the Temple, this old woman praying in a corner of the Women’s Courts, could easily have been overlooked. Yet God knew all about Anna and her trust in Him. Similarly, God knows all about each one of us, wherever we are and whatever our situation, and wants us to turn to Him as Anna and Simeon did, and look forward to 2021 in hope, knowing that He is with us.

As you look towards the coming year with all its unknowns, remember that each one of us, including you, is valuable and precious to God, loved so much that Jesus, His Son, came to earth to be our friend and Rescuer. God knows we can’t cope on our own with all that life throws at us, and longs for us to turn to Him and ask for help. As you think about those two older people, Simeon and Anna, who kept trusting God right into their old age, why don’t you talk to Him today about how life is for you?

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Here is a poem about Anna by Catherine Aldis.-

Anna She was one of those rare souls

Who was completely ‘sold out’ for You. Praising You and worshipping You day and night

Less conscious of earth’s pull than of heaven’s light, She had chosen to leave the world behind.

And her prize was intimacy with You. Her awareness of Your presence was such

That in the infant Jesus, she recognised at once The family likeness of God Himself.

Here at last, was the promise of the Father, The fulfilment of the hopes and desires

Of many longing hearts throughout the years. And Anna was the one to see.

Oh Lord, stir up this same desire in me To know You just as well as this

And in knowing You thus, never to miss Anything You might want to show me.

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Poems on the theme of Light…….

Into the Light – for Dylan Thomas Do not go faithless into that goodnight Nor rage against the body’s slow decay

Beyond the darkness shines His warmth and light.

Though sun and moon and stars may burn less bright And glowing summer colours fade to grey

Don’t go faithless into that goodnight.

Though family and friends pass on, despite The things undone we meant to do and say

Beyond the darkness shines His warmth and light.

Though shameful memories and guilt invite Despair, a sense of failure or dismay

Do not go faithless into that goodnight.

However we have failed in what is right The righteous One is still the living way;

Beyond the darkness shines his warmth and light

And we shall dance in rapture at the sight Of Him whose presence is eternal day.

Do not go faithless into that goodnight – Beyond the darkness shines His warmth and light.

David Corfe

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Light the lamps up Lamplighter

by Eleanor Farjeon

Light the lamps up, Lamplighter, The people are in the street -

Without a light They have no sight,

And where will they plant their feet? Some will tread in the gutter,

And some in the mud – oh dear! Light the lamp up, Lamplighter,

Because the night is here.

Light the candles up, Grandmother, The children are going to bed -

Without a wick They’ll stumble and stick, And where will they lay their head?

Some will lie on the staircase, And some in the hearth – oh dear! Light the candles, Grandmother,

Because the night is here.

Light the stars up, Gabriel, The cherubs are out to fly -

If heaven is blind, How will they find

Their way across the sky? Some will splash in the Milky Way,

Or bump on the moon – oh dear! Light the stars up, Gabriel, Because the night is here.

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A response to observing a total eclipse of the sun

A total eclipse of the sun is not a common phenomenon, and the vagaries of the weather mean that to experience an eclipse in a clear sky is even more rare. I was fortunate to witness such an eclipse in 2009 when I was making one of my regular visits to the LAMB Hospital and health project in northern Bangladesh. I subsequently wrote about this event in a letter to my supporters, describing it as ‘a truly amazing experience, never to be forgotten’. At about 6.30am I assumed the eclipse would not be visible as it would be too low in the sky. But an hour later it started with the moon encroaching from

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the top right-hand segment. The hostel boys were starting to look through their hands to see what was happening, and interest was building. From time to time thin cloud obscured the sun and helped our ability to look. By 7.45 most of the sun was covered, and the light reduced to be like early dusk. Ten minutes later the eclipse was nearly complete, and it was impossible to take our eyes off what was happening. We were standing at the end of a small field looking across the grass towards the sun which was at about 20 degrees in the sky. It hung above a line of trees at the end of the compound and beyond. There was an amazing five minutes when the black disc was surrounded by a small patina of sunlight. For two or three minutes the eclipse was total with light similar to advanced dusk. We watched in amazement such that the boys broke into clapping which I joined in with. The most wonderful moment was when the sun started to emerge at the top right sector. It was as if a massive diamond appeared and light burst into the sky, it was truly impressive. Afterwards it seemed like we had a glimpse of eternity as light came back in all its power to dispel the darkness. The light quickly spread as the sky sprang back into sunlight and life carried on. It would have been no good if it stayed in place as we would have missed the explosion of light as the sun and moon moved on. I was overwhelmed by the amazing experience, it was much more powerful than I expected, it was a once in a lifetime experience. It was not so much awesome as an Amazing demonstration of nature and creation in full flow. So when anyone asks where I was for the eclipse, I shall have no hesitation in remembering being in Bangladesh and being excited beyond my expectation.

Richard Todd

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News from an anna chaplain

Marion Hitchins, Anna Chaplain for Southampton East

One of the questions I am asked most frequently about Anna Chaplaincy is why 'Anna'? We are named after the biblical character who appears only once in scripture, in Luke 2:36-38, the prophetess Anna. Along with Simeon, she is in the temple when Mary and Joseph bring Jesus to dedicate him to the Lord, as Jewish law required. We are told very little about her, other than she was the daughter of Phanuel of the tribe of Asher, a widow of 84 years and worshipped in the temple day and night with fasting and prayer. When she saw Jesus being brought into the temple, she recognised him as the Messiah and spoke prophetically about him to 'all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem'. I just love the thought that one of the very first evangelists was an older woman! So the name was chosen for the chaplaincy because Anna represents an ideal role model, a faithful older person and one who was still very much open to God working through her!

Anna Chaplaincy is part of the ministry of the Bible Reading Fellowship, and at a local level in Southampton, it is organised by the Christian charity Caraway. It started in Alton in 2010, but there are now Anna Chaplains right across the country and the organisation is growing rapidly. First and foremost Anna Chaplains are there to support the spiritual needs of older people, but the work is carried out in many different ways. We work ecumenically, we are community based and are there to support people of great faith, little faith or none.

Much of what we do is based outside the church, in the community. We take church services into care homes, visit and make contact with lonely and isolated older people, support those living with dementia and their carers, organise and run social activities and more spiritual activities such as Vintage Adventure. We also

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have an advocacy role and many of us are involved with secular multi-disciplinary groups where we try to be that prophetic voice, speaking out for the older person. We also speak about the work of Anna Chaplaincy to any group who asks us to do so.

As I said earlier, one of our main areas of ministry is taking church services into care homes, and as I am sure you can all appreciate, this had been greatly impacted by Covid over the last year, so I thought you might like to hear about some of the ways we are managing to maintain contact with the care homes that we would normally be visiting on an at least once-a-month basis.

All church services into care homes were suspended in March 2020, so the contact we have had has been primarily over the phone. We are usually able to speak to one of the management team, enquire after the residents and carers and offer any support we can. Every month various members of the ministry team take it in turns to produce prayer cards which carers can encourage residents to use. Early in the first lockdown Caraway sent some small gifts for the carers into many of the care homes, these consisted of chocolates and hand cream and were designed to show our appreciation of all they were doing and bless them in their work.

During the summer, Erica managed to make an outside visit to a care home where a short film was made that was later incorporated into a service celebrating older people that was shown on the Church of England website.

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As Christmas approached we put together what we described as 'spiritual resource boxes'. Amongst other things, these contained prayer cards, holding crosses and a set of booklets produced by the Bible Reading Fellowship for staff in care homes to help them spiritually support their residents. We delivered these just before Christmas and it was lovely to make doorstep visits and chat with some of the carers. There was also a box of chocolate biscuits included for the staff!

Another activity just before Christmas was a group of the ministry team went singing Christmas carols outside various care homes, which was appreciated by staff and residents alike! Finally, a few days before Christmas, using the wonders of modern technology, we managed to hold two virtual carol services, in two different care homes via the internet. It was lovely to see inside the care homes and see the residents enjoying the service and singing along to the carols. We are currently looking at ways in which we can develop this 'over the internet' ministry so that we can once again enable acts of worship in care homes. We eagerly wait with anticipation to see the plans the Lord has in store for us this year and how he will enable us to fulfill our ministry, even in challenging circumstances!

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News from our Community…….

Coping through lockdown

Here is my story:

This last lockdown ending 2nd December, was for me a new experience. Nine months ago I was in hospital getting lots of attention from the medical staff even though no visitors were allowed apart from two visits from the hospital chaplains.

Initially this time round I felt quite isolated, could not do the things that were possible the previous months like having people in the garden or doing exercises together with others outside. Gradually I noticed that life revolved more or less around myself having so much more time on hand which I used to do things I had always postponed to do - clearing out cupboards and drawers, writing some letters, reading books including the daily Bible text. On Sundays I was looking forward to following the Church Service via YouTube at 10.30. I also spend time searching things on the Internet, writing and replying to emails. And when Zoom was installed on my tablet I felt it was a miracle that I could see people when talking to them. Moreover I could do my exercises together with others.

My approach to getting over the feeling of isolation during lockdown was to accept the inevitable situation and cope as best I could under the circumstances. And I also hoped for better times after December 2nd. And above all I had faith in the Lord's words: "I know the plans I have for you. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11.


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You're Never Too Old To Do New Things

Maureen certainly believes this as she tells us below.

My daughter Kate wanted to do something special to mark her 60th birthday in September and out of the blue one day she asked me if I would abseil down the Spinnaker Tower in Portsmouth with her. Well, at 91 I thought this was a challenge too good to be missed and so it was arranged. We decided to do it for charity. Mercy Ships is one I have supported for many years since they gave a presentation at Highfield Church Centre - I think about 12 years ago.

Thankfully we had a fine Saturday and lots of family and friends came to support and cheer us on. It was a great experience and I am so glad that we did it, especially as we raised £2,400 too. If I am still around -- and who knows? I am now 92 - we are talking about the long zip wire over a quarry in Wales next year!

I am amused to find that I am enjoying such challenges at a rather late stage in life and am looking forward to whatever else we may do.

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Meat and Potato Pie

When I was a child, my mum was a creature of habit. Every weekday we had the same tea (up north our evening meal was called tea) on each day of the week. Monday was Shepherds Pie with left overs from yesterdays roast, Tuesday was macaroni cheese and so on. Friday was meat and potato pie, and my favourite. Especially in winter. Ingredients

1 lb stewing steak or mince 1 lb assorted root vegetables - potato, sweet potato, carrots, swede etc. whatever is in your fridge that day 1 beef stock cube 1 large onion, or 3 sticks of celery tomato paste 1 tablespoon paprika oil for frying

• Cut up the onion and fry in a small amount of oil until soft, put on one side • Lightly roll stewing steak in flour (or mince as it is) and add to pan, brown a little

and then add onions • Add stock cube in 1 pint hot water • Add paprika, seasoning, and cook on stove top on minimum or in the oven at

180 deg C for 1 hour • Then chop up and add all root vegetables, add to meat in gravy and add tomato

paste • Simmer gently or oven cook for 45 mins

Serve with some fresh greens if you have them. Warming, healthy and hearty food. Yum.

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